Jerry Durand

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Jerry Durand



This is not my work. The author's telegram channel is

I have no idea who this is, the video was forwarded to me.

The talented Russian musician ST (Alexander Stepanov) ( published the video “Give him strength.” (

The main characters of the video are the special forces soldiers of the Russian Guard, who are currently on the front line.

But especially the two main characters, are the brigade commander of the Russian Guard Sergei Khairutdinov, Hero of Russia, and the country's president Vladimir Putin. According to the musician, these are people who now personify the concept of patriotism. Both of them, each at their own level, are doing one thing for the country at a difficult historical moment - defending the Motherland.

The composition is performed in a lyrical manner unusual for a rapper. Its main message is defenders of the Fatherland as an example for other Russians. The song immediately entered the top 20 popular compositions.

This is not my work, original video

Author's note:
EPISODE: US-Ukrainian relations. I often read comments from Americans about Biden. They write there that he constantly sniffs everyone, including Yulia Navalnaya. 😅 Well, I couldn’t resist and made a small episode about how I see American-Ukrainian relations. 😂 Ukraine didn’t even think that it got involved with predators, Satanists and perverts.

ЭПИЗОД: Американо-украинские отношения. Часто читаю комментарии американцев про Байдена. Там пишут о том, что он постоянно всех нюхает, включая Юлию Навальную. 😅 Ну вот я и не удержалась, сделала маленький эпизод о том, как я вижу американо-украинские отношения. 😂 Украина даже не думала, что связалась с хищниками, сатанистами и

This is not my work.

Author's note:

Previously, it was difficult to identify in a crowd a person who does not study history and does not understand politics (I am talking about ordinary citizens of any country, not about politicians). And today they are easy to recognize in the crowd by their faith in democracy, their cries of “NO TO WAR” and their support for Ukraine.

I regret that I didn’t do a small series about democracy earlier. MULTIGABUKF from me on this topic here:

Also, those who do not study believe in such fairy tales as freedom of speech, that the president of any country during military operations is guided solely by his emotions, that television never lies or makes mistakes, and the good intentions of the United States. For such people, I leave a link to a complete list of armed conflicts unleashed by the United States throughout history.

For those who want to delve deeper into the topic and understand how entire countries are being destroyed, I highly recommend reading John Perkins’ book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman.”

I want to emphasize right away that for me the American people and American politicians are not the same thing. Not all Americans allow themselves to be brainwashed. Many study, so they do not support the actions of their government at all. A recent example of this is Tucker Carlson, his entourage and his followers. I wish such Americans strength of spirit and thank them for not being afraid to speak the truth in a country where there is no freedom of speech.

Раньше трудно было определить в толпе человека, который не учит историю и не разбирается в политике (я говорю про обычных граждан любой страны, не про политиков). А сегодня их просто узнать в толпе по вере в демократию, воплям “НЕТ ВОЙНЕ” и по поддержке Украины.

Жалею, что не сделала маленькую серию о демократии раньше. МНОГАБУКФ от меня на эту тему здесь:

Ещё те, кто не учится, верят в такие сказки, как свобода слова, в то, что президент любой страны при военных действиях руководствуется исключительно своими эмоциями, в то, что телевизор никогда не врёт и не ошибается, в добрые намерения США. Для таких людей я оставляю ссылку на полный перечень вооруженных конфликтов, развязанных США за всю историю.

Тем, кто хочет углубиться в тему и понять, как уничтожаются целые страны, настоятельно рекомендую прочесть книгу Джона Перкинса “Исповедь экономического убийцы”.

Сразу хочу подчеркнуть, что для меня американский народ и американские политики — это не одно и то же. Не все американцы позволяют промывать себе мозг. Многие учатся, поэтому совершенно не поддерживают действия своего правительства. Недавний пример тому - Такер Карлсон, его окружение и его подписчики. Таким американцам я желаю силы духа и благодарю их за то, что не боятся говорить правду в стране, где нет свободы слова.

This is not my work.

Original video

Translation by Putinger's Cat / Кот Путингера

This is not my work, it's copied from

Author's note:
Not a chapter, but an episode: “Carlson is back.”

Не глава, а эпизод: "Карлсон вернулся".

Yandex delivery robots trying to figure this out.

Copied from

Creator's note:
Good day. I wanted to do the second part of Hryuligarh, but suddenly I mastered creating music using neural networks, and off we went. I’ve been writing poems and songs for a long time, but I didn’t have the opportunity to quickly make music for them, and now keep me seven! Even the most difficult to believe is that the song is not sung and played by a person. I wrote 10 songs, 5 of which I will definitely make videos for. I feel like this is just the beginning. Hryuligarh will wait a little, I’m not leaving him. In the meantime, the first clip is ready. Hooray!

Доброго времени суток. Хотела заняться второй частью хрюлигарха, но внезапно освоила создание музыки с помощью нейросетей, и понеслось. Я же давно пишу стихи и песни, но не имела возможности быстро делать к ним музыку, а теперь держите меня семеро! Даже самой трудно поверить в то, что песню поет и играет не человек. Написала 10 песен, на 5 из которых точно буду делать клипы. Чувствую я, что это только начало. Хрюлигарх немного подождет, я его не бросаю. А пока первый клип готов. Ура!

End of year report from RT News

Copied from the author's telegram channel

Russians don't have Santa Claus, they have Father Frost (Moroz) and the Snow Maiden.

Author's note translated:


As always, the goal is not so much politics as the New Year's mood.
It was very difficult to squeeze it out of myself in light of today's events, but I tried! Therefore, if it didn’t work out, then don’t judge strictly.
Despite the fun format, the episode asks the viewer a very important question:
“How are we going to live next to a feral pig?”
I hope that the answer to this question will be given to us by those Ukrainians who remained human, because they somehow managed to survive for years in this crazy barn.
I would like to wish them and all of us peace! May we finally have peace with Ukraine in the new year! I wish our boys on the real and invisible front to win victories and take care of themselves. Let those who fight for Russia against Western Satanists return alive. I also wish that the Ukrainian side would not bring good and decent people to the front. God, take care of such people! Both from our and from the Ukrainian side! Let the smart ones survive, let the kind ones survive, let decent and moral people survive! I want peace, although I don’t believe that it will be on Earth in the new year. But let it be at least between us and Ukraine. Lord, let this fraternal bloodshed stop already! Let at least in the new year Ukraine see the light and understand that we are not its enemies!

North Korea in the cartoon fits well into the image for the Year of the Dragon. :)
We did the series again with Dima (Phantom77), for which we thank him very much. With it, cartoons have become brighter and more beautiful!
I also want to thank the telegram channel “Putinger's Cat” for translating my New Year's song into English.
To the young and talented singer Arlinn for her wonderful performance of this song.

I express special gratitude to the patriotic group “Overton Gates”. You've probably heard their songs “Geranium is Flying” or “Torn Off”.
The guys responded to make me music for the song. They didn’t take a penny because they work on sheer enthusiasm. We have found each other!
You can support these musical patriots here:
Their telegram channels:
And VK:

A film with a funny title and a serious situation in which Soviet intelligence officers found themselves.
The film is very unusual, and the main role of the circus performer was played by Novosibirsk mime Andrei Kislitsyn, who works in the famous Canadian Cirque du Soleil.

He was given complete freedom and from here the cat on the roof was born, who meows.

copied from

I was asked what driving was like in Russia, so here's a video from my dash cam on the way home from shopping today.

This is copied from Telegram channel СВО- Свинка В Обмороке

Russian recruiting video

How the Donetsk People's Republic has changed in just one year as part of Russia.

copied from

CHAPTER 25 - "The History of the Ancient Grunts"

copied from

video from

additional info

The day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism

It was officially established in 2005, in connection with the tragic events in Beslan between the 1st and the 3rd of September a year earlier. During the attack, the militants seized school number 1 and killed about three hundred people, including more than 150 children.


Mikhail Shufutinsky

The third of September

Everything has gone wrong
You are my friend, I am your enemy.
How did it happen?
It was April and we swore to love each other
But, alas, a yellow leaf fell on a boulevard of Moscow

The third of September is the day of farewell
The day when rowan berries are burning like a bonfire
Our promises are in flames
It's the day when I am all alone

I'll turn a calendar page
And there will be the third of September again
I'll take a glance at your photo
And there will be the third of September again
But why
But why did we break up?
We had a serious relationship
On the second of September
But why
But why did we break up?
We had a serious relationship
On the second of September

The white flock of cranes... Your daughter and my son...
Everyone wants warmth and tenderness
We've played the game of love
In the cold wind
But then came....

The third of September is the day of farewell
The day when rowan berries are burning like a bonfire
Our promises are in flames
It's the day when I am all alone

I'll turn a calendar page
And there will be the third of September again
I'll take a glance at your photo
And there will be the third of September again
But why
But why did we break up?
We had a serious relationship
On the second of September
But why
But why did we break up?
We had a serious relationship
On the second of September

Copied from

There will be two new characters in the series about Russian hackers. Cow - Moldova and gypsy vampire - Romania. Why is that? I drew the image of a cow from the Moldavian coat of arms. Although a tour is depicted there, I saw earrings and a star in his forehead, almost in his forehead. And also “cow-Moldova” sounds and is quickly remembered. I love how this character turned out. Romania is the birthplace of Dracula. Therefore, the bat. And why is it a gypsy, I’ll leave it to Yandex to search for this answer. :) Why did these characters appear? They were on the list of those countries whose government websites were attacked by our hackers. I'm posting the series now.

idiots in action




Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

69 videos

Category None

Due to the actions and policies of the United States against Russia, we have renounced our USA citizenship and have acquired citizenship in Vanuatu, a neutral country. We will not support the USA and simply wish to live peacefully in our home in Russia, the best place on Earth.

We fully support the SMO and only wish we could help, but as we're not citizens there's not much we can do.

Из-за действий и политики Соединенных Штатов против России мы отказались от нашего гражданства США и приобрели гражданство Вануату, нейтральной страны. Мы не будем поддерживать США и просто желаем мирно жить в нашем доме в России, лучшем месте на Земле.

Мы полностью поддерживаем SMO и только хотели бы помочь, но поскольку мы не граждане, мы мало что можем сделать.