RealityMatrix: Reality Observers

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RealityMatrix: Reality Observers



#PLANdemic #SCAMdemic #SHAMdemic #SPAMdemic(like spam email they didnt stop there they came with MONKEYPOX next)
Thanks: "Windy" aka ~.~
Peace and Love Human Family

So I posted this and then lost it.
So let me try this again.
I do not require anyone to subscribe to my channel.
It is your choice to click or not.
This channel was and never will be about getting money or gaining a big following.
This was always about dumping a lot of information here, in one place about a lot of TOPICS that interest me and others, that have the same/similar thoughts and reasonings in this place we live.

I need not explain that any further. Those who know, know what I mean by it.
To dislike me for having X number of subscribers and only posting "pics" is a strange thing. This channel has enough videos to sit and watch for maybe a whole year or even more ..roughly guessing. Many different topics covered. There are also many other informative CHANNELS and SITES linked...that are still pouring/churning out much more info than this channel.

A LOT has happened.
But here are we.
...and...Here we go again.

Will I post more videos. Maybe, it all depends. What topics will they cover? Who knows It all depends. Life always depends on something eh?.
We shall see.

If you would like to unsubscribe well go ahead. You are free to do so.

This channel is not about, oh look I have 10,000 people following me. I am the great wisdom teller that will lead you? Like I am some kind of messiah? Now, listen to me and follow me. errrrr no. Don't be yourself? Don't think for yourself. Don't do your own research? Don't make up your own mind? Just take my word for it? Hmmm? Not good eh?

No. I am a simple man of a Caribbean origin. I am nothing special. I am a simple nobody...that just happens to like to observe and think about this REALm. This REALity we live in.

That's it. There is no grand mystery. But the most? important one: [Temet Nosce]
That is all that really matters when it is all said and done.

But in the meantime keep doing what you are doing. Walk YOUR path. YOUR path. Follow YOUR passions. YOUR passions.

Do the work, whatever it is that you like to do(WORK = your life work here not the JOB you hold ;) -although sometimes it may cross over and that can be amazing) and of course most importantly enjoy yourself, your friends and your families.

Peace & Love.

Yeah. Just thought I would take some video of the sky that day.
Interesting SKY we have on this planet no?
There is nothing else to say. Just look. See what you see? ;)

The relatively tiny shining beside it is supposedly Jupiter I was told? hm.
I just thought it was a nice clear sky and I thought the Moon looked so photogenic.
Obviously I am not a pro photographer and my phones camera has a lot of light glare action going on with the building lights and with the moon itself. *shrug*

NOTE: I posted this video twice and tried it another way because it seemed bitchute did not want to clear it? *shrug* (so since this one works I deleted the other...because it is the same video) It is a 2 minute 45 second video that took so long to process? Really? tsk. whatever I guess.
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Realm Observing. :)
Still going strong.
RealityMatrix.Net: Believe Nothing Question Everything
August 2010 - August 2022.
Thanks all. Who I have met on this path.
Love you Mother. Rest Well. Aumommy.

Yeah. Just like the ATM with GRAFFITI that had ANTI-PLAN/SCAM/SHAM-DEMIC stuff on it that I showed.
That ATM mysteriously got f*cked up and then replaced with a new one. The small message sticker also RIPPED OFF. heh.
Now....Then the tomato plant I showed the other day here in my last video... gets removed.
Yet, in nearby streets(even ones leading to this one...several steps back)....where other wild weeds are growing in similar locations next to shops as this tomato plant was. Those are untouched but this one I showed gets removed. Hm? heh.
Even if you say they tracked the video. I think I have GPS off...but is it really off when I turn it off. I'm sure they have ways of watching and tracking us.(STREET CAMS etc etc)
But they remove if to say F*CK my consciousness of peace and a wonderful connection with nature and the world.
Anyways...just observing.

Little story behind this.
I think SOMEONE dropped a seed here on their way home from work and forgot about it. So was unsure if they were the ones that did it in the first place. But then on thinking about it? Who else in this city would? IF only by mistake? *shrug*
At the time they were just meditating on how we live on this planet and we are its custodians? WE are hand in hand with mother nature.
Also to note...if I recall correctly the baby tomato was dropped I think...that was the Vitamin c source for lunch at work? Maybe one or two were left over and was being consumed and dropped. I think that is what happened...and now...we have a lil tomato plant growing...I THINK. A lot has happened in our WHIRLD lately and memory is sketchy. A lot of stress, anxiety and pain due to what was wrongly pushed on us by (well if you don't know who by now I am not sure you will ever know? *shrug*) and other major life happenings. Anyway. There we go.


Thanks. I Love you very,very,very,very,very much. Thank you for everything.
Love to all. The answer to all our problems was always.......LOVE.
Peace & LOVE.

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
This is a very powerful video. That goes through many of the things people like me and the other thinkers in the world have known for decades. The system of the 7 main [] CONTROL programs of lies are corrupt. We need to be FREE of it! FAMILY...TRULY FREE!
We get sunlight for free and all the elements for free from PRIME CREATOR. I kept telling people for years when are you going to pay the overdue "suntax" you been getting for free. Air and water. lol
This is ..THE we go! ;)
Thanks for the link "iLL_77i"

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
Well I don't think I need to add much commentary to this do I? :)
Well I could upload a pic here....[ ]

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
I'm a modern man.. a man for the millennium - digital and smoke free. A diversified multicultural postmodern deconstructionist; politically, anatomically and ecologically incorrect.
I've been uplinked and downloaded. I've been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing. I know the downside of upgrading..
I'm a high-tech low-life. A cutting-edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give ya a gigabyte.. in a nano-second.
I'm new waaave, but I'm old school - and my inner child is outward bound. I'm a hot-wired heat-seeking warm-hearted cool customer.. voice activated and biodegradeable.
I interface with my database and my database is in cyberspace.. so I'm interactive I'm hyperactive and from tiime to tiime I'm radioactive..
Behind the eight-ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave, dodging the bullet, pushing the envelope.
I'm on point, on-task, on-message and off drugs.
I got no need for coke and speed, I've got no urge to binge and purge.
I'm in the moment, on the edge, over the top but under the radar. A high concept low profile medium-range ballistic missionary. A street-wise smart-bomb. A top-gun bottom-feeder.
I wear power ties, I tell power lies, I take power naps. I run victory laps.
I'm a totally on-going big-foot slam-dunk rain-maker with a pro-active outreach.
A raging workaholic, a working rageaholic.. out of rehab ..and in denial.
I got a personal trainer, a personal shopper, a personal assistant and a personal agenda.
You can't shut me up, you can't dumb me down. Coz I'm tireless and I'm wireless, I'm an alpha male on beta blockers.
I'm a non-believer and an overachiever. Laid-back, but fashion-forward. Up-front down-home low-rent high-maintainance.
Super-sized long-lasting high-definition, fast-acting, oven-ready and built to last.
I'm a hands-on foot-loose knee-jerk head-case, prematurely post-traumatic and I have a love-child who sends me hate mail.
But I'm feeling, I'm caring. I'm healing, I'm sharing. A supportive, bonding, nurturing primary caregiver.
My output is down but my income is up. I take a short position on the long bond and my revenue stream has its own cash flow.
I read junk mail, I eat junk food. I buy junk bonds, I watch trash sports.
I'm gender-specific, capital intensive, user-friendly and lactose-intolerant.
I like rough sex. I like tough love. I use the F-word in my email and the software on my hard drive is hard-core, no soft-porn.
I bought a microwave at a mini-mall I bought a mini-van at a mega-store.
This is my own perfect transcription - Volound [YT]
PS: Perhaps I will do my own rtanscript and replace Volound's. I thought about when watching this vid again... I may just. ;)

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
So I was going through my old files...organizing, dumping, cleaning. I found this thought I had to download it from you know where and share it here on the cool bitchute.
Gives us a lot to think about no?
~ Aum ~

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
Thanks for the link: "Anonymous Coward" from Italy : Link: [ ]

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
Hm. We shall see what if anything comes of this. But as I said to someone, I have been jaded on the hope, for a long time(since 5 years old once i understand that mad place I been born into) But hope is hope as tiny is it may may end up snowballing into just the change we need to set things off. So to speak. I will redo that my own words...which I like to do. I think a lot of sayings need adjusting...I hope it will set things ON!
Thanks for the link: "Anonymous Coward" from Italy : Link: [ ]

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
Heh. I have been waiting for these days to come. I said it in a post office that this is the year we deal with the "demons" TRUTH > LIES. So what is the point eh? eh? eh? I said. Here we go family. HERE WE GO. The age of Aquarius. Let's GO.
Thanks for the link: "Anonymous Coward" from Italy : Link: [ ]

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
Well well well...I guess that is the response to the graffiti and that sticker on the ATM. heheh
We got some haters? lel
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The machine was also busted as you can see. (since replaced ) but I found it interesting the machine where this anti covid graffiti and sticker were placed, was fucked with. Maybe it is a coincidence but, heh.. you never know eh? Why peel off the sticker? WHY?
Some are (not only programmed) for the side of LIES/DECEPTION/DANCING IN MALICIOUSNESS they are just not of the side of benevolence and TRUTH. I guess?
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I meant to upload this last year when it all happened. But hey better late than never. As I said they have now replaced/repaired it.
So that's that. Just thought I would share it. ;)
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Companion VIDS:


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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
Yup. Classic one...when I saw this years ago it blew my mind. XD That was just the start. Now I have eve more of some (basic) understanding about the idea of these are ancient devices...all all over the place. ;)

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Believe Nothing Question Everything! THINK For Yourself!
I remember seeing this years back....Yeah another interesting bit of info. Ancient Devices & Ancient Structures. mhm. You decide what you think/make of it. ;)


Created 5 years, 3 months ago.

475 videos

Category Education

Believe Nothing Question Everything!: Think For Yourself! Aum.Om.Ohm.
Om. Hari Om. Satnam. Shalom. Ho Tep. Irie Om. Namaste. In Lak'ech Ala K'in.
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