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Good short video about the dangers of vaccines

Agenda for the 21st century was a plan agreed by 179 nations.

What it’s all about. Get learning and question everything.

What did she say???

Breakdown of the Prometheus project and how it foreseen the current situation. This has been a long time planned.

Other talks and testimonies will be uploaded today. Very well put together.

Good valid point presented.

Turning man into machine. Programming our dna and changing our genetics in the name of science.

Remember the links the aids and the small pox vaccine too. They do say history repeats.

She predicted medical mandates

Several sworn testimonies from doctors and military

#banned #mrna #humanoid #science #rna #ade #health #mustwatch #carriemadej

Credit Monique leal

Effects of spike protein on cells ace2 receptor brain and blood samples.

John d Rockefeller, oil industry, prohibition, very very interesting.

Very well presented easy to understand

The truth about ww2 in Austria and the process it took. No invasion needed. Similar to what is happening now. We are at the final stages.

The more you know

What goes on in joes ear

Very well presented

So many non coincidences. From street plans, names, locations, very interesting.

Founder of doctors for truth based in the Netherlands. Also part of world doctors alliance.

Saturday night live sketch from March 1998

Jesús “Jesse” menocal committed serious crimes against children and women. She covered them up and he was subsequently promoted.


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

53 videos

Category Education

🕳🐇 a collection of things I find interesting, funny and relevant.