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Bleak Narratives


Tax deductible donations for recovering and impoverished Kansas addicts - Fountain & Associates Charitable Trust can be made at $FountainAssociates

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Pay my therapist at $TheBleakNarratives

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Nobody does it like Covid Mike does. Buy my narcotics or maybe chip in on the psychiatry bil thatl researching this shit results in. The spoon feeding is on the house.

Because you're a cunt. Cheers!

Because you can't beat it, pussy.

Just kiddin' faggots. Mikey loves you...


But you do. So, that said, unsub, turn 360°, and walk away running. Eyes closed. With scissors.

Just playin fucko, don't stare off at the sky with your lower jaw dangling on me now... Cheers. Try not to get any on ya.

Because congress said so.

Okay, okay. That's enough outta me for one night... My bad fellas. Cheers?

I know I could sure af go for steak right about now myself...

𝑩𝒖𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒆𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒆.

Waka fuckin waka...

...seriously though, I'm still making tonsbof these fuckers. Just not uploading many. Some of it can be found on yt if you're still somewhat of a faggot and enjoy the taste of Susan's lady balls. Most of it probably won't even be published. It's no shittier than my usual bullshit, and you aren't missing out on anything...

But you monkey lipped mfkers already knew that.


A think piece.

Been a minute... Lucky ya'll.

Santos is Santos for 8 minutes and 58 Santos.


Or don't. Honestly it's put together all shitty and dumb af. Like usual. Cheers guys.

I take that back. Around the 8 minute mark it gets serious for a second. I managed to put something useful in here for ya'll. Cheers.

Good ol Ralph K's fixer upper class for the downtrodden and generally fucked over by this insland pirate cove's blood sucking system. If you can call it that.

As in a-moral, a-typical, and a-symmetrical. Round peg, round peg. I don't need to get into the shape of the hole, hopefully...

After this last little cdc vote and the kid's vacks schedule's abrupt jostling about, Kansans have rallied and created some kind of homeschooling 2.0 (of which my chickenshit exwife, whom I STILL love and respect and adore very much, will not be a part due to "reasons").

Better than a kick in the damn nuts, I guess...

Nothing special. Sorry I been absent. Sometimes a guy has to play the silent notes. Make his presence felt other ways.

Right up until the point where we stop their asses. They damn sure will... watch.

"Thus men will lie on their backs, talking about the fall of man, and they will never make an effort to get up."
- Henry David Thoreau

It's not a word, you say? Noted. I'm not a dictionary, folks. I'm also not an person. I'm an meat suit. One that's running on fumes at this point.

On that note, I apologize for the dip in quality. My life has turned to absolute garbage and is so far beyond out of my control, my grasp on reality is basically non existent at best, and I miss my family so fuckin badly I could shit bricks. Bricks of family missing poop. The worst kind of bricks in my humble opinion.

Fingers crossed. Chin up. Wish me luck...

Probably. I dunno...

I must've thought it was worth a repost though, so I grabbed it for one reason or another.

I think.

A bunch of crap just ended up on one of my devices somehow. Kinda strange really. Figured it'd be worth a share... Tbh I haven't even given it a look myself. Buyer beware.

Did you know the average age in Gaza is 17 years old? Meaning, the adults have been killed in the mass genocide and ethnic cleansing taking place over there.

Fuck the Heebs.

Yessir. My fellow white asses job having child raising friends. Indeed your eyes are in fact NOT mistaken. Go show the man some support with a sub, and your undying fucking to the bitter end loyalty.

Also the man's paperwork is top notch and his process is flawless. Save your home. KO that bully prosecutor. Actually trick your wife into fucking you again (just the one time tho, he's not a god damn wizard ya know??)...

Fart noise. Aaaaaand...


Coach Neighbors is my jam, bro. I would bum a New Port off of this man standing in some dimly lit larking lot outside the Y just after a late night crack cocaine fuled game of 3 on 3 pick up basketball.

And I give two shits what hue the fella wears involuntarily. Blow me. Hashtag not all.

He's one of us, and I'd prolly save his ass from a gang of rabid joggers just as quick as I would a guy who looked like you or I... I would even go as far as to say that I would bet my ass that this man cannot dance any better than you were I. Let's face it. He's just a very tan white man at the end of the day. One that is earned his respect 10 times over. Likely before some of you were even born.

Before anyone gets all high-pitched and huffy, no. This is not a paid promotion. This Bella doesn't know me from Adam, and he is probably all the better for it. Now would I take him to the clan rally with me on thursday? Probably not.

Get your red crayon out and pull your calander off the wall. You did indeed hear Mikey rightly... I love this black mfker like Charlie Daniels liked making the rest of his band look like they actually had lives and shit. Could get pussy. Maybe got involved in community outreach programs or some shit, idk...

You can call it whatever you want but it's not going to alter the no shit reality of it. Not one bit. That being said, if you end up at the bottom of this shit don't pee on the fire. They really don't like that kind of stuff down there. Horrible senses of humor...

Really though, open your eyes and shownme one single place where the suffered do not still wail and lament. Just one. Then I'll gladly stfu about it.

Didn't make the cut, but good enough for Bitchute... Cheers!

...Lol 'Wake and Blake'. Nice.

Idk that I got that right though. Might oughta have checked first, I guess. Oh well. Hindsight's always 20/20...


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

642 videos

Category Education

Cheers, and happy hunting!