King Peter I of Serbia

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King Peter I of Serbia



N O N - P O L I T I C A L V I D E O

Heil dir im Siegenkranz Lyrics:

Heil dir im Siegerkranz,
Herrscher des Vaterlands!
Heil, Kaiser, dir!
Fühl in des Thrones Glanz
Die hohe Wonne ganz,
Liebling des Volks zu sein!
Heil Kaiser, dir!

Ich bin ein Deutscher, kennt ihr meine Farben? Lyrics:

Ich bin ein Deutscher, kennt ihr meine Farben?
Die Fahne schwebt mir rot-weiß-schwarz voran;
Das für die Freiheit meine Väter starben,
das deuten, merkt es, meine Farben an.
Nie werd ich bang verzagen
Wie jene will ich’s wagen.
Sei’s trüber Tag, sei’s heitrer Sonnenschein,
Ich bin ein Deutscher, will ein Deutscher sein.
Sei’s trüber Tag, sei’s heitrer Sonnenschein,
Ich bin ein Deutscher, will ein Deutscher sein.

Tags included:
heil dir im siegerkranz, ich bin ein deutscher kennt ihr meine farben, im a german know ye my colors, deutschland, deutsche kaiserreich musik, germany, german empire music, german imperial music, imperial germany, wilhelm ii, hohenzollern, german empire, heil dir im siegerkranz lyrics, preussen


勝って来るぞと 勇ましく
ちかって故郷を 出たからは
手柄たてずに 死なりょうか
進軍ラッパ 聴くたびに
瞼に浮かぶ 旗の波

土も草木も 火と燃える
果てなき曠野 踏みわけて
進む日の丸 鉄兜
馬のたてがみ なでながら
明日の命を 誰が知る

弾丸もタンクも 銃剣も
しばし露営の 草まくら
夢に出てきた 父上に
死んで還れと 励まされ
醒めて睨むは 敵の空

思えば今日の 戦闘に
朱に染まって にっこりと
笑って死んだ 戦友が
天皇陛下 万歳と
残した声が 忘らりょか

戦する身は かねてから
捨てる覚悟で いるものを
ないてくれるな 草の虫
東洋平和の ためならば
なんの命が 惜しかろか

Lyrics (English):

We're going to hang out the washing on the Siegfried Line.
Have you any dirty washing, mother dear?
We're gonna hang out the washing on the Siegfried Line.
'Cause the washing day...

Lyrics (German):

Ja, mein Junge, das hast du dir gar zu leicht gedacht
mit dem großen Wäschetag am deutschen Rhein,
hast du dir auch deine Hosen tüchtig vollgemacht,
brauchst du gar nicht traurig sein!

Bald seifen wir dich gründlich ein
von oben und von unten her,
wenn der deutsche Waschtag wird gewesen sein,
Mensch dann brauchst du keine Wäsche mehr!

Sing dies Liedchen mit, wer es nur immer singen mag
mit der zweiten Kriegsberichter-Kompanie.
Bis zum Wäschetag, ja bis zum Wäschetag.
In aller Herrgottsfrüh.

Mein Mädel, schenk' noch einmal ein
und tanzt und trinkt die Gläser leer.
Denn wenn der große Waschtag wird gewesen sein
kehr' ich heim, kehr' ich heim übers Meer.

Non-political video, hopefully this stays up...


Заря близка, Знамёна выше, братья!
Смерть палачам свободы дорогой!
Звенящий меч фашистского врагам проклятья
Сметёт навеки их кровавый строй.

Соратники! Нас ждёт земля родная!
Все под знамёна! Родина зовёт…
Вонсяцкий-Вождь, измену, трусость презирая,
На подвиг нас, фашистов, поведёт.

Рубашки чёрные, готовьтесь к бою!
Железный фронт фашистов мы сомкнём
И на врага, вперёд, железную стеною
Бесстрашно, как один, мы все пойдём.

Победы день торжественный настанет,
Слетит колхоз и Сталин с ГПУ,
И свастика над Кремлем ярко засияет,
И чёрный строй пройдёт через Москву!

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The Military Anthem of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (Chinese: 中国人民解放军军歌; pinyin: Zhōngguó Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Jūngē), also known as the March of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (simplified Chinese: 中国人民解放军进行曲; traditional Chinese: 中國人民解放軍進行曲; pinyin: Zhōngguó Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Jìnxíngqǔ), is a patriotic song of the People's Republic of China. The song was written by Gong Mu (公木, real name Zhang Yongnian 张永年) and composed by Zheng Lücheng (郑律成, 정률성).

The song's former name was March of the Eighth Route Army (simplified Chinese: 八路军进行曲; traditional Chinese: zh; pinyin: Bālùjūn Jìnxíngqǔ), and was one of the six songs in the Chorus of Eighth Route Army (simplified Chinese: 八路军大合唱; traditional Chinese: 八路軍大合唱; pinyin: Bālùjūn Dàhéchàng), all of which had Gong Mu as song writer and Zheng Lücheng as the composer. The song became known as the "March of the Liberation Army" (simplified Chinese: 解放军进行曲; traditional Chinese: 解放軍進行曲; pinyin: Jiěfàngjūn Jìnxíngqǔ) during the second Chinese Civil War. The lyrics were re-edited by the General Political Department in 1951 and the song renamed to March of the Chinese PLA in 1965.
On July 25, 1988, the Central Military Commission decided to use the song as the official anthem of the People's Liberation Army.

Lyrics (Chinese):


Lyrics (Korean):

전진 전진 전진!
태양을 따라서 나간다.
조국의 대지를 밞으며 민족의 희망을 지녔다.
우리 무적필승불패 대오!
우리는 늠름한 전사 우리는 인민의 군대
인민위해 민주위해 원수들을 모두 쓸어 물리치고
모택동 기치 높이 날리자!
아! 환호성이 울린다! 혁명의 노래소리로다!
동무들은 발을 맞춰 싸움터로 가자!
동무들은 발을 맞춰 돌격전을 하자!
전진 전진
태양따라 나가자 대오 승리 위해 돌격!
전투해방 위해

Should have probably uploaded this on November 30th, oh well.
With Finnish and English lyrics. Like and subscribe because why not.

Kremlissänsä unta näki Isä-Stalini
Et' joka suomalaisen nimi oli Vasili,
Kaalimaata hoitelivat, balalaikkaa soittelivat,
Lauloivat, "A vot, kaikki on harašoo".

Molotoffi sanoi, kyllä tappelu nyt tyssää
Kaikki tanssii ripaskoo ja puhuu että ryssää
Paratiisi onpi tää, ken ei usko, poikki pää,
Järjestys se olla pitää, vot harašoo.

Stalinilla lipussaan on sirppi vasara,
Ja molemmilla niillä onkin oma tietonsa
Sirppi katkoo kauloja, vasaralla nauloja
Lyödään musikoitten arkkuun, vot harašoo.

Kukoistaapi rauha sekä hyvinvointi,
Kun ei muuta työtä oo kuin likvidointi
Paratiisi onpi tää, ken ei usko, poikki pää,
Järjestys se olla pitää, vot harašoo.

Mutta Kremlin unet kaikki sauhuun katoaa,
Ja herätessään Isä-Josef saa sen huomata:
Suomen poika niin kuin hullu rajan yli on nyt tullut,
Uhkaa viedä Karjalan, vot, ei balui

Minne tässä hädissä nyt päänsä pistää
On kuin rotta loukussa, ei apua näy missään
Paras ehkä olla vois, itsensä jos likvidois:
Järjestys se olla pitää, vot harašoo.

Disclaimer: This video is just for educational purposes, please don't make me disappear youtube.
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"Maréchal, nous voilà!" ("Marshal, here we are!") is a French song dedicated to Marshal Philippe Pétain. The lyrics were composed by André Montagard and its music was attributed to André Montagnard and Charles Courtioux. The song was performed by André Dassary and on many official occasions in France and Algeria during Vichy France.

"La Marseillaise" remained the official national anthem of the state, but "Maréchal, nous voilà !" was popular during the Vichy era.
Officially, the song was written in 1941, but Montagnard and Courtioux actually plagiarized another song composed by Polish Jewish composer Kazimierz Oberfeld, "La Margoton du bataillon".

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marechal nous voila, marshal here we are, vichy france song, vichy france, french state, philippe petain, philippe petain song, france, marechal nous voila translation, marechal nous voila lyrics, music, song, king of kings, marechal, nous, voila

The exact title of this song is unknown so I just put in "Pyongyang-Bucharest". This song was played when Nicolae Ceaușescu visited North Korea in 1971.
According to Wikipedia: Ceaușescu visited China, North Korea, Mongolia and North Vietnam in 1971. He took great interest in the idea of total national transformation as embodied in the programs of North Korea's Juche and China's Cultural Revolution. He was also inspired by the personality cults of North Korea's Kim Il-sung and China's Mao Zedong. Journalist Edward Behr claimed that Ceaușescu admired both Mao and Kim as leaders who not only totally dominated their nations, but had also used totalitarian methods coupled with significant ultra-nationalism mixed in with communism in order to transform both China and North Korea into major world powers. Furthermore, that Kim and even more so Mao had broken free of Soviet control were additional sources of admiration for Ceaușescu. According to Behr, Elena Ceaușescu allegedly bonded with Mao's wife, Jiang Qing. The British journalist wrote that the possibility that what Ceaușescu had seen in both China and North Korea were "vast Potemkin villages for the hoodwinking of gullible foreign guests" was something that never seemed to have crossed his mind. Shortly after returning home, he began to emulate North Korea's system. North Korean books on Juche were translated into Romanian and widely distributed inside the country.

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north korean ceausescu song, ceausescu song, ceausescu, ceausescu north korea

The Worker's Marseillaise (Russian: Рабочая Марсельеза, tr. Rabochaya Marsel'yeza, IPA: [rɐˈbot͡ɕɪjə mərsʲɪˈlʲjezə]) is a Russian revolutionary song set to the tune of the Marseillaise (although in many recordings the tune is not exactly the same, particularly before the refrain). The lyrics were authored by Pyotr Lavrov, first published on 1 July 1875. The lyrics are not a direct translation of the French ones and are very radical-socialist in spirit.

It existed alongside several other popular versions, among others a Soldier's Marseillaise and a Peasant's Marseillaise.[1]

This anthem was popular during the 1905 Russian Revolution and was used as a national anthem by the Russian Provisional Government until its overthrow in the October Revolution. It remained in use by Soviet Russia for a short time alongside The Internationale. During the 1917 Revolution it was played at all public assemblies, street demonstrations, concerts and plays.


Отречёмся от старого мира!
Отряхнём его прах с наших ног!
Нам враждебны златые кумиры;
Ненавистен нам царский чертог!
Мы пойдём к нашим страждущим братьям,
Мы к голодному люду пойдём;
С ним пошлём мы злодеям проклятья,
На борьбу мы его позовём:

Вставай, подымайся, рабочий народ!
Вставай на врагов, брат голодный!
Раздайся, крик мести народной!
Вперёд! Вперёд! Вперёд! Вперёд! Вперёд!

Не довольно ли вечного горя?
Встанем, братья, повсюду зараз!
От Днепра и до Белого моря,
И Поволжье, и Дальний Кавказ!
На воров, на собак - на богатых!
Да на злого вампира-царя!
Бей, губи их, злодеев проклятых!
Засветись, лучшей жизни заря!

И взойдёт за кровавой зарёю
Солнце правды и братства людей.
Купим мир мы последней борьбою,
Купим кровью мы счастье детей.
И настанет година свободы,
Сгинет ложь, сгинет зло навсегда,
И сольются в едино народы
В вольном царстве святого труда…

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Рабочая Марсельеза, Октябрьская революция, Русская революция, 1917, Ленин, Сталин, workers marseillaise, october revolution, russian revo..

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Carlism (Basque: Karlismo; Catalan: Carlisme; Galician: Carlismo; Spanish: Carlismo) is a Traditionalist and Legitimist political movement in Spain aimed at establishing an alternative branch of the Bourbon dynasty[1] – one descended from Don Carlos, Count of Molina (1788–1855) – on the Spanish throne.

The movement was founded in consequence of a dispute over the succession laws and widespread dissatisfaction with the Alfonsine line of the House of Bourbon. It was at its strongest in the 1830s but experienced a revival following Spain's defeat in the Spanish–American War in 1898, when Spain lost its last remaining significant overseas territories of Cuba, Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico to the United States.

Carlism was a significant force in Spanish politics from 1833 until the end of the Francoist regime in 1975. In this capacity, it was the cause of the Carlist Wars of the 19th century and an important factor in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. Today, Carlists are a fringe entity.


Yo sé de un rey que en el exilio vivió
Yo sé de un rey que en el exilio vivió
Los españoles que lo esperaban ya
Querian que su rey pudiera regresar
Los españoles que lo esperaban ya
Querian que su rey pudiera regresar

Pues en su ausencia el mal se propagó
Otro monarca el trono usurpó
La democracia en nuestra patria entró
Rompiendo los cimientos de nuestra tradición
La democracia en nuestra patria entró
Rompiendo los cimientos de nuestra tradición

De nuestras leyes nos desapareció
Y la familia desunida quedó
Pornografía, drogas y corrupción
Los tiranos creyéron ganar la situación
Pornografía, drogas y corrupción
Los tiranos creyéron ganar la situación

Pero aún quedaba gente con ilusión
Que no aceptaban tan grande traición
Un estandarte fueron a enarbolar
El reinado de Cristo, quisieron restaurar
Un estandarte fueron a enarbolar
El reinado de Cristo, quisieron restaurar

Al legitimo Rey se requirió
La reconquista de n..

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The Russian version of the Internationale was initially translated by Arkady Kots in 1902 and printed in London in Zhizn, a Russian émigré magazine. The first Russian version consisted of three stanzas (as opposed to six stanzas in the original French lyrics, and based on stanzas 1, 2 and 6) and the refrain. After the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the text was slightly re-worded to get rid of "now useless" future tenses – particularly the refrain was reworded (the future tense was replaced by the present, and the first person plural possessive pronoun was introduced). In 1918, the chief-editor of Izvestia, Yuri Steklov, appealed to Russian writers to translate the other three stanzas and in the end, the song was expanded into six stanzas. On 15 March 1944, the Soviet Union adopted the "Hymn of the Soviet Union" as its national anthem. Prior to that time, "The Internationale" served as the principal musical expression of allegiance to the ideals of the October Revolution and the Soviet Union (the "Internationale" continued to be recognized as the official song of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and the post-1919 Soviet version is still used by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation).


Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый,
Весь мир голодных и рабов!
Кипит наш разум возмущённый
И в смертный бой вести готов.
Весь мир насилья мы разрушим
До основанья, а затем
Мы наш, мы новый мир построим, –
Кто был ничем, тот станет всем.

Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!

Лишь мы, работники всемирной
Великой армии труда,
Владеть землёй имеем право,
Но паразиты – никогда!
И если гром великий грянет
Над сворой псов и палачей, –
Для нас всё так же солнце станет
Сиять огнём своих лучей.

Tags --Ignore--
Интернационал, Русская революция, Октябрьская революция,
Коммунизм, Россия, Владимир Ленин, Иосиф Сталин, социализм, Интернационал Русский, the internationale, russian re..

The "State Anthem of the Soviet Union" (Russian: Государственный гимн Советского Союза, IPA: [ɡəsʊˈdarsʲtʲvʲɪnːɨj ˈɡʲimn sɐˈvʲɛtskəvə sɐˈjuzə]) was the national anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the regional anthem of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1944 to 1991 and 1990 respectively, replacing "The Internationale". Its lyrics were written by Sergey Mikhalkov (1913–2009) in collaboration with Gabriel El-Registan (1899–1945), and its music composed by Alexander Alexandrov (1883–1946). Although Russia adopted a new anthem in 1990 and the Soviet Union was dissolved in December 1991, its melody is used with different lyrics since 2000 in the second version of the Russian anthem.


United forever in friendship and labor
Our mighty Republics will ever endure
The Great Soviet Union
Will live through the ages
The dream of a people
Their fortress secure

Long live our Soviet Motherland
Built by the people's mighty hand
Long live her people united and free
Strong in a friendship tried by fire
Long may her crimson flag inspire
Shining in glory for all men to see

Through days dark and stormy
When great Lenin led us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of Freedom above
And Stalin our leader
With faith in the people
Inspired us to build the land that we love

We fought for the future
Destroyed the invader
And brought to our homeland
The laurels of fame
A glory will live in the memory of nations
And all generations will honor her name

Long live our Soviet Motherland
Built by the people's mighty hand
Long live her people united and free
Strong in a friendship tried by fire
Long may her crimson flag inspire
Shining in glory for all men to see

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Государственный гимн СССР, state anthem of the ussr,
paul robeson, ussr anthem paul robeson, ussr anthem, soviet anthem english, ussr anthem english, государственный гимн советского союза английский, СССР, сталин, stalin, communism

This is possibly the first recording of Mazurek Dąbrowskiego. It was recorded sometime between 1902 and 1912, and is sung by Stanisław Bolewski. From what I know, this particular recording hasn't been uploaded to YouTube yet, though I could be wrong.

This is an old, seemingly forgotten Soviet song. It was written in 1936 and that's about all the info I was able to find. If you know anything more about this song, feel free to write it in the comments.

Note: The term "Komsomol" refers to the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, which was, as the name suggests, a Soviet youth organisation that was active from October 18th 1918 to September 1991.


Широкие крылья
На солнце горят-
Летит эскадрилья,
Воздушный отряд.
Круги, повороты
И снова круги...
Летят самолеты
Один за другим.


Победную песню
Мотор поет,
Ведет самолет
Ведет самолет

Дозоры не дремлют,
Надежны посты,
Советскую землю
Хранят с высоты.
Пусть домна дымится,
Пусть колос растет,-
Могучая птица
Охрану несет.


Туда, где под снегом
Земля не видна,
Где в самое небо
Взлетает волна,
Где долгая полночь,
Где северный лед,
На выручку, в помощь
Гуди, самолет!


Спешите, моторы,
На всех скоростях
Туда, где просторы
Плуги бороздят,
Где ляжет послушно
Под сталь целина,
Дорогой воздушной
Несем семена.


Навалимся круче
На ветер крылом,
Пропеллером тучи
Сверлим напролом.
Круги, повороты
И снова круги...
Идут самолеты
Один за другим.


Победную песню
Мотор поет,
Ведет самолет
Ведет самолет

Из Тайги, тайги дремучей,
От Амура от реки,
Молчаливой, грозной тучей,
В бой идут сибиряки.

Их сурово воспитала
Молчаливая тайга,
Бури грозные Байкала,
И сибирские снега.

Ни усталости не зная,
Бьются ночь и бьются день,
Только серая папаха
Лихо сбита набекрень.

Знай, Сибирь, в лихие годы
В память славной старины
Честь великого народа
Отстоять твои сыны.

Русь свободная воскреснет,
Нашей верою горя,
И услышать эту песню
Стены древнего Кремля.

A French anarchist song with the melody of Die Wacht am Rhein.

Les potentats veulent la guerre
Afin d'égorger leurs troupeaux :
Pour cimenter chaque frontière
Comme on consacrait les tombeaux.
Mais il vient le temps d'Anarchie
Où, dans l'immense apaisement,
Loups de France et de Sibérie,
Loups humains jeûneront de sang,

"The Sacred War" (Russian: Священная война Svyashchennaya Voyna, also known as Вставай, страна огромная! Vstavay, strana ogromnaya, "Arise, Great (Vast) Country!") was one of the most famous Soviet songs of the Second World War. The music is by Aleksandr Aleksandrov, founder of the Alexandrov Ensemble and the music composer for the National Anthem of the Soviet Union. The lyrics are by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach.
The circumstances of the composition and first performance of the song were hurried; the lyrics were published on 24 June 1941, and Aleksandrov immediately wrote the music for them, writing the notes out on a blackboard for the singers to copy manually. The first performance was on 26 June at Belorussky Rail Terminal, where according to eyewitnesses it was sung five times in succession.
There are a number of foreign-language adaptations of this song, among them the German version Der Heilige Krieg (written by Stephan Hermlin), the Korean 정의의 싸움에 (Jeong-ui-ui Ssaum-e) and the Hungarian version Fel, küzdelemre, hős haza.
In the 1990s Russian media published the allegation that the lyrics had been plagiarized by Lebedev-Kumach, and that they were indeed written during the First World War by Aleksandr Bode (Russian: Александр Адольфович Боде, 1865–1939). These claims were taken to court, and the newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta in June 2000 was forced to publish a retraction of the claim. Prof. Evgeniy Levashev (2000) still upheld doubts on the authorship, and on the reasonableness of the court's decision.
The song has been used during the march of the color guard in Victory Day parades in both the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

Вставай, страна огромная,
Вставай на смертный бой
С фашистской силой тёмною,
С проклятою ордой.

Припев: (2x)
Пусть ярость благородная
Вскипает, как волна!
Идёт война народная,
Священная война!

Дадим отпор душителям
Всех пламенных идей,
Насильникам, грабителям,
Мучителям людей!


Не смеют крылья чёрные
Над Родиной л..

"Do You Hear the People Sing?" ("À la volonté du peuple", The people's will, in the original French version) is one of the principal and most recognisable songs from the musical Les Misérables. It is sung twice in the stage musical.

I didn't think that having the PRC flag in the background would be fitting, so I decided to use the ROC flag.

"Do You Hear the People Sing?" ("À la volonté du peuple", The people's will, in the original French version) is one of the principal and most recognisable songs from the musical Les Misérables. It is sung twice in the stage musical.

"Do You Hear the People Sing?" ("À la volonté du peuple", The people's will, in the original French version) is one of the principal and most recognisable songs from the musical Les Misérables. It is sung twice in the stage musical.

"Do You Hear the People Sing?" ("À la volonté du peuple", The people's will, in the original French version) is one of the principal and most recognisable songs from the musical Les Misérables. It is sung twice in the stage musical.

Sung by Heino.
The "Deutschlandlied" (German pronunciation: [ˈdɔʏtʃlantˌliːt] ; English: "Song of Germany"), officially titled "Das Lied der Deutschen" (English: "The Song of the Germans"), or part of it, has been the national anthem of Germany since 1922. In East Germany, the national anthem was "Auferstanden aus Ruinen" (English: "Risen from Ruins") between 1949 and 1990.

"Shumi Maritsa" (Bulgarian: Шуми Марица, pronounced [ʃoˈmi mɐˈritsɐ]) was the Bulgarian national anthem from 1886 until 1947. The music was derived from the German folk song "Wenn die Soldaten durch die Stadt marschieren" that was very popular in Bulgaria in the mid-19th century. The original text was written by Nikola Zhivkov, a head teacher in Veles (now in the Republic of Macedonia). The lyrics were edited many times, most notably in 1912 by the poet Ivan Vazov. The title refers to the Maritsa river. It literally translates to "Maritsa makes noise" but the connotation is closer to "Maritsa roars".

Die Entführung aus dem Serail (German: [diː ʔɛntˈfyːʁʊŋ ʔaʊ̯s deːm zɛˈʁaɪ̯l]) (K. 384; The Abduction from the Seraglio; also known as Il Seraglio) is an opera Singspiel in three acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The German libretto is by Gottlieb Stephanie, based on Christoph Friedrich Bretzner's Belmont und Constanze, oder Die Entführung aus dem Serail. The plot concerns the attempt of the hero Belmonte, assisted by his servant Pedrillo, to rescue his beloved Konstanze from the seraglio of Pasha Selim. The work premiered on 16 July 1782 at the Vienna Burgtheater, with the composer conducting.

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