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The best explanation concerns diseases and medicines. Don't forget that the devil is also lurking.

What if I tell you that you have to make your own choice at all times

Are you👈🏿 who you👈🏿 think you👈🏿 are🤔 that you👈🏿 are?🤔 Maybe this video will answer that question.🤗

the question is, Why are things falling apart? Derrick Jensen gives a very clear explanation of this question.

Even if you've experienced it, people call you a conspiracy theorist. 😏

Now it is the turn of the Netherlands to celebrate this party. Come on let's all follow this example.

The most feared person on YouTube who reveals the truth. MAG 🎯

The truth is right in your face


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

8 videos

Category None