The Drunken Gamers

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The Drunken Gamers



This was live this Sunday afternoon, 10/3/2024. A newsreader was concentrating so hard to say Jeremy HUNT, that he over exaggerated the word, and made it sound like he was shouting Jeremy C_NT!

A unique look at the supposed Columbian Exposition, the worlds fair that showcased stolen technology & buildings as they prepared to take over, from the last 'Great Reset'. These structures and 'parks' were apparently built on a swamp and made of paper Mache, cheap concrete & mud etc. & built in a couple of years. They were there way before they claimed to build them. Then, weeks later they destroyed them, how convenient, for them.

I tested some Asda/Walmart own brand capsules to see if they were magnetic, yes they were. This is obviously in the capsules not the medication itself. They are trying to get metals into our bodies, and not for any good reason.

Water electrolysis using tonic water & normal tap water. The tonic water is on the left & the tap water is on the right.

Be careful, or one morning, this might be you!

Movie fakery at it's finest, coming to a TV/News station near you, very soon.

Would you want to do this twice a week, just so you can work, go shopping, or have any life at all ?

Listen at 50 seconds in to the video. Boris Johnson calls the coronavirus 'vaccine', 'the virus', slip of the tongue? I think not.

Me & my mate, playing PC Games, talking shit, and banging the world to rights. All whilst enjoying a few beers. If easily offended, don't watch.

Me & my mate, playing PC Games, talking shit, and banging the world to rights. All whilst enjoying a few beers. If easily offended, don't watch.

Me & my mate, playing PC Games, talking shit, and banging the world to rights. All whilst enjoying a few beers. If easily offended, don't watch.

One of the drunken gamers playing a quick mission on world war z on the PC.

My friend, the other drunken gamer, having his testicles 'potted'.

My friend, the other drunken gamer, in his car, giving it some.

Me & my mate, playing PC Games, talking shit, and banging the world to rights. All whilst enjoying a few beers. If easily offended, don't watch.

Me & my mate, playing PC Games, talking shit, and banging the world to rights. All whilst enjoying a few beers. If you don't like it, don't watch.

Me & my mate, playing warzone, talking shit, and banging the world to rights. All whilst enjoying a few beers. If easily offended don't watch.


Created 3 years, 12 months ago.

17 videos

Category Entertainment

Sometimes just me, sometimes with my mate, gaming on the PC and banging the world to rights. We play new games on the PC & on VR. We do drink a lot, and generally talk a load of bollocks. But we say what we want and bang the world to rights. Please feel free to drop a comment or like on a few of our videos.