Limited State - censored YouTube videos

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Limited State - censored YouTube videos



Der heimliche Aufmarsch (English: "The Secret Deployment") is a poem by Erich Weinert with music by Hanns Eisler, written in 1929.
The most famous version is the 1938 remake with new music by Eisler, heard at Communist Party rallies.

German lyrics:
Es geht durch die Welt ein Geflüster -
Arbeiter, hörst du es nicht?
Das sind die Stimmen der Kriegsminister!
Arbeiter, hörst du sie nicht?
Es flüstern die Kohle- und Stahlproduzenten.
Es flüstert die chemische Kriegsproduktion.
Es flüstert von allen Kontinenten:
"Mobilmachung gegen die Sowjetunion!"

Arbeiter, Bauern, nehmt die Gewehre,
nehmt die Gewehre zur Hand!
Zerschlagt die faschistischen Räuberheere,
setzt alle Herzen in Brand.
Pflanzt eure roten Banner der Arbeit
Auf jede Rampe, auf jede Fabrik!
Dann steigt aus den Trümmern der alten Gesellschaft
die sozialistische Weltrepublik!

Arbeiter, horch, sie ziehen ins Feld
und schreien: "Für Nation und Rasse!"
Das ist der Krieg der Herrscher der Welt,
gegen die Arbeiterklasse!
Denn der Angriff gegen die Sowjetunion
ist der Stoß ins Herz der Revolution,
und der Krieg, der jetzt durch die Länder geht,
ist der Krieg gegen dich, Prolet!

Arbeiter, Bauern, nehmt die Gewehre
nehmt die Gewehre zur Hand!
Zerschlagt die faschistischen Räuberheere,
setzt alle Herzen in Brand.
Pflanzt eure roten Banner der Arbeit
Auf jede Rampe, auf jede Fabrik!
Dann steigt aus den Trümmern der alten Gesellschaft
die sozialistische Weltrepublik!

English lyrics:
There is a whisper going around the world -
Worker, don't you hear it?‎
These are the voices of the war ministers!
Worker don't you hear them?‎
Coal and steel producers are whispering,‎
Chemical warfare production is whispering, too
The whisper comes from all continents:‎
"Mobilization against the Soviet Union!‎"

Workers, peasants, pick up those rifles,
Take those guns into your hands!
Annihilate the fascist bandit armies,‎
Set every heart ablaze!‎
Plant your red banners of labor
On every ramp, on every factory!
Then shall arise from the ruins of the old society
The Socialist World Republic!

Workers, hearken, they are going to war
And they yell: "For nation and race!"
This war is the rulers of the world's
Against the working classes!‎
Because the assault against the Soviet Union
Is the thrust into the heart of the revolution.‎
And the war that sweeps through the countries now,‎
Is the war against you - proletarian!‎

Workers, peasants, pick up those rifles,
Take those guns into your hands!
Annihilate the fascist bandit armies,‎
Set every heart ablaze!‎
Plant your red banners of labor
On every ramp, on every factory!
Then shall arise from the ruins of the old society
The Socialist World Republic!

© General Jason

Boy, you need to do my work for me.

Additional Footage from Berkeley available here:


Twitter: @WildSmiled
Email: [email protected]


Art used in this video was provided by Johnathan Good

Special thanks to everyone who watches regularly!

© Wildsmile

pewdiepies video that has the video -

© cxrdz


Ansvarig ugivare Emanuel Lärkestål. Chattinlägg ej redaktionellt material.

Några av kvällens ämnen:
Att polischefen Erik Nord, som är Dan Eliassons lilla hora, gjort en helomvändning och lagt fram knäppa budskap så som att ”blir er demonstration för lik Tredje riket så griper vi er”.
Områdeschefen Fredrik Kosonen från Näste 1 medverkar för att berätta om hur polisen grep och placerade waterboarding-aktig ”spotthuva” på honom när han körde hem från arbetet.
Nästeschefen Magnus Wardmo från Näste 7 berättar om hur det gick till då hans aktivister attackerades av en hysterisk HBTQ-kvinna, något som utlöste att massvis med poliser också passade på att attackera Motståndsrörelsens aktivister.
Aktivisten Patrik Nyman från Näste 7 berättar om då Kriminalunderrättelsetjänsten (KUT) försökte rekrytera honom i torsdags morse.
Nedstängningen av Granskning Sveriges Facebookkonto av nätverket #jagärhär och det nätverkets kopplingar till chefer på SVT.

© Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen

Just listen to the Video. 14/88

© ThuleProductions

In honor of "European Nationalism's" channel. That has recently been terminated by Jewtube. Rest in Peace Brother. Sieg Heil!

© Weber

Published on September 10 2017

© Weber

Absolutely amazing video. Heil Hitler everybody!

© NSTruth1488

On Sept. 9, 2017 a protest was held outside the offices of Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and the National President of the Canadian Somali Congress as well as a lawyer. In this film Paul Fromm president of Canada First Immigration Reform Committee talks about the recent wave of illegal immigration coming from the United States.


Out of compassion for the world the Brian Ruhe channel bravely raises awareness about the Rothschild, Zionist, Talmudist powers. If you love this content, love that it’s free for everyone, please donate with Patreon at

Or toss me a one-time tip at with my email address [email protected] to help me become fan-funded because YouTube has demonetized 1400 of my videos, including my Buddhist meditation videos. Thanks for watching my back.

My websites are:
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If you enjoyed this video please click “Like”, Subscribe and Share! Please promote my channel and copy my videos onto your own YouTube channel or link them to your social media connections and email lists to spread the message!

All donations are greatfully appreciated! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

My 2010 book is "A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH - A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth", available in book or ebook form at at:

My first book from 1999, is "Freeing the Buddha," with chapter 13, Adolf Hitler and Tibetan Buddhism, also at Amazon at:

© Brian Ruhe

Out of compassion for the world the Brian Ruhe channel bravely raises awareness about the Rothschild, Zionist, Talmudist powers. If you love this content, love that it’s free for everyone, please donate with Patreon at

Or toss me a one-time tip at with my email address [email protected] to help me become fan-funded because YouTube has demonetized 1400 of my videos, including my Buddhist meditation videos. Thanks for watching my back.

My websites are:
Join me on Twitter at: .

If you enjoyed this video please click “Like”, Subscribe and Share! Please promote my channel and copy my videos onto your own YouTube channel or link them to your social media connections and email lists to spread the message!

All donations are greatfully appreciated! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

My 2010 book is "A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH - A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth", available in book or ebook form at at:

My first book from 1999, is "Freeing the Buddha," with chapter 13, Adolf Hitler and Tibetan Buddhism, also at Amazon at:

© Brian Ruhe

Taken from:

Also read Kyle Hunt’s article on the topic:

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© Powerful Truth

Hey ANTIFA!! Look THIS Up!!!

© Powerful Truth

Taken from:

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© Powerful Truth also watch In The Shadow of Hermes and HellStorm.

Use to Download/Save/Share a copy of this video, you can use that site or other sites like it to download and save videos directly from the YouTube URL.

© Powerful Truth


Use to Download/Save/Share a copy of this video, you can use that site or other sites like it to download and save videos directly from the YouTube URL.

© Powerful Truth

LGBTQ is not new. It was in Wiemar Germany and part of the National Socialist book burning was getting rid of that.

Detroit was the Paris of the west.

Movies like ARES condition you to see a demoralized future. over 2500 rabbis supporting it as it welcomes refugees.

Out of compassion for the world the Brian Ruhe channel bravely raises awareness about the Rothschild, Zionist, Talmudist powers. If you love this content, love that it’s free for everyone, please donate with Patreon at

Or toss me a one-time tip at with my email address [email protected] to help me become fan-funded because YouTube has demonetized 1400 of my videos, including my Buddhist meditation videos. Thanks for watching my back.

My websites are:
Join me on Twitter at: .

If you enjoyed this video please click “Like”, Subscribe and Share! Please promote my channel and copy my videos onto your own YouTube channel or link them to your social media connections and email lists to spread the message!

All donations are greatfully appreciated! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

My 2010 book is "A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH - A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth", available in book or ebook form at at:

My first book from 1999, is "Freeing the Buddha," with chapter 13, Adolf Hitler and Tibetan Buddhism, also at Amazon at:

© Brian Ruhe

VeGAINator joins The Brian Ruhe Show for the first time. He is a human rights activist and European peoples rights activist living in Florida, USA. Topics he covers are:
White homeland societies.

Trans Atlantic slavery.

Biological weapons of mass destruction.

Hitler followed the rules of war but all that matters is to win. The allies controlled the history and the future.

Americans are conditioned to accept Mexican immigration.

His ancestors go back to the Mayflower.

We have been lied to about the native Indians who were vicious and brutal.

White European innovation have brought us peaceful, prosperous societies who worked together instead of waging war.

The ancient Egyptians were Aryans.

The truth about Adolf Hitler and Germany is out there but people want to be brainwashed and programmed.

People continue to trust the government and do not read the labels on their food and they eat poison causing infertility and cancer.

White people think that others have the same empathy and compassion that we do but they don't. They exploit us. They want equality at the expense of us. 

The Jews demonized, denigrated and disrespected the KKK and other white groups. The KKK kept the white community in check too and they protected their women. 

Jewish feminism has empowered women to destroy the white male patriarchy by intent and by design and it harms white women too. 

Colonialism has been demonized, denigrated and disrespected but we helped many natives by building them up.

The Jews committed slavery, few whites did but the Jews project their faults upon us. 

The hypocritical Jews like to speak on our behalf about immigration but they don't allow it in Israel. 

Non whites understand that we do not have a white supremacy system because we put non whites above us in media and government and we give them a voice.

© Brian Ruhe

Published on August 26 2017

Use to Download/Save/Share a copy of this video, you can use that site or other sites like it to download and save videos directly from the YouTube URL.

© Powerful Truth

Found on Seek IV Veracity please subscribe here:

Video by Vigilant Citizen. Speaker, Brother Nathanael.


Published on September 6 2017

© European Nationalists

Augen Gradeaus! (''Eyes Front!''), is a song of the East German army, NVA. This is another very upbeat DDR song, and about girls.


1.) Durch die Stadt marschierte uns're Kompanie
und zwei dunkle Augen lachten - schön, ja schön war sie.

2.) Unsere Gedanken war´n beim Marsch bei ihr.
Jeder dachte ihre Blicke, die gehören mir.

3.) Als wir Ausgang hatten, sah´n wir sie zu zweit.
Unser Kommandeur ging Hand in Hand an ihrer Seit´.

Sie ist unser Talisman,
"Augen links" so gut man kann,
doch der Kommandeur voraus ruft:
"Augen gradeaus!"

All credits to respective owners.


"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" (a veces llamada "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again") es una canción popular de la Guerra de Secesión que expresa el deseo de la gente de que sus amigos y familiares que estaban combatiendo en la guerra regresaran.

"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" (sometimes "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again") is a popular song from the American Civil War that expressed people's longing for the return of their friends and relatives who were fighting in the war.

When Johnny Comes Marching Home ist ein US-amerikanisches Lied aus der Zeit des Sezessionskriegs.

In ihm wird die Sehnsucht nach der Rückkehr eines in den Krieg gezogenen Soldaten ausgedrückt. Der Text stammt von dem irisch-amerikanischen Kapellmeister Patrick Gilmore, der ihn unter dem Pseudonym Louis Lambert 1863 inmitten des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs veröffentlichte und in welchem es von beiden Seiten gesungen wurde.

© DeroVolk

Character song of the St. Gloriana school from the animation Girls und Panzer with english and Japanese lyrics. 

All credits to respective owners.


A nostalgic peek and song in to Finland of the past, where everything was better. Between 1956 and 1982, Finland was led by President Urho Kekkonen for 30 years, during which the country saw rapid industrialization and a place between the West and East. The photograph in the background is actual photograph of the paintings of Kekkonen and Kim Il-Sung in Pyongyang, North Korea, when the North Korean government welcomed the Finnish delegation in to the capital of the DPRK. Long life the eternal President, Kekkonen!

Ja tämä videohan on vitsi, joka kuitenkin on Kekkosta ihannoiva ilman sarkasmia. Eläköön ikuinen presidentti!


Sinä ajoit myrskyn pois,
Sinä pistit meidät uskomaan, Presidentti Kekkonen!
Me emme voi elää ilman sinua!
Maamme ei voi elää ilman sinua!

Tulevaisuutemme ja toivomme riippuu sinusta,
Kansan kohtalo riippuu sinusta, Presidentti Kekkonen!
Me emme voi elää ilman sinua!
Maamme ei voi elää ilman sinua!

Vaikka maailma muuttuisi sata kertaa,
Kansa uskoo sinuun, Presidentti Kekkonen!
Me emme voi elää ilman sinua!
Maamme ei voi elää ilman sinua!

Oi… Meidän Presidentti Kekkonen
Maamme ei voi elää ilman sinua!

All credits to respective owners.



Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

175 videos

Category Entertainment

Re-uploads of YouTube videos that have been placed into a censored limited state mode.

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