Matrix Infrastructure Awareness

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Matrix Infrastructure Awareness

Matrix Infrastructure Awareness


Chemtrails Estela's químicas estarían en el aire para enfermarnos?
Video de programa "La Red"

Hacking Our Mind is the Ultimate Agenda DARPA Mind, Nanotechnology Dr. James Giordano

CEVICAS International Group Reports:

Diego Barrientos of CEVICAS International Group has been researching the decoding of MAC addresses and other aspects related to the composition of the DARPA hydrogel.

In one of the videos he has shared on his channel, he talks about the symptoms of radiation exposure and relates them to a radioactive metal that has been detected in PCR swabs, technetium. This has been corroborated using Geiger counters.

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CEVICAS International Group reportan:
Más información:

Diego Barrientos de CEVICAS International Group ha estado investigando la decodificación de direcciones MAC y otros aspectos relacionados con la composición del hidrogel DARPA.

En uno de los vídeos que ha compartido en su canal habla de los síntomas de la exposición a la radiación y los relaciona con un metal radiactivo que ha sido detectado en hisopos de PCR, el tecnecio. Esto ha sido corroborado utilizando contadores Geiger.

Si te gustan los videos que subtitulo y el contenido que publico todos los días en Orwell City, considera donar una pequeña cantidad. Su apoyo siempre es más que apreciado:

Extracto del Libro El Nuevo Orden Mundia (EL PACTO SECRETO)
Forwarded from Despertador de la Matrix
Nada mas que decir, continuen durmiendo bebecitos

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My sincere thanks to Dr Peter Mccullough for everything he has done for humanity. I see the suffering and helplessness of him to see what is happening. Being a recognized Epidemiologist and Cardiologist, with more published works in his area, he has risked everything (I daresay even his life) to defend what he believes is correct. I ask everyone who makes sense of this message to send you our protective intentions of affection and gratitude.

Spanish translation:
Mi más sincero agradecimiento al Dr Peter Mccullough por todo lo que ha hecho por la humanidad. Veo su sufrimiento e impotencia al ver lo que está pasando. Siendo un reconocido Epidemiólogo y Cardiólogo ,con más trabajos publicados en su área, lo ha arriesgado todo ( me atrevería decir que hasta su vida ) por defender lo que cree correcto. Les pido a todos quienes les haga sentido este mensaje le mandemos nuestras intenciones protectoras de cariño y agradecimiento.

Análisis de 12 de los 17 puntos clave de la Agenda 2030.

Estos puntos han sido decodificados de manera que todo el mundo pueda comparar lo que realmente en la práctica significan estos objetivos que fueron formulados de forma positiva.

Comunismo, transgénicos, vacunas, destrucción, contaminación, deuda, esclavitud, conformismo, control, colapso y tiranía.

Toda la especie humana se encuentra en PELIGRO DE EXTINCIÓN

Tecnología militar que avala las investigaciones sobre parte del contenido de las vacunas y que deja en evidencia que ya tienen completamente desarrollada la tecnología necesaria para matar, controlar y/o enfermar "sin ser detectados"

Unite a Plandemia:

Si aún existe algo de JUSTICIA esto debería de parar la Vacunacion inmediatamente.

5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine

Here is a presentation given to Westpoint United States Military Academy by Darpa and Pentagon affiliated Dr. James Giordano, professor in the Department of Neurology and Biochemistry , Chief of Neuro-ethics studies program at the Pelegrino Center Clinic of Bioethics and co-director of the O'Neal Pelegrino program in Brain Science and Global Health Law and Policy at George Town Universty Medical Center.

Listen to Darpa and Pentagon affiliated, Dr. James Giordano's speech about the government capabilities in Neuroscience warfare where via his talk you see what they are doing to us. Psychological warfare and nanobot deployment via aerosols. It is murder. It is genocide.

The video a the beginning is an excerpt of a Neuroscience speech presented by Darpa affiliated Dr. James Giordano to Westpoint Military Academy.
See the full presentation from another similar presentation of the same series here:

Not only vaccines - they have been trying to weaken and kill us for a while now. Members of the mega elite 1% ers and there minions that have turned our world into an extermination camp must be stopped... All of these evil people and deeds must be exposed! And natural law treason and crimes against humanity charges brought against all the culprits.

A strong and healthy educated populace are a danger to their stronghold on power, resouces, and land.

What is behind the pandemic, PCR, and vaccines. The great reset.

A comprehensive look into HAARP and weather modification to get a clearer understanding of how it works.


El informe final del Dr. Pablo Campra confirma la existencia de óxido de grafeno en vacunas contra el COVID-19; Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna y Janssen
Recordemos que el grafeno es un material particularmente relacionado a la nanotecnologia de biosensores, implantes y neurociencia.

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Real origin of the Spanish Flu (short clip) from The Fall of the Cabal part 14

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 10 Further Exposure of Bill Gates, Buying Shares in Companies Active in The Area of Control, Manipulation, Censorship, Human Trafficking, And Adrenochrome. About Gates’ Multiple Visits to Epstein Island and His Foolish Denial, His Investments in Monsanto, And His Vaccination Fetish...

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 12 The Ultimate Weapon of Bill Gates: Gene Drive Technology / Synthetic Biology. A Curse or A Blessing?

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 13 Final Exposure of Bill Gates. His Last Evil Schemes in The Lime-lights...

THE FALL OF THE CABAL - The End Of The World As We Know It By Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 17 The Era of Depopulation… The Truth Behind Vaccines.


Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

44 videos

Category Education

Promoting awareness of how, when, what, and who controls our matrix, greater reality, culture, governments and history, past and present.
The contents in this video all come from the cameras and microscopes of investigators, articles of journals of medicine and universities and mouths of super elite who have planned and contrived what we know today as the great reset, pandemic, and financial reset. 5G is the backbone, graphene hydroxide is the connection components to turn humans into guinea pigs in an agenda of control, surveillance oppression to further centralize control and power. The producer of this video has done his homework and has sharp instincts of what is going on.