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© Liberated Living, 2024

Liberated Living is an accredited school of Holistic Psychology, Naturopathic Medicine, Higher Conscious Living, and more!

Welcome to the foundational module on herbal medicine within the framework of holistic health and naturopathic medicine. In the realm of naturopathic medicine, the use of botanical medicine is deeply rooted in both science and art.

This module will explore the evolving science behind botanical medicine and delve into the nuanced art of herbal classification, emphasizing the integration of traditional wisdom with modern scientific understanding. We will embark on a journey through the world of herbal remedies, exploring their rich history, principles, and specific herbs along with their uses and benefits.Our certified practitioners receive professional support, including an accredited diploma, a practitioner’s manual, and a business-in-a-box package upon program completion. This empowers our graduates to establish successful careers within 6-8 weeks, with the flexibility to work remotely from anywhere. These programs are also available as part of continuing education and professional development for existing professionals or practitioners. Join us in transforming lives and unlocking potential!

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Access our FREE eBook, 'Re-Code Subconscious Beliefs', as our GIFT to you!

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The human nervous system serves as the intricate communication network within the body, responsible for transmitting signals between different parts of the body and the brain. Neuroscience forms a critical component of naturopathic medicine, providing insights into the complex interactions between the brain, nervous system, and overall health. This educational module delves into the intricacies of neurochemistry, brain anatomy, and the human nervous system, highlighting their significance in holistic healthcare.

To explore more in our naturopathic certification program, visit:

Liberated Living meets with a Wellness Coach to discuss tips and debunk health myths within the industry to help professionals within the field or individuals meet their health and weight goals.

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FB Rachel Ostler or email Rachel@ [email protected]

Welcome to Liberated Livining's Mind-Body Integration Certification Program, where we navigate the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra - Pancreas Area for Core Emotional Zone 8. Accredited School of Holistic Psychology, Naturopathic Medicine, Higher Conscious Living, and more! In Zone 8, which encompasses the pancreas and solar plexus chakra, we explore the intricate interplay between fear and feeling overwhelmed, and the transformative power of assuming accountability for one's life.

At Liberated Living, we specialize in helping individuals, couples, and families overcome childhood trauma and core epigenetic patterns that perpetuate setbacks in our life and career. Our goal is to facilitate lasting healing so they can cultivate stronger relationships, advance in their careers, and achieve personal growth by genetically recoding their belief systems.

Through our advanced Genetic Recoding® strategies, we address childhood trauma, family patterns, and subconscious programming that lead to ongoing challenges such as generational cycles, relationship conflicts, and career instability. Our internationally recognized diploma courses offer exclusive methods to recode limiting beliefs and traumas at a genetic level, breaking free from detrimental epigenetic influences.

Our certified practitioners receive professional support, including an accredited diploma, a practitioner’s manual, and a business-in-a-box package upon program completion. This empowers them to establish successful careers within 6-8 weeks, with the flexibility to work remotely from anywhere. Join us in transforming lives and unlocking potential!

Learn about our accredited certification programs:

Access our FREE eBook, 'Re-Code Subconscious Beliefs', as our GIFT to you!

Apply with us as a holistic professional:

Receive a FREE eBook to Recode Subconscious Beliefs:

Accredited School of Holistic Psychology, Naturopathic Medicine, Higher Conscious Living, and more!

Welcome to Liberated Living's therapeutic meditation with positive affirmations for holistic well-being. This meditation is designed to empower and uplift the mind, promoting happiness and inner peace. The positive affirmations can help to reprogram your mind and subconscious beliefs with gratitude, self-love, confidence, happiness, success, prosperity, abundance, wealth, focusing on blessings, healthy and loving relationships, good health and vitality, holistic wellness, a calm, clear, and focused mind, positive and uplifting thoughts, nourishing healthy beliefs and a vibrant mind, creating a state of joy, oneness, present-tense, inner peace, an empowering mindset, a positive attitude, and optimal well-being.

Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, and take a few moments to settle into your body. Practice this meditation on the go or while relaxing. Follow this meditation to cultivate a sense of peace, joy, and profound connection with ourselves and the world around us. Music by e-soundtrax,
Emotional | e-soundtrax (Amazing & Beautiful Cinematic Background Music).

Liberated Living is a Higher Conscious Channel, that provides eBooks, Accredited Holistic Psychology, Naturopathy, and Holistic Health Diploma Programs.For more uplifting and holistic content, visit us at:

We, at Liberated Living, help individuals, couples, and families, and support professionals who are still struggling with childhood trauma and core epigenetic patterns which are causing continual setbacks & barriers in their life and career, to overcome this trauma for good, so they can have better, stronger relationships, advance their careers, and finally heal their wounds by genetically recoding a powerful belief system.

We teach professionals advanced Genetic Recoding® strategies that get to the root of childhood trauma, family patterns, and inherent s..

Accredited School of Holistic Psychology & Naturopathic Medicine. Mind-Body Integration Program. Physical and Emotional Dynamics in Core Emotional Zone 6 - The Thymus Gland and The Heart (Anahata) Chakra, associated with Conditional Love vs. Unconditional Love.

This program delves into the metaphysical connection of Mind-Body Integration - journeying through the 12- core emotional zones and 7 Chakra centers, uncovering the bio-emotional link to both physical & psychological well-being.

Understand the role of emotions, trauma, and psychological experiences in physical well-being and how they could be blocking progress and causing physical symptoms.

Understand the correlation of psychological trauma, and the manifestation of psychosomatic (mind-body) conditions.

Gain knowledge in health, nutrition, flower remedies, homeopathy, and a host of protocols to provide guidance to clients and others seeking holistic well-being.

At Liberated Living, we specialize in helping individuals, couples, and families overcome childhood trauma and core epigenetic patterns that perpetuate setbacks in life and career. Our goal is to facilitate lasting healing so they can cultivate stronger relationships, advance in their careers, and achieve personal growth by genetically recoding their belief systems.

Through our advanced Genetic Recoding® strategies, we address childhood trauma, family patterns, and subconscious programming that lead to ongoing challenges such as generational cycles, relationship conflicts, and career instability. Our internationally recognized diploma courses offer exclusive methods to recode limiting beliefs and traumas at a genetic level, breaking free from detrimental epigenetic influences.

Our certified practitioners receive professional support, including an accredited diploma, a practitioner’s manual, and a business-in-a-box package upon program completion. This empowers them to establish successful careers within 6-8 weeks, with the flexibility to work..

Immerse yourself in a transformative wellness retreat while earning a Holistic Psychology Certification.

Delight in therapeutic workshops, banquet training, and a variety of rejuvenating activities such as yoga and sound healing. Participate in empowerment circles and invigorating exercise options.

Take advantage of Utah's natural beauty with outdoor adventures like zip-lining and a biological hot springs. Leave empowered removing barriers to success, equipped with an accredited Certification.

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Accredited School of Holistic Psychology & Naturopathic Medicine. Mind-Body Integration Program. Physical and Emotional Manifestations in Core Emotional Zone 5 - Heart (Anahata) Chakra: Self-Critical vs. Self-Love

This program delves into the metaphysical connection of Mind-Body Integration - journeying through the 12- core emotional zones and 7 Chakra centers, uncovering the bio-emotional link to both physical & psychological well-being.

Understand the role of emotions, trauma, and psychological experiences in physical well-being and how they could be blocking progress and causing physical symptoms.

Understand the correlation of psychological trauma, and the manifestation of psychosomatic (mind-body) conditions.

Gain knowledge in health, nutrition, flower remedies, homeopathy, and a host of protocols to provide guidance to clients and others seeking holistic well-being.

At Liberated Living, we specialize in helping individuals, couples, and families overcome childhood trauma and core epigenetic patterns that perpetuate setbacks in life and career. Our goal is to facilitate lasting healing so they can cultivate stronger relationships, advance in their careers, and achieve personal growth by genetically recoding their belief systems.

Through our advanced Genetic Recoding® strategies, we address childhood trauma, family patterns, and subconscious programming that lead to ongoing challenges such as generational cycles, relationship conflicts, and career instability. Our internationally recognized diploma courses offer exclusive methods to recode limiting beliefs and traumas at a genetic level, breaking free from detrimental epigenetic influences.

Our certified practitioners receive professional support, including an accredited diploma, a practitioner’s manual, and a business-in-a-box package upon program completion. This empowers them to establish successful careers within 6-8 weeks, with the flexibility to work remotely from anywhere. Join us in transforming..

Immerse yourself in a transformative wellness retreat while earning a Holistic Psychology Certification. Delight in therapeutic workshops, banquet training, and a variety of rejuvenating activities such as yoga and sound healing. Participate in empowerment circles and invigorating exercise options. Take advantage of Utah's natural beauty with outdoor adventures like zip-lining and a biological hot springs. Leave empowered removing barriers to success, equipped with an accredited Certification.

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The mind-body connection is a captivating realm where psychological stress intricately influences molecular processes, notably through the activation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. In this module, we explore the HPA axis as our body's response system to stress, discussing its components, functions, and the impact of stress on gene expression, as well as our fascinating glandular system, and activating our metaphysical energy centers.

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To learn more, visit or to become certified in Naturopathic Medicine, visit:

Boosting Serotonin & Improving Mood: In our exploration of boosting serotonin, we've uncovered a diverse array of dietary choices and lifestyle practices that contribute to mental well-being. Let's dive deeper into these strategies for an enriched understanding.
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The Holistic Benefits of Sunflower Seeds.
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Holistic Mental Health and Mood Mastery!
Explore food and dietary impact on mood and mental mastery. Learn more at:

A holistic perspective on nutrition recognizes the importance of whole foods, emphasizing the consumption of nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. These foods provide essential vitamins and minerals that support brain health and promote a positive mental state. Additionally, incorporating omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, can help reduce inflammation in the brain and improve mental well-being.

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Nutrition Simplified & Neuro Nutrients
Antioxidants and B.D.N.F.

In this module, we're going to explore the fascinating link between berries and brain health, particularly their ability to enhance brain-derived neurotrophic factor (B.D.N.F.) production. Berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, are not only delicious but also packed with antioxidants like resveratrol and polyphenols that act as protective factors against stress.

For more information, visit:

A holistic lifestyle includes inhabiting a healthy mindset. These modules are dedicated to teaching tools and techniques to embody positive psychology, and an abundant mindset using techniques and sciences, such as neuroscience, quantum physics, meditation, autosuggestion, success mantras, wealth affirmations, NLP, The Law of Vibration, energy frequencies, and more.

Embracing a holistic lifestyle goes beyond just physical health—it encompasses nurturing a healthy mindset as well. This holistic approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, recognizing that true wellness stems from a balanced and positive mindset. To cultivate this healthy mindset, individuals can draw upon a rich tapestry of tools and techniques rooted in positive psychology and abundance mindset principles. These modules offer a diverse array of practices designed to elevate consciousness and foster mental well-being.

Drawing from fields such as neuroscience, quantum physics, and meditation, practitioners can explore the depths of the mind and unlock its potential for growth and transformation. Techniques such as auto-suggestion, success mantras, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) provide powerful tools for rewiring thought patterns and cultivating optimism and resilience. Furthermore, the law of vibration and energy frequencies offers insights into the energetic underpinnings of reality, empowering individuals to align their thoughts and emotions with higher vibrational frequencies associated with abundance and well-being.

To learn more about our Holistic Programs, visit

A holistic lifestyle includes inhabiting a healthy mindset. These modules are dedicated to teaching tools and techniques to embody positive psychology, and an abundant mindset using techniques and sciences, such as neuroscience, quantum physics, meditation, autosuggestion, success mantras, wealth affirmations, NLP, The Law of Vibration, energy frequencies, and more.

Embracing a holistic lifestyle goes beyond just physical health—it encompasses nurturing a healthy mindset as well. This holistic approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, recognizing that true wellness stems from a balanced and positive mindset. To cultivate this healthy mindset, individuals can draw upon a rich tapestry of tools and techniques rooted in positive psychology and abundance mindset principles. These modules offer a diverse array of practices designed to elevate consciousness and foster mental well-being.

Drawing from fields such as neuroscience, quantum physics, and meditation, practitioners can explore the depths of the mind and unlock its potential for growth and transformation. Techniques such as auto-suggestion, success mantras, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) provide powerful tools for rewiring thought patterns and cultivating optimism and resilience. Furthermore, the law of vibration and energy frequencies offers insights into the energetic underpinnings of reality, empowering individuals to align their thoughts and emotions with higher vibrational frequencies associated with abundance and well-being.

Welcome to Liberated Living's therapeutic meditation with positive affirmations and captions for holistic well-being. This meditation is designed to empower and uplift the mind, promoting happiness and inner peace. The positive affirmations can help to reprogram your mind and subconscious beliefs with gratitude, self-love, confidence, happiness, success, prosperity, abundance, wealth, focusing on blessings, healthy and loving relationships, good health and vitality, holistic wellness, a calm, clear, and focused mind, positive and uplifting thoughts, nourishing healthy beliefs and a vibrant mind, creating a state of joy, oneness, present-tense, inner peace, an empowering mindset, a positive attitude, and optimal well-being.Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, and take a few moments to settle into your body. Follow this meditation to cultivate a sense of peace, joy, and profound connection with ourselves and the world around us.Liberated Living is a Higher Conscious Channel, that provides eBooks, Accredited Holistic Psychology, Naturopathy, and Holistic Health Diploma Programs.For more uplifting and holistic content, visit us at:
We, at Liberated Living, help individuals, couples, and families, and support professionals who are still struggling with childhood trauma and core epigenetic patterns which are causing continual setbacks & barriers in their life and career, to overcome this trauma for good, so they can have better, stronger relationships, advance their careers, and finally heal their wounds by genetically recoding a powerful belief system.

We teach professionals advanced Genetic Recoding® strategies that get to the root of childhood trauma, family patterns, and inherent subconscious programming that cause continual setbacks & barriers in life, such as repetitive generational patterns, ongoing conflicts in relationships, unresolved trauma causing negative programming, limiting beliefs, instability and lack of s..

Welcome to Liberated Living's guided meditation with positive affirmations for holistic well-being. This meditation is designed to calm the mind and promote peace and relaxation, or a restful night's sleep. The positive affirmations can help to reprogram your mind and subconscious beliefs with gratitude, self-love, happiness, confidence, success, prosperity, abundance, wealth, focusing on blessings, healthy and loving relationships, good health and vitality, wellness, a calm, clear, and focused mind, positive and uplifting thoughts, nourishing healthy beliefs and a vibrant mind, creating a state of joy, oneness, present-tense, inner peace, an empowering mindset, a positive attitude, and optimal well-being.

Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, and take a few moments to settle into your body. Allow your breath to become slow and deep, and gently close your eyes. As we embark on this journey, let us cultivate a sense of peace, joy, and profound connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Liberated Living is a Higher Conscious Channel, that provides eBooks, Accredited Holistic Psychology, Naturopathy, and Holistic Health Diploma Programs.

For more uplifting and holistic content, visit us at:

To sample our books and programs, access our FREE eBook, 'Recode Subconscious Beliefs', as our GIFT to you! Visit:

About Liberated Living:
We, at Liberated Living, help individuals, couples, and families, and support professionals who are still struggling with childhood trauma and core epigenetic patterns which are causing continual setbacks & barriers in their life and career, to overcome this trauma for good, so they can have better, stronger relationships, advance their careers, and finally heal their wounds by genetically recoding a powerful belief system.

We teach professionals advanced Genetic Recoding® strategies that get to the root of childhood trauma, family p..

The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. This makes the heart, or "love", our most powerful and creative force. The heart-brain connection transcends mere physiological processes, encompassing a profound interplay of emotions, intuition, and consciousness. Cultivating this connection is paramount for holistic well-being, personal growth, and curating the dream life we wish to manifest.

To learn more about our programs or become certified in holistic or naturopathic medicine, visit:

The following chart illustrates the 12 emotional zones contained in this mind-body integration program that is associated with physical manifestations ie., psychosomatic conditions, developed by Dr. Vaughn Cook and former NASA researcher Calvin Young (2008); developer of the VoCal II, and 360 epigenetic technological program– a fascinating voice-mapping technology that maps subconscious stress related to our genetics.

Recommendations are provided in this module to aid in emotional health and support.
Access our holistic healing programs or learn more:

Introduction to The Mind-Body Connection Certification Course: Free Sample

The human experience is a complex interplay of various factors, encompassing nutrition, biochemistry, exercise, coping skills, genetic makeup, psychology and environmental stressors. All these elements intricately influence both mental imbalances and physical health symptoms. This interconnected web of factors can either support or hinder our mental and emotional equilibrium.

Holistic Techniques for Nourishment:

At the heart of our program, we provide holistic protocols for nourishing our emotional and physical wellness. We provide a range of natural remedies and practices, tailored to each emotional zone and chakra center. These techniques encompass diet, nutrition, supplements, including herbs, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, minerals, flower essences, and essential oils, holistic and body-mind practices, such as healing crystals, energy healing, aromatherapy and nature therapy, as well as a variety of psychotherapies. These modules set the stage for a transformative exploration of the mind-body connection and its profound implications for holistic well-being.

To learn more about this accredited certification program, visit:

Liberated Living's internationally-recognized diploma courses provide exclusive methods that will recode limiting beliefs, traumas, and subconscious programming on a genetic level, that in turn, can free our clients from these cycles of epi-genetic influences while liberating the entire generational system. This advanced coursework establishes our practitioners as the expert in their field increasing their eligibility and income potential!

Our certified practitioners receive the professional support that fully equips them with an accredited diploma upon successful completion of the program, a practitioner’s manual and a business-in-a-b..

Welcome to Liberated Living’s Abundance & Gratitude affirmations

Everything begins with a thought. When we improve our thoughts, we can transform our external conditions and circumstances.

For best results, listen to these affirmations first thing in the morning or evening while you’re in a theta state to effectively reprogram your subconscious mind and recode your beliefs.

If you would like a master training to reprogram your mind, heal blocked programming, and align to your ideal life or become a Master Holistic Practitioner in Mind-Body healing with a 'Done For You' workbook to reprogram your subconscious mind and earn Fully Accredited Holistic Certification, click the link in the description to get started on a FREE training:

Are you an author and either have a book or a course that you have created or still need help producing & publishing? Are you thinking about doing it yourself, going with A.I., or a professional voice actor? We will be covering all of that in this podcast.

Find a sample of the audiobook and narration here:

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For Digital eBooks - Buy 1 Get 1 FREE / Coupon Code: “BOGO” (or share as a gift.)

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Book collaboration with other authors & forward by Elizabeth Parrish: Expressive Origins (How Epigenetics impact our health & longevity).

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About this book:
This transformative eBook/Audiobook adopts a solut..

Earn a fully accredited certification in Holistic Psychology, Mind-Body Integration, Holistic Nutrition and Wellness, and Low-Impact Health and Fitness as a Master Holistic Practitioner!

These programs can be taken individually or combined as part of our certified holistic programs.

Our certified practitioners become experts in their field, enhancing credibility, qualifications, and earning CEUs and CPDs.

We equip our professionals with tools for success, including powerful shortcuts, holistic strategies, therapies, practicum training, and a business-in-a-box for their practice– making it perfect for both new or existing practices.

Join the movement to a liberating career!

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Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

71 videos

Category Education

We help professionals who are still struggling with childhood trauma and core epigenetic patterns which are causing continual setbacks & barriers in their life and career, to overcome this trauma for good and finally heal their limited, inherent programming so they can have better, stronger relationships, advance their careers, attract more clients and make more money by genetically recoding a powerful belief system, using a 7 step PANACEA Model.

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We offer fully equipped and done for you programs, internationally accredited diplomas for healing professionals, and a ready-made business in a box for Coaches and Therapists who value making a positive impact.

Our PANACEA system is designed for those seeking healing and re-patterning subconscious programming with a Genetic Recoding® self-healing strategy, utilizing advanced mindset techniques to signal the gene expression and psychology to align to innate purpose and potential. It is a holistic science that incorporates a wide variety of therapeutic approaches, further equipping practitioners with methods typically used in professional healing practices.

Professional Online Training + Accredited diploma + Turnkey business-in-a-box, and Done For You Workbook. Get started with a FREE eBook and introductory eCourse:

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