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There are entire YouTube channels dedicated to showing you the fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy in the news, and the lack of consistency between them all can be confusing and frustrating for anyone who is trying to understand where the world is heading, and how it all fits in with the Revelation of Jesus Christ. If you want clarity on this issue, put down the newspaper for a moment, and discover what the Revelation is really all about.

Understanding the Revelation is easier than you might think. You don't need to know Hebrew or Greek, you don't need a cypher, and you don't need to spend hours listening to theologians. The key to understanding the Revelation has been right in front of you this whole time, in the opening words of the book. If you will believe what those words say, you will know everything you need to know to truly appreciate the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

The covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has stirred up a tremendous amount of controversy and polarized a large part of the world's population, especially in the United States. The number one claim by millions at the moment is that it's all a hoax. But do you remember what these same people were saying very shortly after the pandemic began? They were saying that the coronavirus was a bio-weapon, invented by China to wipe us out. So which is it? A bio-weapon, or a hoax? The real powers behind a conspiracy to destroy much of the Free World have done a very good job of switching the most rabid conspiracy theorists away from what is likely the truth, to a lie which is costing millions of lives.

"Why People Leave Christianity" explores some good points made in an article by Andy Stanley for Fox News, about the confusion many people have towards modern Christianity compared to the Christianity of Jesus and the first Christians. Have you lost faith through having some bad church experiences or through questioning why there is so much suffering in the world? Check out this video to understand why Christianity is dying in places like America and what is necessary for the spread of Christianity to happen once more.

There is an amazing Bible prophecy found in the Old Testament which often gets overlooked by Christians and Jews alike. Could this be a conspiracy to cover up the clearest prophecy which predicted Jesus that has ever been made?

This amazing prophecy is found in Daniel 9, sometimes referred to as the 70 weeks of Daniel or The 70 Weeks Prophecy. Many of the specifics of the prophecy are covered in another video on this channel. (See the link below.) However, this video sheds important light on the meaning of "Christ", and the meaning of "Messiah”. We use these words all the time, without questioning where they came from. Daniel 9:27 is the only prophecy in the entire Bible which uses the word "Messiah" so it is worth paying very close attention to its message if we are to understand exactly who this so-called “Messiah” is.

Do you want to see a cool magic trick, using a Bible, which will lead people to Jesus? Pick a chapter... any chapter! And prepare to be amazed! In this video, you will not only learn what the trick is, but you'll also learn how it works, so that you can do it yourself! In so doing, you will be able to lead people closer to Jesus than ever before.

Do you believe that God has any control over the events of our time? Climate change, the coronavirus pandemic, the US presidential election... are these things destined to happen the way you believe they are, regardless of God's will? And what about your salvation? Is God locked in to saving you because your church told you that you are saved? If you think you can tell God how he's supposed to run the show, you better take a step back and consider just how blind you are to the bigger picture, and what the future holds. Take just 12 minutes to do that right now.

Jesus said a lot about money. He preached about blessings for the poor, and he said "Woe to the rich". He commanded his disciples to forsake their wealth, to give all they had to the poor, and to live a life of voluntary poverty. In this video, a well-known pastor named Mike Winger gives you his perspective on how we should follow these teachings of Jesus.

'Leave the System and Discover Another World!' reveals how the lukewarm institutional church is not pointing people to the (fantastic and unbelievable) Kingdom of Heaven but leading people to compromise with the world system. The real Jesus Christ taught about another world that is possible to access in this life. Do you want to experience God's kingdom? Are you interested in leaving the religious and world system? If so, you need to understand that the kingdom of heaven is here and now and you are responsible for whether you choose to see it and enter it.

Expectations Vs Reality: Who Was The Real Jesus?' is a Luke chapter 4 Bible study exploring the importance of Jesus' teachings by comparison to the importance of the miracles of Jesus. This video zooms in on what was probably the first full month of the life of Jesus and his disciples after Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, in order to get a more balanced picture of what day to day life was like for the real Jesus Christ. It differentiates between the highlights of Jesus' life and the reality of Jesus' life.

In this modern-day parable, you will learn about a young doctor who has discovered the cure for cancer... for real! But public response is not at all what he expected it to be. Why are people so opposed to the young doctor's discovery? This parable communicates an important truth which also explains why we are so hated for teaching people to obey Jesus.

The recent Pentagon announcement about UFO's has the Internet buzzing about what this could all mean for the human race. Christians, too, want to know how talk of flying saucers and aliens fits in with Bible prophecy and their belief in God. Is it all a deception? There is no doubt that these highly advanced aerial phenomena exist... so are they friend or foe? This video is an attempt to address some of these questions.

People are becoming more aware of a looming threat to our world. Catastrophes such as climate change, pandemics, and abuses of power are already causing great suffering to millions of people. How do we get God's protection in these troubling times? And what can we do to prepare for even worse times, and the Great Tribulation spoken of in Bible prophecy. This video provides the answer... if you're willing to hear it.

What is A Voice in Desert's position on abortion? For many years we refused to participate in the abortion debate, but recent concerns over fetal cells in vaccines have given us cause to comment. Our comments here should help you to better understand our general feeling on many other political issues, including the LGBTQ+ movement, and how all of this relates to the things that Jesus taught.

YouTube and other parts of the Internet are flooded with made up conspiracy theories at the moment. Hebrew roots people argue that Jesus IS the Torah, and that he wants us to go back to obeying the Old Testament. Right-wing evangelicals are trying to convince us that covid is not real, and that the Earth is flat. For your own sake and for the sake of the people around you, stop listening to these YouTube false prophets! Can you do that long enough to listen to Jesus? Take the next few minutes to try.

Listen up, all you demon possessed Christians of America! Your conspiracy theories about Covid and your anti-vax movement has gone on long enough! You talk about Jesus in your political rants, but your hearts are far from him. You not only refuse to obey Jesus yourselves, but you harden the rest of the world against hearing what Jesus taught with your irrational arguments and violent protests against anything that does not conform to your selfish desires. If you really want to be on God's side, rebuke the devil that has possessed you, and become a shining example of what a Christian is supposed to be!

Bible prophecy is a complex subject for a lot of people... but it doesn't need to be. There's actually a very simple way to interpret prophecies in the Revelation, but this way has been left out of almost every sermon on prophecy, and for this reason, prophetic teachings in lukewarm Christianity are putting people in exactly the right place to go to hell. Why is this happening? Why won't preachers teach Bible prophecy the RIGHT way? Watch this video to find out.

You've heard about praying without ceasing, but have you ever thought about fasting without ceasing? No, it's not impossible! In this video, I present a little guide to prayer and fasting which may be closer to what Jesus was advocating, and what he actually practiced himself. Traditional fasting can be very good for us at times, but this alternative approach to fasting may be what we need to get us out of a religious mindset, and into a deeper relationship with God.

Thanks to social media, the world is getting more and more polarized over such issues as the covid-19 vaccine and US politics, and there doesn't seem to be anyone left who is thinking rationally and fairly about these and other important, global issues. The world is falling apart, and almost nobody can see how we are being manipulated through social media to become this way. Who is to blame? The social media supercomputers? or the people who allowed themselves to be manipulat

We are being conditioned to accept the Mark of the Beast and if you are not willing to stand up now will you ever be ready?

This video looks at the need to question ourselves and others about what it really means to be saved, and how only when we endure to the end, we will then be saved

This video looks at the prophecies written in the book of Daniel and Revelation about the resumption of animal sacrifices and the likely hood of the Jewish temple being rebuilt

Man, have you seen all the ridiculous prophecies that were made about Trump by the so called "evangelical prophets of America? If not watch this.

This video looks at the spiritual warfare within our own minds

This video looks at why Jesus, and Paul, referred to a dung with regards to faith.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

88 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Looking for the truth in a greedy and corrupt world. We have made a wide range of videos that explore topics such as, Spirituality, Faith, New World Order, Population Conditioning and End time Prophecy. We are not trying to make up a whole bunch of conspiracy theories or ask a bunch of questions that have no answers. Instead, we are trying to find sincere people looking for the truth and giving solutions to how we can leave this corrupt and greedy system. If you have any questions, email me at [email protected]. Peace and love, Lucas