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In this video I ask the question of whether the labelling of certain people as SP or PTS is in some cases a cop-out and that the reality is that some people are denied access to the tech for reasons other than those that are ostensibly given.

I have posted this video to several non-CoS Scientology groups, and I hope my thoughts and questions will generate constructive discussion.

Her leser/oversetter jeg en artikkel om C-vitamin fra det svært seriøse tidsskriftet 'Life Extebsion, utgaven for august 2020.

Hele utgaven kan leses/lastes ned som PDF-fil på: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2020

Jeg sier noen feil her, men i hovedsak tror jeg at jeg har oversatt ganske greit.

Her leser/oversetter jeg en artikkel om C-vitamin fra det svært seriøse tidsskriftet 'Life Extebsion, utgaven for august 2020.

Hele utgaven kan leses/lastes ned som PDF-fil på: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2020

Jeg sier noen feil her, men i hovedsak tror jeg at jeg har oversatt ganske greit.

General info:
Carl Norberg talks about the role of the Swedish financial elite in incestuous cahouts with the Swedish government, press and academia which for more than a century has staged and controlled global wars and revolutions and until now have gotten away with it without the knowledge of the general public, both in Sweden and internationally. This is now changing rapidly, and Carl Norberg with an almost encyclopedic familiarity with all the hidden connections, chronicles both the hidden history and current events which push towards a full disclosure despite the increasingly futile, increasingly desperate efforts of the Swedish elites to ward off the inevitable. This Norberg does in Swedish on his own YouTube channel twice a week. This is the first English translation of one of these presentations, published originally on May 22, 2020.

Video description translated from the Swedish original:

Foreign minister Ann Linde said yesterday that the world around doesn't have the right image of Sweden. Then perhaps we shall describe it a little more correct, which is the theme for this week's 'cosy Friday'!

Carl starts out with a quote by Ture Nerman about the 1940s men, which leads us to the Swedish sacred trinity:

- Stockholm syndrome
- Stockholm school
- Stockholm bureaucracy

Then we get a geopolitical analysis about the Middle East and the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

Donald Trump speaks about Henry Ford's bloodlines, the same Ford that received a medal from Adolf Hitler. Mannerheim and a certain Wallenberg got that also. Sputnik follows suit and Ha'aretz become upset, right on cue.

What was Felix Somary's statement about the economy during the interwar period?

More about the Stockholm School, Gustav Cassel, Gunnar Myrdal and the strategic planning which according to many were just coincidental. Swedish influence in the Russian Revolution. More about Henry Ford, the industrialization of the Soviet Union, American IG Farben. The Bosch Affair is also raised. Professor Bagge and Welander introduced the German school in Sweden in 1944.

Analysis of American intelligence services and a bit deeper glimpse into specifically the National Intelligence Agency, NIA. Ratcliffe takes over and gets on the case.

'Svenska dagbladet' is minimizing damage concerning Wallenberg and Swedish superiority. Man's psychological disposition and it evolution. Michigan and the dams which have burst. Feel free to google Michigan in combination with Ericsson and ABB!

Carl ties it all together with the Swedish judicial systen and with its lack of a principle of division of powers. Censorship in Sweden through the State Information Administration. How do we create an informed and aware population? Not in that way for sure!

'De Fria' is a popular movement working for democracy through an informed and aware population!


Recorded April 14th, 2020

I'm starting out with a discussion of ways of categorizing sex videos on the Internet a lot more comprehensively than is currently done on porn video websites. From this perhaps uncouth point of origin my discussion meanders into other, far more pungent topic areas, including the touted imminent release of the decentralized, 100% censorship-resistant SAFE Network, ending up with a discussion of how so-called "control files" will become untenable in their continued use by the world's hidden elites by this advent, and that a very possible outcome of this will be the very end of the Internet altogether.

To femtenårige svenske gutter, Elliot og Malte, som har oppdaget at nasjonalsosialismen slett ikke er det lærere og andre voksne har fortalt dem.

«Elliott» sin stemme er elektronisk forvrengt.



Naive Norge er en fjernsynsdokumentar av fotografen og filmskaperen Christofer Owe.


RAWs sensational lecture given at the Whole Life Expo. When? I don't know. By the recording quality probably in the early 1980s

"How International Zionism seized the Vatican and Catholicism during the House of Rothschild's Bankster instigated Marxist cultural revolution." The second Vatican Council lasted from 1962 to 1965 and ostensibly changed the course of the Roman Catholic Church.

Note the significance of this video is first apparent 25 minutes into the video where evidence is presented that both John XXIII and Paul VI, both the pope who called the council and the one who closed it, were elected in fraudulent conclaves both of which had initially elected two different cardinals to become popes, but through the outside intervention from at least the B'nai B'rith (Jewish Freemasonry), these two were instead elected, thus evidencing the usurpation of the Papacy by Talmudists.

The obvious significance of this information, should it be true, is staggering.

There's a "collateral" angle to this video relating to known anti-Jesuit activist, Craig Oxley, also known as The Unhived Mind, formerly associated with Eric Jon Phelps. As I presented this video at his forum website's "Ask The Unhived Mind" section for his opinion on the information in it, Oxley completely avoided addressing the information presented in it, instead making aggressive unrelated and to some extent even irrational accusations, while simultaneously clouding the issue in a "wall of words".

The Unhived Mind discussion: http://www.webcitation.org/6MCeOzAH5 [archived version, forum has since been deleted]

The article "jews control the jesuits" by Luis T. - https://luis40pr.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/jews-control-the-jesuits/

Except for about thirty seconds in English (about 2:10 into the video), the audio which is from Norwegian government-owned broadcaster NRK's P2 radio channel's morning news edition for June 7, 2012, is all in Norwegian (I might figure out how to subtitle the video at some time).

I originally made this video for YouTube adn uploaded it there in 2012. I used wget (Linux) to capture the audio stream, Audacity to crop the audio file, and an application called PhotoFilmStrip to make the video. I made it as a draft basically, so the image stream could have been edited better. I was, however, so impressed with the result that I've decided to publish the video.

Sometimes some really nice things can happen with a little help from your friends…
WARNING: Very loud volume at one point.

High school prank reveals the core nature of false flag attacks.


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

14 videos

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