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"Behind every door!"

This man does NOT represent the BBC, and you should NOT believe a word he says.

For real information about Covid-19, see America's most senior patient-facing Covid-19 doctor at: https://americaoutloud.com/author/dr-peter-mccullough/

True evil utilizes an extreme form of deception known as 'projection' to disguise its presence and agenda, while it plunders and profiteers in the name of virtue. There WERE two genuine holocausts (burnt sacrifices) in WW2, the 2nd inflicted on Japan via atomic bombs, and the 1st consisting of the massive and grotesque fire-bombing campaign inflicted on the German people, across dozens of German towns and cities, primarily by the British during 1944. However, since victors get to write the history, it is easier and more (((profitable))) to turn things around and instead blame the Germans for something grotesque which they allegedly did, which in truth is a substantial exaggeration of the real Operation Reinhardt campaign of Jewish extermination (Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor) which even Hitler himself may have been unaware of. Then, to understand why German Jews were persecuted at all, you have to research WW1 in which Germany was ultimately collapsed from within by Jewish-led communist revolutionaries, and subsequently eviscerated by the Versailles Treaty and ongoing oppression, while tens of millions of mostly Christians were starved and murdered in nearby Russia by the psychopathic communist Stalin and his Jewish-led NKVD. So! The TRUTH is that the German people - as evidenced by their football team amongst other things - are an intelligent, decent, disciplined and hard-working Christian people who, in 1900, posed a threat to entrenched world powers (i.e. UK & US banksters) following the creation of a unified Germany by Otto von Bismarck in 1871. Germany's subsequent economic rise meant a relative drop in the prospects for the British, French, etc and this could not be allowed to stand. The former status quo simply had to be restored. So, WW1 and subsequently WW2 were the Allied powers' utterly unconscionable way of trying to smash Germany and the wonderful, capable German people back into their box, which pre-1871 consisted of myriad small statelets and tiny municipalities. So that's the backstory to this video as I understand it, based on my research. Here, the brave and eloquent Ursula Haverbeck questions the official Holocaust narrative - invented in the late 1960s (per David Irving) - that Germany gassed 6 million Jews in cold blood, primarily at Auschwitz (which as David Cole has convincingly demonstrated was actually a work camp, with no gas chambers). For this exercise in free speech she was sentenced to 2 years in prison, due for release at about the time this video is being uploaded (May 2020). Conclusion: If you think the world wars were fought for freedom, justice and simple common decency then, as the treatment of this elderly lady clearly demonstrates, like most of us you have been sorely misled.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

3 videos

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