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Guten Tag zusammen, die Geschichte und Kultur Deutschlands wird angegriffen. Tech-Giganten wie YouTube, Facebook und andere Social Media-Giganten versuchen, die deutsche Geschichte zu beseitigen und 12 Jahre des Dritten Reiches über 3000 Jahre deutsche Geschichte ersetzen zu lassen. Dies ist der Beginn des Kanals des Vergessenen Reiches und anderer Plattformen. Wir sind auf der Suche nach Hilfe. In den nächsten Wochen werde ich zusätzliche Videos produzieren, die bis in den Kickstarter reichen werden, sowie Disharmonien und so weiter. In naher Zukunft hoffe ich, dass ich anfangen kann, die benötigten Videos auf den Kanal zu bringen. Aber vorerst gibt es hier das Intro-Video für den Kanal. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Discord-Server, wenn Sie helfen wollen, Deutschlands Vergangenheit zu retten.


Good day everyone, Germanys history and culture is under attack. Tech giants like YouTube, Facebook, and other social media giants are looking to remove Germanys history and let 12 years of the 3rd Reich replace over 5000 years of German history. This is the start of the Forgotten Reich's channel as well other platforms. We are looking for help. In the next few weeks I will be producing additional videos that will be reaching into the Kickstarter, as well discord and etc. In the near future I hope to start brining needed videos to the channel. But for now here is the intro video for the channel. Please feel free to reach out to the discord server if you are wanting to help save Germanys past.



Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

2 videos

Category Education

This is a historical channel is to inform the public and correct the common thought that Germany's history is only relevant to the 12 years of the 3rd Reich, The Idea is to show that Germany and the German people have more than 3000 years of history to be proud of and that this constant attacks on people who celebrate German heritage, culture, history and more are not promoting hate or racism. Every country and culture has the right to protect its land, culture, people, and history. Welcome to the Forgotten Reich's Channel. I hope you will enjoy the contact. Please check out the Discord server, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep informed of all new projects and things that are going on for the channel.