Wake Up Productions

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Wake Up Productions



This is a compendium of earlier work, but featuring a whole section devoted to really explaining the purpose of JAM Language and what it can mean for you to evolve your consciousness into the third dimension. Add colour and sound and you have 5 dimensions. At the end I create the Database and it is a Cartesian (x,y,z) Database in MySQL on the server available to access through a form shortly. I have to include the colours and sounds for each letter in the JAM Alphabet, which is 36 charcters and emulates BASE 36. I had the help from COPILOT and CHATGPT as well as HOOTSUITE to make this video and write the Database.

JAM LANGUAGE is a hypersonic means of communication in development. In a 36 letter alphabet where the letters ARE the numbers in Base 36, there are 24 consonants and 12 vowel sounds, with associated colours and tones. Created by James Easton 2023.

This movie covers all of the 9/11 events exposing that Barometric Bombs were used in the World Trade Center '93 Bombing, the Murrah Building in Oaklahoma City in '95, and at the WTC on 9/11 along with Direct Energy Weapons. It exposes Khazarian Jews and their involvement with 9/11. It reveals who Kurt Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey Epstein, and John McAfee are. It goes over many threats to our civilization. It discusses waking up, and explains the false reality we have been living in. It gives examples of higher state knowledge. I tells the truth about child sex trafficking. And it reveals the evil intent of Israel to annhilitate the people of Gaza. Running Time 3hrs, 33min, 33 secs.
Created and Produced by James Easton. AWAKE MEDIA in association with WAKE UP PRODUCTIONS. 2023

Here we go again! Face masks, social distancing, hand sanitizers, plexiglass, draconian freedom destroying legislation, the destruction of small business, the World Health Organization world wide control, lockdowns, and mandatory death shots. Remember the Pfeizer and Moderna shots did NOT prevent you from getting covid and from transmitting it. 99.5% of people on Earth were not going to die from Covid. The .5% were old people with weak immune systems. This is mass global genocide. Millions upon millions have died or been injured from heart attacks, neurological disorders, myocarditis, and "blood clots" which are actually fiberous self replcating nanotech. The shots contain DNA, contain mercury, contain aluminum. They cause high cancer rates. They want to jab your children 6 months and up with the poison, and if you are hesitant to agree to that you will be labelled a baby killer. All this bullshit narrative comes out of the TellLIEvision. Take back you sovereignty. The evil NWO openly talks about depopulation. The new threat is H1N2 swine flu. Get ready for the bombardment of Bullshit. The "Normies" or basically the SHEEP will echo and repeat what is on the television. Dutifully inform them they are pawns in a game of death.

Matt uses a geiger counter on a section of WTC exteror columns with a geiger counter. He first tests it against a smoke detector. Then he tests it on the section of exterior columns and gets a reading. This is incredible!

This video goes over some imminent dangers ahead. Solar storm hits Earth Saturday December 9th, I go over the 2 deep earthquake zones, Philippeans & Fiji, 3 major earthquakes in a week. The solar storm on the 9th will just make things worse. If you live in a red zone you need to move to a green or better yet a white are on the Seismic Hazard Map. I go over the Q page, and the QSTORMM X account that echos on the qofficial.net page. There is more content on the x account. The qofficial.net page has a countdown to Friday December 15th at 22:07 EST. They talk about a black out for 7 days. (See the QSTORMM X feed). Be prepared. Get food, water for at least 7 days. Be prepared for earthquakes in the RED ZONES.

This movie is about awakening to the events that have shaped our world this year. So much horrendous shit has happened in just this year alone. Doug Michael & James Easton cover the Israeli - Hamas war, the forest fires in Canada, Geo Engineering (Chemtrails), the East Palestine Ohio train derailment, the fires in Maui, The World Economic Forum and their sinister plans, Tyranical Governments, who The Ashkenazi Jews REALLY are, Israeli Hatred, the mass murdering of civilians in Palestine (Collective Punishment), Trump as it appears in the King James Bible TWICE! How America has been duped by the Federal Government allowing migrants across the southern border - the enemy is inside the gates! Red False Flags and Green False Flags, and a stern warning to Berlin - Watch out! There is a strong movement towards waking up and coming in tune. What awake people are like, and how they are THERE for you in your endeavor to do the inner work to awaken spiritually, and to be aware of the reality of the world which has been kept hidden all your lives.
Running Time 3 Hours 11 Minutes. Created by James Easton and Doug Michael, Produced by James Easton, Released October 31st 2023.

Watch out America! You are being led into a trap! The military is not up to speed to fight 3 world wars. Sending an 2 Aircraft Carrier groups into the mediteranean is a bad move! The Russians and the Iranians have Hypersonic Weapons! I put together parts of another video which explains this well but you might want to watch the whole video at: https://www.bitchute.com/video/nLJwXAqtVzFJ/
It's by Son of Enos.

In this video I explain what is really going on and who these so called Israelites really are. I present a video by Jeff Rense that exposes how Rabbis think and believe they have the right to murder every man woman and child who are Palestinian. I revoke this by citing the 10 commandments given to Moses, "Thou shall not kill, and thou shall not steal." I talk about the media and how it is owned and controlled by Zionists. I lay shame at the doorstep of world leaders who stand with Israel and any indoctrinated fools that believe Israel has the right to commit genocide. At last I talk about World War III and the battles the United States are about to embark on. Finally I talk about America being the Alamo, the last bastion for humanity. For if America falls the world is doomed. WE MUST COME TOGETHER AS ONE to stand up against the NEW WORLD ORDER that plans to enslave us all. There is no time left. - James Easton October 21 2023

The EVIL ZIONISTS are murdering innocent civilians - men, women, children, sick and elderly. Gaza is an open air prison and now it's a warzone. These people don't have weapons! They have ROCKS. The Isreali's are TERRORIZING 2 million people!!! They are going to wipe them out! STAND UP

The War Has BEGUN

It is an open season on the people of Gaza by 300,000 Israeli Military with tanks and artillery, and airstrikes... against innocent people. They shut off the water and the electricity and they are mercilessly murdering people en masse.


This is it! 5 STAR PROJECT! This is the big Pentagon Film you've been waiting for! You'll learn what really happened there, based on Barbara Honneger's findings. I spent 4 weeks making this film. It is broken down into parts:
PART 18: 10:02 FOX NEWS
Harry Bornemann was a key player in making this film. He provided all resource material for the movie including the 2013 Barbara Honneger 9/11 Seattle Truth presentation. He was the "consultant" as it were and advised me on almost every issue. He provided almost all the images and video to make this film. Doug Michael does the 9/11 Summary, and one of his Metal guitar songs is at the end called "Fog of War." The music in the film is really moving. I tried to put it with crucial parts. Running Time: 2 hours 41 minutes. This is a very serious movie. You should be dedicated to watching the entire thing. You can watch it in parts. - James Easton, Oct. 14 2023.

The movie is taking a bit longer than I had anticipated. I have one more section to do, and it will require a lot of detail. I am putting out the intro to give you a sense of the movie.

This video starts off with a correction about what was being said by the children in the classroom. It wasn't "PLANE" it was "PLAYING" which is significantly more threatening. KITE = PLANE. No need to say it twice. PLAYING is sick and twisted. There is much more footage from the classroom and I go over it. The words "ROBBER RUNNING SMILE SMILED MORE" are said. I go over the numerology of the last letters of the words KITE HIT STEEL PLAYING MUST. It's 10. Actually it's 1. I talk about my interactions with some people on facebook, agreeing to disagree, and also about the movie by CIT - Citizens Investigation Team "The PENTAGON". It is an important watch. SO I correct my premise that there were no planes on 911 to: NO PLANES CRASHED on 911. I go over the 23rd of September - keep a close eye on your children, and the 14th of October. Something BIG is coming. Finally I talk about the answer to the evil plot to have us all using digital currency in a Social Credit Score system, being Beans, Seeds, and Nuts. Start collecting/growing now.

In this video I apologize to Judy Wood. She was right about Directed Energy Weapons used in the 9/11 Event. But I contend that the Towers were demolished by bombs and no energy weapons. The Energy Weapon tests were done on cars in the streets surrounding the towers and in the parking lots north west of the towers. I figured this based on Maui, and I had thought it was from the molten iron spraying out on top of these cars. But I was wrong. I go into depth about the communist revolution taking place across America and that the dictators - the elites - are going to try to starve the American people. I define that Orthodox Jews and Hesetic Jews are not to blame. It is the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, who aren't even Jews - they are the ancient Khazarians who hi jacked Judaism back in 1000 ad mixed their child sacrafice rituals to Baal (the devil) into Judaism called Babylonian Talmudism. BEWARE the Autumnal Solstice on September 23. WATCH YOUR CHILDREN. BE VIGILANT. I also call OCTOBER 14th which is an "Annular" Eclipse (A Ring of FIRE) Solar Eclipse to be a day to be reckoned with. WATCH OUT. Be Vigilant. These are precarious times!

This starts off with a video which shows how the Narrative for taking the Vaccine was pushed on the public in full force which eventually got very ugly. Truth be told the vaccine killed and injured a lot of people all over the world. The vaccine also did not work at all. It didn't prevent covid, and the transmission of covid. The masses tuned into the television and the media fell lockstep - hook line and sinker with the lies and propaganda pushed by the elite who own all the media. This time around say NO. Don't watch your TV anymore, take a break. Say to the WORLD: I WILL NOT COMPLY.

The Flat Earth Fallacy. James go over the history behind why we have a round earth, and the physics involved, and debunks many flat earth fallacies. He plays a video called "Neo Human Eve" and crushes it. The debate for flat earth is a colossal waste of time when we should be working together to address the challenges we face by the incredible evil that is the powers that be. It is the powers that be that foisted this lie onto us so we would bicker and fight with each other.

Something weird happened today. It was not coincidence. It was meant to be. I discovered something and it involves Jesus in the Bible, and his disciples. The third time Jesus visited them after he had died. They were fishing. There is a remarkable number related 100% to the Twin Towers in terms of numerology. I also expose the numerology of the heights of the towers. There is a brief intro segment from the film "9/11 Deception - The Gift" followed by a Porky Pig cartoon where the dog freaks out about "The Towers!!! They are falling!". Then it's the latest rifs from my buddy Doug Michael to images that are relevant to 9/11. Running Time 18 mins.
The video I watched that I was referring to in the video was:

We cover the bases on Maui, asserting it was a direct energy weapon based on some video of a car that was roasted. We talk about how the people that obeyed the law got incinerated and the people that disobeyed saved their lives. We discuss how the evil ones are out in the open at war against us and we must come together as one united people on this planet to fight against this non stop evil that is attacking our way of life.

THIS is THE MOVIE you want to show to your friends, associates, family, neighbours and so on.
This film is comprised of 9 proofs that 9/11 was a deception beyond imagination.
They are:
1) No Wake Vortex
2) Numerology in the Towers
3) Default Lighting at Night
4) Directions of the Explosions
5) The Hezarkhani GLITCH - CGI Error
6) The ENGINE at Church and Murray
7) Complicity of Chief Pfeifer and Ladder 1 Engine 7
8) The Magic Square of the Sun
This is a culmination of work done over a 10 year period. Created entirely by James Easton. Running time 1 hour 49 minutes
James Easton's 911 website: http://911lies.ca

This video depicts napalm explosions in Vietnam and assesses the properties of the explosions, where there is a white chemical component to it along with the red and orange fireball that turns into a black cloud. Compared to the hit on Tower 2, the white smoke is present in the aftermath of the "hit" and lasts a long time. I show the Hezarkhani shot uninterrupted for 3 minutes. I also show a segment from the original film 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE where I assess the white smoke from the vantage of a helicopter looking directly to the south. I show photographs and clearly exhibit the white smoke enveloping the tower. I conclude that it had to be napalm due to the nature of the white smoke.

So we take a trip into the Magic Square of the Sun and reveal more info in the other corners of the Square. We find Sandy Hook Dec 14 2012 and London's 9/11, 7/7. What else is there. Help me figure this shit out. There are other dates that show up but were they false flags that already happened or are going to happen. I have to cross reference with a full list of false flags.

This movie opens with a segment called "Tempering" which talks about how predictive programming works. Then it goes into speaking in truth to be credible. It deals with the subtle nuances that were made to capture the second plane hit. Doug Michael has a diatribe called "The Foundation of Lies is Crumbling." James talks about Albert Pikes 3 World Wars. Then it's a series of clips from The Times featuring James and Doug talking about pertinent issues, including showing what a moron Joe Biden is, how Putin and Trump are in the pockets of the Jews, and spurring people into awakening. James talks about Resignation or lacking hope in a situation that seems hopeless. Finally a woman talks about awakening with such clarity it is awesome. Running time: 2 hrs 7 mins

We cover a huge range of pressing topics that affect Americans and the World. James and Doug banter back and forth over an array of taboo subjects and what we are facing today.
Running time 1 hour 44 mins.


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

121 videos

Category Education

I began work on 9/11 in January 2023 and put out a movie in May that year called 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE on YouTube. Subsequently I made 3 other movies that year with the same name, 2,3 & 4. By year end 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE the first movie had garnered 500,000 views. So I made a movie for that. I created 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 5 in early spring 2014. Then I worked with an engineer, Steve Grage, and we produced 9/11 the BIGGEST LIE 6 - PHYSICS 9/11 and it was about how there were no planes on 9/11. The movie garnered 175,000 views in 3 years. Pretty good for something that goes against the grain. All my movies subsequent to 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE spoke about No Planes on 9/11 to a certain extent. By 2016, I had produced 7,8 9, & 10 and on the day of 9/11, the original film grossed 1 Million hits. Then, all of a sudden, it was pulled from Youtube, and also the associated page on facebook was taken down. I had to start over. I still had 2 thru 10 out there, and I produced 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 18 that year, and leading into 2017. I used to make an episode per day on 9/11 because 9/11 is a mountain of bullshit and you have to sift through so many topics. My youtube account surpassed 2 million views total. I began a series of movies called 9/11 Deception which was to counter 9/11 Truth and AE 9/11 truth talking to the idea that they were in it. They were complicit in covering up the truth. I produced The Gift, Madness, American Nightmare, and End Game. Later on I produced The Last Testament after making 3 other Biggest Lie films. I got into trouble. I made a video aimed at order followers and I made threats. The powers that be nailed me to a cross and I was jailed and then hospitalized in a forensic psychiatric facility for 5 years. I am allowed to live in the community now, but still under the thumb of the powers. I am a political prisoner. I produced 9/11 The Biggest Lie 26, and 27 this year. 27 being the latest it covers how the towers were exploded in a demolition thoroughly, and it talks about the Magic Square of the Sun. My next work is going to be on the Numerology of the Towers and I will lay it bare. It's been a long journey.
To watch all the films you need to visit AWAKE911.com. They are all there except for 18 and Madness. Madness was so over the top it disappeared off the net and I don't have a copy to post up. My work is by myself alone and I know what I am talking about.
Thanks, and enjoy learning about the real truth of 9/11. Sincerely James Easton