Jurgen & Katja

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Jurgen & Katja

Serving God on Madagascar


Woordverkondiging in het VEG de Ark te Middenmeer.

Gebruikte Bijbelteksten:
HebreeΓ«n 4:14-16; 5:10-14
Romeinen 10:14-15, 17
Lukas 12:48
1 Petrus 3:15
Kolossenzen 2:6-10, 13-15

Bedankt voor al uw steun en voor het bekijken van onze video's. We stellen het zeer op prijs. Onze wens is dat u bemoedigd wordt door de video's en dat het u helpt om uw geloof in de Heer Jezus Christus te versterken! Volg ons op Odysee... of nog beter: Waarom begin je niet je eigen kanaal? Je kunt onze uitnodiging gebruiken in de beschrijving hieronder, en we ontvangen allebei gratis LBC.

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Doneer via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Doneer via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
Trakteer ons op een bakje koffie ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/@jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
YouTube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

14-04-2024 VEG de Ark Middenmeer

Deze presentatie mochten we geven tijdens de lunch na de eredienst.

Bedankt voor al uw steun en voor het bekijken van onze video's. We stellen het zeer op prijs. Onze wens is dat u bemoedigd wordt door de video's en dat het u helpt om uw geloof in de Heer Jezus Christus te versterken!

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Doneer via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Doneer via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
Trakteer ons op een bakje koffie ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/@jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
YouTube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

#Zending #AfricaInlandMission #Madagaskar

In Nederland hadden diverse kinderen vragen gesteld over het leven van zendingskinderen,
Vanya, Issa, Abbey, Dani & Siemen vertellen over hun ervaringen over hun leven op het platteland van Madagaskar en hun verblijf in Nederland. En ja, de vieze gewoontes worden ook benoemd... Het zat ze hoog 🫒

Bedankt voor al uw steun en voor het bekijken van onze video's. We stellen het zeer op prijs. Onze wens is dat u bemoedigd wordt door de video's en dat het u helpt om uw geloof in de Heer Jezus Christus te versterken!

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Doneer via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Doneer via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
Trakteer ons op een bakje koffie ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/@jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
YouTube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

#Zending #AfricaInlandMission #Madagaskar

Woordverkondiging 24 maart 2024

Gebruikte Bijbelteksten:
Filippenzen 2:1-11
Psalm 133
HebreeΓ«n 4:15
1 KorinthiΓ«rs 12:13
Efeze 3:14-19

Bedankt voor al uw steun en voor het bekijken van onze video's. We stellen het zeer op prijs. Onze wens is dat u bemoedigd wordt door de video's en dat het u helpt om uw geloof in de Heer Jezus Christus te versterken!

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Doneer via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Doneer via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
Trakteer ons op een bakje koffie ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/@jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
YouTube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

Woordverkondiging 25-02-2024
De Oudere Broer van de Verloren Zoon

Bedankt voor al uw steun en voor het bekijken van onze video's. We stellen het zeer op prijs. Onze wens is dat u bemoedigd wordt door de video's en dat het u helpt om uw geloof in de Heer Jezus Christus te versterken!

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Doneer via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Doneer via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
Trakteer ons op een bakje koffie ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/@jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
YouTube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

#Zending #AfricaInlandMission #Madagaskar

10-03-2024 | Evangelische gemeente 'De Ambassade' Den Helder

Bedankt voor al uw steun en voor het bekijken van onze video's. We stellen het zeer op prijs. Onze wens is dat u bemoedigd wordt door de video's en dat het u helpt om uw geloof in de Heer Jezus Christus te versterken!

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Doneer via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Doneer via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
Trakteer ons op een bakje koffie ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/@jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
YouTube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

#Zending #AfricaInlandMission #Madagaskar

Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar
➜ https://www.youtube.com/@mobilehilfemadagaskare.v.-6583

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/jurgenenkatja/
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
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Buy me a Coffee ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja
Donate via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Donate via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

Mobile Hilfe Madagaskar
➜ https://www.youtube.com/@mobilehilfemadagaskare.v.-6583

Bedankt voor al uw steun en voor het bekijken van onze video's. We stellen het zeer op prijs. Onze wens is dat u bemoedigd wordt door de video's en dat het u helpt om uw geloof in de Heer Jezus Christus te versterken!

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Doneer via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Doneer via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
Trakteer ons op een bakje koffie ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/@jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
YouTube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

#Zending #AfricaInlandMission #Madagaskar

I was clearing out my phone and found a video. This is the daughter of Iaban'i Velotia reading aloud from Acts. And I was amazed because I didn't even know she could read!

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/jurgenenkatja/
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
Youtube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Buy me a Coffee ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja
Donate via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
Donate via Stripe ➜ https://donate.stripe.com/9AQ03q5iWfPm9fW144
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

Iaban'i Velotia is the king of Beono, and in 2020 he already said that he wanted to believe in Jesus. However, he said his faith was not yet 'full' enough.
Watch the 2020 interview via this link:

That has changed in recent months! And I managed to interview him again!

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ!

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/jurgenenkatja/
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
Youtube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Buy me a Coffee ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja
Donate via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Iaban'i Velotia is de koning van Beono, en in 2020 vertelde hij al dat hij graag in Jezus wilde geloven. Hij zei echter dat zijn vertrouwen nog niet groot genoeg was.
Bekijk het interview uit 2020 via deze link:

Afgelopen maanden is dat veranderd! En ik heb kans gezien om hem opnieuw te interviewen!

Bedankt voor al uw steun en voor het bekijken van onze video's. We stellen het zeer op prijs. Onze wens is dat u bemoedigd wordt door de video's en dat het u helpt om uw geloof in de Heer Jezus Christus te versterken!

➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl

Doneer via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/jurgenenkatja
LBC ➜ bNKg8KRnAGtoCho86vSF3FNnHQsBQc9AkA
Website ➜ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
AIM ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
Trakteer ons op een bakje koffie ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja

Odysee ➜ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/jurgenenkatja/
Gab ➜ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://facebook.com/@jurgenenkatja
Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/@vaovaomahafalyantanala
YouTube ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@jurgenenkatja

Africa Inland Mission (NL) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU) ➜ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US) ➜ https://aimint.org/

#Zending #AfricaInlandMission #Madagaskar

Hier is de tweede update! Het liet een beetje op zich wachten omdat niet voldoende elektriciteit hadden (de accu gaf de pijp aan Maarten).
Yes, here it is. Our second amazing update! You had to wait a little because we didn't have enough electricity in the village (the battery decided to throw in the towel).

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

More about us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
Consider supporting us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
You can also buy us a coffee:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Odysee:
πŸ‘‰ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Accept our invitation on Odysee and receive some LBC for free:
πŸ‘‰ https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jurgenenkatja:3
Follow us on Gab:
πŸ‘‰ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Facebook:
πŸ‘‰ https://facebook.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Vaovao Mahafaly Antanala:
πŸ‘‰ https://facebook.com/vaovaomahafalyantanala
Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.youtube.com/user/jurgenenkatja?sub_confirmation=1
Africa Inland Mission (NL)
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
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πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US)
πŸ‘‰ https://aimint.org/

#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

We zijn aangekomen in het dorp en hebben fantastisch nieuws. Neem even de tijd om te luisteren het tweetalig dust het duurt ff... Maar dan heb je wel wat moois gehoord 😊

We've arrived in the village and have some wonderful news to share. Please, take the time to listen to the end. In is in two languages so it is a bit lengthy... But after this update you've really heard something amazing 😊

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

More about us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
Consider supporting us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
You can also buy us a coffee:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Odysee:
πŸ‘‰ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Accept our invitation on Odysee and receive some LBC for free:
πŸ‘‰ https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jurgenenkatja:3
Follow us on Gab:
πŸ‘‰ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Facebook:
πŸ‘‰ https://facebook.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Vaovao Mahafaly Antanala:
πŸ‘‰ https://facebook.com/vaovaomahafalyantanala
Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.youtube.com/user/jurgenenkatja?sub_confirmation=1
Africa Inland Mission (NL)
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU)
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US)
πŸ‘‰ https://aimint.org/

#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Mirary fetim-pirenenena 2023 sambatra ho an'ny Malagasy rehetra e! Afomanga any Ambohidratrimo, Tananarivo.

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

More about us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
Consider supporting us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
You can also buy us a coffee:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Odysee:
πŸ‘‰ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Accept our invitation on Odysee and receive some LBC for free:
πŸ‘‰ https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jurgenenkatja:3
Follow us on Gab:
πŸ‘‰ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Facebook:
πŸ‘‰ https://facebook.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Vaovao Mahafaly Antanala:
πŸ‘‰ https://facebook.com/vaovaomahafalyantanala
Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.youtube.com/user/jurgenenkatja?sub_confirmation=1
Africa Inland Mission (NL)
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU)
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US)
πŸ‘‰ https://aimint.org/

#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Adventure guaranteed while travelling in Madagascar! We witnessed the ingenuity of the Malagasy. With a wooden beam and a heavy truck, they managed to get a crashed truck back on its wheels. Everyone was very much impressed! Waiting for a recovery company just takes too long... So, let's do it this way.

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

More about us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
Consider supporting us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl/geven/
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
You can also buy us a coffee:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Odysee:
πŸ‘‰ https://odysee.com/@jurgenenkatja:3
Accept our invitation on Odysee and receive some LBC for free:
πŸ‘‰ https://odysee.com/$/invite/@jurgenenkatja:3
Follow us on Gab:
πŸ‘‰ https://gab.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Facebook:
πŸ‘‰ https://facebook.com/jurgenenkatja
Follow us on Vaovao Mahafaly Antanala:
πŸ‘‰ https://facebook.com/vaovaomahafalyantanala
Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.youtube.com/user/jurgenenkatja?sub_confirmation=1
Africa Inland Mission (NL)
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/nl/
Africa Inland Mission (EU)
πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/
Africa Inland Mission (US)
πŸ‘‰ https://aimint.org/

#Crash #Truck #Madagascar

Today we have visited our translator, Menjanahary Marson, to discuss the next steps in our work. In this video, I'll update you on the outcome of that conversation. At the same time, you get to enjoy a wonderful view of our area.



Vandaag hebben we onze vertaler, Menjanahary Marson, bezocht om de volgende stappen in ons werk te bespreken. In de video leg ik meer uit. Geniet van de rit!


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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Today we have visited our translator, Menjanahary Marson, to discuss the next steps in our work. I'll explain more in the video. Enjoy the ride!

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Yesterday we have arrived in the village. The road was good enough to let Issa drive for a bit. Normally this doesn't work because of the state of the road. This time, however, we didn't have any issues with mud, potholes or a collapsed or slippery road. Yes, that is nice for a change.
We right away got invited to drink something at our good friends, Sylvestre and his wife, Fanja.
Today we will make a start to repair the house. We already had our first friends visiting us. Endrin'i Lea, our dear neighbour and endriny and iaban'i Bojaan who still could recall the Bible stories I told them.


Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

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πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

When we visited Maroamboka in March 2023, we had a tight schedule. We had to be back in Tana before the Saturday. So, unfortunately we could not wait longer and we had to leave... It took us more than 2 hours (!?) to travel the 18 kilometre dirt road to the main road.

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Just a short impression of our stay in Maroamboka last March (2023)

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

April the 1st was the second Saturday that we (Jurgen and Manoa) have had the opportunity to teach missionary students. On the first Saturday, we reflected on the term 'indigenous approach' (reaching out to people where they are). This time we thought at length about writing newsletters about the work. It was a very special experience. All the more so because it all had to be done in the Malagasy language. It is very encouraging to see that the Lord God is preparing more and more Malagasy Christians who want to reach their own countrymen with the Gospel.
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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Thank you for all your support and for watching our videos. We greatly appreciate it. Our wish is that you will be encouraged by the videos and that it will help you to strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Follow us on Odysee… or even better: Why not starting your own channel? You can use our invitation in the description below, and we both receive some free LBC.

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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

Join us as we travel to the next village in our area. Menja, our translator, lives in Sandrohy which is about 4 kilometres from our village, Maroamboka. Along the way, I explain what we are going to do there.

More about us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
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πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar

We willen ons even voorstellen en kort vertellen wat we doen.

More about us:
πŸ‘‰ https://www.jurgenenkatja.nl
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πŸ‘‰ https://eu.aimint.org/pray/peopleandplaces/thehofmanns/
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#Mission #AfricaInlandMission #Madagascar


Created 2Β years, 7Β months ago.

31 videos

Category Entertainment

As a family we have received a calling to step into Christian mission. This means that God has made known to us that he intends to use us on the mission field.

Mission comes in many kinds: from relief work to translating the bible. Typical of mission however is the gospel. The drive of the missionary is the good news that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to this world to carry the punishment we deserve. Because of this, the way to God is open for all men. Missionary work is preaching the Gospel through words and through deeds.

Our hearts go out to founding churches amongst African people who have never had the chance to hear about Jesus. We currently live in a small rural village among the Antanala people on Madagascar. So far we have been working on translations of many Bible stories in the Tanala dialect. We also started to translate portions of the Bible. We use these materials to teach the people about the one and true God (YHWH) and His saving Son, Jesus.

Please, join us!