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What happens to dummies when they forget to put a stamp on their electric bill

The sad death of Jerome Goldberg

NIKON P1000 3000MM ZOOM Examples of the moon ,satellites and saturn,

A very credible source has confirmed to our media news organization company that the CNN Fake News is in fact now officially Dead.

Trump was right all along Fake News Media such as NBC,CBS,ABC are no longer trustworthy.

Look up is a another song I wrote to protest the onslaught of geo engineering, The filling of our skies with hundreds of tons of chemicals destroying our clean air,water and environment. This is insane . Look up for more facts.

Clear and cold says the weatherman.
They also say the clouds hold the heat in. That's true.
So then by their own words they are creating all the warming in our world not us.
Stop filling our skies with all of these chemicals that block the sun and poison everything everywhere.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

7 videos

Category Entertainment

Free thinking, God fearing, nature loving producer. I love the opportunity to express my thought’s,feelings onto video and photographs and share them with others.
We live in a fallen world that can be very harsh if you live long enough but there are some wonderful things along the way worth loving and protecting.