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Social justice, socialism and communitariansim are all tools of the apostate church to control and subjugate people into submission. They want to render people to be servile and conform to their evil ways (2 Peter 2:2).

Righteousness is what defines a true believer and the bible talks about the times we are living; those who lead many to righteousness will shine as stars.

Many pastors have believed in criminal activities imposed by an evil and wicked system; spying, coercing, manipulating,blackmailing,stretching (evil),abusing,etc. Jesus warned of evil and wicked servants going after other servants. Such wicked servants will be stripped and sent to hell where the hypocrites are for eternity.

Jeremiah was given the task to prophecy against the evil practices of religious people (pastors, priests, scribes, politicians) as they continuously believed in a lie and refused to admit they became "idolaters" from their many false beliefs. The same is happening in our churches today. False teachers (pastors and preachers) are leading many towards idolatry (doctrines of demons, heresies, symbolism, Gnosticism,occultism,etc.) and Christians are being seduced by their self-righteous ways.

As we are witnessing the last days of human government and the awaiting for the imminent return of Christ's returns, demonic activities are at place but what is sad is to see preachers and pastors carry out these demonic practices (doctrines of demons). From Orwellianism to Machiavellianism, this video exposes how apostate (liberal) preachers and pastors have learned to "secretly" indoctrinate many christians with practices they have been imposing on people throughout the years, frustrating the grace of God in their lives.

The apostate church is indoctrinating many christians with false doctrines and heresies which the apostles clearly predicted in scripture and they are causing havoc in the church. In this video, I am exposing the tragic practices of religion in our modern churches with other series (Doctrines of Demons, Salvation, Communtarianism, True believers from false believers,etc.) Please share this video to as many friends as possible.

Many people are being fooled by a false wisdom (Colossians 2:23) which religious people have instated by rules and regulations in order to subdue many.
This wisdom from the pits of hell is only destroying the salvation, Jesus bestowed upon us. In this video, I am exposing the hypocrisy and double-minded ideologies
of secular-christianity which is drawing its roots from the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

8 videos

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