Harald Þórvér Andersson

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Harald Þórvér Andersson

Harald Andersson


Visit your ancestors, visit yourself!

It's important to understand how group dynamics work and how they affect you, your family and the tribe. The holistic context plan helps you to understand the complexity of human needs in a group setting.

"Initially, every individual, family and tribe needs a holistic context as an established basis for presenting their own purpose, meaning and aspiration. Without this foundation, the individual, the family or the tribe cannot fulfill any worthwhile endeavor, effectively. The purpose of the context is to clarify the needs that all interested parties serve, in order to be able to announce which parameters the participating individuals attach importance to or consider essential to the nature of the individual, the group or the family."

- Harald Andersson


Reconnect with mother nature, understand her language and see the pattern in her history.

Everything you need nature, have. Everything that is not in line with nature is not worth having.

For the first time since I quit my blacksmiting school, I was able to forge. Now the products will fly.
Blacksmithing , not blaksmithing ;)

I had a request to make a dedicated video on my improvised music for my video "Who are you", here is a version of it.

Musik: Harald Andersson
Singer: Harald Andersson
Project manager and music producer: Christopher Herrey

I had a request to make a dedicated video on my improvised music for my video "Who are you", here is a version of it.

Musik: Harald Andersson
Project manager and music producer: Christopher Herrey


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

8 videos

Category Education

Follow my journey to become as self reliable as possible in life. I will start a home from scratch and produce my own food to the greatest extent possible. This is a search for the true meaning in life, responsibility. Responsibility towards myself, my family, my tribe, my ancestors and the Nature whom has enabled all of this to begin with. Strive to reach for excellence in life and prosper where everyone else is failing. This channel is about Life, Family, Nature, Philosophy, Traditional paganism, Self improvement, Farming, Craftsmanship, European culture and Old traditions. Hopefully this channel will be an inspiration for young and old who have a goal.
