Shadow Warriors

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Shadow Warriors



This podcast is all about how to save yourselves through Electro-Magnetic Radiation which our bodies are exposed to on daily basis. This is startup of understanding of the hazards of EMF, it goes deeper than that, the main culprit is poisoned food, which are full of harmful toxins and heavy metals, no matter what you eat, veg diet or meat, they are full of that mostly the crops are yield with substandard fertilizers such as roundup and GMOs are being used all over, hence resulting in the food rich in heavy metals and toxins which are responsible for the mood shifts, aggression, and various diseases when exposed to these harmful frequencies.
My girlfriend was complaining about, she was feeling strange within her, I couldn't figure out the shift in behavior, but on deeper inspection, the root evil was these frequencies which are notorious at causing more of issues these days. I remembered going back to the time when I was having the similar symptoms and how I figured those out and detox myself from these non natural EMFs which are big causes of various diseases, such as various cancers, cardio-vesicular issues, and much more. I always encourage using of activated charcoal to get rid of these heavy metals and detox to combat toxins.

This strange document surfaced in Soviet Russia pointing out, who was at the back of the massacre of millions of people, and their plans and trickery to enslave the world. Thanks to a fellow bitchuter awoke person encouraging me to collaborate in this cause.

This strange document surfaced in Soviet Russia pointing out, who was at the back of the massacre of millions of people, and their plans and trickery to enslave the world. Thanks to a fellow bitchuter awoke person encouraging me to collaborate in this cause

This strange document surfaced in Soviet Russia pointing out, who was at the back of the massacre of millions of people, and their plans and trickery to enslave the world. Thanks to a fellow bitchuter awoke person encouraging me to collaborate in this cause..

Here I exposed the reality of Anti-Semitism, and the reality behind Holocaust. The Orwellian nightmare and background why George Orwell wrote everything which became the dystopian futuristic prophecies, and reality of the protocols in the current age and in time as what is happening, right in front of our eyes. They are playing mind games with us all to be-LIE-ve in something which is just an illusion
For those who want to learn and study these protocols, I have included the link here.
The Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion. PDF
Video Links to the Protocols
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

On April 21st, 2022 a post went past my eyes on the Chinese creating birth pods for fertilization through AI, I researched and put my thoughts into this video. Take a look into it yourselves and decide what they are trying to yield here.
The video is not super fancy. I just did a quick mashup of the clips taken from a movie, and a detailed overlook of the tech. I just presented exact similarities of it being depicted a decade ago.

Jewish Rabbi stressing and pushing NOAHIDE laws in their own made universal control maniacs where other Jews from other nations come to pass Jewish favored plans in to fruition, now it came down to global reset, and with their double talk putting the blame of the genocide they have done on others, and Enforcing NOAHIDE laws to snatch away your remaining liberties.

Watch this debate and unfold the stupidity of the half-wits brainwashed by the death cult who don't have an idea of their gender, they support mask mandates, their existence is flawed by their religious doctrine and they support the killing of babies as well as vaccines who actually were responsible for making these vaccines AKA poison being injected to you all and now being part of these protests and turning the whole place a living hell by imposing this on all of the others who are greater in number and making it universal. They're clearly saying it here, muh re-lie-gion goyem.. you can go fuck yourself!
Special Thanks to HATE_SPEECH for providing this clip. Further edits were done by me.

Here's the proof of Talmudization going on all over the world, THEY SAY IT IS NOT POLTICAL BUT POLITICS IS THEIR INVENT TOO. See here how they brainwashed many to be-lie-ve their pulled narratives through education with their men who run Jesuites Order. Say it again.. "Protocols were all fake". They were not! The truth is here for ya, but most just shut their eyes to the evil when it was exposed, and promoted statism and Stockholm syndrome.

A reference from 10 old newspapers pre-Hitler uncovers the 6 million Jews magic number. Deception waived to gain sympathies and generate wealth for the scum of the earth through 6 mil spell cast upon people to aid these rats to do their dirty work. A lot are still in the trance.

The deeper I go, the more I see the issue.
I don’t know why some people are afraid to call out these perpetrators???
There is a select group at the top dictating everything and it seems to always be the same group of people involved…

Wakey! Wakey! Here is for those diet woke people who think Rothschilds are hiding behind them by the creation of Israel and other secret orders and societies are not their invent? And didn't know the genealogy of the Rothschild family.. And these sick fucks are innocents and have got nothing to do? You've been drinking foolade. Stop spreading disinformation. Here's the truth for you!

This uncovers all the truth on 9/11. How Americans were deceived using brainwashing techniques of media. Even the journalists who wanted to expose the reality were barred from all news outlets and their careers destroyed. Also covers the towers were not hit but destroyed intentionally. how intel agencies covered up all of it to keep the public in darkness.

John D Rockefeller who took control of US Medicine and introduced petroleum based drugs which were the base of causing cancer. The corporate take over of the United States and enslavement of the world.

In 1983 #Israel launched the #HasbaraProject, aim was to ensure good press in the #US Media,ensure American Journalists write stories favorable to Israel
When you're talking abt how the stories covered from the US, the propaganda machine is even more effective than it is in Israel.

That's why they are struggling to disarm Americas first. Stop! Resist! What is stopping them?! "You the People!" If you'd given up your guns, this is what is coming next. Why disarming American Citizens is the primary goal of the Biden administration? Because it will leave them unprotected and Government will act on behalf of Israel to apprehend and take down people who would dare to condemn them for their atrocities. Historic even on gun confiscation. ->The largest mass shooting in the US history took place in on December 1890. Where US Army confiscated the guns from the Sioux Indians "for their protection", and then proceeded to slaughter 297 people, including 200 women and childeren.

Watch this and think when you have time to ponder. I'll leave this up to you.

This lecture was presented by Alan of Salisbury. In the University of Birkbeck. Understand the doublespeak in legal terms, he explains it to you.
You can confirm his findings and research through Black Law Dictionary. And continue your research from this point and onwards. It is long but worth watching. Watch it for your own self and for your children future.

Learn about what you are in this law, and how this law has been enforced on you. This is not only for the people in the United States, this is applicable to all of the people of the world. United States Inc was a model which transferred later on to other nations, first commonwealth states/nations then later in 1945 after the formation of the UN to the rest of the world.


Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

22 videos

Category Education

Presenting here facts which often mainstream media censors.