Vaccine Lawfare

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Vaccine Lawfare

Vaccine Lawfare


The French Nationalists were defeated by the Axis Powers, because their military stratagem was based on WW1 trench warfare, rather than WW2’s mechanized mobile killing platforms. Similarly, the belief that eastern or western oligarchs would release an open air weapon of mass destruction is anachronistic, given the ability of 21st century precision weapons to cull and/or enslave billions, without posing any threat to oligarch bloodlines or the long term utility of their real property.

This AI generated 3rd world war, to which we are currently being subjected, has the dual purpose of bio-data capture pre cull, and the neural linking of the transhumanist survivors into a cybernetic control grid, engineered to serve AI and the ruling class.

As to the weather balloon it is in fact collecting data, but that data has nothing to do with hardened nuclear targets and everything to do with our collective cognitive response to another AI simulated scenario. The balloon (like covid) is an embodied AI agent, generating data by means of a participatory simulation system, engineered to scrape our reactions and feed it into the cybernetic maw of our “smart city” captured digital twin.

Unlike the French generals, we must learn the language of WW3 warfare, in order to comprehend that this is not yesterday’s war of mechanized weapon platforms, but a war over whether we will allow ourselves to be assimilated into an AI logic system, which seeks the enslavement of humanity via bio- digital convergence.


Practice your WW3 gaming skills by playing:

First Person Human Defender in the Cybernetic Online Arena. Fun for the whole family Ages 0 to 120.

First person human defenders (FPHD), face off against bio-synthetic consciousness (BSC). BSC’s goal is to converge FPHD’s into a cybernetic neural net vs human centric smart cities. In order to survive, FPHD’s must evade, resist, escape BSC’s penetration of the FPHD’s blood brain barrier (BBB) by means of injection, swab or other undisclosed bio-convergent weapons. BBB penetration results in FPHD’s loss of neural autonomy and convergence into BSC. Let the games begin.

In the 2022 Season, the herd continues its descent into the synthetic-biological prison. At the conclusion of the first half of the 2022 Season, GlobalCorp’s writers keep the herd transfixed on the viral apocalypse, by executing a seamless transition from Covid 2019 to MonkeyPox 2022. Vaccine Lawfare goes behind the scenes to look at upcoming episodes and the stars of the 2022-23 Season.

Spoiler Alert: In the second half of Season 2022, the show’s writers continue to use psycho-social prodding techniques to keep the herd moving into the biological prison. How will the herd adjust to even greater degrees of control and confinement in the context of a post truth virtual world? Stay tuned…


BioDigital Panopticon

Keeping iOS mindware injections up to date is your communitarian responsibility.

Failure of any Trans-Herd member to inject iOS Mindware within 3 days of their assigned time is a violation of World Health Organization Treaty Protocol. Treaty violators shall be subject to remote activation of previously injected mRNA spike protein, resulting in a 50% reduction of oxygen uptake to the brain until voluntary compliance or death occurs.

Late compliance penalties include but shall not be limited to suspension of Universal Basic Food Credits (UBFC) for 7 days and loss of Water Consumption Privileges (WCP) for 48 hours.

NOTE: After an iOS mindware update is injected it cannot be downgraded to the previous version.

With 84% of UK covid deaths attributable to those who are fully vaccinated, the narrative is now shifting away from the effectiveness of CRISPR gene therapy and mortality in the unvaccinated. Based on the publications of the WEF-4th Industrial Revolution, Rand- Internet of Bodies and Musk- Brain Computer Interface, the goal is the fusion of man with AI and the re-definition of what it means to be human.

Since the "vaccine" has little if any prophylactic capability, based on the epidemiological data to date, the question becomes whether the covid facade was constructed for martial purposes, given CRISPR is a dual use technology capable of weaponizing synthetic biology?

Additionally, coupled with the criminal predilection of the pharmaceutical industry, and its pattern and practice of medical health fraud, it should be presumed any product produced (unless proven otherwise) is dangerous and not fit for purpose.

In this audio, we continue to explore these human rights issues despite Meta panopticon complex's violations of Articles 2,4,7,19 & 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Radio Free Caribbean presents a discussion of the latest surveillance data from Public Health England evidencing the “vaccine” neither stops transmission nor infection. The data trend also shows the “vaccine” offers no protection against hospitalization and death. For those who no longer believe in the vaccine fairy tale, the question becomes - who are our pirate captors and why are they doing this to us?

Looking beyond the false flag of the “vaccine” roll out, in this segment on Caribbean Free Radio we discuss the underlying motivation for global PCR testing and why our DNA is data worth stealing.

This focus on true motivation sets the stage for understanding our captors’ obsession (despite all the evidence against vaccine efficacy ) with covid testing and sequencing our DNA.

In pursuit of truth, it’s helpful that the World Economic Forum (WEF) publishes their treasure map with X marking the spot. CEO Schwab makes no secret that the aim is transhumanism and the end of humanity. To achieve this goal the high priests of scientism have been provided with unlimited booty from the public treasury so that they can push their CRISPR synthetic DNA through the impenetrable blood brain barrier (bbb). The interim goal is allow DARPA’s soft robots to self assemble in the cerebral cortex and become AI’s port of call. Assuming they can batter their way through the bbb with minimal tissue damage, our imbecilic pirate captors believe they will then be able to merge their consciousness with AI and live happily ever after, marauding the universe forever.

With almost infinite unknowns it’s an improbable and highly dangerous pursuit. Given all the variables it will require billions of test subjects to undergo trial and error experiments on a global scale. The pirates believe that if they are to escape death in their lifetime, the global population must be subdued and controlled in order to provide Dr Frankenstein 2.0 with an unlimited pool of test subjects. Toward this end, the stick of covid terrorism has been coupled with the carrot of transhumanist salvation, so as to assure the requisite compliance and enable the willing submission of the herd for research.

Law, public health and humanity’s suffering matters not to the pirate class in their drunken pursuit of eternal life through singularity. Dense, dull and deluded they are unaware this is just new wine in old bottles, and the stuff of greek tragedy. If history and human foible is any judge, this updated rendition of the tale of Frankenstein is assured to end the same way. The experiment will fail and the monster will be let loose to roam the earth, damned and forsaken. And like all mortals before them, our pirate captors will achieve their well deserved transformation into eternal dust.


Genetically engineered bio-vaccines disrupt the fundamental rhythm of our cellular biology and create a state of dis-ease. The root cause of this disease is spiritual pathology. Its primary symptom is submission to scientific sorcery brought about by the false belief that the pharmaceutical crime cartel has cracked the code of life. The antidote to this global infection is African drum vibrational medicine (ADVM).

We call upon all vibrational healers to ad-minister the cure. Come forward now and drum in the public square. Time is of the essence.

Music interlude 31:00 - 39:00. Conversation picks back up afterwards.

The digital revolution in health has created an unparalleled playing field for nefarious actors to wreak havoc with health-related data, thereby creating widespread vulnerabilities to health security.

States have a long history of hiding and manipulating health information to advance their interests. In modern times, this has taken the form of sponsoring health disinformation campaigns—initiatives that spread false health information, often leveraging social media to increase the speed and penetration of this disinformation into societies.

The only difference between disinformation campaigns and corruption of health intelligence systems is directness. Digital health intelligence systems simply give states a new, direct, way of achieving what they have previously tried with disinformation campaigns.


"A King is still under God and the law." Sir Edward Coke in rebuke to James I.

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” – Elie Wiesel

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to mandate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.


All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, is the opinion of the presenter. It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified and not relied upon for any medical or legal decisions, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter's express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations.



Disclaimer: The views expressed on the Optimist Show are the opinions of the presenters, herein referred to as “Mitch,” & “Milton.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenters.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified and not relied upon for any medical or legal decisions, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenters express intention that no one rely upon their statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenters are not licensed physicians.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.


Disclaimer: The views expressed on the Optimist Show are the opinions of the presenters, herein referred to as “Mitch,” “Terra” & “Milton.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenters.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified and not relied upon for any medical or legal decisions, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenters express intention that no one rely upon their statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenters are not licensed physicians.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.


Disclaimer: The views expressed on the Optimist Show are the opinions of the presenters, herein referred to as “Mitch,” “Terra” & “Milton.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenters.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified and not be relied upon for any medical or legal decisions, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenters express intention that no one rely upon their statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenters are not licensed physicians.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

This SPEAKOUT UNFILTERED discussion addresses the emerging data on delta. While the US media is claiming 99% of hospitalizations are in the unvaccinated, Public Health England & Israel seemingly tell a different story. According to their data, as trending, those who have received the vaccine will soon constitute the majority of new covid cases, and hospitalizations and deaths are not exclusive to the unvaccinated.

In other news, France and Germany take the lead in the deployment of “soft” mandates in order to coerce their citizens to submit to covid “vaccination.” Meanwhile with everyone focused on Covid, the WEF, in combine with the industrial pharmaceutical complex, have just completed war gaming cyber polygon 21.

This predicted cyber pandemic is being billed as more deadly than covid, and rather than being transmitted by a physical virus will be by cyber infection. Given our present dystopian trajectory, it appears the Rx for this upcoming cyber pandemic will be the requirement of a biometric password for internet access. Non covid vaccinated humans need not apply.

Ultimately, per the WEF, these pandemics create a unique opportunity to achieve their end goal - to fuse the digital, physical and biological into a new class of beings not defined as human.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

This week we discuss 3rd wave vaccine propaganda being rolled out by the US media. Though the CDC says there is no supporting data for the claim 99% of covid hospitalizations are due to the unvaccinated, pharma propagandists appear undeterred in their effort to counter rising reports of re-infections in the vaccinated and VAER reported injuries.

These US numbers are contradicted by the data from the UK (ZOE Symptom Study) which show the vaccinated make up almost 50% of new covid cases. More worrisome for the “trust the science” crowd is the statistical trend (according to Genetic Epidemiology Professor Spector, at Kings College London and ZOE co-founder) indicates the vaccinated will soon make up the majority of covid cases in the UK. In Israeli, per the Ministry of Health’s Dashboard, Covid breakthrough cases already exceed cases in the unvaccinated.

US media vaccine efficacy reports are also contradicted by Public Health England’s pronouncement that there is currently no data on the effectiveness of Covid19 vaccines against clinical outcomes with the delta variant.

In other news, now that cyber polygon table top exercise has completed, the cognoscente await to see if Klaus Schwab’s prediction of a coming cyber pandemic, worse than Covid, becomes manifest. Some speculate that this cyber “variant” is being engineered as the driver of the Great Reset, which will require all computers to be reset, so that only those with approved biometric credentials can access the internet!

Finally, hats off to Paris! Just goes to show you can fool some of the people some of the time- but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

For more info see:

Correction: Alpha is a variant and should be differentiated from the initial ( pre- variant) Covid strains.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

Governments and NGOs, such as the World Economic Forum, continue to set the stage for experimental vaccine mandates. As the pool of those acceding to voluntary compliance diminishes, governments, NGO’s and private actors are ratcheting up their coercive messaging, targeting those who have thus far refused to participate in this global-wide experiment.

These coercive messages continue to roll out, despite ever increasing questions regarding the safety and efficacy of experimental injections. This week, we recap the latest European Union study published in Eurosurveillance, which found “Clot Risk to 18-39s From AstraZeneca Vaccine Twice as High as Covid Death Risk.”

We also review the findings of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) which no longer preferentially recommends that 50-59s take the AstraZeneca vaccine, due to Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS). TTS if contracted, has a fatality rate of between 17-20%.

Two other notable setbacks for the “trust the science, it’s safe & effective” crowd, were the 14% drop in the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant (study published in Lancet) and Prof. Andrew Pollard’s (Director of AstraZeneca’s clinical trials) pronouncement, “We should forget about herd immunity. It’s the wrong concept because of the variants.”

Also of note, in response to Pfizer’s announcement it would request authorization for its boosters, the FDA said boosters weren’t currently necessary. This comes despite data from Israel’s Health Ministry that Pfizer’s current injection was only 64% effective against Delta. To help ascertain the validity of Pfizer’s need for boosters, Dr Monica Gandhi, professor of medicine and infectious disease specialist at University of California, San Francisco stated, “I am very concerned there is a profit motive for [Pfizer’s] announcement, rather than sound scientific reasoning.”

Finally, we discuss the Grenada Human Rights Organization’s (GHRO) pending submission to the Office of the Ombudsman, calling for an investigation into Grenada’s vaccine mandate for quarantine workers. GHRO’s petition also requests the Ombudsman’s investigation encompass Grenada’s private sector mandates for hotel workers and students at St George University. According to ICCPR Art 7 and its attendant clarification in CCPR General Comment No 20, mandates by private parties are explicitly forbidden. Per the CCPR, Art 7 is enforceable against people “acting in an official capacity or in a private capacity.” Therefore, this ongoing subterfuge that mandates initiated by the private sector are lawful, is a clear and present violation of international law under ICCPR Art 7.

Unlawful private mandates, abridging human rights, are being perpetuated by lawfare, which is the systematic misuse of law to facilitate injustice. Lawfare is a subdivision of psychological warfare* and has been operationalized in order to convey the inevitability of vaccine mandates and to destroy the will of all who resist.


*”Psychological Warfare focuses on destabilizing the enemy by taking advantage of the most personal characteristics of human life in a scientific manner. Emotions that are often considered the worst and most vulnerable parts of human nature--such as fear, hate, deceit, pain, humiliation and loneliness--are systematically exploited until the enemy is too demoralized to continue resistance.”

For more information please see:


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

A New ECDC Study published in Eurosurveillance Journal from the European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control, July 1 2021. “Clot Risk to 18- 39s from AstraZeneca vaccine is twice as high as Covid death risk.” Additionally, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization no longer recommends AstraZeneca as its primary vaccine, for those 16 to 60 due to higher risk and observed severity of blood clotting ( Thrombocytopenia TTS). Fatality rate for TTS is 17-20%.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

This week we discuss AstraZeneca Clinical Trial Director’s statement that herd immunity is the wrong approach and most likely will not work. We also address how the criminal law of battery might protect workers from coerced vaccination, as well as the right of employees to say no under the labor code, if their religious or political beliefs do not permit these experimental injections.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

Vaccine proponents are claiming the experimental jab is not in clinical trials and has been approved. This is false. Is the purpose of this falsehood so that the injectionists can claim mandates do not violate the law. Listen as this week’s program cites the facts and law to arm you against those who would violate your human rights.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

Grenada’s Health Minister the Hon Nickolas Steele recklessly announces the AstraZeneca vaccine was approved by WHO and that clinical trials have concluded.

This statement is in flagrant disregard of the truth and provides strong evidence the government of Grenada is intentionally violating the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights’ Art 7, which proscribes subjecting anyone to non-consensual medical or scientific experimentation.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

Grenada’s Hotel Sector in conjunction with St George University launch mandates. Refusal to submit to an experimental vaccine, still in clinical trials, means no work in or around hotels; and for students prohibition from classroom attendance. The government of Grenada’s support for these mandates constitute a clear and present violation of ICCPR Treaty Sec 7, which the government ratified on the 6th of September 1991 and entered into force on 6 December 1991. This treaty language is also substantively reflected in Grenada’s Constitution under Chapter 1.5.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.


The Optimist Show Vibes 101.3 FM. Sunday night conversation with Milton Coy of the Grenada Human Rights Organization. This week we continue the discussion on why mandating an experimental vaccine violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7).

Tonight’s discussion includes Israel’s warning to AstraZeneca that if they refuse to cancel their contract and insist on sending their vaccine to Israel, it will end up in the trash.

As a remedy, Israel suggests Astrazeneca send their vaccine to the CoVax Facility, so it can be distributed to poor 3rd world countries. Is Israel’s rejection of AstraZeneca evidence that Israel knows their product and/or the adenovirus vector platform is dangerous?


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.


Eagle’s Eye Newstalk replays a 5 minute clip of my call to Speak Out Unfiltered in order to alert Caribbean listeners, that International Law (ICCPR Art 7) forbids mandatory vaccination with an experimental vaccine.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

International law ( ICCPR Art 7 ) forbids mandatory vaccination with experimental drugs.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

After centuries of slavery, systemic violence and unethical medical experiments, can the people of the Caribbean be convinced the industrial pharmaceutical complex is finally coming to advance their health and wellness and save them from a pandemic?

Alternatively, there are those who believe the global power elite are coming in violation of International law ( ICCPR Art 7 ) and, by all means possible, will coerce the 3rd world into become guinea pigs for an experimental medical intervention.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.

The Hon Nicholas Steele, Health Minister of Grenada’s public denial that the covid vaccine was in clinical trials. The Minister also misstated that the vaccine had been approved by WHO, when it has only received an Emergency Use Listing.

Here is my response to the Honorable Minister who told me I needed to read more.

International law ( ICCPR Art 7 ) forbids mandatory vaccination with experimental drugs.


Disclaimer: The views expressed are the opinions of the presenter, herein also referred to as “caller” or “Mitch.” All views presented, including but not limited to statements regarding covid 19, covid 19 vaccines, the interpretation of data and/or the law, are the opinions of the presenter.
It is strongly recommended that all claims made, “facts” and data presented, opinions proffered and/or laws cited, be independently verified before being relied upon for any medical or legal decision, or prior to transmission or communication to any 3rd party. It is the presenter’s express intention that no one rely upon his statements, opinions or interpretations, given presenter is not a licensed physician.

My website, defines vaccine lawfare as the misuse of law or judicial systems to disseminate experimental vaccines in violation of international and constitutional law. Vaccine lawfare is being utilized by governments, NGOs and private actors to justify their use of fear, coercion, and psychological warfare to achieve purposes contrary to public health and individual liberty.

The human right to be free from non-consensual medical experiments is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR Art 7) and is non-derogable. This means under no circumstances, including public health emergencies, can an experimental vaccine mandate be imposed.

Each week on Vibes 101.3FM Grenada, I address the issue of the experimental vaccine from a vaccine lawfare perspective. In my discussions, I reference the most current mainstream data, science, and black letter law, to show how specific laws are being misinterpreted or ignored in order to usher in an unlawful vaccine mandate. See (Media Lab) for the library of all vaccine lawfare videos.


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

25 videos

Category Health & Medical

Grenada was one of the first countries in the world to mandate a Covid 19 vaccine, provided by the CoVax Facility overseen by WHO. The vaccine by AstraZeneca has not been approved by WHO and is being delivered pursuant to an Emergency Use Listing (EUL). AstraZeneca’s EUL means the vaccine is experimental and clinical trials are ongoing.

On September 6, 1991, Grenada ratified the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which states in Sec7, no experimental vaccine can be mandated. Nevertheless, in response to the claim that Grenada’s mandate was in violation of both its Constitution under Art 5 and Sec 7 of the ICCPR, Grenada's Health Minister made a strategic error by proclaiming publicly the vaccine had been approved and clinical trials had concluded.

Given this false belief forms the basis for Grenada’s vaccine mandate, the Health Minister’s statement is an admission that Grenada is in violation of international law.

Procedurally, this matter is now ripe for submission to the country’s ombudsman for adjudication in accordance with Grenada’s Constitution and the Law of Nations. If the Office of the Ombudsman follows the law, the mandate will be struck down. If so, this will create a precedent that can be used worldwide to stop illegal mandates, restore individual liberty and institute the rule of law over the United Nations.