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6 million lies...the chimney isn't even fucking attached. Let's talk about the Holomodor, and all of the German soldiers that were quietly executed after World War 2 - they don't teach any of this shit in school.

So many secret tranny husbands of leaders...Kissinger, Obama, Bush...

Congratulations, those of you who have made it this far... We will recover history (most of it...) eventually. Hopefully in my lifetime, but if not - I will leave these breadcrumbs everywhere like I do now. Thank you for taking the time to watch and learn...please share.

Well done...now you have to carry the burden of knowing the truth in a world of lies. Thanks for watching. Good luck. Please share these videos/information.

Join us on Telegram 24/7: https://t.me/wokchefjosh2 is our 24/7 broadcast channel (free, of course), and https://t.me/+zmDkVph3wQI0NDEx is the comment channel where I am always available unless I am sleeping. Thanks for watching. If you have any issues, let me know...

They are ready to fight to the death...about whatever this is.

"Skeptical_third_world_black_kid.jpg" is skeptical about many things that didn't happen during/after World War II. I am accusing the Jews of being liars (because they are - see: anything on this channel [just search: 'wokchefjosh jew'] - or look at any other channel's plethora of evidence/truth that has been held back from you). Join us on Telegram.

Thanks, Gabe. Sorry, it took me so long to upload.

Thank you for all your hard work and submissions, my friend who chooses to remain anonymous (for now...).

Join us on Telegram 24/7: https://t.me/wokchefjosh2 is our 24/7 broadcast channel (free, of course), and https://t.me/+zmDkVph3wQI0NDEx is the comment channel where I am always available unless I am sleeping. Thanks for watching. If you have any issues, let me know...

Thank you for all your hard work and submissions, my friend who chooses to remain anonymous (for now...).


Created 1 year, 2 months ago.

2664 videos

Category News & Politics

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