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Jake Angeli aka the "Q Anon Shaman" stormed the US capitol during Jan 6th protests, claiming to be a "patriot."

*NOTE: Jake's personal videos seem to have a much different tone compared to his interviews at demonstrations. I DO very much laud him for pushing for dissemination of the truth of the world, I want to be clear on that. I just feel it's important that all sides of Jake are brought to light.

This is one of Jake's YT video's posted in approximately early December 2020. His account (Yellowstone Wolf AZ) was deleted from YT today. This video seems to show a man with mental issues/ a case of megalomania explain how he was "recruited as a super soldier" where he refers to himself as Captain America / "Admiral" America.
I felt this video was important to show in order to evaluate his character, after becoming somewhat famous for storming the US Capitol in the name of "Patriotism" last week.

** I would like to be clear that on the topics of spirituality and consciousness-evolution, Jake seems to be giving "mostly" correct information for the first half of the video. Granted, these are topics beyond most dont understand and may sound like complete nonsense to some, but I found that the information he gives on these two specific topics seem to be about 30-40% true, when comparing his information to other channelers,yogis, who also speak on the topic of enlightenment. But as the video progresses, his claims become more maniacal and egotistical, suggesting Jake is not as spiritually evolved as he claims to be.

Online are pictures and rumors circulating that Jake breached the Capitol with two men who have repeatedly been seen in Antifa groups online (the other two men shown in most pictures from the capital claim to belong to a Philly Antifa group if my memory recalls correctly. I could be mistaken about the specific city so don't quote me). These claims have yet to be substantiated as of publishing this video, and the real truth may never be known by all. After watching this video several times, I can't help but wonder if Jake is controlled opposition of some sort, meant to smear/discredit the Q Anon movement as a whole or possibly furthering other even more nefarious agendas set forth by the powers that be, perhaps.

As a former Q Anon supporter myself, I feel it's important to spread this video of Jake in order to have a look into the mind of this "influential" Q Anon advocate, as he seems to show rather negative personality traits such as egoism, almost to the point of megalomania.

One firm tenant in the realm of consciousness evolution (most specifically when ascending to 4th dimensional consciousness which entails harmonizing Fear with Love before ascension) is service to others/ selflessness / positively polarized actions towards others. Most spiritual guides will say that the human ego simply cannot exist or becomes extremely marginalized when evolving to a 4th and subsequently 5th dimensional being.

In my personal experiences of my own spiritual enlightenment, my higher self has taught me that this type of attention-seeking and ego are typically red-flags, warning that all may not be what it seems. Again this is my opinion and mine alone, biased by my own worldly and spiritual experiences and growth over the years, so if you disagree with my assessment I'd love to engage in a thought-provoking and mature conversation as to why, and would love to hear your thoughts. But let's keep it mature and use critical-thinking to explain our thoughts and views.
Ignorant/ hateful/ asinine comments, I won't be responding to.
I do also believe it's important to fully watch this video to the end, as his mannerisms / thoughts / story seem to deteriorate and become more manic as the video goes on.

Lastly, I want to say that mental health issues in the world and especially during these times are no laughing matter and should be taken seriously, as many people need help and are unable to control certain personality traits, regardless of how much effort is put forth. In no way am I trying to discredit Jake as a "nut" or crazy person here, as this would go against the universal Laws of Love and Light. If Jake is suffering from mental health issues, I pray that he seek/receive whatever help is needed in order to realize we all are one under our Infinite Creator and all have a responsibility/social contract to assist raising the vibration of all of our fellow man and women incarnated with us here on our mother Gaia, for our One Infinite Creator. I am absolutely in no way making light of mental health issues as they are a very serious concern, and even I myself have struggled with them and have known the agony personally.

Wishing you all peace in these troubled times, calm in the midst of this proverbial storm, as well as love and light so that we all may be liberated from the dark forces among us and live up to our true potential as beings of light in this new eon.


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

1 video

Category Spirituality & Faith