Earth Empaths - Not In Our Name

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Earth Empaths - Not In Our Name

Aureo Sky


It is still shocking how the ongoing genocide in Gaza can be so blatant and the publicly displayed intent for it so brazenly self-evident, and yet some will still not only disagree, but openly support it. Never doubt there is true evil in this world.

"Israel has lost the high ground. This is not war. It is robotic mass genocide. Section 1091 of Title 18, United States Code, prohibits genocide whether committed in time of peace or time of war. Genocide is defined in § 1091 and includes violent attacks with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group."

My enthusiasm speaking with Matt Presti will be obvious. We explore mysticism and the "Universal One" based on the work of Walter Russell. I recently listened to Matt on several off-the-stage talks from Anarchapulco, one with Steve Falconer of Space Busters and another talk with Joel Rafidi from Here For The Truth and Mike Winner from Alfa Vedic. (Links below) I was so inspired by the candid conversations and camaraderie in Spirit that I felt inspired to join the conversation.

There is a wondrous weaving of consciousness taking place—be inspired, be authentic, and be the original that you are! It is time to put down our differences to uplift and inspire each other.

The music at the opening and end of our talk is: Climbing Higher by Matt Presti on his YouTube channel:

Matt's website:
Telegram Group:

Here For The Truth:

On Bitchute:

Alfa Vedic:
On odysee:

"Look at us! Each such an amazing reflection through the fractal of individualism. We are both and all simultaneously, such a dilemma for the human mind." — Christine Anderson (Earth Empaths)

Contact: earthempaths @

My enthusiasm speaking with Matt Presti will be obvious. We explore mysticism and the "Universal One" based on the work of Walter Russell. I recently listened to Matt on several off-the-stage talks from Anarchapulco, one with Steve Falconer of Space Busters and another talk with Yerasimos from Here For The Truth and Mike Winner from Alfa Vedic. (Links below) I was so inspired by the candid conversations and camaraderie in Spirit that I felt inspired to join the conversation.

There is a wondrous weaving of consciousness taking place—be inspired, be authentic, and be the original that you are! It is time to put down our differences to uplift and inspire each other.

The music at the opening and end of our talk is: Climbing Higher by Matt Presti on his YouTube channel:

Matt's website:
Telegram Group:

Here For The Truth:

On Bitchute:

Alfa Vedic:
On odysee:

"Look at us! Each such an amazing reflection through the fractal of individualism. We are both and all simultaneously, such a dilemma for the human mind." — Christine Anderson (Earth Empaths)

Contact: earthempaths @

This film is not entertaining nor easy to watch. However it is well worth the time and focus. It is revealing to not only hear what is being said but to notice the weight that these people emanate from their souls as they are clearly about to depart their mortal form.

I want to thank Celia Farber ( who I follow on Substack or I wouldn't have known about this film. Here are her words:

"I waited a long time to post this film, thought about it, waited some more. The director believes that if Israelis learn their true history, they will develop compassion.

It is an absolutely extraordinary film, and very compassionate.

You feel the pain of the settlers, at the end of their lives, wondering who made them do the things they did. Wondering if they should remember, or try to, and wondering why they spent their whole lives trying to forget, but being unable to.

Ben Gurion commissioned and ordained the state of Israel on a falsified history. By design, no question about it. He had his reasons.

But it never works—to bury the truth."

About the film: When Israeli graduate student Teddy Katz meticulously documented a massacre of Palestinian civilians surrounding Israel's independence, he was initially celebrated for his groundbreaking work. But soon, he was stripped of his degrees and was publicly shamed as a fraudulent traitor. Decades later, incendiary new evidence emerges to corroborate Teddy's initial findings, not just vindicating him, but raising profound questions about how Israelis — and we all — deal with the darker chapters of history.

For over a decade Claudia and Christine have researched and shared their findings on the most forbidden subject by questioning the historical lies propagated by the "winners" of WWI and WWiI. The veils are quickly being stripped away and certain words commonly used have lost their meaning, we address this in our recording.

As the world is watching the ongoing genocide of the people of Palestine it should bring into question who is the real enemy? Those who worked behind the scenes for decades are now openly slaughtering families, children, journalists, and even their own people with the end goal of total domination.

Once truth is pursued, false indoctrinated beliefs fall away and the overused patterns of propaganda are easy to detect. While it takes a certain amount of courage to pierce the collective consciousness' agreement with foundational lies it is the only true path to liberation, both individually and collectively.

Here is a link to our website where we can express more freely without upsetting the algorithms of censorship:

Love unbound, fierce and free.
Christine ❤️‍🔥

Website: Earth Empaths:
Alternative YouTube:

On the links below I often re-upload and share videos I find important.

Contact: christine @

Recently, while listening to one of my favorite videocasters I heard him say that more people need to speak out. Never shy, I have been on a long slow moving trajectory these past several years where listening was the wisest choice. Listening to others but more importantly listening within, at times it got so quiet that I wasn't sure that I wanted to be here.

It isn't easy for me to sit and talk to the screen, I much prefer a conversation however it has become harder to find a time that works for groups and individuals. Today I decided to give it a try and hope to be uploading content with more regularity going forward.

If anyone would like to join me please contact me at my email or in the comments. I hear an unspoken roar so would like to provide a place to share.

Love unbound, fierce and free.

Website: Earth Empaths:
Alternative YouTube:

On the links below I often re-upload and share videos I find important.

Contact: christine @

An intimate look at life inside the Jewish settlements in the West Bank. "The Settlers" is an Israeli documentary filmed in 2016, nearly a decade ago, directed by Shimon Dotan. The film takes a critical look at the Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The stark beauty of this film clearly outlines the deep underlying issues, it is not favorable of the Israeli government, yet tells the story in a manner that shows the religious and political factors at play.

Like many, the events in Israel and the middle east did not seem to concern me. However with the eruption of violence and genocide against the Palestinian people came the realization that this affects all people everywhere. This documentary makes a stellar work in bringing the full scoop of all the issues that were and are at play.

Without knowledge people choose ignorance and with their ignorance there is an arrogance—tragically wars will continue.

Most of our listeners have an heighten awareness of the massive rapid change occurring in the false reality. An inverted world reality is in the process of turning right side up and one could also say inside out.

One of the more surprising aspects for Claudia and myself is the flood of people who are openly sharing about the degenerate nature of some Judaic sects and Zionism. Also called into question is why are most Jewish people blind to the depth of their cultural indoctrination. I have long written that "the entity" which has no real human qualities of compassion nor knows the nature of love first infiltrated the mind of those of Hebrew descent. In keeping with this the Jewish people who are kept wrapped in the idea of eternal victimhood are being used as a front for a diabolic death cult. For thousands of years the entity has been infiltrating all religious sects and taken over most governments.

The first enemy to overcome is the one that resides within us and this requires ruthless self honesty. As difficult as this work might be we are now confronted with how well we've been divided from each other. It is time for heart-driven-love-based union because, the "outer enemy" is now at the gate so let's do all we can to lift each other in Spirit.

Love unbound, fierce and free.

Earth Empaths:
Alternative YouTube:

On the below links I often re-upload and share videos I find important.

Contact: christine @

[MUST WATCH] I saw a recommendation for this film on a live chat and decided to look it up. For a long time I avoided anything coming out mainstream media—today my heart weeps inner tears having watched this. A riveting film that is a much watch in order to comprehend the heart, soul and spirit of the Palestinian people.

LEST WE FORGET: Years back while researching the real history of WWII I came across the bombing of Dresden, Germany at the end of the war. All acts of genocide provoke feelings of utter despair and disgust but this one always brings tears to my eyes. I am sharing this now so those who have not yet readied themselves for the horror the psychopathic entities are capable of.

Prepare. We are in the final act of a spiritual battle for humanity.

As we are witnesses to the ongoing genocide in Palestine we also need to become aware of the genocides perpetrated through out history in our common era. The same evil, long obscured but now seen in full flagrant view across our screens will continue as long as people remain willfully ignorant of those who plague mankind. They hate us, envy us and therefore hate themselves even more.

With the attention of the world riveted to the ongoing genocide in Palestine many other operations are continuing full throttle. This is Laura Aboli speaking at The Better Way Conference this year, probably the most cogent, coherent, intelligent, insightful, well-structured, and I will even add heartfelt, four minutes I have ever seen and heard.

From her website:
I have always been a very private person, never particularly active on social media or public platforms. Very much a hermit, I am happiest at home with my kids. But recently I felt the urge to speak my mind, not just privately (which I have always done) but publicly. I suddenly felt compelled to come out of my comfort zone and share my thoughts, opinion and experience in the hope that I may inspire and encourage a positive change in society. I took a leap of faith that I could make a difference, at least I would try. I am a firm believer that each and everyone can make a difference, and in that spirit, I started writing my blog and making videos with the underlying aim to remind us all of the beauty, the power and the resilience of the human spirit.

Follow on Telegram: #LauraAboli

Over 20 years ago this was being documented, today the genocide is beyond human comprehension. The footage of the slaughter over the past 33 days is too horrific to upload. This documentary can be shared.

MIRRORED: Journeyman Pictures -

Life in Gaza is a constant gauntlet of Israeli sniper fire, military rockets and army bulldozers. No one is safe, least of all the children.

This documentary is a hard-hitting exposé of life in the occupied territories. We speak to the children caught in the crossfire and find out the true cost of Israel's targeted assassinations policy. The feeling in Gaza is that the West accepts this type of action. It doesn't matter how much so called 'collateral damage' it causes. Whichever side kills last says it is a response to the one before. In the grim calculus of this conflict, around three Palestinians die for every Israeli killed. It's an equation that keeps old hatreds fresh.

Subscribe to Journeyman here:

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With all the disgusting political posturing in support of Israel, it is obvious that the pundits, politicians, grifters, heads of state are all blaring hypocrites. Worst, they are liars for they all know what has happened in Palestine, leaving one to realize that they are the seeds of satan.

All lives matter. ❤️‍🔥

We all know this was not a wild grass fire that took out Lahaina, we all know that war has been declared on humanity, we all know that if we don't stand up and speak the Truth we are part of the problem. Once you know Truth your word becomes the law. Speak up, it may be your last chance.


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Hunger Heroes Hawaii

Eric West of Hawaii Real Estate has done invaluable work since day one of the Lahaina fire. His 4K drone footage and drive through all the streets two days after is invaluable for people to claim insurance coverage since no one is now allowed into the township and everything is screened off so no one can even look inside the burn zone.

Eric is a man with his heart on fire to help the survivors and get the word out. He's got some good ideas to help the locals buy back Maui. Where's Joe Rogan or any of the other million-dollar-baby podcasters?

Give his channel a thumbs up and SHARE.
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Having stumbled on the channel below I found the coverage of the Lahaina fires the best out there. They are doing valuable community service and from my perspective we need to not let this become last weeks news.

What it brings home for me is that the nature of this democide is also being perpetrated across the world by those who have, through stealth and lies commandeered the right to rule us all. For too long we have ignored what our government has been doing unabated to other peoples and countries, now it comes home and should be a call for an uprising of the people united everywhere.

They also compiled a list of the missing and the located, here is the link to the google spreadsheet: (These are not official stats on deaths and this list is a community effort.) It is estimated that over 1,000 are dead and/or missing. 😢


Please see my last two community posts about the air filters and personal safety gear that we need and if you’re going to the burn zone you must wear. For those of you that need to report a missing person please call the FBI at 808-566-4300 or send an email to [email protected]. If you have lost a love one, please go to the Hyatt Regency in Kaanapali and give your DNA sample. Just a quick swab - they will not submit to any crime, database or care if you are not a citizen. If you know the person that’s maintaining the missing persons list at Please ask them to add a column for date of birth and sex.

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Please Donate to Maui Food Bank: http://www.MauiFoodBank.ORG

I stumbled on to this video, a reading of a June 19, 1909 article from the Saturday Evening Post, in the days of Norman Rockwell. It is a must watch for anyone who thinks that what we are experiencing today wasn't laid down over a century ago (longer actually).


War! What is it good for?

As other people walked lockstep honoring the fallen who fought for "freedom and democracy" I watched this film. All wars are banker's war, the killing fields continue unabated today.

The film, shot largely in black and white, features testimony by soldiers who participated in or witnessed atrocities in Vietnam: the killing of civilians, including children; mutilation of bodies; indiscriminate razing of villages; throwing prisoners out of helicopters; and other acts of cruelty towards Vietnamese civilians and combatants. Some participants also claimed that these acts reflected orders from higher-up officers. A number of soldiers are quoted stating that their military training failed to include instruction in the terms of the Geneva Convention, while others state that the dangers they faced as soldiers created an environment in which they regarded all Vietnamese as hostile "gooks" and stopped seeing them as human beings.

Vertigo Politix has made some chilling video commentaries which I have much appreciated. His historical reporting has the undeniable reverberation that the world is in the grips of the same genocidal maniacs, whose objective, once again is to destroy all human dignity and tradition, especially the Christians.

From out of the Communist, industrialized urban centers, a confederate army of psychopaths, prisoners, atheists, and ready henchmen marched into the Russian North in the Spring of 1923, to begin the greatest ethno-religious genocide in human history...


These days I am very discerning about what I listen to. Alec Zeck usually speaks on the Spiritual aspects of what humanity is facing, he's solid. I kept skipping this video but finally listened this morning and am glad I did. An intelligent analysis if you want to have a more depth comprehension on how the big chessboard is being played.

Alec sits down with independent geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen from 21st Century Wire to discuss his thoughts on the Middle East, Ukraine, the gain of function narrative, and more!

Patrick’s links:

• Hunting for Hunter: Evidence Reveals Biden, Burisma Ukraine Bond Scandal, Tied to U.S. Firm:

• Are COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ a Military Biodefense Response Gone Terribly Wrong?

• NATO’s Trojan Horse Behind Europe’s COVID-19 Response – Part 1: Vaccinating Europe With a Military Experimental Biodefense Countermeasure

• Patrick’s Interview with Steve Falconer: “Gain of Function or Gain of Fiction?”:

• Fridays at 1pm UK time, Patrick Co-hosts UK Column News:

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Please read description: While I have used Bitchute to share other videos from different creators, containing what I consider to be good information, I also upload some of my own work. Right now there are a lot of folks questioning the nature of this reality or realm and Howdie is one of them who is very prolific in his work. Having listened to over a half a dozen of his interviews and reviewing his book I decided to ask him for an interview. While I definitely see reality through a different lens than he does, the conversation is awkward at times, this subject is a topic d'jour at the moment so worth exploring.

I enjoyed my conversation with Howdie. However as soon as we stopped recording several questions popped into my mind, it would be lovely to regroup a few months from now.

I ended up writing a short piece addressing some of the points that I felt were not covered well in our conversation:

Howdie can be found on the following links:

A free mind will explore subjects that contradict the official narrative and question those who support it. I can clearly see what these two gentlemen are speaking about. Unraveling and unveiling the lies of big pharma, big government, and academics caught in their own web is a vital part of our collective consciousness rising.


My brother from another mother, Patrick and I dispel the recent research in the Psyop known as "Gain of Function" or rather fiction and "lab leak" or "variant" stories being peddled by the media again recently.
We discuss what is really going on in those labs, step by step and why people are falling for the narrative that there was an "it", that "something" out of the normal from previous years was going on in 2021 or early 2021 that really wasn't going on at all.

As you know, Spacebusters content has always and will always be if you want to help out with Crypto donations or buy some merch to support us, up to you! We appreciate it if you do and give you our work for free if you don't. Up to you. If you do:

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I don't like to flood my channel with everything that shows up on the screen, many others do this and in my opinion this tends to divert our energy from good science, good people, good movements of consciousness and debilitates our vital energy. Obviously staying aware of the clown world's moves is necessary but this needs to be balanced with integrating our own knowledge and supporting those who are committed to bringing the good truth forth. Dr. Sam Bailey is such a being.

Show notes and References 👉

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Sasha Latypova in and interview with Lara Logan. This is one of the most damning testimonies of thousands that I have heard. Must listen and listen carefully.

Here is Sasha’s bio on Substack, a woman of experience, intelligence, talent, and faith.

Follow Sasha Latypova on Substack:

Lest We Forget: Laurent Guyénot exposes the truth about the Kennedy assassinations and follows the breadcrumbs to the actual perpetrators–who've managed to remain hidden. Until now.

While in conversations with people who are awakening to the plot against humanity I often find myself pointing out that there has not been a fair or uninterfered with election in the USA since the assassination of JFK. The often touchy and forbidden subject of the State of Israel's involvement in this plot is finally becoming more acceptable.

"The Truth No Matter Where It Leads Us."


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

277 videos

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The journey to this moment has been for most of us a ‘many lives long’ one. Being born into the artificial matrix as an empath is often a path fraught with great challenge and suffering. It is now Known that the adversarial forces have imposed much to keep us from reaching this place in our hearts where the inner Reality and cosmic dance take place. Our Work is embracing this adversary with all Life and through our inner harmonic resonance transforming and transmuting the effects of suppression.

A small group of us were guided to find each other and as we embrace our unique Essence we are discovering that together we are much more than we ever dreamed possible on our own.

The message for this year is one of finding the deepest gnosis within these words, “Know Thy Self”. By claiming our sovereignty and emerging from a place of power, and working with others in the expanding field of Human Consciousness we are integral pieces in birthing the new earth. Fueled by the compassionate heart an are the BEcoming, we are the Genesis .. flowing in grace with Gaia, our Mothership and Sophia’s divine wisdom.

Holding the spark, the flame in the sacred chamber .. The alchemical transformation is Us..