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When our realm was created…the baobab was the first tree planted by the Creator. It stood tall and handsome, it had a big mouth, and it couldn’t shut up. One day, the Creator could not stand the baobab’s opinions any longer, lost his temper and ripped the baobab out of the earth and planted it back upside-down. Since that time our realm got flipped; the dream world became reality, and reality turned into illusion. Life became death, and death became life. Sleep became wakefulness, and the state of
wakefulness became impossibility.
Big-mouthed baobab is not featured in this video and yet it is a song about it. Madame Léopard found a way out the upside-down world into a world of her own.

Quand notre royaume a été créé… le Baobab a été le premier arbre planté par le Créateur. Il était grand et beau, il avait une grande bouche et ne savait pas se taire. Un jour, le Créateur, ne pouvant plus supporter les opinions du grand arbre volubile, perdit son sang-froid et arracha le baobab de la terre et le replanta à l'envers. Depuis ce jour, notre royaume est inversé; le monde des rêves est devenu réalité et la réalité s'est transformée en illusion. La vie est devenue la mort et la mort est devenue la vie. Le sommeil est devenu éveil et l'état d'éveil est devenu impossible.
Le Baobab à grande bouche n’apparaît pas dans cette vidéo, mais cette chanson parle bien de lui. Quand à Madame Léopard, elle s’est créé un monde bien à elle après avoir trouvé la sortie du monde à l’envers.

Video by KINZAZA® Copyright © 2018 KINZAZA All rights reserved.
Music by KINZAZA® Copyright © 2006 KINZAZA All rights reserved.
Texts by KINZAZA® Copyright © 2018 KINZAZA All rights reserved.

Camera : Melanie Ladouceur
Costumes : Ponton Costumes

Wating by KINZAZA 1998 All Rights Reserved.

The Promise
“To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people.” Final speech from The Great Dictator.

This is a song dedicated to the solutions that are safely stored within all of us. Place that call to yourself and the matrix will crumble. You are The Promise.

Music by KINZAZA® ©1998. VIdeo by KINZAZA® © 2020

Music and Lyrics by KINZAZA® ©1998
Video by KINZAZA® ©2000-2020

As New World Chaos is approaching, slowing down is a natural thing to do. Let’s observe the reset as it occurs.
Slow the world down.
Music by KINZAZA® © 2008.
Video by KINZAZA® © 2015

Faster & Faster is a song by kinzaza about the curse of time. It features a clock fairy that controls time and two inter dimensional beings trapped in her web of the past, present, and future.

Video and music by KINZAZA(®). All rights reserved. Music ©1998 KINZAZA. Video © 2015 KINZAZA
For booking KINZAZA contact : kinzazaduo [at] gmail [dot] com

Here is another sonic fossil from KINZAZA’s pre-historic archives. The song titled “Dancing”, which is from the Old Frisian dintje which means tremble and quiver in synch with life. We started filming this video in 1998 and recently, after a bit of “trembling and quivering” added some lip-synch parts, and a few odd bits and pieces…and Voila! Here it is.

Video and music by KINZAZA(®). All rights reserved ©1998-2018 KINZAZA
For booking KINZAZA contact : kinzazaduo [at] gmail [dot] com


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

7 videos

Category Music

We trust nature, we try not to insult its intelligence, and we hope this becomes transparent in the music we make...
Rational explanation pretends it is all and whole when it is only ever partial.
No one knows the exact nature of nature, reality, or art, and so every mind has a legitimate, partial view on the subject.
Welcome to our musical landscape of quirked imagination, outlandish freedom and untwisted truth.