A Latvian National Socialist

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A Latvian National Socialist

A Latvian National Socialist


(LAT) Laimīgu 135. dzimšanas dienu, Ādolfs Hitlers!
(ENG) Happy 135th Birthday Adolf Hitler!

(LAT) 1943. gada 20. jūnijā plaši svinēja pilsētas 500 gadu jubileju. Par Bauskas dibināšanu toreiz pieņēma 1443. gadu, kad uzsākta Livonijas ordeņa jaunās pils celtniecība. Jubilejas pasākumu apmeklēja virkne vācu okupācijas varas pārstāvju, Latvijas ģenerālapgabala ģenerālkomisārs Drehslers, Jelgavas apgabala komisārs fon Mēdems, pašpārvaldes iekšlietu ģenerāldirektors Oskars Dankers u.c. Uzrunās tika uzsvērta vācu militārisma pozitīvā nozīme, kā arī vācu un latviešu kopība kara laikā.

20. jūnija svinības sākās 8.00 ar dievkalpojumiem pilsētas baznīcās, 9.00 sākās svinīgais reprivatizācijas akts pilsdrupu pagalmā, kura laikā 1000 zemes un namu īpašnieki no Jelgavas apgabala gebītskomisāra fon Mēdema saņēma īpašuma dokumentus par 1940. gadā nacionalizētajiem īpašumiem. 11.00 pilsētas valdes namā sākās svinīgais akts, kurā runā pilsētas vecākais J. Skalders, Otto Drehslers un Oskars Dankers. 12.00 Bauskas pilskalnā tika atklāta piemiņas plāksne ar uzrakstu "Vāci un latvieši, vienoti zem Vadoņa Ādolfa Hitlera cīņā pret boļševismu, svinēja Bauskas pils 500 gadu pastāvēšanu. 20.6.1943". Pilsētā atklāja mākslas izstādi. 17.00 laukumā starp slimnīcu un Korfa dārzu sākās brīvdabas uzvedums "Kāzas Jāņa tēva sētā", kuru apmeklēja ap 10 000 cilvēku.

(ENG) On June 20, 1943, the city's 500th anniversary was widely celebrated. The year 1443 was accepted as the foundation of Bauska at that time, when the construction of the new castle of the Livonian Order began. The anniversary event was attended by a number of representatives of the German occupation authorities, General Commissioner Drehsler of the General District of Latvia, Commissioner von Mēdem of the Jelgava District, General Director of Internal Affairs of the Self-Government Oskars Dankers, etc. The speeches emphasized the positive significance of German militarism, as well as the unity of Germans and Latvians during the war.

The celebrations of June 20 started at 8:00 a.m. with church services in the city's churches, at 9:00 a.m. the solemn act of reprivatization began in the courtyard of the castle ruins, during which 1,000 land and house owners received property documents for properties nationalized in 1940 from Jelgava County Land Commissioner von Medem. At 11:00 a.m., the ceremonial act began in the town board house, in which the town elder J. Skalders, Otto Drehsler and Oskar Danker spoke. At 12.00 a commemorative plaque with the inscription "Germans and Latvians, united under Leader Adolf Hitler in the fight against Bolshevism, celebrated the 500 years of existence of Bauska Castle. 20.6.1943" was unveiled on the Bauska castle hill. An art exhibition was opened in the city. At 17.00, the open-air performance "Wedding in John's father's homestead" started on the square between the hospital and the Korfa garden, which was attended by around 10,000 people.

(LAT) daudz laimes 134. dzimšanas dienā mūsu fīrers Ādolfs Hitlers

(ENG) happy 134th birthday our fuhrer Adolf Hitler

(LAT) Kad Ar Uzvaru dziesma - ⁣⁣(ENG) When With Victory song (LAT) ⁣šogad aprit arī 80 gadi kopš latviešu ss leģionu izveides (ENG) ⁣this year also marks the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Latvian SS Legions

(LAT) ⁣latvija riga gads nezinu
(ENG) ⁣latvia riga year don't know

(LAT) ⁣Ar lidmašīnu, kas ielido Rīgā Darbaspēka nodarbinātības ģenerālis pilnvarots, Fritz Sauckel Obergruppenfuhrer CA uz tikšanos ar darba grupām Latvijā. - (ENG) ⁣By plane arriving in Riga General authorized for employment of labor, Fritz Sauckel Obergruppenfuhrer CA for a meeting with labor groups in Latvia.

(LAT) ⁣Rīgā svinēja Hitlera dzimšanas dienu. - (ENG) ⁣In Riga celebrated Hitler's birthday.

⁣bēres rīgā Voldemāram Veisam, kurš dienēja vērmahtā no 1941. līdz 1943. gadam un pēc tam waffen ss (latviešu leģionā) no 1943. līdz 1944. gadam. -

⁣funeral in Riga for Voldemar Weiss, who served in the Wehrmacht from 1941 to 1943 and then in the Waffen SS (Latvian Legion) from 1943 to 1944.

⁣(video tikai vācu valodā) - ⁣(video only in german)
⁣funeral in Riga for Voldemar Weiss, who served in the Wehrmacht from 1941 to 1943 and then in the Waffen SS (Latvian Legion) from 1943 to 1944.

⁣(video tikai vācu valodā) - ⁣(video only in german) no Vācijas nedēļas apskats - from the German weekly review

⁣Latviešu SS brīvprātīgo leģiona ⁣(Latviešu SS leģiona) filma -
⁣Latvian SS Volunteer ⁣⁣Legion (Latvian SS Legion) film

Vakar bija skaista diena, beidzot tika ⁣nojaukts piemineklis padomju sarkanarmijas izvarotājiem rīgā latvijā, beidzot ⁣pēc 36 gadiem Rīga ir brīva no šī ⁣sūda ebreju padomju sarkanarmijas pieminekļa. ⁣🥳 -

⁣Yesterday was a beautiful day, the monument to the rapists of the Soviet Red Army was finally demolished in Riga, Latvia, finally, after 36 years, Riga is free from this shit Jewish Soviet Red Army monument. 🥳



daži kadri no dzīves vācu atbrīvotajā latvijā - some footage of life in german liberated latvia

šķiet, ka latviešiem pietika ar to sūdīgo geju karogu Rīgā - it seems that Latvians had enough of that shitty gay flag in Riga

21 may 2022 - ⁣⁣2022. gada 21. maijs

8. 9. maijs, mēs nesvinam! - 8th 9th May, we do not celebrate!
also on odysee https://odysee.com/@Latvijasnacion%C4%81lsoci%C4%81lists:5/uzvaras_diena_victory_day:1

⁣manis veidots video - ⁣video made by me

⁣daudz laimes 133. dzimšanas dienā hitleram - ⁣happy 133th birthday hitler

⁣When the German soldiers of 1941 liberated your homeland from Bolshevism at the behest of leader Adolf Hitler, they saved you from the unquestionable fate of the extermination of the people. Since then, you have done your part in the fight against Bolshevism with your work in the countryside and cities, as well as with your police service for land security and with the active participation of the front. This fight has now reached its greatest sharpness. Bolshevism threatens to destroy Europe, and your homeland is at stake first. This danger can and will only be stoped by the ruthless efforts of the peoples of Europe to fight and the heaviest victims under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. The Germany show the example. It has confirmed with joining the total war. Now it is a call to you to do the same.
Join a new European struggle and a community of destiny.
Join the legion of your homeland to fight with weapons against the looming Bolshevism. Join for the fight and the helping German army! Support the struggle with your war-important work! Put aside everything that does not serve to win! Victory will save you and your children's lives, your property, your culture, the future life of your people in your homeland, your secured place and your participation in the European community.
At guns! At work!
With Adolf Hitler to victory!

Lohse ⁣Eastern Reich Commissioner.

79 gadi kopš Reinharda Heidriha nāves - 79 years since the death of Reinhard Heydrich

atpūties mierā - rest in peace

Priecīgu 132. dzimšanas dienu Ādolfs Hitlers - Happy 132th Birthday Adolf Hitler

today is the 16th march dedication to Latvian legionnaires

i was born a National socialist and i will die as a National socialis

music Revolt Against the Modern World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvGYhkiO_2w

5 june 2020

not mine just a reupload

what could have been

A Beautiful Video That i Found on Jewtube

Animal Rights in National Socialist Germany


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

30 videos

Category None

Hitleram bija taisniba = Hitler was right

Nationality - Latvian

Pro - National Socialist

Anti - Communist and Capitalist

Been a Proud National Socialist Since 2017

Heil Hitler!

rip my youtube channel (22 september 2017 - 5 november 2020)
