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Investigates the arcane reasoning behind the Nazi priority of looting archives and precious books from the headquarters of the French Masonic Obedience in June 14, 1940. After which, by order of the Kremlin, the KGB stole this aberrant loot, which identifies all French Freemasons and hypothetical abstruse secrets held by freemasons.

Paris, June 14, 1940 – German troops parade on the Champs Elysees. The same day, special units loot the headquarters of French Masonic Obedience. By order of Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party theorist, obsessed with the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory, they collect tons of archives and precious books and they ship them to Berlin. The aim is threefold: identifying all French Freemasons, highlighting the anti-fascist political networks and finding a hypothetical esoteric secret held by freemasons. Why Nazis, the day they invaded Paris, made the looting of archives in the two main Masonic lodges one of their main priorities? Why, later on, the powerful KGB decided, by order of the Kremlin, to steal this unusual loot from the Germans? To run the investigation and elucidate the facts, Emmy-award winner Jean-Pierre Devillers will rely on two journalists and a group of freemasons and historians. In particular he will follow the work of American expert Patricia Kennedy Grimsted. This film will bring to light a little known story full of geopolitical drama and esoteric issues…

Aerospace Historian Michael Schratt presents an overview of historic UFO Crash Retrieval Cases on Engaging the Phenomenon podcast. Michael Schratt (private pilot/military aerospace historian) has lectured across the country on the unique subject of "Mystery Aircraft", and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military-industrial complex. Over time, Michael has developed several contacts who have first-hand experience dealing with classified "black programs", including former USAF pilots, retired Naval personnel, and aerospace engineers that have maintained a TOP SECRET SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information) clearance.

Michael Schratt's Links -



Engaging The Phenomenon Links:

Since the early to mid-1980s, there have been an ever-increasing number of UFO reports involving triangular-shaped objects. To many people this seemed like a new development in the field of UFOlogy. Indeed, the majority of UFO sightings that have been documented over the last 50+ years involved a multitude of shapes, sizes, and colors. In comparison to other UFO shapes reported, triangular objects were a relative minority. Marler was amazed to find numerous cases worldwide spanning the last 60+ years that involved triangular-shaped UFOs. He felt it was important to share this material, since many people were dismissing this particular subset of UFO reports as secret military aircraft. These same individuals are erroneously implying that these craft are something relatively new in our skies. He has established that reports of these objects are nothing new and that similar objects have been reported worldwide at least as far back as 1936. Also, that these UFOs have consistently displayed similar physical attributes and flight dynamics that strongly argues against the notion that these are “new” military aircraft. Featured speaker at 2006 MUFON Symposium.

One in this series of science documentaries. This edition examines the stories of ordinary people who claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials. This program includes comments from various scientists, authors, and professors associated with the abduction phenomenon. Highlights and topics discussed include the following, among others: the first report of alien abduction, with a re-enactment of the account, and the way hypnosis generated the full story; author Budd Hopkins on the scientific community's response to these stories; footage of a support group's discussion about abduction tales; the similarity among sketches of aliens; the frequent accounts of body probing; a clip of a hypnotized abductee, whose account becomes increasingly vivid; comments by Harvard Professor of Psychiatry John E. Mack on the results of psychological tests on abductees; astronomer and author Carl Sagan on the absence of physical evidence to support such stories; remarks by Harvard Professor of Physics Paul Horowitz on the type of evidence that abductions and UFO sightings require; Hopkins' investigation into the abduction of two Florida children, and the possible meaning behind their stories and their mother's story; Sagan on the tales' lack of authenticity; the history behind the fascination with aliens; the Hollywood obsession with UFOs, including clips from movies and television shows such as "The Day the Earth Stood Still," "The Outer Limits," "The UFO Incident," "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial," "Intruders," and "Communion"; the rise in abduction accounts following the release of such films; remarks by Professor of Psychology Robert Baker on the integration of abduction into popular culture; the similarity between abductees' drawings and creatures in film and television; Sagan on whether Hollywood movies cause people to fabricate stories; Baker on how goblins and devils of the medieval period are the source of abduction tales, and how abductions occur in the middle of the night; comments by Professor of Neuroscience Michael Persinger on studies scientists perform to find other explanations for abduction stories; the way abduction memories could be implanted in the psyche; Professor of Psychology Elizabeth Loftus on experiments that may prove the implantation of memories through suggestion; Baker on why hypnosis is not a reliable way to retrieve abduction stories; Loftus on whether support groups implant memories; comments by Professor of Sociology Richard Ofshe about the way support groups are strictly controlled by the leader; remarks by Donna Bassett, an infiltrator of support groups, about their questionable legitimacy and the stories she concocted while pretending to be under hypnosis; Mack on why people fake abduction stories; and Sagan on the greatest concerns of scientists, including believers and skeptics alike.

Dr Paul LaViolette at the Secret Space Program Conference 2015, Bastrop TX, reviews the history of T. Townsend Brown’s development of electrogravitic/electrokinetic propulsion technology, through Project Winterhaven, Project Montgolfier, its adoption by the aerospace industry in the 50’s, the catalytic role of the British think tank Aviation Studies Intl. He discloses the existence of advanced gravity-control technologies, under secret military development for decades, that could revolutionize air travel and energy production. Included among the secret projects he reveals is the research of Project Skyvault after WWII, in which Rocketdyne developed an aerospace propulsion system using intense microwave beam propulsion energy for levitating space vehicles, and how this technology works, similar to that used by the strange crafts seen flying over Area 51. He also describes the technology’s final implementation in the highly secret B-2 bomber, covering how the B-2 bomber propulsion technology works. Townsend Brown’s vertical lift thrusters and their implications for space travel is also discussed.

In Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, physicist Paul LaViolette reveals the secret history of antigravity experimentation--from Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown to the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber. Using subquantum kinetics--the science behind antigravity technology--LaViolette reviews numerous field-propulsion devices and technologies that have thrust-to-power ratios thousands of times greater than that of a jet engine and whose effects are not explained by conventional physics and relativity theory. He then presents controversial evidence about the NASA cover-up in adopting these advanced technologies. He also details ongoing Russian research to duplicate John Searl’s self-propelled levitating disc and shows how the results of the Podkletnov gravity beam experiment could be harnessed to produce an interstellar spacecraft.


'Secrets Of Antigravity Propulsion' by Paul LaViolette



Full lecture:

TIMOTHY GOOD, is known for his research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence – the most highly classified subject on Earth. In 1961, after reading a book by Captain Edward Ruppelt, a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer, he began to conduct his own research. Since then, he has amassed a wealth of evidence, including several thousand declassified intelligence documents.

Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization Conference in Amsterdam/Holland, April 3 2011.


'NEED TO KNOW' by Timothy Good

This disturbing Finnish documentary presents people abducted by UFOs describing their traumatic experiences including alleged tests and experiments performed by extraterrestrials. Featuring internationally respected UFO investigators. Produced and directed by Juhan af Grann.

A documentary exploring the existence of UFOs and the possible visit of aliens to Earth at sometime in the past.

John Lear, a distinguished pilot and UFOlogist, discussed specific encounters with UFOs in an interview with investigative journalist George Knapp. Lear talks about alleged abductions by UFOs and government coverups of UFO encounters. 1987 full KLAS TV episode of On The Record featuring John Lear.

Compelling Proof of Alien Existence, Alleged USAF Involvement and an Alien Implant Discovered Accidentally on X-Ray.

The lecture explains in detail how Terry Lovelace and a friend watched an enormous triangular shaped UFO travel from the horizon and stop over their campsite. They were abducted by non-human entities, subjected to painful medical procedures, and suffered injuries at the hands of their captors.

Returning to Whiteman Air Force Base they were interrogated under hypnosis and drugged with sodium amytal by Special Agents from the Office of Special Investigations.

These encounters left him with nightmares, anxieties, and fears. He will share what he recalls from his time inside the craft and descriptions of the alien entities he encountered.

Presented at the 2023 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference

Ozark Mountain Publishing:




In this 1999 interview, William Cooper admits that he believes that he was used to spread misinformation while serving as a Naval Intelligence Briefing Member and that his views on aliens have since changed. He states there is not one shred of evidence that Aliens exist but there are tons of evidence that there is a small group of people that want us to believe that there is a extra terrestrial threat in order to form a New World Order.

The interview was taken in 1999 by Anna Zetchus Smith for her documentary 'The Land of the Lost Story', where she took a coast to coast trip through the US interviewing different truthers about conspiracy theories and the truth behind them.

William Cooper lecture filmed at the Alladin Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2, 1989. In this daring expose’, M.W. “Bill” Cooper turns over ALL the rocks and exposes the secret government for what it really is–a collection of drug-dealing profiteers who prey on the very ones they are sworn to protect and defend, the good citizens of not only our country, but the entire world. During his tour of duty with an intelligence arm of the U.S. Navy, Cooper prepared briefing notes for high-ranking officers of the Pacific Fleet. Shocked and disillusioned by what he saw, Cooper maintained his silence as long as he could. Now the lies and deceit can continue no more.

The Varginha UFO incident was an incident in Varginha, Brazil, in 1996 involving reports of unidentified flying objects and strange creatures (allegedly extraterrestrials) which were supposedly captured by Brazilian officials.

Varginha ET Case - The Whole Story
** This article was originally published in the brazilian “Revista UFO” (UFO Magazine), Special Issue #13, July 1996, edited by CBPDV (Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research) English Translation:

In 1973, two Mississippi Coast men, Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson, claimed they were abducted and examined by aliens in a UFO and returned to the banks of the Pascagoula River. Charles Hickson is the only Abductee that Johnny Carson ever booked on The Tonight Show. Like many people in America, he was shocked by the story of the Pascagoula Alien Abductions and the unbelievable aftermath. Dr J. Allen Hynek and investigated this case which began in 1973 when Charlie Hickson and Calvin Parker were taken aboard a UFO by robotic creatures. After the story was reported to a local law enforcement official, the U.S. Military got involved and their response was as bizarre and troubling as the actual event. This presentation includes an exclusive interview with Charlie Hickson, Charlie's own presentation about the event and interviews with his children, his extremely rare documentary about the case 'In Contact' with an interview with Calvin Parker, interviews with Stanton Friedman (UFO Researcher), Leonard Stringfield (UFO Crash Retrieval Researcher), Dr James Harder (Alien Abductions Researcher), Donald Schmitt (Author and CUFOS Spokesperson), Bill Clendenin (U.S. Navy Ship Identification and Classification), Betty Hill (Abductee), Dr Ted Peters (UFOs and Religion Researcher), and much more!

This documentary puts forth the theory that UFOs are actually beings from another dimension, and reviews past incidents of UFO sightings in support of that theory.

A mini biopic of the Telluride-born, New York-based visionary artist and writer, Ingo Swann, the 'father of remote viewing', the CIA's paranormal spying program - and friend for many years of Philip K. Dick. Ingo's life on the frontier of the paranormal included 'psychic probes' of Jupiter, Mercury, the Moon and Mars, detailing many features that came to be verified years later by NASA. Drawing on new interviews and archive, the film is also an exploration of the nature of reality as perceived via the six senses of the world's most-tested psychic.

I.R.V.A. 2006 - "International Remote Viewing Association" - Conference, Keynote Address.

A fascinating presentation from Ingo Swann, legendary creator of the discipline we now know as remote viewing. Ingo's scope is wide as he tells us of the need to overthrow the old models and ways of thinking about our psychic potential, to get outside our "reality boxes" that stifle our development, preventing us from seeing the bigger picture by keeping us too narrowly focused on smaller ones. Through stories, examples, and sly humor he at turns engages, chastises, and amuses the audience in his quest to lead them from point to point, eventually arriving at a greater realization of who they are and what their real place in the universe might be. Along the way he touches on the (missing) science of consciousness, the holographic universe, Dark Matter, and Sanskrit cosmology in a deeply philosophical exploration of the interpenetration of intuition, and human nature, and universe. Always accessible and down-to-earth, Ingo is at his best, embodying the essence of the practical mystic. Ingo Swann was the discoverer and original developer of the remote viewing protocol. Already a widely-collected artist and an accomplished intuitive, Mr. Swann remote viewed the interior workings of a sophisticated quark detector in the physics department at Stanford University, the report of which attracted the interest of the CIA and led to the founding of the consciousness research program at SRI-International from which the military remote viewing program later sprang. Mr. Swann worked with Dr. Harold Puthoff at the SRI lab to create controlled remote viewing (CRV), which provides the foundation for the majority of remote viewing methods in use today, none of which has been able thus far to surpass it in effectiveness.

Since 1970, Ingo Swann has worked with nearly forty cutting-edge researchers in the fields of parapsychology, psychoenergetics, and super sensitivity perception. He is best known for his long-term association with Dr. H.E. Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute between 1972 and 1988 in the field of remote viewing, work sponsored by intelligence and military agencies. Swann's work carries two consistent hallmarks: high degrees of both statistical and qualitative success, and significant theoretical contributions in the area of super sensitivity knowledge that proved amenable to research and development. Discussions of his work concerning the human species can be found in his extensive website at:

Psychic spies a look at U.S paranormal spying programs

'Remote Viewers'. That was the name of the people that worked in a secret project of the CIA during the 70's years. Using their supernatural talents after weeks or months of training in secret centers of the CIA and US Army, they could detect enemies bases and missiles' locations, among other things. The novelist Jim Schnabel investigates this mystery for know all the truth about It with interviews to ex members of the Remote Viewers and some military implied in the R.V.'s project, discovering the fear and the paranoia what ruled in Cold War's times and the incredible psychic powers what the R.V. had.

Some of the people featured

Sergeant Mel Riley
Remote Viewer, US Army, 1978-1990

Colonel John Alexander
U.S Army Intelligence and Security command 1981-1984

Hal Puthoff
Head of Remote Viewing Program
Stanford Research Institute 1972-1985

Dr Keith Harary
Psychologist and Author SRI Remote Viewer 1980-1982

Ingo Swann
Remote viewer SRI 1972-1989

Are we prepared for dealing with the prospect that humanity is not the end of evolution? Technocalyps is an intriguing three-part documentary on the notion of transhumanism by Belgian visual artist and filmmaker Frank Theys. The latest findings in genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, bionics and nanotechnology appear in the media every day, but with no analysis of their common aim: that of exceeding human limitations. The director conducts his enquiry into the scientific, ethical and metaphysical dimensions of technological development.

This part covers the metaphysical consequences of the new technological revolution. On the one hand scientist start to use metaphysical concepts to describe the impact of their research, on the other hand, a surprisingly large number of scientific projects is inspired by religious aspirations and more and more theologians from any religious or spiritual belief are getting interested in these aspirations of new technology, making the discussion inextricable complex.

Are we prepared for dealing with the prospect that humanity is not the end of evolution? Technocalyps is an intriguing three-part documentary on the notion of transhumanism by Belgian visual artist and filmmaker Frank Theys. The latest findings in genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, bionics and nanotechnology appear in the media every day, but with no analysis of their common aim: that of exceeding human limitations. The director conducts his enquiry into the scientific, ethical and metaphysical dimensions of technological development.

Part 2 advocates and opponents of a transhuman future are weighed against each other; prognoses are done when we can expect the transhuman revolution and how people are preparing for it already now.

Are we prepared for dealing with the prospect that humanity is not the end of evolution? Technocalyps is an intriguing three-part documentary on the notion of transhumanism by Belgian visual artist and filmmaker Frank Theys. The latest findings in genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, bionics and nanotechnology appear in the media every day, but with no analysis of their common aim: that of exceeding human limitations. The director conducts his enquiry into the scientific, ethical and metaphysical dimensions of technological development.

Part 1 gives an overview of recent technological developments (biogenetics, artificial intelligence, robotics, implants, nanotechnology,…) and prognoses made by leading scientists about the impact of these developments in the near future.

This documentary explores psychic phenomena such as ESP, psychic healing, and psychokinesis, as well as other phenomena including Kirlian photography, cryonics, and the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

UFOs: Past, Present, and Future is a 1974 documentary film that examines several prominent UFO sightings from the post-war to contemporary era. It was re-released in 1976 and 1979 under the title UFOs: It Has Begun to coincide with renewed interest in the subject due to the release of Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It is based on the book UFOs: Past, Present, and Future by Robert Emenegger.

The film is narrated by Rod Serling, Burgess Meredith, and José Ferrer. Serling and Meredith had previously worked together on The Twilight Zone.[3] The 1979 re-release features commentary by noted UFOlogist and astronomer Dr. Jacques Vallée. The film uses dramatizations, interviews with government officials and scientists, and selected footage to provide context for UFO sightings, both ancient and contemporary.

This film opens with:

"What you are witnessing is based on fact. Some will find it fascinating, some will find it frightening: but it is all true."...

It is the late twentieth century. Without warning, giant silver ships from deep space position themselves in the skies above every major city on Earth. The arrival of the Overlords brings with it many years of a utopian existence on Earth with the aliens only indirectly ruling over man. However, mankind’s notions of individuality and human culture may be at stake. Some humans are suspicious of the Overlords' benign intent, as they never visibly appear. The Overlords will reveal themselves in 50 years, when humanity will have become used to their presence.

In 1953 Childhood’s End became the first successful novel of British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, who would go on to become a legend in the field, most notably for 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968.

Childhood’s End PDF Book by Arthur C. Clarke (1953)

Streamed live on Monday, June 12, 2023. The event featured whistleblowers, locations of illegally operated UFO projects and corporations. Plans for a civilian initiated RICO (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization) lawsuit against illegal military and corporate projects was announced and outlined. Spotlighted were the legal implications of filing a RICO lawsuit on behalf of those wronged by the actions of the “corrupt entities that have been controlling the UFO issue.” During the event, some of the cataloged 119 crash/retrieval events of extraterrestrial vehicles were summarized and presented.

New Whistleblower Testimony

Michael Herrera, U.S. Marine Corps: Western Indonesia Craft & Secret Paramilitary Encounter 2009 (1:05:40)

Steven Digna Jr., U.S. Army: Black Diamond Craft Encounter & Abduction 2000-2001, V-Block Craft Witness (1:24:40)

D.C. Long, U.S. Army: Hovering Granite Slab in Underground Facility at Fort Bragg 2010 (1:46:40)

Eric Hecker, Raytheon Contractor: South Pole Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory Light Array (2:00:40)


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

293 videos

Category News & Politics

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