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Reguliert wird hingegen bei den Alternativen Medien mittels Zensur, Kontensperren, Enteignungen, Machtmissbrauch, Einschränkung der Grundrechte, Verfolgung, Hass und Hetze.

..deep state or deep fake?
there is a war ongoing, a war on your mind...
Main Links to the Video with those comments
1. - far far down
2. - on the top

"I'm an expert in fluid dynamics, meteorology, research methods and I design and fly aircraft."

"I'm also an expert in historic research"

"Here's some persistent contrails from 1950s:"

"I have designed hugely popular exhibitions and displays for themeparks"

Contrails NATURALLY form or trigger cirrus clouds if the atmosphere contains enough moisture.

From ''Flight To Arras'' Published 1943

"Measurements of the Growth of the Ice Budget in a Persisting Contrail"

"for hours with rapid growth in the ice budget of individual contrails.”

"Please READ IT AND LEARN what it says:"

"These are normal wave clouds."

"You really need to Listen and LEARN ."

"They do not have to actually work nor have ever been attempted."

"Maybe its paid limited understandings, who knows."

"This video is done for ppl like you:"

"Its about all live on this planet getting poisoned by design:"

"What else does it need? Direct from the horses mouth? Here it is:" - David Keith!

"The Dangers of Geoengineering and Weather Warfare - Freedom Hub Working Group" - listen and learn... you are complete misinformed.

"The oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide, are also suitable for the purpose."

"Revealed: Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with 'radioactive' particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology"

Es gibt nur eine Wahrheit die uns alle Menschen und alles Leben vereint und das ist die uneingeschränkte, bedingungslose Liebe gegenüber jedem Lebewesen, egal wie viele Beine oder Augen es hat, einfach weil es ein Geschenk der Schöpfung ist. Diese Liebe hat nichts mit Fortpflanzung und Trieben zu tun, sondern mit Erkenntnis der Gesamtheit dieses Planeten, der Schöpfung, dass jedes an seinem Ort unabdingbar wichtig ist! Bis die Menschheit das begreift, wird noch ein beschwerlicher Weg vor uns liegen, viele werden im Kampf um Recht und Kontrolle sterben und hier kommt eine weitere vergessene Wahrheit ans Licht, weder Geld noch Gold kann man essen, nur die Schöpfung selbst nährt uns.


Removed from Youtube because of "violation against the community guidlines"

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a Pfizer executive, Jordon Trishton Walker, who claims that his company is exploring a way to “mutate” COVID via “Directed Evolution” to preempt the development of future vaccines.

Walker says that Directed Evolution is different than Gain-of-Function, which is defined as “a mutation that confers new or enhanced activity on a protein.” In other words, it means that a virus such as COVID can become more potent depending on the mutation / scientific experiment performed on it.

The Pfizer executive told a Veritas journalist about his company’s plan for COVID vaccines, while acknowledging that people would not like this information if it went public.

“One of the things we [Pfizer] are exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create -- preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine -- no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses,” Walker said.

“From what I’ve heard is they [Pfizer scientists] are optimizing it [COVID mutation process], but they’re going slow because everyone is very cautious -- obviously they don’t want to accelerate it too much. I think they are also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don’t want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations,” he said.

“Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them.”

Walker drew parallels between this current Pfizer project and what may have happened at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

“You have to be very controlled to make sure that this virus [COVID] that you mutate doesn’t create something that just goes everywhere. Which, I suspect, is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. It makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere. It’s bullsh*t,” he said.

“You’re not supposed to do Gain-of-Function research with viruses. Regularly not. We can do these selected structure mutations to make them more potent. There is research ongoing about that. I don’t know how that is going to work. There better not be any more outbreaks because Jesus Christ,” he said.

Walker also told the Veritas journalist that COVID has been instrumental for Pfizer’s recent business success:

Walker: Part of what they [Pfizer scientists] want to do is, to some extent, to try to figure out, you know, how there are all these new strains and variants that just pop up. So, it’s like trying to catch them before they pop up and

Dr. Andreas Noack erklärt, dass in den Giftspritzen kein Graphenoxid sondern nanoskalisches Graphenhydroxid ist!
Graphenhydroxid ist wie Rasierklingen, die den Menschen gespritzt werden!
Rasierklingen, die vom Körper nicht mehr abgebaut werden können!

Die Blutgefäße werden von innen zerschnitten.
Das erklärt den Tod vieler Sportler: Je schneller das Blut fließt, desto größer der Schaden!

Als Chemiker weißt Du, wenn Du das ins Blut spritzt, dass Du ein Mörder bist!
Dieses Graphenhydroxid in den Spritzen ist Kriegsführung!

Jeder Arzt, der nach dieser Information weiter spritzt, der ist ein Mörder!

Dr. Andreas Noack weiß wovon er spricht, denn er ist ein führender Aktivkohlespezialist!

Dr. Christian Fiala am 14.12.21 zur besten Sendezeit im österreichischen Fernsehsender oe24. Es scheint, als ließe sich die Wahrheit nicht mehr lange unterdrücken. Der ganze Beitrag im Link.

Nach 20 Jahre als Krankenschwester, macht beim Impfzwang nicht mehr mit.

Wer weiss wo das passierte, bitte in den Kommentaren.

Wer weiss wo das passierte, bitte in den Kommentaren melden.

Der Schiessbefehl ist nicht mehr weit und die Bereitwilligkeit liest sich aus diesen Bildern.

Zusammenbruch eines ganzen Wertesystems, die absichtliche und völlig skrupellose Zerstörung der Zivilisation. Die Personalien sind doch bekannt: Weihnachtsmann Santa Claus. Ladungsfähige Anschrift: Santa Claus Main Post Office, 96930 Arctic Circle, Suomi - Finnland.

Christine Anderson, die seit 2019 für die AfD im EU-Parlament sitzt, hat UvdLeyen + all' jenen Politikern, die den derzeitigen Coronakurs einer EU-Impfpflicht + des verpflichtenden Digitalen Grünen Zertifikates unterstützen, den Kampf erklärt.

Er war in Health Policy and Management (Kein Virologe, kein Epidemiologe)

Bericht aus Südafrika - Keine Omikron Kinder in den Spitälern


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

377 videos

Category News & Politics

Alternative views on world events mixed in english and german.