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When we last had occasion to deal directly with those behind this plot, it was within a conference type situation. At that time, they were informed that there was full awareness of what their plan was set to accomplish.
They were told that it was a futile attempt, but it was their choice to continue on in their chosen path. Inasmuch as freewill is the loose cannon of the Universal plan for evolvement, there was nothing we could do. Now it has reached the point at which their plan is indeed a threat, not that it could ever fulfill their desired goal of a negative universe/galaxy. It can however create unimaginable chaos. Do not take this information lightly. It is indeed a serious situation.
This is not the fault of the inhabitants of Earth, it is just that this was the planet with the consciousness and physical manifested body type to fit the most ideal criteria for their plan. This is not the first time they have tried to overwhelm your planet to use it and humans for this purpose. It was a long time ago in your sequential counting. They were far advanced then in their technological gadgetry, but did not understand humanity, which allowed them to be repulsed. Unfortunately humanity chose to use force to do so and in that way buried within their psyche the belief that force was the way to solve any encroachment upon their perceived freedom.

In a way, it married you to them through this perception.

This time, they believe that the earlier error in understanding their foe will not be repeated, for they have studied you well. Every weakness is known and is being exploited for their purposes. However, their focus was upon inducing your cooperation rather than resisting them until it is too late for you to do so. They carefully laid plans to overwhelm you both sensually and physically. In particular, they have emphasized safety over adventurous risk except within military paradigms. So you have insurance for all risky portions of your regimented life.
You have your addictive paycheck system to depend upon, along with Social Security. (Notice it is always capitalized right along with your references to God. Even omnipresent Satan Claus is capitalized.)
MUSIC: Hero Theme - by MK2, Last Warrior - by Night One Beats. *FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

The charade of "natural" weather continues. We are living within a weather simulation of enormous proportions, and their effort to conceal the rising of the temperatures and the global natural weather collapse Now, since California is on the coast (as opposed to inland where the majority of WV Gen exists) and at the beginning of the continental manufactured weather cycle, it requires a different approach - to attempt to drive artificial precipitation there.

Surely you've heard the term "Pineapple Express" recently from Al Roker or any of the other TV "Meteorologists." Just like "Polar Vortex," this new cover-term provided to the talking heads is supposed to explain why the only precipitation that California ever sees anymore comes from an inexplicable straight-line stream that just 'materializes' from the Hawaiian Islands area. As always, in reality it is easily observable Water Vapor Generation, but with some unique features in the open ocean.--WW101. *Most Credit of this video goes to WeatherWa101 and Team (in their memory). FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

IN CHILE "WILD FIRES" ARE OUT OF CONTROL. Why do people think going to sleep at night and waking up to THOUSANDS OF acres burned in instant-fire, is a natural event? To be sure – it is not, and as always GOES satellite and Nexrad Radar illustrate that reality. Once again we have afire erupting from nowhere and blowing AGAINST the Jet-stream and prevailing natural wind direction, and once again the “meteorologists” say nothing at all. "Wild Fires" (Cloud Condensation Nuclei) Smoke helps in the creation of artificial weather creation because the water molecules adhere better to the ashes particles than to the CHEMTRAILS. "Wild Fires" are going to continue worldwide as desperate effort to cover up the Natural Weather Collapse.

Yet another example of man-made weather disaster being blamed on “Mother Nature.”

WW101. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

The human body and awareness are being deliberately overwhelmed physically, psychologically and magnetically. The majority of humanity fails to understand that unseen forces surrounding them are affecting their ability to survive. These are hidden within the “modern” conveniences powered by alternating electrical current; through radio, television, and many other low frequency emanations that now alter the individual’s and the planet’s magnetic fields to an unimaginable degree. Just as human scientists experiment using what are considered “lesser species” with little concern for their suffering and death in the name of “scientific advancement,” so also is humanity considered a lesser species to be used in like fashion. “You” are being used in exactly that way with the full knowledge and participation of those humans who believe themselves a part of the controlling hierarchy. These misguided humans are under the direct supervision of those beings that desire to continue to control this planet and others. The evolving conscious awareness of humanity has again evolved to a level that is considered dangerous. There are many that are now aware of this very real outside influence through the history revealed in the artifacts that were not destroyed or hidden, and by reaching logical conclusions about the sightings of various space craft as well as interaction with their occupants. These interactions have been both face to face and telepathic. The evidence indicates the presence of outside powers trying to continue the long standing control of Earth and its solar system. There are also those that are a positive presence hoping to be of assistance to an awakening humanity that must be willing to take on the responsibility for determining its own future in order to receive this available help. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

The cycles shift at higher levels as the "heavenly bodies" (observable in the night sky, which is nearly impossible because of artificial lighting), all moving in cycles reach points for repetition to begin. This indicates ending and beginning within the conceptualization of finite thinking that is confined to the lower realms of dimensional experience. Each cycle may be thought of as a portion of a breathing process allowing for a rest period or at time spent at the zero point of balance before the shift.
The zero (rest) point is the point at which each manifested creation partakes of an energy "feeding" process, or a gathering of new energy before it moves into the new cycle.
It is this available energy that the devious ones plan to utilize combining it with the separated soul energy they plan to gather. They perceive this will supply an additional over unity boost to bring about their planned shift from positive to negative.
They also perceive that the control they are exerting will be accepted as the balance necessary for the energy transfer to occur at the resting point of the cycle shift. Magicians assume that their tricks are accepted as real by observers caught up in the process. Unfortunately for them, they are the ones caught up in their own deception. The creator and the creation do not observe the darkness of deception for all thoughts and plans are known. Glaring reasons that humanity as it now experiences cannot in this moment exist in the higher dimensions are that thoughts and emotions are available to be read by all. Deception is impossible because intentions are fully known. This brings personal responsibility as the basis for higher dimensional experience into the light of logical understanding. Individuals sharing the same dimensional experience screen out harmonious thought to allow balanced group experience. Focused thoughts are known and then what you call mental telepathy eliminates the need to slow the vibratory rate to vocalize thoughts.
Since all at this level are consciously aware that their shared intention is participating in their return trip to the source of their own creation, the transition is not fraught with difficulty.
Are their deviations? Of course, but normally these are worked through in a supportive environment. It is rare that an individual must be returned to a lower dimension.
As you begin to understand a larger picture of this point in the history of your planet and the segment of humanity that now resides on it, you can pinpoint your own experience within the scenario. If indeed you are a volunteer who has placed itself in a lower dimensional experience in order to assist the individuals trapped there, then it hardly seems fair that you must be bound by the confines of that dimension.
Unfortunately that is how it works. However, it was understood when you volunteered to do this, there would be a point that you would be fully reminded who and what you are and of the agreement you made.*Full interview of Billy's Meier's Prophecy - Coast To Coast AM with Georgy Noory, in yt. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

God is not a focus of personality – individual thought processes or a benevolent creator separate from you. God is the combination of the focus of all Its parts coalesced into the composite of all. Each awareness is blocked from being a part of that composite until each realizes that it is a part of this composite. Being told that it is, means nothing at all. It is the realization that one’s self is a viable part of that composite that encompasses the totality of the being, that is what “becoming” is all about. One must become that reality and realize it is a viable aspect of the totality of God and that its input to that reality is the truth of who they are. It is not a mental realization, but one that registers total agreement within the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels of the total self. In other words, the spiritual aspect that focuses each into manifested reality finally gets the message through to the rest of its focus that is walking around in the body. The body must register this understanding through the totality of its brain-nervous system resulting in what is called a realization that then registers as a sudden feeling sensation accompanied by an all encompassing understanding. It allows for a total change in perception with regard to the self and how this self fits into the composite picture of experience. This results in a change in the perception of “God’’ which suddenly allows for an understanding that “God” equates to cosmic/galactic citizenship rather than a father/child relationship. It is a shift from “being or experiencing as powerless” to the awesome responsibility of being a contributing portion to the totality of what constitutes “God” or the creative energy of potentiality being focused into experience in order that it can be defined and understood. When viewed from the larger perspective, the deceptions as perpetrated on the human race of this planet are so totally illogical that it is quite amazing that so few humans have figured out the truth. Granted, many when they are first introduced to the possibility that they have been deceived, immediately resonate with the idea and begin to contemplate its possibility and arrive at the truth of its probability. However, those that cling to the deceptions with tenacity are in the overwhelming majority. It is therefore to be anticipated that much chaos will be experienced before a mathematical coefficient of beings making the realization/change of consciousness is reached to bring about a shift in the future experience on this planet. It is then to be anticipated that the planet itself may or may not be able to survive the abuse that is being loosed upon it.. a large number of “responsible Earth citizens” must request this help to save the planet first and the citizenry second. The requests now are being made more on a personal salvation basis than from the larger picture which automatically includes the personal aspect.

In the Lateline t.v. show interview, the entity David Keith said the truth about the damage done to the natural weather, rising of temperatures, ocean's acidification, CO2, Methane - the full interview with David Keith was erased in youtube due to pressure and intimidation by psyops cyber terrorists. The global cyber spyop operations keep the masses occupied and misdirected with "climate change " movement, the "HAARP community", Flat Earth movement, Ops Chemtrails, Geoengineering community, etc. and they have infiltrated "the Truth" movement to continue to silence this reality -the natural weather collapse, and keep away the people from the truth and real issues. Dr. Bell Deagle knows about Bioengineering - the Transhumanism agenda, the re-wiring of the human body with toxic chemicals, unknown elements, heavy metals, human's plasma, etc., but he also knew or knows about Geoengineering - the creation of artificial weather to cover up the collapse of the collapse of natural water cycle. Dr. Deagle believes that geoengineering isn't used to reflect the sun's rays into space due to global warming but to create and control the artificial weather. Reflecting the sun's rays into space or dimming the sun to cool off the planet isn't new either, and since 2018 they have officially made the propaganda of dimming the sun to cool off the planet - with the financial "help" of Bill Gates. Now, Dane Wigington in his interviews and conferences says only part of the truth, why? because he only blames Geoengineering (the main focus are the chemtrails) for the damage done to the "natural weather" and forget about the Wet Surface Air Coolers and NEXRADS; but he also doesn't mention that geoengineering and bioengineering were introduced at least 60 years ago to cover up the damage done to the natural Weather due to oil, coal and atomic tests detonations. Sadly, Dane Wigington sold his soul to the "devil" and has become a gatekeeper distracting the public with "chemtrials law suits". The "weather" Bigger picture - food shortages, planetary water shortage, the planet drying up due to the rising of the temperatures. People better learn survival skills because they will need them in the near future. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

The cover-up of the Collapse of the Natural Weather continues, and the dark controllers will take any measures to distract people to prevent them from finding out. The gatekeepers and the controlled opposition have done a great job of keeping the masses of people divided and confused with false narratives and false realities, so that they can drop the ball. Farmers will be impacted by natural weather catastrophe. People will experience, little by little, food shortages and rising of prices(the usurpers are using the shortage of food as a weapon to control countries though). By creating false flags and proxy wars, while the suppression of the natural weather collapse continues, the human pawns and dark controllers work towards the totalitarian alien New World Order. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

We all breathe nanobots, fibers, bacteria, and horrible unknown elements that rain down from the chemtrails by planes and unidentified flying objects. Chemtrails are the consequence of killing plants, trees (trees are drying up in large numbers) and contaminating water with heavy metals such as aluminum, etc.,and beetles are the cover story and have nothing to do with it (another false distraction and reality to keep people confused and entertained). Also, as you may know, Bioengineering is an extension of geoengineering for the creation of artificial weather, and to hide the collapse of Natural Weather; but Bioengineering is also used for the transformation of the human body - the agenda of Transhumanism or Singularity. This agenda of Transhumanism, as you may observe, has been here for several decades - without your permission or consent. The main purpose of Plandemic was and is to give the planet a break from CO2 emissions. But, the Plandemic comes to put the last touches on the agenda of Transhumanism with vaccines, frequencies such as 5G, etc. which will re-arrange the nanobots,fibers,unknown elements in sequence to codify, control, manipulate, etc. the "new human". The evil manifested ones have no intention of redirecting their dark plans against humanity, and their evil plans are of total control and "eternal" slavery of every human being. *FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

"This is the most important issue in modern history. The new catchphrase is "Polar Vortex, Nor'easter, Atmospheric river, "etc. Unfortunately they won't tell you that its their vortex among many that are used to raise the humidity to absurd levels, (100% here in Minnesota during the last 4 snow storms and that's not an exaggeration) The place on the map known as Dryden (ironic name really) is used to "vortex" the available moisture and then its basically rammed at us via the ELF and Chemtrail jets that relentlessly spray our skies with poison and moisture enhancing chemicals. This is not the only one I and several others have identified, these vortexes seem to be everywhere, especially near Reservations."-- AstroCode MusicWater@WW101. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

The long stream of plasma generated by NEXRADS (Next Generation Radars / Doppler Radars ) to control,stir and dump the water in the desired target, combine with the evident massive chemtrailing and the continues artificial precipitation (coming out from Wet Surface Air Coolers in the form of Rapid Water Vapor to fuel these extreme weather patterns), will be developed into the systems the so-called "meteorologists" will be warning us tomorrow. Imagine what the heterodyne frequency, plasma and the atmosphere ionization bursts/beams by NEXRADS are doing to the people and all living organisms- pure evil. Who is it that decides the people of this country and this planet don't have the right to know their weather is purposefully manipulated on a continental and global scale?
Who decides this massive and continuous operation is legal yet must kept secret from the public?
Who is it that subjects all of Humanity to meteorologist after meteorologist proclaiming what a 'mystery' this decade of manufactured weather has been, as community after community is intentionally drowned, blown, or washed away?
The People need to stop accepting endless diversions and rhetoric, and start finding out who actually controls their reality and perception of it. Music: Manowar - warriors of the world, and Audiomachine & GRV music - Guardians of freedom. Tercer Milenio 360. *FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

Geoengineering and Bioengineering: artificial weather creation and control. Telling people that what they can see with their own eyes every day simply ‘doesn’t exist,’ is the number one method of keeping people ignorant. When trying to convince people that these visibly manufactured waves that appear from nowhere are somehow “natural” fails miserably, bombarding them with bot comments declaring they aren’t seeing what they are looking at – is the last resort. As recently illustrated around here, the “flat earther” bots use this psyop tactic – a lot.
However, just as is the case with Daily Water Generation (Rapid Evaporation), these artificial waves are just as easy to observe, and are just as easy to prove. Once one understands what is looking at, and how these waves strategically combine to create sever weather conditions, it as easy to see as boiling water is.
So, once again while the population is desperately distracted by manufactured and fomented race war, in social media, for example Twitter's fake realities and molded opinions and consciousness leading to "mental disfunction" to blind people from the truth, and any other daily misdirection the can come up with – THIS is the reality they desperately hope the population doesn’t catch on to. If the population comes to understand that they live in a manufactured matrix of "man-made" weather destruction, this would be the number one topic on the Planet Earth. The controlled MSM media do the rest by providing the grease of the deceptions and lies to keep the people dormant and stupefied. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

Mother Nature and "God" have nothing to do with it, neither your government. Whether is a tornado, a flood, rain, hurricane, light or heavy hail, light or heavy snowstorms, winter(s), use the same elements of geoengineering and bioengineering. On Wednesday and Thursday, entirely unnecessary and entirely manmade wholesale destruction and (God forbid) death is once again going to be intentionally incited on the United States.
Last week the umpteenth Psyop Sock named “Bogus” “Sky” posted half a dozen comments and sent me email, repeatedly ‘suggesting’ that I should STOP my research, STOP posting videos, and STOP informing people of the reality of what is happening to them and their planet. The supposed “concern” of this Fake Human being - was that If THE PEOPLE KNEW THE TRUTH, THEY WOULD “FREAK OUT.” This imitation human suggested it would be ‘better’ if they didn’t know and to just ‘enjoy the time we have left,’ instead of informing people of the truth.This is what these despicable remnants of "human beings" consistently do to keep the people of this planet from ever knowing what is happening to them. Ensuring the destroyers(by the mandate of "their" cruel blood thirsty"GOD") keep destroying, ensuring that people keep dying, ensuring the perpetrators are not held responsible, and ensuring the masses stay stupid, is quite literally their job.
If these tactics are intended to be ‘discouraging,’ let me assure you – the effect is exactly the opposite. All it does is prove to me just how right I am, just how singularly important this work is, and just how singularly positioned I am – to engage and expose this vile charade.
I recognize this country, as being under attack... and this country is obviously not alone. A couple of weeks ago there was a tornado in India of all places, and my body of work illustrates very clearly that almost every other country on the planet is under exactly the same attack. None of these destructive weather events are natural in anyway (in fact they all take tremendous deliberate effort to create), meaning the destruction and death is just as deliberate. Everyone on this planet needs to realize – that we are all under the same attack, and that we all must unite to expose this foundational and all-encompassing Crime Against Humanity.
This one issue crosses all geographic boundaries, all religions, all races, all political ahliations, and unites – us all. No democrat and republican, who actually understand this issue, could possibly be at odds on it. No Black person and White person, who actually understand this issue, could possibly be at odds on it. No Christian and Muslim, who actually understand this issue, could possibly be at odds on it. All would be united in their rage and fury... surely this is the only thing the destroyers truly fear.-WW101 *FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

OMICRON's Infiltrated Extraterrestrials. The WHO jumped from Delta to Omicron (Ο uppercase, ο lowercase) is the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. And it has the value 70 in Greek numbers. The letter omicron took its root from the Phoenician letter ayin (ayn or ain), which was shaped like a circle. And it meant "eye" in the Phoenician language. The Phoenician letter gave rise to Latin and the Cyrillic letter "O" as well. The casesensitive omicron is used only in mathematics. The omicron is also known as the little O. Part of the deception is this: "That this group of negative extraterrestrials come from the star system called Omicron Andromedae"(but is lie because Andromidians are of positive intent descendants of the Lyrans, where the human race originated, related to the true white race- Hellenes / Greeks; the Andromideians are in battle with the shapeshifters of Orions/Draco/ EBootes, and their battling starships can be seen close to Saturn's orbit or near the Sun), but it has to do more with the constellation Orion, espclifically the Red Star- Rigel, and the constellation Draco and EBootes. As you may know these evil extraterrestrials from the Red star Rigel, Draco and EBootes are in alliance (reptilian/ draco / tall gray beings) against Humanity, the Galactic Counsil, Creation and the Creator. Satan's seed (aka chosen people) or hybrids run the show on earth and hate humanity to the core, in particular they despise the white race the you can see, they use a lot of Greek symbolism to decieve the masses of people and paint the Greeks as "evil or bad"(call Greeks history as "MYTHS or Legends:), yet they have appropriated culturally the Greeks and Semite( Jesus Christ's race -- descendant of the Star Son Shem / Noah, the direct descendants of Adam, the father of the Semite white race- nothing to do with jewish/ hebrew/ khazar hybrids) ideas, what an irony.The solution lies in the ability of Earth’s evolved human residents to lay claim to their planet by their own recognizance, for unknown to them, theirs is the first right of refusal. Colonization by outsiders is only possible through their permission, in this case by default through ignorance of their own ability to claim it and for the most part ignorance that they are a colony at all. Considering the carefully documented historical evidence of alien presence on this planet for millennia that is now available in print and the myriad of “UFO” sightings, how this foreign presence goes without understanding is illogical and beyond comprehension by all outside observers. It is as though earthlings aretotally fixated on continuing to accept slavery and control, except for those few upon which the hope of the survival of humanity and the planet now depends. “May the force be with you!FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. A'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

It is an undeniable truth that the current pattern of use and abuse of the planetary resources will lead to the end of its ability to sustain life forms. The human body and awareness are being deliberately overwhelmed physically, psychologically and magnetically. The majority of humanity fails to understand that unseen forces surrounding them are affecting their ability to survive. These are hidden within the “modern” conveniences powered by alternating electrical current; through radio, television, and many other low frequency emanations that now alter the individual’s and the planet’s magnetic fields to an unimaginable degree.
Just as human scientists experiment using what are considered “lesser species” with little concern for their suffering and death in the name of “scientific advancement,” so also is humanity considered a lesser species to be used in like fashion. “You” are being used in exactly that way with the full knowledge and participation of those humans who believe themselves a part of the controlling hierarchy. These misguided humans are under the direct supervision of those beings that desire to continue to control this planet and others. The evolving conscious awareness of humanity has again evolved to a level that is considered dangerous. There are many that are now aware of this very real outside influence through the history revealed in the artifacts that were not destroyed or hidden, and by reaching logical conclusions about the sightings of various space craft as well as interaction with their occupants. These interactions have been both face to face and telepathic. The evidence indicates the presence of outside powers trying to continue the long standing control of Earth and its solar system. There are also those that are a positive presence hoping to be of assistance to an awakening humanity that must be willing to take on the responsibility for determining its own future in order to receive this available help.
Humanity has itself blocked the answer to its long standing cry for relief from enslavement by the outside forces, because it has been educated to ask for its “rescue” to come from an unknowable being that is in actuality a part of the controlling forces. Deception for control has been very successful for thousands of years. “Worship your controller” has been the ploy.Mankind has very little time left to wake up to this strategy and cooperatively agree that it is time to end this charade once and for all.Those who would assist must be a group that is willing to research and prove to itself beyond a shadow of a doubt the truth of this astounding pronouncement of the global situation. It must realize that humanity has to create its own future or remain in the circumstances of terrible slavery that are planned for them.
Both the positive and negative forces that are focused on this planet are aware that multiple cycles are culminating in this time sequence which will be to the advantage of either humanity or its colonizers, depending upon which one has the support of the overall planetary consciousness. This support can be either passively or actively understood. It can therefore be readily understood that if humanity does not make a clear choice to own this planet for itself, it is passively supporting continued enslavement and giving away its natural resources for the use of others rather than for itself. Rich mineral reserves have been transported from this planet and others in this solar system for thousands of years to enrich the lives of beings that have failed to steward their own planetary resources wisely. Reports of large “mother ships” are true and they are present for that purpose.
It is time for humanity to wake up and people to come together in the understanding that they are wise enough to control their own destiny and ask for help to “help themselves for the highest and best good for all concerned.” That is a prayer that can be affirmatively answered! Until such time as humans can prove themselves to be cooperative and nonaggressive toward their benevolent neighbors, all help will be given indirectly: that is these beings will not walk among you until it is safe for them to do so. The help that can be offered will be very effective, but it must be asked for and accepted as assistance and not as rescue. A victim, be it individual or a planetary mass consciousness, has not evolved to a level of responsibility that warrants assistance. A victim consciousness must move through the need to look outside of itself and instead look at its own choices to find the cause(s) of its imperfect situation. Freewill is the freedom to choose, and all continuously choose, even if it is to choose not to choose. Music -The Art of Noise.*This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S.Copyright law

The days ahead do not look bright for those of you in the USA. The dark plans appear to be coagulating into form as they have been planned. The light workers are the focus of “God.” as you have chosen to name the outplay of creative energies that bring into being galaxies, solar systems, planets and individualized awareness to acknowledge and experience these manifestations.
These now begin their work in earnest. Indeed each individual awareness has within that creative energy that is theirs to acknowledge and to know personally. It is the focus of that subtly powerful energy that is who each really is. It appears to be apart from the personality/ego that is capable of comprehending the understanding of the concept of it. It is the “becoming” of this apparently larger than life beingness that is the difficult accomplishment. Yet, there is “no other God.”
That which each is in this larger reality is the only doorway to understanding the concept of what is called God.
God is not a focus of personality: individual thought processes or a benevolent creator separate from you. God is the combination of the focus of all Its parts coalesced into the composite of all. When viewed from the larger perspective, the deceptions as perpetrated on the human race of this planet are so totally illogical that it is quite amazing that so few humans have figured out the truth. Granted, many when they are first introduced to the possibility that they have been deceived, immediately resonate with the idea and begin to contemplate its possibility and arrive at the truth of its probability.
However, the numbers that cling to the deceptions with tenacity are in the overwhelming majority. It is therefore to be anticipated that much chaos will be experienced before a mathematical coefficient of beings making the realization/change of consciousness is reached to bring about a shift in the future experience on this planet. It is then to be anticipated that the planet itself may or may not be able to survive the abuse that is being loosed upon it. To enable more help from the galactic citizenry to assist in this situation, a large number of “responsible earth citizens” must request this help to save the planet first and the citizenry second.
The requests now are being made more on a personal salvation basis than from the larger picture which automatically includes the personal aspect.
Freewill is the freedom to choose, and all continuously choose, even if it is to choose not to choose. There are always forces willing to make choices for those unwilling to make their own. It is time for humanity to make its own choices. MUSIC: Boris Brejcha- AfterLife (unreleased) and Reflekt - need to feel loved. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

"How did Tennessee flooding downpour fall so fast?"--Yahoo news. "There Will Be Plenty of Rain, Snow, and Ice This Winter"--- According to the Farmers' Almanac. There is no mystery of why the Tennessee flooding downpour fall so fast since the Rapid Water Vapor Bursts were cut off and NEXRAD turned off; it can be sunny and hot one minute, and next minute cold or raining or vice-versa, suddenly. The intention was to dump the water in Tennessee, otherwise they will dump it some where else. About the Farmers Almanac predicting "plenty of rain, snow, and Ice this winter" is because they are creating "wild fires" almost every where on the planet to mix the tiny particles of ashes (Cloud Condensation Nuclei) with the water droplets from the Wet Surface Air Coolers from power plants. Add to that the plans of geoengineers entities like David Keith that that since 2018 introduced substances into the stratosphere to reflect back sunlight into space. Bill Gates is also trying to play "god" with the Earth and all living organisms by cooling off the plant with nano particles since chemtrails no longer work (neither oil/coal/nuclear detonations/ and all kinds of toxic elements). They are rushing to cover up the damage done to the planet's natural precipitation cycle and natural weather, and for that reason, they created the plandemic (they probably will create the perfect false flag for a nuclear war, to distract the audience and get rid off at least 2 billion people, not the 7/8 as the predict) but at the same time to rush their Transhumanism agenda. They do not leave the planet alone to recuperate slowly but surely from all the use and abuse from humans and "non-humans", but they prefer to play "god" to continue experimenting with all life forms. One of the most disgusting things about the delusion we are being forced to live in, is the amount of people who are willing to betray their planet, their fellow man, and the species to keep the population ignorant of the truth. These people, who don’t think we have the right to understand what has happened to the Earth, who don’t think we have a right to know why a different community gets washed away every day, and who don’t think our lives and property have any value, also think they have the right to terrorize and silence any who dare to understand the truth.

For ten years these people have used every conceivable sleazy tactic to defame, defund, dismiss, and disappear me and this work, and it always – leads back to the same place. My viewers know very well – I don’t say anything I can’t prove. Dane Wigington & Co. have been attacking me, lying about me, and doing everything imaginable to discredit me, for one very obviously reason… they want to suppress the truth of this work. The fact that Dane Wigington still has that overwhelmingly proven false “Cooling Tower” document on his site, proves it all by itself.

In this video (and I’ve shown it numerous times before), I show a patent for equipment and an application for water vapor generation, that Dane Wigington says doesn’t exist. The equipment for this patented application is installed at 62,500 Power Plants around the world, can viewed in action conducting the patented application every single day, can be viewed on GOES satellite and Nexrad radar every single day, and Dane Wigington calls the recognition of that reality “ridiculous,” and “not worth debunking.”--WW101 and Team. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

The "Weather extremes" and destruction are not the act of "god" or "mother Nature," neither your government or your military, neither the governments of the world doing this to the people; only few people within your government and the military know about it, and they are bought or sold their souls to the "devil" for a dollar. There are different levels of control in your planet: the evil perpetrators, human pawns, and oil/coal energy barons are covering up the serious damage done to the Natural Precipitation Water Cycle and Natural Weather - the slow rising of the temperatures and the dry conditions which can't be hidden anymore. They know geoengineering and bioengineering does not work, but they are using it as a weather weapon and and for the Transhumanism or Singularity ( their priority). All the distractions and entertainment have the purpose of covering up the bitter reality... like we said -it can not be hidden any longer, and the planet is getting dry day by day because they continue using oil/coal as energies and geoengineering, they also are abusing indiscriminately the Life Force (orgone) of the planet to create clouds (as and natural precipitation water cycle because geoengineering no longer works). BEWARE OF CONTROLLED OPPOSITION,GATEKEEPERS AND USEFUL IDIOTS WHICH PERMEATE SOCIAL MEDIA WITH FALSE INFORMATION, DISINFORMATION AND MISINFORMATION, DELIBERATELY, TO KEEP THE THE SHEEPLE AWAY FROM THE TRUTH AND REALITY -CONFUSE AND DIVIDED, IN ANY ISSUE. The most obvious gatekeepers is the controlled MSM. *FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

It’s been a pretty astonishing few weeks, hasn’t it. As I’ve said before, there are really only two or three kinds of actual “news” stories on TV these days. ‘News’ reports on which is the latest community to get washed or blown away, ‘news’ reports on what sensitive social issue is being exploited to foment protest and uprising, and ‘news’ about what coordinated cookie-cutter terrorist operation to foment fear and division, are the only real ‘news’ events on the news. Ironically, all three are also manufactured and could also really be considered ‘one thing,’ but everything else on the news is straight manufactured sideshow and diversion… including this excruciating-to-watch presidential contest. If the media or anyone where paying attention, they would be aware that “Twitter consensus” on anything at all – is not a real thing. There are 65 million Twitter users in the United States, 310 million users Worldwide, yet there are 1.2 billion registered accounts on Twitter. That’s 900 million Twitter accounts worth of “artificial population” to create any desired ‘imaginary’ social medial consensus or ‘outrage’ imaginable, and we watch exactly that happen every single day. Every day, there is suddenly some massive trend over some issue, flooded with hundreds of tweets a minute, or some tweet getting thousands of retweets, and media just accepts it as genuine.

That’s how the conversation and focus in this country has so suddenly spiraled downward at an alarming rate. This “Lowest Common Denominator” conflict this country (and the world) is deliberately embroiled in is entirely social media driven. Go on Twitter and pick any controversial subject… particularly about race or religion. Ever seen such horrific vitriol, hate, and threats streaming at a rate of dozens of tweets a minute before? I have: The other reality staring everyone in the face (which is also a gigantic deception is of course), is this manufactured weather reality. All month I’ve heard nothing but “heat Dome” and “Monsoon,” and it just sounds like a giant clown convention. We still haven’t established (because no real meteorologist will speak) – do these people actually look at the radar and satellite imagery they are reading forecasts for? They certainly aren’t making the forecasts themselves (since they all parrot the same script), but do they ever bother to even look? Nothing they say matches the reality right in front of them, and they all pretend that what they are and what they are doing – is real. To say it is a surreal experience to watch this stage play, would be putting it mildly. ---WeatherWar101 by MERH's team. MUSIC: Massive Attack-Angel. Scorpions- Wind of Change / Angel. *FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

Comets are observed in astronomy with ordinary infrared telescopes. To me, the comets have four states, in which it can be found in the sky as we observe it. The first detection of a comet with a telescope is manifested by seeing the comet between the stars as something moving fast, and may have a very short "tail" or not at all. The second phase of observing a comet is with a telescope, where a smaller tail can be seen, depending in how big the comet is, for if it is bigger and bigger - the tail is longer. The third phase is observing with the naked eye....and now we come to the fourth phase which there is SILENCE. This is the stage where the comet descends into the lower layers of the sky - even the atmosphere where it is completely invisible and has no tail, and the gases from the tail turn into a cloud that surrounds that comet. Usually then it looks like a full moon NEON WHITE, or REDDISH_YELLOW, ORANGE or YELLOW , SOMETIMES GREEN OR BLUE.---Igor Kostelec. Will it materialize?? Humanity has attracted this objects due to their negative consciousness which have put many unseen small cycles and the planet earth out of harmony, and it is here to put back into balance this planet and solar system. It may seem catastrophic to most people, but that's the way it works to put things back into balance. Humanity were supposed or are supposed to jump into the 4th dimension, but it will not happen (once again)...people (those few people left) will begin from the beginning to create something new for themselves in the "new" third dimension. The destroyer was here at least 13000 years ago to put back into balance earth since the Atlantean people also failed to jump into the fourth dimension. For thousands of years, humanity has been held hostage by a negative faction of extraterrestrials, and "they" are the ones truncating humanity's evolution into the fourth, fifth and above dimensions. Most people do not believe that there is more life in the galaxy, for the evil manifested ones (evil ETs) have done a great job to keep us distracted and glue to this dimension. People are living within a deception and delusion which will become nightmare if the Planet X system do not act. Music-The Meaning of Life by Boris Brejcha (remix). FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

You cannot walk through walls in your manifested body at the density of 68 MHz or less. This should not be a mystery. (Aliens look surreal, goofy, animated, for they are mostly clones or cyborgs. Add, they are inter-dimensional and extra-dimensional. CGI or real?CGI's purpose-is to confuse reality with fiction). You exist within a dimensional whole. Even the pieces are dimensional rather than flat. A necessary shift in how you conceptualize is available as a stepping stone for greater understanding. When you add dimension and life, which is thought thinking, to the game board, it lights up.
Through your imagination you can begin to perceive movement within flow. Nothing is lifeless or stagnant. Every quark, atom and molecule is pulsing with thought and movement. Nothing is truly flat or solid.
When your brain vibration is 90 MHz or less, you are unable to tune your radio like brain to the universal flow and receive the keys to the mysteries of galactic intentional focus. The possibilities of adventures leading to these experiences are encompassed within these lessons. Not all is directly presented for much is there to be contemplated and greater understandings brought forth through personal unique processes.
Within the creators flow all uniqueness is divergent and cohesive. Two sides of the coin or should that be a visualization of something that is dimensional rather than flat, incorporating the polarities through expression and experience for the purpose of returning to balance and adventuring forth again. The practice of discernment is an inclusive nuance of self-contemplation of experience for the purpose of gaining wisdom and moving on into further expansion. The magnetic field surrounding each of you is like an antenna, but your acquired belief systems cause you to unplug from the universal station and instead plug only into the (5) sensual environment.
The spiritual aspect of the hu(man), the god aspect of self-awareness, is unknown to you through the stressed importance of material manifestation and the distorted influence of your religions. The adventure you search in vain to find is found in exploring the journey of the spirit that you are into manifested experience and in finding its every expansive return trip.
This explains why each goal attained is never enough, and more and more must be attempted or lapse into discouragement and plan instead for a trip to the city of golden streets to take up playing the harp on a local cloud.
Humanity as it knows itself on planet earth at this moment is experiencing a degree of utter frustration that is incredible indeed. This can be compared to a balloon filling at an exponential rate toward the explosive point.
The master planners of control are watching for this bursting point and planning its expansion with what they believe to be great care. However, just as balloons from the same package burst at different air pressure levels, neither can they be sure what the exact bursting point may be.
It is a matter of how this released energy is directed that is the important point. Will it be as they choose or can it be self-directed by the mass consciousness of the awareness inside that bubble? Could the energy within the bubble be redirected from frustration to creation and deflate the balloon? They have no contingency plan to deal with these possibilities. It only requires one small hole in the dike to destroy the dam. Several or even many small holes insure and speed the process. Why not one big explosion?
Allowing weak points to expand is within the expansive flow of creation, while deliberate destruction is not. Considering possibilities within your own life experience is self-contemplation, again within the expansive flow of experience. Is the focus of applying the law of attraction and deliberate manifestation of the opportunity for the weaknesses in their plans to expand include the destruction of the ones who would enslave or end your earthly experience by their choice?

It is suggested to consciously withdraw participation by focusing instead on an entirely different creation project that will simply transcend the planned disaster. This would leave the perpetrators holding the bag and experiencing the other side of the coin, as fits into the experience of the law of attraction through their own use of it. This would be a wonderful demonstration of the universal laws in concept and application.
The conceptualization of the simple changes in how a situation is perceived and using a change of the focus of intention, applying the universal laws that have brought forth the wholeness of manifested reality is a big stretch of your understanding of how "things really are." FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

Some "UFOs" are ours, but when it comes to the Unidentified Objects and Extraterrestrial affair, all the power resides on the MajestyTwelve (and NSA). Ex-president Dwight Eisenhower put the UFO and Extraterrestrial phenomena in the wrong hands without knowing and without bad intentions. The MJ12 was since the very beginning taken over by the dark controllers. The zionist Edward Teller was the man in control of Los Alamos Laboratories in NM and Area 51-S4 in NV, he was in charge of especial projects and reverse engineering of ufos. The plan was contained within a set of Top Secret documents with the title "MAJESTYTWELVE".

There was no space between majesty and twelve. The term honored the planned placement of ultimate power in a body of wise men who are destined to rule the world as the disciples of a Messiah front man. This Messiah will serve as a buffer between the wise men and the sheeple. MAJESTYTWELVE was in a tall thin font style... imagine the title squeezed together between the M and E with all of the letters stretched vertically. The key to access was a Top Secret (Q) (SCI) security clearance with the compartmentalization of "MAJIC" (not magic). I cannot remember the exact font except that it is a tall thin version of San Serif... the exact name escapes me after all these years... but it is a key to access.
The plan outlined the formation of a world totalitarian socialist government. It is to be ruled by a behind-the-scenes council of wise men. A so-called benevolent dictator, will be presented as the Messiah.

The Constitution for the united States of America and its Bill of Rights will be scrapped. A parliamentary form of government will take its place.

All military forces and individuals are to be disarmed except for an internal police force which will carry only the minimum weapons needed to maintain internal order. The only military force will be a world police force under the United Nations in sufficient numbers with state-of-the-art technology so that it can field overwhelming force against any perceived threat to the world supra government - see State Department Publication 7277. The military of the united States of America is currently filling the requirement. The senior officer corps of all of our military forces have betrayed their oaths of allegiance to the Constitution and have joined the conspiracy. They are turncoats who are actively engaged in High Treason.

The source of this conspiracy will be found in the body known as the Illuminati. It is made up of the highest adepts of the combined total of the so-called fraternal orders and secret societies. They are bound together by blood oaths, a secret religion, and the promise of an elite status within regional government, or the world supra government. Their religion is based upon the Kabbalah, the Luciferian Philosophy, and the worship of the Sun. They are not bound by any oath or allegiance save their own. They are loyal to no government or People save their own. And they are Citizens of no country save their already in place secret world government.

In their own words,
"If you are not one of us you are nothing."
To garner some sense of "feel" for the concept see the movie They Live. What chances are there for humanity to know the truth about the extraterrestrial life (dimensional, inter-dimensional, extra-dimensional and ultra-dimensional)? slim to none, why? because the dark controllers or human pawns have made treaties with the non-benevolent E.T. from the Orion-Rigel star system; but behind the scenes there is a darker non-benevolent extraterrestrial force which have been in control of the planet for thousands of years, they are known as "satan or the devil" (aka the dragon, feather serpent, Nagas, or Draco-Reptilians/ Reptilians). These "satanic" force have their seed or hybrids running the show on earth for them)like Edward Teller running Area 51 and Los Alamos, or Michael Chertoff running the NSA etc...add to that the evil human pawns like the "wise men" of MJ12. As you can see, there are multiple levels of control, and humanity has never been in higher positions of power on earth and beyond. Science fiction doesn't come close to the truth. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

This comet planet (Planet X system etc) is massive, bigger than Jupiter. As it has tail and mass as a planet....once approaching Earth, we will see phenomena never seen before, we do not know if the phenomenal events will be gradual or continuous, and intense. One of the signs would be "the rain of fire" (asteroids, plasma discharges, dust etc.) due to the long tail and debris. When Planet X passes near the sun at a speed of 70 kilometers per second, you can see the amount of material discharged into the sun. Imagine when it passes near earth (at 18 million kilometers away) at a speed of 300 kilometers per second, which is when it reaches its maximum speed. The "regular" speed of Hercolobus orbiting a dark sun, or Dark Star, is 92 kilometers per second. It has three speeds and does ignore the laws of science that are known on Earth. This star has "its own brain" and seems to "think for itself". When Planet X system passes ( millions of miles away) around the Sun, UFOs seem to disappear. It will affect the behavior and consciousness of people, some people will feel overburdened, going crazy, etc. Add to that the dark plans of the evil controllers and evil human pawns. Humanity is a cross roads....there is no way out but a way through. The ONLY saving grace will be your own spirituality. Hopefully humanity comes together in positive attitude, positive mentality in order lessen the mega "catastrophic" events( things can not stay the same forever on this planet which inhabitants have reached a very low ebb to the lowest negative vibrations and frequencies of experiences, deliberately). *Music, Techoma- Voces Malvadas Remix. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

You, people of the U.S.A., had better get your Constitution settled into cement - NOW, before they snatch it from you in total through the Constitutional Convention who will consist of a few carefully and hand-picked delegates (not legislators) from each State to "AMEND" your invaluable American Law. The facts are that through "actual action" the workings of the Government and the entire Judicial system is on the basis, currently, of the Constitution ALREADY HAVING BEEN CHANGED.

YOU ARE OUT OF TIME, AMERICA, AND THE WORLD AWAITS YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU ARE THE LAST AND WHEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FALLS, SO FALLS THE WORLD INTO THE VIPER'S PIT. THEY WANT TO MAKE OF THE WORLD A PALESTINE. SINCE 1948, THIS EVIL MANIFESTED ONES (ZIONIST JEWS) CAME OUT OF NO-WHERE AFTER WWII CLAIMING AS THEIR THE LAND OF PALESTINE WHICH WAS AND IS A TESTING GROUND FOR THEIR DRACONIAN NEW WORLD ORDER (WHERE THEY WILL BE THE KINGS AND QUEENS OWNING A LOT OF LAND AND HUMAN SLAVES. THAT'S THEIR PLAN). It's not only the Arabs, all through history they have murdered Christians, etc. The smog screen right now is the Arabs, later the Christian (which they hate the most for Jesus Christ exposed them as a race of vipers -that's truly who they are-Satan's seed). In Palestine, there are few Semite families, Christians and Arabs living together for hundreds of years in peace, but the zionist jews do not care, they are killing every one. IT IS AN ABERRATION AGAINST JESUS CHRIST WHO WAS BORN IN Bethlehem. IT IS AN ABERRATION AGAINST CREATION AND THE SOURCE CREATOR ( Jesus Christ's "father ",Source Creator, was not the Personified cruel racist blood thirsty "GOD" of the Bible; the personified "god" is part of the deception since the Bible has been changed to meet their plans of retaliation against Humanity. There is some truthful spiritual guidance left in the Bible tho. As it was said: Satan and the Personified blood thirsty "God" of the Bible- Yaweh, Jeovah, Asmodai, Metatron, etc. are ONE and the same entity, two sides of the same coin).
Ponder these things for your very destiny hangs as the time-bomb above thine heads awaiting the detonation. When you ask God (Source Creator Within You), with right intent, he answers/confirmations are given.

THE CALL COMPELS THE ANSWER. Video Credit to The Jimmy Dore Show. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

You, people of the U.S.A., had better get your Constitution settled into cement - NOW, before they snatch it (it's kind of late and running out of time) from you in total through the Constitutional Convention who will consist of a few carefully and hand-picked delegates (not legislators) from each State to "AMEND" your invaluable American Law. American LAW mandates that these Washington D.C. Clubship members' Anti-American "hate", "gun control", "income tax", "AIDS", human "quotas", "civil rights", "child care", "U.N." and other such "exclusive Legislation" of Article 1;8; 17-18 with 4;3;2 can only apply to FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTIES. NOT AMERICA'S, NOT AMERICAN PEOPLE, NOT THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD...They are here to rob your planet's resources and your hard labors as slaves.

Now, please go back to YOU CAN SLAY THE DRAGON, a Phoenix Journal, and find out what I just said.

The facts are that through "actual action" the workings of the Government and the entire Judicial system is on the basis, currently, of the Constitution ALREADY HAVING BEEN CHANGED.

YOU ARE OUT OF TIME, AMERICA, AND THE WORLD AWAITS YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU ARE THE LAST AND WHEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FALLS, SO FALLS THE WORLD INTO THE VIPER'S PIT. The Semite race is the White race, period. The White race are the direct descendants of Shem/Noah, the sons of Adam- the father of the White race. Jesus Christ was/ is SEMITE, HE SPOKE ARAMEA (the Official Semitic Language). Jesus Christ was not Hebrew, he did not speak Hebrew Nor Yiddish. *Former Israeli Minister, Shulamit Aloni, tells Amy Goodman in an interview that the zionist jews always use the "anti-semitic" card to neutralize people that criticize and scrutinize them. Christians have been the more deceived and used. A bitter truth. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

482 videos

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This is a point in the evolution of the planet that brings to the forefront of each individual’s thoughts the question of why me, why now and what is really going on in the reality that is right now in the time we are experiencing. What really is going on behind-the-scenes we are looking at through the five senses? Why is there this feeling that there is more to the story than just appearances.

Who indeed has set this up and is pulling the strings. Is it really just a group of somebodies that is in charge? If this is the case, then is the God thing really a hoax after all? There are those who believe that to be the true essence of the scenario. Fortunately for the good of all, that is not the Truth.

The Truth is that there are multiple levels of activity behind what appears to be a play of incredible magnitude. Who then is writing the lines for the characters and what is the point of the script? Would it be a surprise to inform you that you are writing the lines and until you can figure out a point to the script, there is none? If that is the case, then which of the individuals on the planet can figure one out?

Well, indeed there is a focused group that has decided that they would like to put forth their point in the script. There is just one problem with this, they have decided to put forth a focus within the play that is not in harmony with the Creator of the stage and the theatre that this play is to be performed upon. In fact, the plan this group has in mind has a great surprise at the end for the audience and the actors on the stage. They intend to destroy the audience, the actors, the stage and the theatre.

Since the Creator of this theatre likes this particular theatre and thinks of it as a pet project, this idea doesn’t appeal to Him at all. Since He is not in the business of standing in the way of the creative presentations that are produced within its confines, then He is hoping that the audience will decide to make changes of their own.

There is a type of presentation that involves participation of the audience other than just sitting and observing. The theatre entrepreneur is wondering that if the play being presented becomes obnoxious enough to the audience, will they simply walk away and withdraw their attention? This would then allow the cast and its directors to destroy themselves, but then the theatre owner does not want his property destroyed along with them. He is hoping that the audience will come up with some other solution.

Perhaps there could be audience participation that would perhaps introduce some new characters that would create lines of script of their own. If a new story line could be introduced with characters that could change the ending, then the performance could be a comedy or a mystery or a love story rather than a tragedy.

Maybe, audience participation could indeed create a whole new genre of experience. Instead of depicting repetition of experiences already known, could the audience in the intensity of desire change the story line, come up with a creative scenario that would encompass possibilities not yet experienced? Why not? The greater the desire for change, the greater the opportunity for creative new boundary expanding story themes. Within the spontaneity of group focus, without the academic control of leadership with an intended purpose, conception outside of ordinary themes is not only possible, it is probable.

To what purpose is this discussion being instigated? It is time that you awaken to your responsibility to change the destination of the path you are now being pushed to take. It is far past the stage of leading you. It is at the stage of pushing you. It is at the stage where resistance cannot be successful therefore you are going to have to accomplish this by some other means. A way must be literally created that will bring about a solution. Nothing that you have done before will accomplish a change in this situation.

Those who have brought you to this point know your current human nature so well that every possibility you can think of has been blocked. Every cell of resistance is well known by them and is allowed to exist because it has a purpose in their plan. These will be used as graphic examples of what they will not allow.

Now you must come into the understanding that there is a passage through this experience for mankind, but you must move into a creative stance, not a resistive posture. This is not what is expected of you based on your past modes of experience. I can assure you that your history has been analyzed and studied by minds and computer model to the point that you are known to an extent you cannot even imagine.