Intellectual Deep Web

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Intellectual Deep Web

Intellectual Deep Web


In 1950, on the occasion of his 75th birthday, Jung set up a stone cube on the lakeshore, just west of the Bollingen Tower, inscribing it on three sides. One side contains a quote taken from the Rosarium philosophorum:

Hic lapis exilis extat, pretio quoque vilis, spernitur a stultis, amatur plus ab edoctis. (Here stands the mean, uncomely stone, 'Tis very cheap in price! The more it is despised by fools, The more loved by the wise.)

A dedication is also inscribed on this side of the stone:

IN MEMORIAM NAT[ivitatis] S[uae] DIEI LXXV C G JUNG EX GRAT[itudine] FEC[it] ET POS[uit] A[nn]O MCML (In memory of his 75th birthday, C.G. Jung out of gratitude made and set it up in the year 1950.)

The second side of the cube depicts Jung's Telesphoros figure, bearing a lantern and wearing a hooded cape. It is surrounded by a Greek inscription:

«Ὁ Αἰὼν παῖς ἐστι παίζων, πεττεύων· παιδὸς ἡ βασιληίη» · Τελεσφόρος διελαύνων τοὺς σκοτεινοὺς τοῦ κόσμου τόπους, καὶ ὡς ἀστὴρ ἀναλάμπων ἐκ τοῦ βάθους, ὁδηγεῖ «παρ' Ἠελίοιο πύλας καὶ δῆμον ὀνείρων».

"Time is a child — playing like a child — playing a board game — the kingdom of the child. This is Telesphoros, who roams through the dark regions of this cosmos and glows like a star out of the depths. He points the way to the gates of the sun and to the land of dreams."

"Time is a child at play, gambling; a child's is the kingship" is a fragment attributed to Heraclitus.

"He points the way to the gates of the sun and to the land of dreams" is a quote from the Odyssey (Book 24, Verse 12). It refers to Hermes the psychopomp, who leads away the spirits of the slain suitors.

The second side also contains a four-part mandala of alchemical significance. The top quarter of the mandala is dedicated to Saturn, the bottom quarter to Mars, the left quarter to Sol-Jupiter [male], and the right quarter to Luna-Venus [female].

The third side of the cube is the side that faces the lake. It bears a Latin inscription of sayings which, Jung says, ..

A talk given by Terence McKenna at the Reality Club in New York City (March 27, 1990).

"This is our birthright. It is profoundly our birthright in the same way that our sexuality is our birthright. The notion that a person would call themselves intelligent and aware and present in the world and that they would go from the cradle to the grave without ever having a psychedelic experience is nothing short of obscene; it's absurd. It makes my flesh crawl in the same way that celibacy and virginity make my flesh crawl. What a horrible, horrible waste of a human life." - Terence McKenna

Lecture 1: 00:00
Lecture 2: 01:32:24
Lecture 3: 03:00:01
Lecture 4: 04:33:21
Lecture 5: 06:06:15
Lecture 6: 07:30:26
Lecture 7: 08:57:38
Lecture 8: 10:18:35
Lecture 9-16:

Leo Strauss on Hegel:

The Philosophy of History by G. W. F. Hegel:

Fatal Discord: Erasmus, Luther, and the Fight for the Western Mind by Michael Massing:

Violence and the Sacred by René Girard:

Philip K. Dick's famous "Metz speech", the address he gave at the second Festival International de la Science-Fiction in Metz, France, on September 24th, 1977.

The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick:

The Philip K. Dick Collection:

Weird Studies Episode 10: Philip K. Dick: Adrift in the Multiverse:

The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick w/ Richard Doyle:

The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick by R. Crumb:

The Revelation of Philip K. Dick w/ Erik Davis:

High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies by Erik Davis:

On Dreams & Death by Marie-Louise von Franz:






High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies by Erik Davis:

Nomad Codes: Adventures in Modern Esoterica by Erik Davis:

TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information by Erik Davis:

Lecture 12 - Wordsworth: 00:00
Lecture 13 - Kubla Khan: 00:49:54
Lecture 14 - Hegel: 01:39:02
Lecture 15 - The Eolian Harp: 02:26:57
Lecture 16 - Charlotte Smith: 02:53:11
Lecture 17 - John Clare: 03:43:01
Lecture 18 - Thomas de Quincey: 04:31:37
Lecture 19 - Keats and OOO: 05:21:20
Lecture 20 - Shelley: 06:12:54
Lecture 21 - Frankenstein: 07:01:24
Lecture 22 - Conclusion: 07:50:11

Kinds of Power: A Guide to its Intelligent Uses by James Hillman:

The Soul's Code by James Hillman:

Re-Visioning Psychology by James Hillman:

A Blue Fire:

The Force of Character: And the Lasting Life by James Hillman:

The Dream and the Underworld:

The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that Have Shaped Our World View by Richard Tarnas:

Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View by Richard Tarnas:

Richard Tarnas' website:

The Deep Self: Consciousness Exploration in the Isolation Tank by John C. Lilly:

Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer: Theory and Experiments by John C. Lilly:

Simulations of God: The Science of Belief by John C. Lilly:

The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography by John C. Lilly:

Center of the Cyclone: An Autobiography of Inner Space by John C. Lilly:

The Quiet Center: Isolation and Spirit by John C. Lilly:

Man and dolphin by John C. Lilly:

Lilly on Dolphins by John C. Lilly:

Lecture 1 - Introduction: An Approach: 00:00
Lecture 2 - The Shape of the Bible: 00:48:59
Lecture 3 - Images of Paradise: Trees and Water: 01:36:27
Lecture 4 - Parody and Manifest Demonic: 02:23:17
Lecture 5 - Sexual Imagery: 03:08:22
Lecture 6 - Pastoral and Agricultural Imagery: 03:57:06
Lecture 7 - The World of Angels: 04:45:19
Lecture 8 - The Hero from Across the Sea: 05:36:58
Lecture 9 - The Double Mirror: Exodus and the Gospel: 06:27:26
Lecture 10 - The Metaphor of Kingship: 07:13:49
Lecture 11 - King, Priest and Prophet: 08:01:22
Lecture 12 - The Question of Primogeniture: 08:47:54
Lecture 13 - Revelation: After the Ego Disappears: 09:37:49
Lecture 14-25:

The Great Code: The Bible and Literature by Northrop Frye:

The New Testament:

The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages:

Europe's Inner Demons: The Demonization of Christians in Medieval Christendom:

Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith:

Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion:

With growing interest in the role of the body in perception, and in the related question of the possibility and nature of non-conceptual content, Merleau-Ponty’s classic work, Phenomenology of Perception, has become increasingly relevant. We will read the book in order to understand and evaluate Merleau-Ponty’s arguments against what he calls empiricism (a sort of behaviorism) and intellectualism (cognitivism), as well as his positive account of what he calls motor intentionality — a kind of intentionality without conceptual content that, Merleau-Ponty argues, is the basic way human beings are embedded in the world.

Lecture 1-9:
Lecture 10-17:
Lecture 18-24:
Lecture 25: 00:00
Lecture 26: 01:20:12
Lecture 27: 02:41:55
Lecture 28: 04:02:29
Lecture 29: 05:24:09
Lecture 30: 06:44:46
Lecture 31: 07:53:21

Required text:

Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty:

The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment by Hubert Dreyfus:

With growing interest in the role of the body in perception, and in the related question of the possibility and nature of non-conceptual content, Merleau-Ponty’s classic work, Phenomenology of Perception, has become increasingly relevant. We will read the book in order to understand and evaluate Merleau-Ponty’s arguments against what he calls empiricism (a sort of behaviorism) and intellectualism (cognitivism), as well as his positive account of what he calls motor intentionality — a kind of intentionality without conceptual content that, Merleau-Ponty argues, is the basic way human beings are embedded in the world.

Lecture 1-9:
Lecture 10-17:
Lecture 18: 00:00
Lecture 19: 01:21:33
Lecture 20: 02:42:29
Lecture 21: 04:05:21
Lecture 22: 05:26:53
Lecture 23: 06:49:09
Lecture 24: 08:07:22
Lecture 25-31:

Required text:

Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty:

The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment by Hubert Dreyfus:

With growing interest in the role of the body in perception, and in the related question of the possibility and nature of non-conceptual content, Merleau-Ponty’s classic work, Phenomenology of Perception, has become increasingly relevant. We will read the book in order to understand and evaluate Merleau-Ponty’s arguments against what he calls empiricism (a sort of behaviorism) and intellectualism (cognitivism), as well as his positive account of what he calls motor intentionality — a kind of intentionality without conceptual content that, Merleau-Ponty argues, is the basic way human beings are embedded in the world.

Lecture 1-9:
Lecture 10: 00:00
Lecture 11: 01:18:27
Lecture 12: 02:37:14
Lecture 13: 03:54:27
Lecture 14: 05:13:28
Lecture 15: 06:34:47
Lecture 16: 07:57:25
Lecture 17: 09:16:34

Required text:

Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty:

"Henry Corbin (1903-1978) was a scholar, philosopher and theologian. He was a champion of the transformative power of the Imagination and of the transcendent reality of the individual in a world threatened by totalitarianisms of all kinds. One of the 20th century’s most prolific scholars of Islamic mysticism, Corbin was Professor of Islam & Islamic Philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris and at the University of Teheran. He was a major figure at the Eranos Conferences in Switzerland. He introduced the concept of the mundus imaginalis into contemporary thought. His work has provided a foundation for archetypal psychology as developed by James Hillman and influenced countless poets and artists worldwide. But Corbin’s central project was to provide a framework for understanding the unity of the religions of the Book: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. His great work Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn ‘Arabi is a classic initiatory text of visionary spirituality that transcends the tragic divisions among the three great monotheisms. Corbin’s life was devoted to the struggle to free the religious imagination from fundamentalisms of every kind. His work marks a watershed in our understanding of the religions of the West and makes a profound contribution to the study of the place of the imagination in human life." - Tom Cheetham (

Tom Cheetham - Spiritual Imagination in the Work of Henry Corbin, CG Jung and James Hillman:

In 2006, the Groupe Frémeaux Colombini produced a special treasure in the form of a set of three CDs (La philosophie islamique) offering a panorama of Corbin's recorded lectures (in French), a project led by Christine Goémé, who had already, on the occasion of Corbin's hundredth birthday, broadcast ten hours of archive recordings of Corbin in the programme "Nuits de France: Culture."


1. 00:00 - Schiisme et Ismaélisme (1957)
2. 00:10:11 - La Théolo..

One of the most important philosophical works of the twentieth century, Being and Time is both a systematization of the existential insights of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and a radicalization of Husserl’s phenomenological account of intentionality. What results is an original interpretation of being-in-the-world that describes skill in a way that undermines the subject/object distinction, and, in so doing, offers a convincing account of the nature and limitations of philosophical and scientific theory. This account has important implications for all those disciplines that study human beings.

Lecture 1-8:
Lecture 9-15:
Lecture 16: 00:00
Lecture 17: 00:53:44
Lecture 18: 02:07:52
Lecture 19: 03:23:41
Lecture 20: 04:38:21
Lecture 21: 05:49:59
Lecture 22: 07:08:13
Lecture 23-28:


Required text:

Being and Time by Martin Heidegger:

Recommended texts:

Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I by Hubert Dreyfus:

Heidegger and the Problem of Knowledge by Charles Guignon:

The Basic Problems of Phenomenology by Martin Heidegger:

Heidegger: An Introduction by Richard Polt:


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

48 videos

Category Education