Igdaliah Ban Yasharahla

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Igdaliah Ban Yasharahla

Igdaliah Ban Yasharahla


I don't condone to using or selling drugs because it's contrary to the laws of the bible. But it's a fact that edomites use and sell drugs at a higher rate than so called blacks, but so called blacks are 2.7 times more likely to be arrested for drug related offenses. The "war on drugs" was a ploy esau used to destroy so called black families on top of mass incarceration!

Lying ass devils conscience was eating him up, so he had no choice but to come clean. It's inherently in edomites to tell lies! I've said it plenty of times these devils whole existence is based off rob, rape, lies and murder. Edomites are nothing more than fraudulent, lying scumbag weasels, can't wait until the LORD get rid of you pale face fuckers!

Comedian Godfrey says that so called whites hate so called blacks for no reason. Well there is a reason these devils hate so called blacks, latinos & native americans particularly so called blacks is because we're the LORD'S choosen people. And they're jealous of that, that's why the devils persecute and oppress our people so viciously!

The Arab Muslims slave trade, also known as trans-Saharan trade, is noted as the longest slave trade, having occurred for more than 1,300 years while taking millions of Africans (which were really Isrealites) away from their continent to work in foreign lands subject to the most inhumane conditions.

Because of our disobedience towards the LORD we are still until this day exiles in the land of our oppressor. Who created a system of oppression that is strictly designed to keep the Isrealites at the bottom!

Besides being the biggest thief ever known to mankind, Esau is also the heavyweight champion of bloodshed, his blessing is the sword modern day guns, missiles, bombs, drones. And he's used the sword to colonize and kill millions of people!

The war drums are beating, tension will continue to escalate until WW3 goes full blown! This video clearly proves those fake joos in Isreal are NOT the people of the LORD. Once our kingdom is established nations will not learn war anymore as it says in Micah 4:2-3

These so called negro celebrities and you regular jakes out here making excuses for homosexuals and other sins contrary to the bible, the LORD is gonna kill you! The LORD ain't hearing no excuses and he don't give a fuck about your feelings, either you repent and get right or get destroyed, it's just that simple!

Being subject to payments such as cell phone bills, utilities, insurance, etc is a curse us Isrealites are under. Of course the devil Esau makes it no better targeting the neighborhoods our people live in making them pay more than they can afford. Death & destruction to you edomites who continuously oppress Jacob!

You edomites are the most hypocritical, prideful, cowardly scumbags ever. Devils never take no accountability for all the rob, rape & murder you've done throughout the earth. The other nations are calling you devils out on your bullshit! When the LORD destroys you devils, even the other nations are going to rejoice!

Affliction, Persecution, Despair! This video shows the curses the REAL jews would be subject to according to Deuteronomy the 28th chapter

Slave labor is what actually made Amerikkka great. All the benefits you devils enjoy comes off the back of slave labor, facts!! But that was our punishment for disobeying the LORD. So enjoy the little time you have left. The the big payback is coming you devils gone do a double portion of slavery in our kingdom. Now that's reparations!

Men of the LORD been showing proof of what his choosen people really look like, but nobody wanted to listen until Putin showed the world what the people of the LORD really look like. And you edomites are mad as fuck, lol!! Truth is tearing you devils up, so continue to be mad until the LORD burn y'all pale asses up with the nuclear missiles.

I've said it many times before Esau reveals his wicked agendas he wants to accomplish in real life through movies, cartoon, etc. and depopulation is 1 of these devils main goals to usher in their N.W.O. Depopulation is the 1st of their "10 commandments" they have engraved on the georgia guidestones.

These devils try to make it seem like shooting rockets at the solar eclipse is a good thing using quotes saying "Nasa is for all humanity" bullshit! There is always a sinister plan behind everything these devils do. Esau edom the so called white man is TRULY the fucking devil!

Another part of the revised Roman empire here in Amerikkka Babylon the great is the senate which is basically a carbon copy of the ancient Roman gov't based off the plebeians and patricians

Isaiah Hartenstein NBA player for the New York
Knicks, looks like a straight up so called white dude. But his father is a so called black man, which makes him an Isrealite regardless of his outer appearance! and it's just that simple.

Easter is a pagan babylonian ritual where priest would sacrifice babies. They would then take eggs and dip them in babies blood to honor their pagan fertility goddess Ishtar. Easter has no relevance to the passover, which is biblical. And last time I checked a chicken lays eggs, not a dam bunny rabbit.

Rugrats cartoon reenacts the period of when the Isrealites became hellenized under Antiochus Epiphanies. This proves that Esau knows the history of the Isrealites. As I've said before Esau tends to tell some truth about history and future events in cartoons.

Woman in the military says the military made them get chips put in their wrist, and by her taking it she's going to destroyed!! It's just a matter of time before the M.O.T.B is made mandatory. The ONLY people who will resist taking the mark is the elect of Isreal, which I pray earnestly to be apart of! Shalawam to the hopeful elect, praying to be the elect ✊🏾

The truth can no longer be ignored as to what the REAL Jews look like!! Now Putin is talking that universal Christian doctrine, that's not biblical the LORD only cares about his choosen people the Hebrew Isrealites, he don't give a dam about you heathens, especially edomites. And I must reiterate there is no such thing as being "black".

Not only so called blacks, but you so called Latinos and Native Americans also. The so called white man Esau has never been your friend and never will be. No matter how much these devils smile in your face talking them smooth nice words to you, it's all an act, a facade! NEVER trust these edomites or believe anything they say!

Edomite bitch telling bold face lies about getting roughed up by a so called black security guard. These edomite woman throughout history have blatantly lied on so called black men and had them put to death. It's inherently in edomites to speak lies!! These devils are to NEVER be trusted. Can't wait until YAHAWASHI destroy you devils!

Fake joos claim to believe in the Torah (1st 5 books of the bible) which means they should know your lineage is through your father, they believe it's through the mother, false!! Listen to how this fake joo rabbi gets confounded about lineage, puts his wife on the phone to help give an explanation, of course she don't know shit either, lol!

Edomites spent 600k on sand to rebuild eroding beach, just to see it all washed away in 1 day away by a storm, lol! But Esau still thinks nothing devastating will ever happen to them or their belongings, foolish pride!! All you devils that have beach property, nice homes wherever you live, in due time the LORD is gonna destroy all that shit for good!


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

583 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

A Hebrews Isrealite student and teacher, preaching the true gospel of YAHAWASHI BAHASHAM YAHAWASHI. A messenger of The LORD, trying to help seal the hopeful elect out of the 12 tribes of Isreal. Qam Yasharahla ✊🏾

Matthew 3:8 KJV
8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: