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So many Christians have no clue of Simon Magus and what he left this world as his legacy. It is time to leave the darkness of ignorance!

We are starting to understand how the prophesied 666 financial regime is going to work in reality.

And its implication for modern inter-ethnic relations in the Middle East.

The prophet is again in a life dangerous situation because he announced to everyone what God told him.

The attitudes we should be aware at all times.

My message delivered on the Day of Atonement.

After warning the civil and religious authorities, God now warns all the people of Judah about their responsibilities before God!

At the same time, it is the hope of all the nations - eternal life that will conquer death!

And what does that have to do with you? It has to do everything with you because this "rising star" is most likely the soon coming European dictator whose actions will affect the entire world!

And you can now know why.

One of those Bible characters we rarely speak and think about.

If you already know this, then how can you be a Christian and participate in the Satanic and occult holy day?

God prophesied to this Old Testament society, which reflects so much the society we are living in.

The amazing parallels between the Old Testament Kingdom of Judah with our modern societies.

It is one of the most fascinating Bible stories.

The famous chapter speaking of human heart. It also mentions those who depart from the fountain of the living water.

We continue to analyze the Book of Jeremiah. In this exposition we are reminded of the vital importance of prayer.

It is so sad that so many people are misinformed about Martin Luther. Moreover, many of them have never read his texts that reflect anything but a Christian attitude.

They don't want to keep God-commanded Holy Days, nor do they accept the truth of the modern-day House of Israel.

Christ warns us that many false Christs would come into this world and deceive many. Roman Catholic "Christ" is a case in point.

Iran is determined to develop nuclear weapon.

For the second time in a while, Polish politicians have accused Germany of creating the Fourth Reich.

The description of the Jewish society in the Old Testament is the topic of the Book of Jeremiah.

I am sure many of you have already understood that.

However, be of a good cheer. It will be a new beginning.


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

246 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Spreading the Good News and positive resolutions in the world filled with complications and negativism.
Biblical history. Information that enhance our understanding of the Holy Scriptures, in honor and glory to Great God.

Biblijska istorija. Po(r)uke koje unapređuju naše razumevanje stvarne sadašnjice i sutrašnjice u svetlu stvarnih biblijskih učenja. Kanal postoji za one kojima je stalo da razumeju šifrovane informacije u Svetom Pismu, a na slavu velikog hrišćanskog Boga.