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Today's Discussion--


--The one-size-fits-all 'explanation' which the organized forces of anti-Gentilism utilize in the aftermath of events such as 9/11 and Oct. 7th in seducing the non-Jewish brain into cooperating with whatever it is--usually WAR--that Israel has decided must take place.

But these 'intelligence failures' are not ONLY the lies that Judea, Inc utilizes in toxifying the collective Gentile mind, but as well, the willing cooperation that non-Jews afford the Eternal Menace in believing these lies, and therefore, Gentiles MUST start utilizing their brains in a rational/self-preservation-based manner if any possibility exists of thwarting what it is that Judea, Inc intends to see take place, which is nothing less than world domination according to the 'protocols' of Torah Judah-ism.

Today's program--

2 recent OpEds appearing on the Israel National News website authored by the Torah-Terrorist Rabbi Nachmann Kahana give a frightening glimpse of what Israel is planning to do--

1. Use nuclear weapons against anyone, any nation standing in her way of world dominance, 


2. Provoking a war with Egypt, as the Jewish state is in the process of doing at this very moment, and then blowing up the Aswan Dam holding back Lake Nasser, the world's largest man-made reservoir, 200 miles long and 10 miles wide, that would result in 95% of the Egyptian population being once again destroyed by water, as that silly story in the book of Exodus recounts.

ALSO, Oct. 7, the beginning of Israel's 'Operation Shimshon,' or 'Samson', whereby--much like the biblical goon Samson who had his eyes gouged out by the Philistines and who destroyed all his enemies in Gaza by bringing down the temple of Dagon upon everyone, including himself--all of this is playing out right now in real time.

As you will hear on the program, 'Gaza' is an Egyptian city, founded thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians, and 'Hamas' is 'Egypt' in that it is the political/military manifestation of the Muslim Brotherhood which began and is headquartered in Egypt as well.

Today’s program–


–Not as in the silly movie from the 70’s featuring dancing Italians in Brooklyn, but rather the ‘fever’ of Judah-ism that begins anew every Saturday night with the end of ‘Shabbat’, after which time the business of waging war against Gentile civilization starts over.



–The mythical creature from Jewish lore that is used as an instrument of Judaic revenge against the Gentiles and the manner by which today, virtally all Gentile civilization has to some degree been ‘Golemized’ in its thinking so as to best serve the plans which the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, have laid out these last 3,000 years.

First and foremost--

Sincerest Happy New Year wishes to all Gentiles of good will worldwide, and may 2024 be the year that sees the beast (and its followers) tossed into that same lake of fire that both Christianity and Islam predict will come.

Today's program--

'Blessed is he, who seizes your children and smashes their heads against the rocks...'

An 'unpacking' of a recent 'shiur' (Torah discussion) hosted by Rabbi Yaaron Reuven concerning Judah-ism's commands for killing children during war and how these precepts and protocols are being followed--TO THE LETTER--not only in the continuing carnage taking place in Gaza, but as well, throughout the entire world where the followers of Torah Judah-ism exist and wield power--political, economic or otherwise.

To all men and women OF GOOD WILL, we here at TUT wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Today's Program--

The religiously-based war on the part of the Jewish state against the Palestinian Christians and Muslims will be brought to an end, not by the hands of man, but by the hands of a merciful creator who ONCE AGAIN will drive the Hebrews/Israelites/Judah-ites from the Holy Land, just as they have been driven out before.

In the meantime, those of us grieving with the Palestinian victims of Jewish Genocide--'Jenocide', more accurately stated--can speed along this coming justice by adding our suffering to the cup of wrath that is to come upon these wicked people, this BROOD OF VIPERS, just as Jesus Christ Himself assured us would take place.

Today's program--

As self-recognized 'Jacobites'--i.e. the descendants of Jacob--the followers of Judah-ism, the 'children of Israel' as they fawningly and self-worshipingly refer to themselves, are engaged in an existential war with 'Esau' and his lineage and are commanded--just as Netanyahu recently stated viz his comments concerning 'Amalek'--to destroy the the 'House of Esau' i.e. the Christian West and Islamic East, so that 'nothing remains'.

This is a long program, over 2 hours in length, but something that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to know and commit to memory. Therefore, it is not a jar of baby food, a scoop of ice cream or a bowl of yogurt--easy to eat and which requires no effort.

Today’s Program–

Anti-Christ Warlord/Armageddonist Benjamin Netanyahu recently stated in an interview with the witless/bird-brained/single-digit IQ Sean Hannity that if Israel isn’t permitted to ‘finish the job’ of wiping out Hamas, that ‘America and Europe will be next’, a not-so-veiled threat that if the West interferes with Israel’s plans for WWIII that another 9/11 is on its way.

ALSO, Donald J. Trump recently stated on 2 different occasions that WWIII is on its way and that had he not had the 2020 election stolen from him by Judea, Inc that the world would be a much safer place than it is right now.

Today’s Program–

Mr. Armageddon himself, the AntiChrist warlord Benjamin Netanyahu recently ‘justified’ the deliberate mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza–all the way down to the ‘suckling infant’–on the basis that the followers of Judah-ism are COMMANDED to ‘exterminate Amalek’ and to erase the memory of Amalek from human history.

His statement received the usual eruptions of (tepid and temporary) moral indigestion from all the usual suspects over the fact that the Jewish Torah was being used to sanctify and justify mass murder, even though this is PRECISELY what it calls for, but yet without anyone expanding upon just WHO this ‘Amalek’ actually is, which, when listening to what the rabbis themselves have to say about the topic, is the Christian West, the modern day great great gandchildren of yesteryear’s Roman Empire responsible for executing the will of the Creator by destroying the Temple of Doom in Joo-roo-salem and scattering the dangerously-radioactive particles of this doomsday cult, i.e. the followers of Judah-ism, to the outermost borders of the empire at that time.

Today's program--

'The Jewish Brain'--How it differs RADICALLY from the Gentile brain in how each views the world, morality, life, death, war, exploitation, etc. 

We use as the foundation of this discussion a podcast recently airing on the Jewish/Zionist Website Vision where a group of Judahites engage in a discussion concerning the practice of RAPING GENTILE WOMEN in war as Hebrew soldiers are commanded to do within the pages of the Torah, or Old Testament.

An understanding of how the Jewish brain functions is intrinsic to Gentiles understanding how/why it is that as of the very moment of this writing, a GIANT BLACK MASS dedicated to human sacrifice is taking place in Gaza, as well as the many more that are to come if the Jypsy state and her Torah-true Jews get their way.

Today’s program–

It’s not ‘Jihad’ that threatens the world with annihilation, but rather ‘Ju-had’…

Or in other words, the manner in which Judea, Inc is in the process of extirpating all Gentile society based upon the various commandments found within the Torah to exterminate the nation of ‘Amalek’ so that not even the memory of his existence remains, the present massacre against the Palestinians in Gaza being just one manifestation of that extermination-commandment.

Today‘s Program–

Israel’s ‘October Surprise’ for the 2024 Presidential Elections in the US

There is no way–NO WAY–that the invasion on the part of Hamas was an ‘intelligence failure’ as it is being described by the JMSM.

Rather, it was an intelligence VICTORY for Israel and for Benjamin Netanyahu, just as 9/11 was. The aim of this (planned) invasion was to get WWIII started prior to the 2024 elections, given that Netanyahu knows that the very first order of business if/when DJT manages to rescue the White House is to re-start his goal of preventing WWIII, the same war which Israel must see take place if her thousands-of-years old dream of world dictatorship is to materialize.


We dissect, deconstruct, and ‘unpackage’ the disturbing particulars of a recently-aired podcast involving a group of devout Israeli Jews discussing the Torah-based commandments of Hebrew soldiers raping Gentile women taken as prisoners of war, as well as the Torah-based commandments of the enslavement of Gentiles in general.

Today's program--

The arrest and charging of Donald Trump was written into stone on Feb. 16, 2016. On that day, he let the cat out of the bag by announcing to the world at the Republican debates that the destruction of Iraq--which Israel considers to this day to be one of her most brilliant masterpieces in civilizational destruction--was a disaster that should never have taken place, and going further in that campaign by announcing that he would bring an end to the 'endless wars' which Israel started with her Mossad-engineered terrorist attacks taking place on 9/11.

Now, the same Judea, Inc that is intent upon bringing about Armageddon as the necessary precursor to creating that 'Greater Israel' dream as espoused within Torah Judah-ism is desperate to prevent DJT from disclosing those documents he has in his possession laying out what were the war plans which Benjamin Netanyahu and the highest officials in the Pentagon--namely Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley--had drawn up during the Trump administration, and if they do not succeed in getting these documents out of the hands of Trump, they will kill him.

Today’s Program–

Benjamin Netanyahu’s war against Donald J. Trump and his plans for first winning the White House and then picking up where he left off viz the creation of a Palestinian state via the mechanism of his ‘Deal of the Century’ has taken on a new twist with the 38 criminal indictments leveled against Trump by a federal prosecutor who bears a striking resemblance to none other than Theodor Herzl, considered the founding father of the modern-day ‘Jewish State' and despite his name being merely ‘John Smith’…

Equally important as the indictments themselves however is the following question that is NOT being asked within all those circles where the news of these indictments is being discussed, which is–


Today's program--

The eye-opening interview featuring Israeli journalist Barak Ravid where he discloses the nature of the discussions he personally had with Trump and the animosity that existed between Trump and Netanyahu over Trump's plans for the creation of a Palestinian state in preventing WWIII.

Today’s Program–

On this Mother’s day we are joined by His Excellency Bp. Riah Abu El Assal from Nazareth to discuss the manner in which Christians today in Palestine are being violently targeted for destruction by the great, great, grandchildren of those who in 33 AD rejected the mission of peace, justice and righteousness brought forth by Jesus Christ and what it means for the world today.

Today’s program–

Continuing our previous discussion concerning Israel’s plans for utilizing a man-made earthquake in bringing down the Dome of the Rock in Joo-roo-salem in preparation not only for rebuilding the Temple of Doom destroyed twice before by the hand of a merciful creator, but as well, the very same Armageddon/WWIII which the followers of Judah-ism believe must take place viz the fulfillment of Judaic prophecy prior to the ascendancy of the Jewish state as headquarters of the ‘New World Order’.

Today’s program–

Israel’s planned destruction of the Al Aqsa compound in Joo-roo-salem, as well as all the Christian holy sites via the pretext of an ‘act-of-God’ earthquake which the Jewish state intends to bring about and which will kick off WWIII/Armageddon, just as the doomsday cult of Judah-ism believes must take place prior to the ascendency of Zion as the headquarters of all political and economic power in the world.

Today’s Program–

The ENTIRE ‘Make America Great Again’ agenda on the part of Donald J. Trump, as much as it superficially involved borders, taxes, crime, etc, what it really all boiled down to was what he referred to as ‘The Subject’ in a personal interview he did with Manhattan, Inc Magazine almost 4 decades ago and which undoubtedly earned him the wrath of Judea, Inc–

NUCLEAR WAR and the necessity of–first through his ‘Deal of the Century’ and then putting the squeeze on Netanyahu’s Likud–taking Israel’s nukes away from her before she lit the fuse on WWIII/Armageddon, just as her Judah-ism predicts and demands be done.

Today’s program–The dark and radioactive energies in nearly-full force in today’s world as a result of the corrosiveness of Judah-ism’s ‘protocols’ and its eternal plans for Gentile-cide being unleashed–What we must all do in preparing ourselves for what is taking place now and what is to take place in the very near future.


Created 1 year ago.

20 videos

Category News & Politics