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The Bible nowhere teaches that man has immortality in himself in this brand new series, we will take a look into the origin of humanity. So subscribe now so you don't miss any episodes to come. So get your bible and let's dive into The Word of God! Be blessed and share this video and don't forget to leave your comments here below!👇

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Life's a very awesome gift and we all need to live the very best we can day after day.

Sometimes life can throw us a curve ball and all that we have worked hard for and accumulate in this life can be taken away in a blink of an eye.

In this final episode of EnGaGe In Stewardship, we will look at what does it mean to live a Christian lifestyle today.

"Christian life is more than many take it to be. It does not consist wholly in gentleness, patience, meekness, and kindliness. These graces are essential; but there is need also of courage, force, energy, and perseverance. The path that Christ marks out is a narrow, self-denying path. To enter that path and press on through difficulties and discouragements requires men who are more than weaklings." qoute taken from the book The Ministry of Healing pg. 497. par. 1.

Don't forget to make your comments on this video!

Have you ever put water into the gas tank of your vehicle when it was low on fuel? If your mentally stable then I think you haven't.

But many of us while we may treat our cars and vehicles well and try to keep them in tip top shape because we need them for various jobs, we seldom treat our bodies with the same intensity of care. Many of us believe that we belong to ourselves and we can do what we want with our bodies.

In this episode of EnGaGe we will look at the responsibilities we all have to God for the proper care of the human body.

Please pray as you view this episode!

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and don't forget to leave your comments!

Money, money, money, we all would love to have more money! Are we giving God a tithe of all our possessions? Are we using the resources of money to build up the kingdom of Christ or are we using it for our own agendas?

In this episode of EnGaGe we will look at this topic closely to see what the bible has to say about it. So get ready to engage in this all important subject of money.đź’°

Time is a commodity that Noone can afford to waste. It is a gift given of God to benefit humanity. What should be our attitude towards this wonderful gift? How are we to benefit humanity and honor God by the use of time?

Join us for this all new episode of EnGaGe as we explore the talent of time!

We all possess some form of talent whether it's playing an instrument, singing, building, cooking, etc. God gives us all incredible abilities and we are to devote or time and talent to praise Him and help our fellow man. In this episode we will look at using that which God gave us as an investment on His behalf.

A steward is a person who is manager of another’s goods. With such responsibility there always comes a day of reckoning. Sooner or later the time arrives when the steward will be called upon to render a personal accounting.

Are you ready to face the Judge of all the earth?

Please watch the video and feel free to leave a comment, give it a đź‘Ť and subscribe to this channel snd click the đź”” icon so you won't miss another episode of EnGaGe!

Since Christ will return for His people it is important to be prepared. In this final episode we will looking at what Jesus expects His followers to be doing while He is making final preparations for His return to Earth.

The term millennium is nowhere found in the Bible, so where did the secret rapture or the millennium teaching come from?

Stay tuned in as we in this episode seek to answer from the Bible the doctrine of the rapture versus The second coming of Jesus Christ.

What happens to those who dies in Christ?
A hope in the resurrection has been the belief of man from the earliest times. Without a resurrection there would be no future life.

God wants us to understand what can be expected concerning the righteous who are asleep in death awaiting the call of the life giver at the coming of the Lord. 

In this episode we are going look into the subject of the resurrection!

The second coming of Christ is an important teaching of Scriptures.

Catch the newest episode of EnGaGe as we look at the subject of why must Jesus return to Earth again.

As to the manner of Christ’s coming there can be no doubt. It will not be hidden from the eyes of men. He will be seen by those living on the earth. This episode will focus on the nature of the second coming of Christ.

It is evident that wickedness of all kinds is on the increase. The world is fast becoming comparable to the prevalent conditions of Noah just before the Flood. Are you ready for the return of The King of kings?

It is not blind faith to believe in Christ’s soon return. The Bible records many omens of His coming.

Join EnGaGe as we look at what we can expect the world to be like just before the second coming of Jesus Christ!

How certain is Jesus's return? Will this world come to it's end? How long does the innocent have to suffer in this evil world?

Join us in an all new series of EnGaGe as we discover the answers to these very important questions.

How exacting is God? Must we take His commandments seriously? What about observing the exact letter of God’s requirements? For the answers to these very important questions tune in to our latest episode of Engage 3.0 where we seek for The Word of God to give us the answers.

This link takes you to our first EnGaGe 2.0 series entitled Salvation!

In this episode we will look at ways one can observe the 7th day Sabbath of The Lord. Tune in and be blessed!

The link to a documentary on the Sabbath keeping people of the north.👇👇


Has time as we have known it today been lost in our worlds history? Can we today know that the days in which we live was indeed the same as when Jesus and the Apostles lived and that the times remain the same? Can we find the 7th day of the week as well as the other six days?

If you have miss part 1 of Mark Of Apostasy please see link below! 👇👇👇

In part 2 we are going to conclude in this study.

Link to EnGaGe 3.0 study of The Sabbath series #8: Mark Of Apostasy pt. 1.


Which side of God's law are you on? Are you building up the trodden down law or are you breaking it down?

Join us in this very timely and interesting topic!

Here's the link for the study on The Seal Of God part 1.

Here's the link for the study on The Seal Of God part 2.

In this video we will be looking at the foundation for the "Mark Of The Beast!"

Which side of God's law are you on? Are you building up the trodden down law or are you breaking it down?

Join us in this very timely and interesting topic!

Here's the link for the study on The Seal Of God part 1.

Here's the link for the study on The Seal Of God part 2.


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

22 videos

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