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In this video I address a recent GES video discussing the question, 'does one have to believe in eternal security to be saved. What the GES wants you to believe is that receiving eternal life is the same as eternal security. They try to say that someone must believe in eternal security, but admit that a person doesn't learn about eternal security until AFTER he is saved. It is an unknown concept to him until he learns about the promises never to take away eternal life from one who has it. THAT is the issue in eternal security, is it (eternal life) revokable for any reason? Salvation doesn't depend on believing in eternal security, but believing in the Gospel . Eternal security is a doctrine that one learns about after he is saved.


In this video I address the video put out by Jacksmack 77 which denounced Charles Ryrie on an error he made regarding the Christian walk and applied Ro. 16:25 to him


In this video I discuss the reality of heaven, how it is the Christian's home and that any moment we can leave this world, either through the Rapture or death. Understanding that fact is crucial to the Christian walk. I read from David Hunt's work, Whatever Happened to Heaven

In this video I address some events what will occur in the future, such as the rapture of the church, the tribulation, the millennium Kingdom, the various judgments, etc
Below is the excellent sermon by Doug Stauffer on the heresy of faith-works

In this video I answer a comment from a stupid neo-confederate who doesn't understand history.


In this video I show from a definitive work on Sherman, that Sherman loved the South and it's people and wasn't anti-slavery.
'Sherman A Soldiers Passion For Order' John Marszalek

In this video I read from the actual Confederate Constitution which shows that Robert Breaker lies about who was on the right side in the Civil War

In this video I address the latest video where he lies about the Confederacy trying to justify their secession. He omits what the Confederate Constitution said in it's Constitution, that no one could forbid negro slavery expansion




Robert Breaker put another video trying to defend the Confederacy in the Civil War. The Confederacy was fighting for the expansion of negro slavery, as written into their constitution.


In this video I discuss the video where Andrew Sluder interviews Chad Reese about the date of the Rapture! He doesn't give any evidence about the date of the Rapture, it is all conjecture!

In this video I explain why Ruckman came up with the nutty idea that Christ deposited our sins in hell, because he didn't understand that no one is judged for their sins at the great white throne judgment, but for their works-which can't save them.

In this video I show that Andrew Sluder has the mindset of a heretic.
Peter Ruckman never taught that Jesus Christ burned in hell. He taught that Jesus Christ dropped the sins into torments after the Atonement, not that his soul spent 3 hours in torments.


In this video I cite from Ruckman's Reference Bible where he clearly states that the suffering for sin was on the Cross not in torments!

In this video I point out why Ruckman students always are confused and teach heretical doctrines. Ruckman had a problem with logical consistency.
Even the Scofield notes recognized that 'hell' was a type for being in the belly of the whale.

In this video I explain that those who attempt to condemn anyone who uses a different word then the KJB as being a non-KJB believer are liars.In fact, it is just explaining what the word means in context. The word 'reprove' in Jn.16:8 does mean 'convict' but on the comment page of the video below I am accused of not being a true KJB believer because I use the word 'convict' to explain what the Holy Ghost does to the unbeliever at the point of Gospel hearing regarding his sins

In this video I look at an earlier video by Jacksmack 77 where he states that one has to explain what Jn.3:16 means in relation to the Gospel!
He uses Eph.1:12-13 to show that the Gospel has two aspects to it (faith in what Christ did for you and faith in Christ alone), and Jn.3:16 would need to be explained as referring to those truths. God giving his only begotten Son means that his Son died for our sins on the Cross, which isn't explict in the verse itself

Since today is Memorial Day, I thought it apt to explain that every lockdown State is in violation of the tenets of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and are thus, illegal and immoral.

In this video I continue to deal with Michael Pearl and how evil his ministry is. But why wasn't he exposed by the Christian community as being a nut who is teaching heresy?

In this video I show that Michael Pearl is a nut!
He tells a wife if the husband is sexually abusing the children or being violent against her, she is to first take it to the church! Those are police matters not church ones!

In this video I review the latest video put out by Andrew Sluder who says he is not a Fundamentalist. He claims to be a Baptist, but rejects the Trinity, teaches salvation by faith and works, and says that Hebrews and James aren't for Christians! That isn't Baptist doctrine.
Below is his view on the Trinity, that God is one person

In this video I show from Peter Ruckman's commentary on 1 and 2nd Corinthians, that Ruckman changes the tense of1Cor.15:2 from present to past because he doesn't understand the context of the chapter.

In this video I deal with additional comments made by Robert Breaker on my video. He just shows his own immaturity and is teaching false doctrine in other areas, like dispensational salvation (faith-works in the OT). That would mean that there was no grace in the OT since works do not mix with grace!

In this video I respond to a comment that Robert Breaker made on my video.
Once again he appeals to Exodus 18:20 to defend Faith-Works in the OT but claims he understands the context! If he did he would now it has nothing to do with anyone's salvation.
Robert Breaker cannot read the Bible!

In this video I follow up on shepherd ambassador's video regarding Peter Ruckman's view of the Trinity. Ruckman was sloppy in his defining the Trinity but he didn't believe that God was one person!

In this video I point out that Robert Breaker is being deceptive in faith alone in this dispensation. Paul gave us a new content of faith but the salvation method was always by faith alone in every Dispensation
correction: in Acts 2, Peter preached that Jesus fulfilled the Davidic Covenant, not the suffering Messiah, that shows up in Acts 10


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

181 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

This is a channel defending the following Christian doctrines.
1. The King James Bible is the perfect English translation and the standard for all foreign translations.
2. That the Trinity is 3 persons and one God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost who are united as one.
3. That the Lord Jesus Christ is the Word (the 2nd persons of the Trinity) who became flesh and is both God and perfect man,
born of a virgin and without any sin nature and lived a sinless life
4. That the Lord Jesus Christ paid for all the sins of the world on the Cross, rose physically from the dead and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father.
5. The Lord Jesus Christ will return physically to set up a 1,000 year reign.
6.That salvation is by faith alone in the finished work of Christ, trusting in the Blood atonement, that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins and putting your complete trust only and in the person of Christ. Nothing more is needed such as prayer, water baptism, sacraments, etc
7. That once saved, the believer can never lose his salvation
8. That the Christian ought to produce fruit as a witness to his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and for rewards at the judgment seat of Christ.
9. That everybody will be judged, and that those who reject the free gift of salvation will end up in the Lake of Fire with Satan and his angels.
10. That there are different dispensations, that the Church isn't Israel. That the church (all true believers) will be removed in a pre-tribulation rapture (taken up) and God will deal with Israel for the next 7 years fulfilling the last 'week' of Daniel's 69th 'week' (a period of seven years), then all of the promises made to Israel will be accomplished, Abrahamic, Davidic and New Covenants
11. Any theology that rejects these truths are teaching heresies and are to be rejected as such.