Anonymous Radio Gaming

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Anonymous Radio Gaming

Anonymous Radio Gaming and Movies


We welcome all filth... we allow it to speak comfortably. When the garbage of our society lets its guard down thinking its on top, it reveals itself openly, proudly. Steve Hatch is a former guests of ours and we decided to upload this gem to this backup chan for protection.
Steve came on during the Winter. His unusual comments justifying the sexual exploitation of Ukrainian women on the basis of being White:
...led us to speculate about his sexually frustrated tendencies.
Rightwingers tend to discuss trans cults which dont actually exist, as a mask for underlying deviance. This is what is referred to as Psychological Projection. Our hot mic moment over at Hatch's apartment clearly proves a widescale point about the nature of some of the rhetoric from the Right.
Some find it 'interesting' and wish to explore their sexuality further; they wish to know what it 'feels like' to be trans. Others are closet pedophiles.
This tape recording occured after our host Fox Rose entertains a church trip to Rez Life Church in Waterville with Steve. This is the breakdown.
We will upload more psychological examples of Hatch discussing mainstream Bitchute talking points and how they align with an underlying sexual self denial as often times does in cults. The Rightwing mainstream has become a cult. They repeat eachother. #HeavensGate
This is also a public awareness campaign for the citizens of Central Maine.

More Rightwingers on hot mics and related content this week to come...

This conversation was unusual because like most with Steve, it was unprovoked. Very little talking from our host...

Jimmy Lethal's Youtube Channel:
Jimmy is a transitioning ...uh... man, into the body of a mid-30s borderline pedo.
Viewer discretion is advised.
The man lives off his mother and works fulltime as a security guard in West Virginia. A former on our show...
This is a tape recording after one of our journalists met Jimmy. Another Lethal classic.


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

5 videos

Category Entertainment

If you need an explanation of the intents perpetuated by this account; smoke a roll-up and come back. We upload movies and gaming vids. and sometimes serve as a backup for the main channel:

OUR WEBSITE: Piratez4Life!!!!