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.....is trying to send your sons to war for i s r e a l ..... WISE UP !!!!!!!

.....ALL that cultural enrichment ..... WOW ......

..... it's how they do their climate change then blame climate change ..... get it ......

....and none of the them can be denied ......include the rest of the west too ........

...... S C A M ....... S C A M .................
.......there's always a scam to gain control .....


....we are NOT alone ...........

....... Acatenango, Guatemala...........

.... the dark force ...............

...at it again .... in plain sight ...... just look ..... FFS america ...... t r u m p and b i d e n ........ nearly as bad as the UK demons in power ...... NEARLY .....

.... for EVERY leader throughout the western world .....

...... who's destroying us ......

..... "D A R R E N" has severe mental issues and should N O T be near c h i l d r e n.....

....the route of ALL evil ...................

......... c h i l d s*t*a*t*c*h*e*r*s* .........

........ they manipulate ........ they'll send yo to your death .......

.... WTF do they think they are .......... the WEF? .......

......... dangerous times indeed ......

l*u*c*u*s* g*a*g*e

...... O*P*T*I*O*N .........

..... get real ..........

.......and he's not the only one saying it ....

..... planned and coordinated over many years ...........

....could be birds ...........

....... keep looking ......there WILL be more I'm sure .........

...are starting to click on .........

..... T R I E D .... ALL the a u t h o r i t i e s are c o r r u p t ....................


Created 5 years, 2 months ago.

4960 videos

Category None

.........on this plane in human form.