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The reason why women have been suppressed since immemorial times, seems to me, because women are social beings who (by nature) cooperate in a loving way and therefore offer bottom-up-leadership, for more solitary, physically stronger men, who would like to earn their approval and admiration and be eligible for both the reproduction as well as the upbringing of their children.

Under such a matriarchic regime, everyone would be able to enjoy the exchange and/or appreciation of everyone's own personal qualities, instead of seeing differences as a threat, like now in this patriarchic regime.

During the dramatic history of Argentina, the country where tango started to exist, you can see how, at the end of each dictatorship, an extreme left -wing regime is helped to power, spending all the public money on the help of the needy
until the country is bankrupt and again can be taken over by a dictatorial regime, which becomes desirable again to put things in order.

Something similar I see happening now with the global wars that, on one hand, seem to have been elicited to populate the mysterious Tri State City around the Netherlands,
for which the farmers are driven away from their properties, with elicited mass immigration of people who are more used to the right of the strongest and obedience.
On the other hand to depopulate by war, by involving as many countries as possible, leaving them with infinite debts, not being able to pay back the bank loans for paying weapons with which these wars are being waged.
Banks owned by institutions guided by a secret satanic agreement called The Secret Covenant, which literally describes what humanity should never find out, being that we are all equal.
The moment humanity finds out, satanic power will be over.
So while the word "equality" usually carries the main tone, the oppressed are encouraged to gain the same power and status as that of their oppressors.

You probably know it, the expression: "If mama ain't happy, nobody's happy" in which a situation is meant where you better give in when a suppressed woman acts like an over sensitive child.

Similar to feminism where women are encouraged to compete with male qualities instead of using their own powerful feminine qualities to put an example and create equality.

Or Tango, where a leader, according to insiders, could make his permissive partner shine, by treating her like a queen, not least in order to maintain his own position of power.
So also here, the oppressed themselves, want to be treated as an authority, rather than equivalent.

"Only if you treat your partner as a queen do you earn the status of King"

In my opinion, this same mechanism is currently functioning during the gender discussion in schools.

Also here, it is not suggested to treat children like equals, but that the teacher, using his dominant position, must treat these discriminated children with privilage.

Waarom zou je een voor een aantal dagen gaan dansen in een ander land, als er in Nederland genoeg te doen is? (English below)

1 Je kunt mensen leren kennen met een andere culturele achtergrond, andere ideeën over het leven, tegengesteldheden die aantrekken, gelijkgestemdheid en vriendschap.

2 Je kunt leren genieten van het leven zonder afhankelijkheid van geld of instanties door limieten te stellen voor je budget en je te laten leiden door de laagste prijzen en tegelijkertijd de aanbieders daarvan ondersteunen.

3 Het plezier van de verschillen in landschap, prijzen, klimaat en architectuur.

4 De voordelen van onbekendheid en het uitproberen van nieuwe manieren van communiceren.

5 Het bewustzijn van de verschillen tussen culturen en een algemeen wereldbeeld daarvan.

Why would you dance for a few days in another country, if there is plenty to do in the Netherlands?

1 You can get to know people with a different cultural background, different ideas about life, oppositions that attract, like -mindedness and friendship.

2 You can learn to enjoy life without depending on money or authorities by setting limits for your budget and being guided by the lowest prices and at the same time support the providers of these prices.

3 The pleasure of the differences in landscape, prices, climate and architecture.

4 The benefits of unfamiliarity and trying out new ways of communicating.

5 The awareness of the differences between cultures building a general worldview.

Enorme verborgen ingang gevonden op Antarctica maar meteen weer in de doofpot gestopt.
Wat is hier verborgen onder het ijs. Een magnetisch veld zoals dat van een stad.

Massive hidden entrance found in Antarctica but immediately covered up again.
What is going on here under the ice?
A magnetic field similar to a city.

Hoewel dansen met een partner, het middel kan zijn om je bewust te worden van je beperkende overtuigingen,
worden die beperkende overtuigingen juist bekrachtigd door dat wat je leert in danslessen.
Begin je dit soort constructies al te herkennen?

Laten we samen het verschil maken door daadwerkelijk 1 lichaam op 4 benen te vormen met behulp van druk en tegendruk.

Although dancing with a partner, can be the perfect tool, to become aware of your restrictive beliefs,
The same restrictive beliefs are actually being activated by that what you are being taught in dance lessons.
Are you starting to recognize these types of constructions?

Let's make a difference by literally forming 1 body on 4 legs, by using pressure and counter pressure.

Memories of dancing all over the world connecting to wonderful people everywhere including many other adventures like acroplay and getting attacked by a dog while dancing.

This is a short version of the interview with David Sorensen, by Mike Adams in which David explains how they are planning to start a one world government from Jerusalem.

All the CEO's of the biggest companies in the world are Zionists and they are determined to wipe out the remnants of Palestine in order to execute their agenda.

If enough people know this, they will never succeed in executing their dark plans.

Here´s a link to the original video:

In a recent interview with Drake Michigan presenter Ant Critchley, an anonymous 34 -year old aviation pilot spoke about a chemtrail operation by the government in the United Kingdom.
He says that the Operation Imports from the US and uses several empty companies to take advantage of clandestine experiments in airspace.

After a detailed investigation, he claims that the Chemtrailing Aircrafts operate from the airports of Newquay, Southampton, Stansted, Tesside, Prestwick and Liverpool, and Spraying Chemtrails over Cornwall, a county in southwestern England, and about the cities of London, Birmingham, And Manchester.

The now suspicious pilot contacted one of his colleagues at the local airport. The colleague had access to a surveillance/tracking software called Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B).
The pilot asked his colleague to identify a possible aircraft that flew over the airport at around 3,600 - 4,000 meters.
The colleague could not confirm a plane at that height, but did identify one in 3,000 meters. Attaching this height is important because this determines the difference between the formation of contrails or chemtrails.

Know the difference between a chemtrail and a contrail, which are essentially simply ice -crystals of water vapor, can only form about 8,500 meters and with exactly the right humidity.
For every 305 meter height, the temperature drops approximately 2 degrees Celsius. The temperature can be minus 63 degrees Celsius at about 11,000 meters.
t about 8,500 meters, the ice crystals form those longterm contrails that float through the air.

Chemical trails, on the other hand, are spread by a transport aircraft at around 3,000 and 3,700 meters. If an airplane flies at this height, there should be no contrails or visible signs of water vapor.
However, the plane that was identified on that day was able to make suspicious grid patterns of a substance that came out of the plane, and the spraying clearly took place at a height that is not suitable for the formation of contrails.

Here's the link to the original video of almost 2 hours:

Tijdens deze hechte samenwerking,
worden beperkende overtuigingen meteen duidelijk,
door de cultuursverschillen en afwijkende verwachtingspatronen,
waar je dan, nog geen raad mee weet.

Naast de voordelen van fysieke verbinding leren we daarmee dus ook steeds beter samenwerken, met steeds meer uiteenlopende karaktereigenschappen.

Daarmee zijn we niet meer gericht zijn op vaste regels, zoals we die kennen bij het dansen van tango,
maar meer op wat we spontaan kunnen leren, tijdens het fysieke spel van ELKE PARTNERDANS, op ELKE soort muziek.

Tango is de dans waar ik dit soort verbinding het vaakst, al SPONTAAN, zie ontstaan.
Vandaar de naam TANGOPLAY.

Door te kijken wat er precies gebeurt, als we samen 1 lichaam op 4 benen vormen,
kunnen we ieder onze eigen stijl ontwikkelen,
onafhankelijk van iemand,
die les geeft in zijn of haar stijl,
terwijl we OOK veel kunnen leren van elkaar.

DAARVOOR hoeven we geen dure dansruimte af te huren,
als we dansen op openbare binnen - of buitenplekken met een geschikte vloer.

Een zorgvuldig voorbereide playlist kan voldoende zijn, voor een onbetaalde dj met draagbare apparatuur.

En we betalen ook geen wervings- en reclame-kosten,
als voorbijgangers kunnen zien waar, en wat, het is wat we doen.

Daarmee wil ik niet zeggen dat onze dansactiviteiten, geen geld mogen kosten.
Onkosten zijn er altijd wel.
Ik benadruk alleen het belang van onafhankelijkheid
van geld, EN onafhankelijkheid van beperkende eisen.

Zodat deelname, onafhankelijk wordt van financiële draagkracht,
maar vooral onafhankelijk van het WEER of de opkomst van ANDEREN.

Als dit concept je aanspreekt, wacht dan niet langer af,
en laten we ons verenigen.

Kies iemand, waarmee je dit wilt oefenen bij jou in de buurt.
Schrijf mij, een email,
en ik stuur je een oefenvideo, waarmee je aan de slag kunt.

Eerst lokaal,
thuis, of op een dansplek in de buurt.

En als JIJ er klaar voor bent, kunnen we elkaar ook LANDELIJK opzoeken,
OF afspreken op bestaande evenementen,
en uiteindelijk misschien zelfs INTERNATIONAAL uitwisselen.

Dit is voor iedereen mogelijk, OOK VOOR JOU, als je maar doorzet.
Doorzet totdat je zo vertrouwd raakt met deze liefdevolle respectvolle manier van samenwerken,
dat je je niet meer laat afschrikken door het "NIVEAU" van anderen.

Have a look and make up your mind how you would avoid these injuries?

You might think, using protection gear.

This protection gear actually ensures that you hit harder because there is less chance of superficial damage by your fist.
In this case we tap each other with the fingertips/palm or toes/foot pad.

My injuries in this video were the result of
1 an overly eager attack by myself that caused me to collide with my crotch, and later with my thigh, onto his knee.
2 still having insufficient control over his kicking technique, which meant that he could not adequately dose the forward kick to my head.
3 same reason for not being able to sufficiently dose his side kick against my side.
With protection gear, the damage to my side would probably have been more, because he would have put even more weight.

That is why injuries normally only happen to me and not to my partners, because they are less trained in the dosage of force and because my speed might push them to accelerate without having the necessary control of force.

In this case, it was a huge improvement in my partner's performance since the first time we faced each other

More information on Playful sparring on:
This website might be indicated as unsafe as I don't accept SSL

The panic created during the so-called pandemic was not only a nice test of how our conditioned society would respond to imposed rules and restrictions.

It was also a confirmation of the degree of automation of the human mind, which responded to the primary message of keeping 1.5m distance, without asking questions, waiting for further instructions.

Despite the described exceptions for the dance industry, which literally prescribed keeping a distance of 1.5 m "unless the type of dance requires otherwise", more than half of partner dancers locked themselves up in the house, resulting in the expected symptoms of illness.

The same phenomenon still applies to regular dance lessons.

The primary message is to lead and follow and although everyone fully agrees with the essence of connecting,

the majority continues to break that connection by literally leading and following.

Not you?

Let's unite then and connect using pressure and counter-pressure.

Windmills, these monstrous devices that kill birds and hardly create any electricity are being exposed by a legislation agent for renewable energy.

They cost much more than what they produce but are being pushed worldwide to replace our power stations.

How is that possible?
Huge subsidies paid by the public.

The current tango community, of which I am also part of, in my opinion distinguishes itself from other dance styles by the high degree of surrendering oneself, that is required to achieve such a subtle cooperation.

Possibly partly because "surrender" is more difficult for people in leadership positions, it is often those, often highly educated people, who start dancing the tango.

Despite the doubt to participate in an activity, as long as we do not know exactly
who organizes it, which location, DJ, the equipment, the level and number of participants, the weather, etc...,
does this tango community not only manage to surrender more and more,
but also to put aside prejudices and to also participate in new yet unknown dance activities.

Rather than acknowledging this need for security, we usually seem to prefer the questionable luxury of setting high standards.

While these standards do limit us in the number of moments when we experience this ultimate cooperation with any random partner.

Despite that the commercialized dance classes teach us to replace our natural abilities to connect with simultaneous movements with which we "appear" to be connected,
this tango community often manages to achieve that ultimate fusion that is typical for this dance.

Although we often don't know how, because then we follow our feelings and have forgotten those basic steps for a while.

Many teachers therefore eventually urge us to unlearn those basic steps and to start dancing based on our feelings.

However, unlearning once learned habits often proves impossible and our natural ability to connect with each other is slowly diminished, I have noticed.

That's why I'd rather teach myself to dance as 1 body on 4 legs than learn to look like one.

I also see daughters of tango dancers who teach themselves to dance by dancing with their parents, without taking lessons, achieve amazing results in both roles within a very short time.

Since I broke my back in 2005, I feel my every move of followers and how it clashes with my movement, if I would continue to lead.

After all, during tango lessons we as a leader learn to indicate something, the follower performs the indicated figure, the leader follows her movement and stops her to indicate something else or if she threatens to collide.

So no connection because both move separately from each other.

Unless we feel completely at ease with each other and our basic steps give way to the connection that arises when the leader subtly moves his follower, and the follower, with the right counter pressure, forms 1 body on 4 legs.

You probably know them those intentions:

"Better learn to dance in the rain than wait for the storm to pass by" or

"Learning to row with the paddles you have."

Last weekend was the moment.

After 3 hours of wonderful dancing and in-depth connecting conversations in Nijmegen, through the pouring rain to the station, to go dancing in the park in Venlo.

Cycling in the rain from Venlo station to the park, I only realized that I would probably be the only one who is that crazy, but guess what!

Through the trees I already see people dancing and in the eventually I dance for another 3 hours with about twenty people.

If you see the global crisis with food shortages, the farmers, the rising prices, the vaccinations, war, the impending control system, etc. as the storm you have hoped for so long to pass,

then you could see dancing in connection as your response to it with creating your own amenities in terms of energy, eating healthy, water, setting your price limits and enjoying the happiness that you are willing to endure a rain shower for.

For what happiness would you be willing to endure a rain shower?

Short version of the video about NASA Reporting on your death plan for 2025,

This is not a conspiracy theory, this is 100% Fact! You've all been warned of the UN Agenda 21,
the Bilderberg meetings, they all conspire to Cull the population masses by the year 2025.
The Chem-trailing is all part of this plan, each breath you take is contributing to your demise,
you are becoming a radio antenna for their plan.
Here is the NASA Document that provides their plan on your life.

According to fact checkers she is misrepresenting a PowerPoint document that was part of an oral presentation by NASA scientist Dennis Bushnell, which was given at a 2001 defense industry symposium. The lecture was not detailing plans by NASA to attack the world -- rather, it was a lecture geared for defense industry professionals, predicting or imagining how warfare might evolve and how defense tactics might rise to meet evolving threats in the future.

Here’s the link to the original video:

This is a short version of the interview of Reiner Fuellmich with Naomi Wolf and Peter Breggin, on the personality changes that more and more occur after the m/RNA vaccinations.

Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi and his wife Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss
reported about new findings concerning the effects of the mRNA-vaccine technologies,
which are supposed to be used for all so-called vaccines, including for example: measles, the flu, etc.
They do not only cause physical damages but they also damage the small capillaries in the brain,
override the blood-brain barrier and leads to massive personality changes.
Literally breaking the will of some of those receiving the shots.
Author and Journalist Dr. Naomi Wolf explains what this looks like in real life
and Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin explains how there are disturbing parallels to the effects of lobotomy, a type of brain surgery cutting the connections from the pre-frontal cortex to the rest of the brain as a solution to certain psychoses.

Link to their new website:

Link to the full original video:


Als ik met mensen praat die gedrag laten zien, wat ik niet ondersteun, zoals voetbal hooligans, kom ik er steeds weer achter dat onze normen en waarden wel degelijk overeenstemmen.

Bijvoorbeeld het belachelijk maken van iemand die afwijkt van normaal.

Vaak kom ik erachter dat ze het eigenlijk wel stoer vinden om anders te zijn dan gemiddeld maar hebben ze geleerd om alles wat afwijkt van normaal belachelijk te maken, en die gewoonte leren ze waarschijnlijk nooit meer af.

Vooral ook omdat hun gedrag wordt beloond door de groep en bange omstanders.

In Tangolessen leer je ook zaken waarvan gezegd wordt dat je ze later weer moet afleren maar ik ken niemand waarbij dit volkomen gelukt is.

Als je je op je gemak voelt bij iemand gaat alles vanzelf, en als je kunt achterhalen wat je precies doet als alles goed gaat, leer je niet wat een ander je voorschrijft maar wat je zelf al in je hebt en dat is normaal gezien direct verbonden met je eigen normen en waarden.

Everything you need to know about Climate Modification.

Next Tuesday you are welcome to join us for 2.5 hours of practice.
Anyone is welcome, everyone dances with everyone but don't forget, it takes two to tango.

If you practice all by yourself you can choose to try learning steps or to simply develop the connection skills you already have and play. Tangoplay!

19.30 h. Kardinaal de Jong weg 75 Eindhoven.
If you want to go by bike from Helmond, let's bike together.

(English below)



Meld je aan als je klaar bent voor de zomerversie van Dancing at the station bij jou in de buurt.

Not with playful sparring!

We help each other to find weak spots while at the same time stay in top shape while doing so.

Without depending on equipment like gloves and other sports gear or even on a teacher.

We teach each other how to defend ourselves without hurting each other.

Come join us, it's fun!

More info at:

My last trip to Lodz Poland, like most of my other trips,
taught me how to feel better about myself by adjusting my own mentality a bit, after comparing it with the ones of others.

The essence of my website Free Pleasures Worldwide is not to promote LIFE WITHOUT MONEY, like you might think at a first glance.

The essence is to promote INDEPENDENCE OF MONEY.

Although the warm and friendly people I meet in tango, do not represent the overall mentality, I had a great time meeting myself in handling different mentalities.

Like I experienced in other ex-Sovjet countries,
most people I greet, look at me like I want to take their money. 😅

Some angry reactions, while I was expecting appreciation.
Like hostel staff getting angry when I make space lifting myself and my chair from the ground by sitting on the table when the floor is being wiped.
I should have known!
"Tables are for eating, not for sitting!" 😅

Or when I quickly want to wash the pan that I left soaking in the sink, to make space for a guest that is about to wash her dishes:
"Ladies first you know!"

Are they conditioned to distrust any non-members of their clan?
If so, might this clan mentality be reason enough to reject or distrust friendliness or differences about what is to be considered right or wrong?

Or can it be a certain need for clarity what status they have towards me, in the hierarchy they grew up in?

I felt awkward being the only one keeping doors open for people behind me.
Without receiving any sign of appreciation.
Not that I seek appreciation but I consider life to be more joyful if I notice others and what they do.

Another question that came up was why people are massively waiting for a red traffic light to turn green, at every tiny side street, with totally no traffic in sight?
It felt good to show them my idea of a good example. 😊

The majority was using motorized vehicles or elevators for any short distance,
while walking or biking would keep them much fitter for free.

What worried me is why people here are still accepting to wear a face mask visiting a pharmacy.
Weren't they informed about this worldwide psychological test for obedience?

Is it because the mainstream media in particular decide what to believe, for hardworking people not finding time to compare any other news?

The few, offering me a smile when I greeted them, were mainly children.

I think because they still have time to think, about what makes them happy.
An example for the future in supporting things that make us happy.

Not the rising prices and automated payment-, security-, or any other systems that will decide for us what we need to do in the SMART cities that are being pushed.

Like in some supermarkets.

Or the first hostel where I stayed, that didn't see my request to prolong my stay, not only locking me out of my room but also locking me inside the building and this way avoiding me to report the problem.
If there wouldn't have been other guests leaving the building, I would have stayed locked up.

When I reported the problem at the reception, the only response was, "No English!"
When I suggested to speak Russian: "No Russian!"

I seemed to be considered an intruder caught in the act rather than a returning guest.
No friendly suggestion for another language or using their translater on their phone as my phone was locked in my room.

Eventually they seemed to have decided to allow me to return later for payment, repeating that I didn't "obey" the system, instead of recognizing the problems their system was causing, by locking people into the building.

So my only wish was receiving a door code to get my belongings and find myself another place.

Unfortunately this was adding up to my sadness about my dear Eva at home, who just had a serious operation suffering extreme vertigo, and was seemingly giving up on us or even on life.

My dance partners must have noticed my worries,
but one of them clearly did.

When she asked me if I was okay later on, I had a hard time controlling my tears.

When I managed to get some people together playing acro in a park in Wroclaw,
an Arabic guy who seemed to live in my country,
reminded me that, although Polish people seem to need more initiative for friendship from me,
once they trust me, they tend to be much warmer in sharing hugs than the ones in my country.

A Romanian guest, at home in my own hostel, shared his view that, not greeting back immediately, might also support the authenticity of my greeting by avoiding it to be a common ritual or a response to assumed expectations.

Now I look at people more carefully before greeting, receiving a better image of how I would like to greet them or not and it feels more natural to me.

SMART cities packed with controllable people leaving nature animals only.

Patrick Schilder, is de laatste palingvisser van Volendam omdat hij een systeem heeft uitgevonden waarmee hij bijvangst kan vermijden.

Andere palingvissers hebben echter allemaal moeten stoppen omdat Patrick zijn systeem meteen in de doofpot is gestopt omdat de bijvangst als reden werd gebruikt om alle vissers te dwingen te stoppen.

Ook werd er in mei en juni 2023 vrijwel niets gevangen omdat er (hoogstwaarschijnlijk met geoengineerging) een noorderwind werd gehandhaafd wat zeer bepalend was voor de palingvangst.

Geen boeren en geen vissers zal zeker weer een voedseltekort opleveren wat zal bijdragen aan de wereldwijde voedselschaarste.

Hier een link naar de orginele video:

Meld je aan als je klaar bent voor de zomerversie van Dancing at the station bij jou in de buurt.


Created 4 years ago.

207 videos

Category Education

Sharing existing revelations of whistle blowers and other hidden news, if possible in a shorter version with the most relevant footage and including a written summary of the content.
While promoting the free pleasures of life that keep us from depending on money, not depending on anything else but ourselves.