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Justin Trudeau gets relevant questions and ignores them. This is what I call: suppression in a sadistic way, ignoring people with relevant questions.

more likely to drown than to die from covid, Specialist says the truth on tv.. BBC HOST LOOKS FURIOUS. ✔️ *FACT CHECKED

Many critics believe that the Netherlands is not governed by a government, but by a criminal organization. Based on dass dritte reich now called EU. Supported by a Jerry named Schwab ✔️ *FACT CHECKED

listen to his story.

2G in retail is now banned in some parts of Germany. Overturned by a judge in Niedersachsen, brought by the Woolworths chain, who believed that the huge turnover losses caused by the new 2G measures were discriminatory and did not see their loss of turnover compensated by the government.

In enkele delen van Duitsland is 2G in de detailhandel nu verboden. Terug gedraaid door een Rechter in Niedersachsen, aangespannen door de keten Woolworth, die van mening waren dat ze door de gigantische omzetverliezen veroorzaakt door de nieuwe 2G maatregelen discriminerend bezig waren en hun omzetverlies niet zagen gecompenseerd door de regering.

Niedersachsen: Gericht kippt 2G im Handel
Das Niedersächsische Oberverwaltungsgericht hatte am Donnerstag nach einer Klage der Kaufhauskette Woolworth die 2G-Regel im Einzelhandel des Bundeslandes gekippt. Die Maßnahme sei zur weiteren Eindämmung des Coronavirus nicht notwendig und auch nicht mit dem allgemeinen Gleichheitsgrundsatz vereinbar, entschied das Gericht. Bund und Länder hatten am 2. Dezember beschlossen, dass bundesweit und unabhängig von der Inzidenz 2G im Einzelhandel gelten soll. Ausnahmen von der 2G-Regel gelten für Geschäfte des täglichen Bedarfs, also etwa Supermärkte und Drogerien.

Uit het debat van 21 december.
Jansen van Forum voor Democratie heeft opgemerkt dat telkens dezelfde type ondernemers getroffen worden.
Het ligt al sinds mei 2020 onder de epidemische grens dus moeten we het niet als pandemie behandelen.
Mevr. van den Berg is het er niet mee eens.
Nicki Pouw-Verweij vraagt ook nog over complottheorieën.

Ontwikkelingen rondom het coronavirus
21 december 2021
Plenair debat

De grootste viezeriken zitten op de hoogste posities. J.D. Tv programma's kijk en huiver.

✔️ *FACT CHECKED Klaus Schwab boasts who he has in his pocket, Kaag confesses + insight WEF Papers

More and more information is emerging regarding our current caretaker government's connections to Klaus Schwab's WEF.
Kaag indicates in a zoom meeting that he is one of the thinkers in that club.

Steeds meer informatie duikt op betreffende de connecties van onze huidige demissionaire regering met het WEF van Klaus Schwab.
Kaag geeft hier in een zoom meeting aan één van de denkers in die club te zijn.

✔️ ✔️ *fact checked (can be checked online)
Subt: read whole item please:
Minister Hugo de Jonge, of public health, has never had any degree at a medical university. Nor has he received any training as a medical or mental professional, as a physician,or as a scientist in any field.
He is not an ethicist, knows nothing about this either
He has not obtained a single degree in any field of health care.
Minister de Jonge has taught for primary school teacher .
What is this minister doing in this seat?
And why is this just allowed?

A school teacher is not a medical expert......

✔️ *fact checked (can be checked online) read whole story please: Doctor refuses against the oath of hippocrates and law to treat an injured woman because she cannot wear a face mask for health reasons. This is unconstitutional. Doctors are obliged to provide help to everyone. With or without a mouth cap. This is the Netherlands, thanks to #klausschwab in 2021. Has become a filthy dirty dictatorship, and every crazy person seems to participate in it. Face masks DO NOT WORK if they do not have special anti-viral filters. Wearing a normal mouth cap is total madness. It can even make people sicker than they already are because they inhale and exhale any virus they may have contracted over and over and it lingers in these filthy waste caps full of bacteria.

✔️ *fact checked (can be checked online) The young and highly intelligent Gideon van Meijeren confronts PM Rutten of the Netherlands, who has lied many hundreds of times about the most serious things. The dangerous psychopathic Klaus Schwab has ties to our cabinet full of psychopats (the same problem other countries also have nowadays) and thus influences our parliament the NL community don't want this. The only party that stands up for the real free man is Thierry Baudet's Forum for Democracy.

Read all please: chairman Maastricht Hospital (NL) : 8 out of 10 people at the intensive care have been vaccinated. Vaccins don't work as the should ✔️ ✔️ *fact checked (can be checked online) (tv limburg)

Crying Jewish Holocaust Survivor warns us: qr/vaccin/covid is the beginning of the end. ✔️ Fact checked

Pfizer refuses to take vaccine itself. An Ethics Committee is supposedly stopping it. hypocrite! ✔️ *fact checked (can be checked online)

✔️ ✔️ *fact checked (can be checked online) read whole story: undertaker sees a huge number of young people, middle-aged people and the elderly die. Not to covid, but according to him, to the side effects of the mnra vaccine. factchecked ✔️ (don't believe mainstream media they are like the old communistic DDR)

As seen on facebook Brussel✔️ fact checked.

✔️ *fact checked (can be checked online) read the whole story please:

Person is a well knowned highly appreciated scientist and specialist (factcheck: ✔️)

Sucharit Bhakdi (สุจริต ภักดี [sut̚˨˩.t͡ɕa˨˩.rit̚˨˩ pʰak̚˦˥.diː˧]; born Sucharit Punyaratabandhu, สุจริต บุณยรัตพันธุ์, 1 November 1946, in Washington, D.C.) is a retired Thai-German microbiologist. In 2020 and 2021 Bhakdi became a prominent source of misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic, claiming that the pandemic was "fake" and that COVID-19 vaccines were going to decimate the world's population.[3][2]

He was a professor at the University of Mainz, where from 1991 to 2012 he was head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene.[4] The university disassociated itself from Bhakdi's views on the Coronavirus pandemic.[5] In 2021 Bhakdi's publisher broke off relations following the appearance of an online video in which Bhakdi made antisemitic comments.[6]

1 Early life and education
2 Scientific and medical career
2.1 Research career
2.1.1 The immune system
2.1.2 Atherosclerosis
2.2 Memberships and functions
3 Prominence during COVID-19 pandemic
3.1 Bhakdi's criticisms of the COVID-19 pandemic response
3.2 Responses to Bhakdi's claims
4 Political activism, antisemitism
5 Awards
5.1 Professional awards
5.2 Negative award
6 References
Early life and education
Bhakdi's parents are Thai diplomats.[7] In an interview, Bhakdi stated that his mother studied at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.[8]

Bhakdi studied at the Universities of Bonn, Gießen, Mainz and Copenhagen, and at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg.[4]

He studied medicine at the University of Bonn from 1963 to 1970, during part of which (from 1966 to 1970) he was a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service.[9] Bhakdi worked for a while as a private assistant to the internal medicine specialist Walter Siegenthaler [de].[8] In February 1971 he received his doctorate in medicine. From 1972 to 1978, he studied at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg on scholarships from the Max Planck Society at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.[4]

He worked at the University of Copenhagen for a year before moving to the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen, where he worked from 1977 to 1990. In July 1979 he habilitated.

Scientific and medical career
Bhakdi was appointed C2 professor at Gießen in 1982. He spent a further year in Copenhagen and became C3 professor of medical microbiology (at Gießen again) in 1987 before being appointed to the University of Mainz in 1990. From 1991 he headed the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene as a C4 professor.[4]

Bhakdi retired on 1 April 2012.[10] Since 2016 he has been a visiting scholar at the University of Kiel.[11][12][13]

Prior to his retirement, Bhakdi produced scientific work in the fields of bacteriology and atherosclerosis, and published multiple scientific articles in these areas.[14] Awards he received include the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate.[15]

Research career
The immune system
From 1972, Bhakdi researched the functioning of the body's non-specific defenses at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg. He contributed to a better understanding of the mechanisms with which the large molecules of the complement system in the blood render exogenous substances harmless.[9] In 1978 Bhakdi discovered a protein that attacks and damages cells by sinking into the cell membrane, resulting in the formation of a pore (see membrane attack complex).[16] This was the enforcer molecule of the complement system, which is formed on the surface of foreign cells as a result of a chain reaction involving the immune system. This was followed by the discovery that bacteria, in turn, can also produce pore-forming proteins.[17] Today it is known that the vast majority of pathogenic bacteria produce pore formers that damage host cells. In 1984 the Royal Society in London invited Bhakdi to present the concept of cell membrane damage by pore formers.[18] From then on, Bhakdi concentrated on research on this topic.[19]


-sharing *of this vid* is caring -THIS EU POLITICIAN IS WARNING US ALL ✔️
Christine Anderson ✔️ (fact checked) says she will do whatever she can to stop the tyranny we're experiencing.
She's German and has some great insights to share.
See how you can follow her here -

they are all just jealous of our past and golden age success!

✔️ *fact checked (can be checked online) Read whole story:
This famous experiment was done in yale university
This proves one thing: most people are not afraid of hurting others. A complete individualistic act full of self interest and zero compassion. That's what they are doing with the Covid Pass/qr Codes / Vaccinations. nothing else.......... And you are participating within the system
- this is an official science experiment of yale university #fact checked ✔️


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

20 videos

Category News & Politics

I have foreseen everything. Nobody listened to me. hey laughed at me.....................