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Facts are facts.

MSM uses CGI constantly even in their "live" showings. Note the green screen nonsense. The Pope's public showings were CGI.

The Truth is truly sinister. As Above So Below. What lies below the surface. Why are they hiding human test experiments there? 👁️👁️

Now go watch the movie Queen of the Damned and watch for the symbology.

Important advice for any entrepreneur.

Link to video:

They Live is a nonfiction documentary.

It's everywhere ESPECIALLY in the Disney films. What do you really know about Walt Disney? He was extremely evil you see.

If you go back and watch different movies, such as Queen of the Damned, They Live, Society (1983), Resident Evil, Men in Black, Cabin in the Woods, etc, you'll find that almost all of them have some form of hidden symbolism which resemble things like Masonic symbols, satanic symbols, pedo symbols, all the cleverly set shit that is meant to program your fragile little mind without you even realizing it's happening. Learn about it in great depth, and about MKUltra, and Nazi Josef Mengele if you care about your psyche. This is important.

Song: Linkin Park - System.

Movie reference: Queen of the Damned.

Trudeau has this interview where he supported legalization of minor interaction at 16 instead of 18 look it up it's appalling he's grinning in it and everything. A bought puppet and an evil human.

Watch to the end.


Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

37 videos

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