Renaissance Project

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Renaissance Project

Renaissance Project


get it done!!!!

Hello to all my MRIYA Masters!!
Hello Samvel, Kate, Olga and all my other friends at beautiful MRIYA Resort!!

Mega-congratulations for having done so well these past 24 weeks: you made it!

Now, we have one last "bridge to cross": re-testing to see and QUANTIFY the improvements to the health markers we measured 6 months ago! This is the SCIENTIFIC METHOD in action!!
Here is the HOW TO: (will take 15 minutes)
1) here is the link to start the re-test process: start now (it's really quick)
2) Download the XL spread sheet (named ) to your hard disc;
3) "Save As ..... (your name) now the survey is write-able;
4) Complete the Survey (Pulse, Apnea, Blood Pressure, Body Fat .....) Иого баллов and be sure to fill in BOTH the Исходные данные as well as the Повторные измерения data!! Very Important!!
5) Finally, once complete, send me the survey to my university INSEAD e-mail BEFORE 3 SEPTEMBER: [email protected]
6) I will analyze the data and announce the finalists as a function of Golden POINTS and health data positive changes.

Thank you MRIYA Colleagues and friends and get ready for the prizes!!!

Best wishes,
DR Michael McGannon

MSM-24 Poetry Challenge

A Dream Within a Dream
By Edgar Allan Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

MSM-24 Nature’s GymTM Series is a unique approach to maintaining and increasing FUNCTIONALITY in daily life. Throughout life, where ever you find yourself with a free moment, in a forest, at a beach or mountain, in a city park, in your apartment bedroom or house garden, use Nature’s props (tree branches, park benches, lifeguard stands)) to maintain vital cherished FUNCTIONALITY!
We at MSM-24 will show you how to have this wonderful attitude: Every and any time you decide to do some exercise, think “Which FUNCTIONALITY am I maintaining now?” If your specific exercise does not maintain these critical functionalities, Flexibility, Endurance and Strength, you are wasting your time and energy!
Our Nature’s GymTM Series does precisely that: engenders an attitude and awareness that helps you maintain and increase your mental and physical functionalities, for life.
We are delighted to present one our newest MSM-24 module: Hang-in-There (H.I.T.) Challenge for 30 seconds!!
Step 01: Keep your H.I.T. Challenge weekly and daily scores here:
1) In English

2) In Russian:
Step 02: Know the WHYs: There are 5 main benefits to hand-hanging:
1. Better confidence, will-power & stress management;
2. Great role-model for kids;
3. Better back mobility & decompression of your spine
4. Improved wrist and forearm strength & shoulder stabilization
5. Get rid of unsightly “Flabby arms”!!
Kick "stress" in the ass BEFORE it does it to you!! !! When life gives you a "HIT", just H.I.T. ("Hang in There") back! You hit back to stress by staying healthy, getting rid of back pain & stiffness and getting strong and resilient!
Sitting for prolonged periods of time is also very harmful to your spine. The vertebrae in the spine are connected by rubbery, ‘compressible’ lumbar discs. As you go about your day and especially if a lot of SITTING (which compresses), the pressure on this disc increases. Over time that could cause injury and severe pain. When hanging from the bar, the painful compression is reversed (see image, below, right) and relief is near. Hanging is a simple decompression exercise that can prevent plenty of serious back problems in the future.

So, say "adios" to back stiffness and pain!! Gone with this natural "traction" to increase the spaces between the vertebral bodies; relief!!
Step 03; Here are the HOWs:
1. Buy and install a Chin-Up Bar: Get a good one (around 20 euros) that won’t fail with wall fasteners that attach in a door opening (see below). Most sports shops have them. It is one of the best investments you will ever make. Make sure the kids see the bar and see you doing their hanging to get them their robust mind-set early in life! Later on, as per Nature’s Gym “attitude”, you and family will use tree branches and any other strong hanging devise.

2. A simple hand-hanging technique is to spread your arms a little more than shoulder-width apart. Grip with your thumb around the bar at first. It is a stronger grip better suited for beginners (the same goes for when you are doing pull-ups). No matter what grip you choose, remember to lock your elbows for added stability.
3. The attitude for success: One possible attitude could be: “Every day, I hang”, or “I hang between getting up and shower”. Over time (usually, the attitude will evolve to “Every time I pass the bar, I hang for 60 seconds”.
4. H.I.T. Challenge Week 01 starts with the goal of hanging for just 30 seconds, every day. An experienced athlete should aim for 90 seconds to 2 minutes of hanging.
You IN?!?? Either go away or go all the way in!! No half way, life too short!

Mike and Juliette

This is it! The final workout, after 24 weeks of hard work: the Maintenance Work-Out.

60 seconds of H.I.T.
60 seconds of L.O.V.E.
60 seconds of Plank
60 seconds of either:
Triceps-Dips or Jumping Jacks

Functionality is a earned skill!

Программа управления энергией
Проект «Ренессанс»

Игровая платформа для улучшения здоровья
на основе 35-летнего опыта преподавания в ведущих бизнес-школах мира. помогать любому понять свое здоровье. Более того, доказано, что такое понимание приводит к изменениям поведения. Геймификация может управлять здоровыми привычками!
Учитывая текущие тенденции, Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) прогнозирует, что в ближайшие 10 лет 388 млн человек умрут от хронических заболеваний, таких как заболевания сердца, инсульты, диабет и рак.

Около половины заболевших этими заболеваниями образа жизни будут моложе 70 лет (ВОЗ). 70 лет - это новые 50 лет.

Потеря людей на возможном пике их интеллектуальной жизни = бесспорно пустая растрата человеческого капитала!!

К 2050 году еще 345 млн человек, нуждающихся в уходе, достигнут 80-летнего возраста. Подавляющее большинство этих людей не имеют этих базовых навыков здорового образа жизни, о чем свидетельствуют приведенная здесь

Такое отсутствие навыков здорового образа жизни (как ПИТАТЬСЯ, ДВИГАТЬСЯ И ДЫШАТЬ) дорого обходится нам
как обществу, а конца и края этому не видно:
США: $2,4 трлн расходов на здравоохранение ежегодно – для людей с хроническими заболеваниями.
С 2005 г. по 2015 г. потери национального дохода от сердечных заболеваний, инсультов и разных видов диабета составили:
Китай: более $ 500 млрд
Россия: более $ 300 млрд
Индия: $ 200 млрд

00h00: Introduction to Founders
02h45: QR Code of Survey
02h55: Functionality and Risk Management
03h50: Tests of Functionality
08h50: Tests of Risk (BP, BF, TG/HDL, smoking, drinking, Vitamin D)
10h30: Wrap-up
13h30: QR CODE to scan for MINDS Registration
14h16: Adieu


Испытание Lift-Off Vertical Exercise (L.O.V.E.) на 60 секунд!! Выпуски MSM-24 Nature’s GymTM - это уникальный подход к поддержанию и развитию ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНОГО СОСТОЯНИЯ в повседневной жизни. В течение всей жизни, когда выпадает свободная минутка: в лесу, на пляже или в горах, в городском парке, в вашей спальне или в домашнем саду, используйте подручный реквизит (ветви деревьев, скамейки в парке, стойки спасателей) для подержания взлелеянного вами жизненно важного ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНОГО СОСТОЯНИЯ. Мы в MSM-24 покажем вам, как прийти к этой прекрасной установке. Всякий раз, когда вы решаете выполнить какое-либо упражнение, подумайте: «Какое ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ я поддерживаю в этот раз?». Если ваше упражнение не направлено на поддержание этих критичных функциональных состояний – Гибкости, Выносливостьи Силы - вы тратите впустую ваши время и энергию. Наши выпуски Nature’s GymTM выполняют именно это: формируют установку и осознанность, помогающие поддерживать и улучшать функциональное состояние - психическое и физическое - на всю жизнь. В составе выпусков Nature's Gym, мы с удовольствием представляем вам один из наших новейших модулей MSM-24: Испытание Lift-Off Vertical Exercise (L.O.V.E.) на 90 секунд!!
Заносите ваши еженедельные и ежедневные результаты Испытания L.O.V.E. сюда: 1) По-английски 2) По-русски ____________________ ЗАЧЕМ: Гравитация постоянно напоминает нам (каждую секунду каждого дня) что мы – земные существа (боль в спине, сутулая поза, согбенность ....). Испытание L.O.V.E. напоминает гравитации, что мы намного-много больше, чем просто Человеческие существа. ПОБЕДИТЕ ГРАВИТАЦИЮ С ПОМОЩЬЮ L.O.V.E. !! ___________________________
Есть 5 основных преимуществ внедрить L.O.V.E. в вашу ЕЖЕДНЕВНУЮ жизнь:
1. Лучший брюшной тонус и форма: крепкий пресс;
2. Увеличение силы запястий и предплечий, и стабилизация плеч;
3. Больше уверенности, силы воли и контроля н..

This video is about Free Parents

This video is about Happy Birthday JBG

This video is about LOVE_45

MSM-24 Nature’s GymTM Series is a unique approach to maintaining and increasing FUNCTIONALITY in daily life. Throughout life, where ever you find yourself with a free moment, in a forest, at a beach or mountain, in a city park, in your apartment bedroom or house garden, use Nature’s props (tree branches, park benches, lifeguard stands)) to maintain vital cherished FUNCTIONALITY!
We at MSM-24 will show you how to have this wonderful attitude: Every and any time you decide to do some exercise, think “Which FUNCTIONALITY am I maintaining now?” If your specific exercise does not maintain these critical functionalities, Flexibility, Endurance and Strength, you are wasting your time and energy!
Our Nature’s GymTM Series does precisely that: engenders an attitude and awareness that helps you maintain and increase your mental and physical functionalities, for life.
We are delighted to present one our newest MSM-24 module: Hang-in-There (H.I.T.) Challenge for 45 seconds!!
Step 01: Keep your H.I.T. Challenge weekly and daily scores here:
1) In English

2) In Russian:
Step 02: Know the WHYs: There are 5 main benefits to hand-hanging:
1. Better confidence, will-power & stress management;
2. Great role-model for kids;
3. Better back mobility & decompression of your spine
4. Improved wrist and forearm strength & shoulder stabilization
5. Get rid of unsightly “Flabby arms”!!
Kick "stress" in the ass BEFORE it does it to you!! !! When life gives you a "HIT", just H.I.T. ("Hang in There") back! You hit back to stress by staying healthy, getting rid of back pain & stiffness and getting strong and resilient!
Sitting for prolonged periods of time is also very harmful to your spine. The ver..

This video is about LOVE_30

MSM-24 Nature’s GymTM Series is a unique approach to maintaining and increasing FUNCTIONALITY in daily life. Throughout life, where ever you find yourself with a free moment, in a forest, at a beach or mountain, in a city park, in your apartment bedroom or house garden, use Nature’s props (tree branches, park benches, lifeguard stands)) to maintain vital cherished FUNCTIONALITY!
We at MSM-24 will show you how to have this wonderful attitude: Every and any time you decide to do some exercise, think “Which FUNCTIONALITY am I maintaining now?” If your specific exercise does not maintain these critical functionalities, Flexibility, Endurance and Strength, you are wasting your time and energy!
Our Nature’s GymTM Series does precisely that: engenders an attitude and awareness that helps you maintain and increase your mental and physical functionalities, for life.
We are delighted to present one our newest MSM-24 module: Hang-in-There (H.I.T.) Challenge for 30 seconds!!
Step 01: Keep your H.I.T. Challenge weekly and daily scores here:
1) In English

2) In Russian:
Step 02: Know the WHYs: There are 5 main benefits to hand-hanging:
1. Better confidence, will-power & stress management;
2. Great role-model for kids;
3. Better back mobility & decompression of your spine
4. Improved wrist and forearm strength & shoulder stabilization
5. Get rid of unsightly “Flabby arms”!!
Kick "stress" in the ass BEFORE it does it to you!! !! When life gives you a "HIT", just H.I.T. ("Hang in There") back! You hit back to stress by staying healthy, getting rid of back pain & stiffness and getting strong and resilient!
Sitting for prolonged periods of time is also very harmful to your spine. The ver..

Nature’s GymTM
Nature’s Gym is a unique approach to maintaining and increasing FUNCTIONALITY (Flexibility, Endurance and Strength)
As part of the Nature's Gym series, we are delighted to present one our newest MSM-24 module: Hang-in-There Challenge for 30 seconds!!
Keep your H.I.T. Challenge weekly and daily scores here:
1) In English

2) In Russian:
WHY: There are four main benefits to incorporating hand hanging:
There are four main benefits to incorporating hand hanging:
• Better confidence, will-power & stress management;
• Great role-model for kids;
• Better back mobility & decompression of your spine
• Improved wrist and forearm strength & shoulder stabilization
• Get rid of unsightly “Flabby arms”!!
Kick "stress" in the ass BEFORE it does it to you!! !! When life gives you a "HIT", just H.I.T. ("Hang in There") back! You hit back to stress by staying healthy, getting rid of back pain & stiffness and getting strong and resilient!

Sitting for prolonged periods of time is also very harmful to your spine. The vertebrae in the spine are connected by rubbery, ‘compressible’ lumbar discs. As you go about your day and especially if a lot of SITTING (which compresses), the pressure on this discs increases. Over time that could cause injury and severe pain. When hanging from the bar, the painful compression is reversed. Hanging is a simple decompression exercise that can prevent plenty of problems in the future.

So, say "adios" to back stiffness and pain!! Gone with this natural "traction" to increase the spaces between the vertebral bodies; relief!!
HOW: A simple hand hanging technique is to spread your arms a little more than shoulder-width a..

As part of the Nature's Gym series, we are delighted to present our newest MSM-24 module: Hang-in-There Challenge for 30 seconds!!
Keep your H.I.T. Challenge weekly and daily scores here:
1) In English

2) In Russian:
WHY: There are 5 main benefits to incorporating hand hanging:
There are four main benefits to incorporating hand hanging:
1. Better confidence, will-power & stress management;
2. Great role-model for kids;
3. Better back mobility & decompression of your spine
4. Improved wrist and forearm strength & shoulder stabilization
5. Get rid of unsightly “Flabby arms”!!
Kick "stress" in the ass BEFORE it does it to you!! !! When life gives you a "HIT", just H.I.T. ("Hang in There") back! You hit back to stress by staying healthy, getting rid of back pain & stiffness and getting strong and resilient!

Sitting for prolonged periods of time is also very harmful to your spine. The vertebrae in the spine are connected by rubbery, ‘compressible’ lumbar discs. As you go about your day and especially if a lot of SITTING (which compresses), the pressure on this discs increases. Over time that could cause injury and severe pain. When hanging from the bar, the painful compression is reversed. Hanging is a simple decompression exercise that can prevent plenty of problems in the future.

So, say "adios" to back stiffness and pain!! Gone with this natural "traction" to increase the spaces between the vertebral bodies; relief!!
HOW: A simple hand hanging technique is to spread your arms a little more than shoulder-width apart. Grip with your thumb around the bar at first. It is a stronger grip better suited for beginners (the same goes for when you are d..

Hello Friends and colleagues at MRIYA!
You have reached the half-way point in the MSM-24: mega congratulations!!
If my experience serves me well, there should naturally be a littler dip in motivation and energy at this point: NEVER GIVE UP!! NEVER!!!

What ever you made need, NEVER hesitate to ask Kate N. or me directly!!

My e mail, for whatever query: [email protected]

Я поддерживаю вас полностью и пожелать самое лучшее для вас и вашей семьи!

Браво Мрия!!!

Welcome to all our MSM-24 Masters-to-be!
If you are reading this, there are just 2 possibilities how this video can help you in your quest for health and vitality. Either:
1) You are about to START the MSM-24 journey, after our lecture at INSEAD and you are about to get your (gentle) wake-up call (good luck and get ready!)


2) You are about to FINISH the MSM-24 journey (mega-congratulations from us BOTH!!) and you want to gauge the improvement in your Functionality and Risk Scores.
To derive your scores, you will need: about 15 - 20 minutes (use week-end, don't hurry), a tape measure, a Blood Pressure cuff, a stop watch and, of course, some genuine enthusiasm! Good luck!

Best wishes to you & yours,
Mike and Juliette McGannon
Co-Founders & Directors,
Renaissance Project (RP)
[email protected]

This video is about Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

PB Shelley
I met a traveler from an antique land (a)
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone(b)
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, (a)
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, (b)
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, (a)
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

A Poison Tree
by William Blake
I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I water’d it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole.
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see,
My foe outstretch’d beneath the tree.


This video is about TEM_Week_04

Say "Goodbye" to stiff backs that lead to LOW Functionality!! // «До свидания» жесткой спиной которые приводят к низкой функциональности!!

This video is about All the World's a Stage

From As You LIke It, by William Shakespeare
Fear No More
Fear no more the heat o' the sun;
Nor the furious winter's rages,
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages;
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney sweepers come to dust.

Fear no more the frown of the great,
Thou art past the tyrant's stroke:
Care no more to clothe and eat;
To thee the reed is as the oak:
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
All follow this, and come to dust.

Fear no more the lightning-flash,
Nor the all-dread thunder-stone;
Fear not slander, censure rash;
Thou hast finished joy and moan;
All lovers young, all lovers must
Consign to thee, and come to dust.

No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave!


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

130 videos

Category Education

"Everyone deserves a second chance."

Primum non nocere
Dr. Mike McGannon, M.D., a Medical doctor (Stanford Uni.) who uses Nature's healing medicines: clean food, intense workouts, sunshine, fasting, laughter, Cyclic Breathing, meditation, poetry, garlic extract, (harmonica) music and visualization.
In a word, when it comes to "getting it' health-wise, there are 2 types of wake-up calls: easy and hard:

The EASY WAY to wake up: wake up NOW, get the message that life is a training, a learning experience. Then, with robust understanding, chart your road ahead. Best years = in FRONT of you. Nice.

The HARD WAY to wake up: get distracted by TV, anxiety, $, keeping up socially, ignore early warning signs (like fatigue), and then, try to "wake up" to life's wonder after the first heart attack/stroke, diabetes, or depressive episode (good luck with that). Best years = BEHIND of you. Maybe next time.
Good luck, though enthusiasm will serve you better.
e mail me for information at
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Come visit our site:
The Renaissance Project is our 24-week program designed to upgrade FUNCTIONALITY mental and physical while decreasing RISK. Managers, some at the "top", come to us in a state of LOW functionality and HIGH risk for everything bad, just on the ba

if you want to send something to us by "snail-mail"?

Michael & Juliette McGannon, 20 Quai Lunel, Impasse de la Marine, telephone +334.9331.0987

06300, Nice, FRANCE, E mail: [email protected] OR [email protected]

BTW, Here are my Social-Media links. Come on over, love to have you! Follow us for community-payback videos on health and vitality on:
1. YouTube: Michael McGannon
2. D-Tube:!/c/mcgannon
3. Steemit:
4. Daily Motion:
5. Bitchute:
6. Yandex: [email protected]
7. Google+:
8. Instagram: michael.mcgannon
9. Youku:
10. LinkedIn:
11. Facebook: McGannon
12. Gab:
13. Twitter: @mcgannonMike