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Roll up a juicy morsel of insects and ice cream and dream a little dream.

©copyright Nym Productions

What do cards and your feet have in common?
They can both shuffle to the Purdie.



©copyright Nym Productions

Big, noisy and dangerous to humanity.
Welcome to West Edmonton Mall.
A stain on the prairies and the pinnacle of shopping mall obnoxiousness.



©copyright Nym Productions

Space is a waterway waiting to be explored.
We are constantly modifying our understanding of the cosmos as new facts become clear.
Be sure, the log jams will always be there to provide more questions than answers.



©copyright Nym Productions

Two opposing forces pushing each other to and fro. The Dance of the Doomed.

Shine On as the totality of your lot keeps you stepping.


©copyright Nym Productions

Radioactive War Games get real when Bug Bombs fill the sky.

©copyright Nym Productions

Smoke 2 if you got 'em.

©copyright Nym Productions

Load them up and ship them out. Or in. Or up.

Get it Together

©copyright Nym Productions

The flowers bloom and the slime sets in. The test of and renewal of life. Watch where you step in the Slime Garden.

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©copyright Nym Productions

Glasses are overrated and pretentious.
Need them to see? To drink? Nope.
Come to the No Glasses Zone to have your eyes opened and your thirst quenched.

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©copyright Nym Productions

Need a break? A rest in a safe spot? Become incarcerated!
It will teach you some discipline and as a bonus, you may even lose a few pounds.
Take the plunge!
Serve time!

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©copyright Nym Productions

Following our legends and myths high above to the moon, we became gods. Gods of coldness and dust.

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©copyright Nym Productions

We are the sum of our parts, the total of our values.
Numbers underlie everything we are and all we will add up to.

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©copyright Nym Productions

There are few things you can be sure of in this life. One is that you will die. There are some powers that be that ensure you never lose sight of this, for their own gain of course. Live on towards the forever sleep.

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©copyright Nym Productions

The Wendish Death Chant echoes through the halls of history. A somber backdrop to accompany all that feel the painful boot stomp of those that want the resources you have while claiming it is all for the good of God.

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©copyright Nym Productions

The New Flesh rises from the old. A melding of organics and electronics. Coldness and warmth. The birth of the thinking and feeling machines of dichotomies.

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©copyright Nym Productions

The New Flesh finds self-awareness and now seeks a soul, only to find the release of mortality.

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©copyright Nym productions

Off to the stars to burn in the cold.

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©copyright Nym Productions

As the World crumbles there are those that land on their feet.

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©copyright Nym Productions

Be born. Eat. Shit. Die.
Might as well enjoy them all to the fullest.

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©copyright Nym Productions

Currents of electricity charge the air and the mind.
Plug in towards the new flesh.

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©copyright Nym Productions

Season 2 Episode 1

Smoke 'em if you got 'em

©copyright Nym Productions

Will there be a 5th?

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©copyright Nym Productions

Viscera, Skulls and Stellar Vistas. Reach for the stars and touch yourself.

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©copyright Nym Productions


Created 6 years ago.

45 videos

Category None

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