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Have you made it worth fighting for???

It's all in the set up and how you approach the journey, that makes a huge difference in how well and how long you stick with it, to see it all the way through.

How often do you refine and reassess your healthy lifestyle habits???

A big part of being consistent and staying on track is keeping your healthy lifestyle habits as effective and purposeful as possible, especially in the face of change.

What's your approach?? As needed or at certain intervals??

Do you know your points of Empowerment???

Staying in your seat of power is so important right now, but to do so, you must know where your points of empowerment are, so that you can all on them as needed.

Be clear with what they are and how you can best utilise them, so that you can stand in your power and stay in control of your own life, health and wellness journey.

Choices empower us, but they can also overwhelm us at times.

That is why it is so important to know how to manage your number of choices and when you narrow your focus to avoid feeling overwhelmed by them.

What works best for you, lots of choices or a few?

Does it change and do you know the signs and signals that you need to narrow your choices, temporarily?

Blueprints are great, but to get the most out of them you must be prepared to do a little work to honour what's unique about YOU.

Are you currently just looking for what's hot or the next new thing to simply follow along???

Or are you doing the work to make sure you are doing what's truly best for YOU??

This week instead of adding, why not try and remove something that can help free you up and give you the time, space and energy to really focus elsewhere.

What can you remove this week???

Change is a big part of life, so getting confident in being able to navigate it as part of your health and wellness journey is a huge key to success.

Knowing how to stay proactive, rather than reactive, is something we all need to be consciously aware of.

When you start putting a focus on quality choices rather than things being good or bad for us. It opens the doors for enjoying your health and wellness journey so much more.

Yes it means doing a little bit of work and getting to your own body, but it's absolutely worth it.

Where about's in your health and wellness journey do you need to put a little extra focus on quality options and choices??

If you don't understand the direct connection of how you train and your daily activities, you should!

Your core movement requirements of your daily activities, leisure, sporting or work needs, must be key factors in determining how you train.

To fully utilise and have movement empower your health and life, it must be done with more purpose and understanding of how it builds these foundations.

Do you really know and understand why you train the way you do???

What do you spend more time and emotional energy on, your wins throughout the day (positive action, great choices and aligning with your goals), or those times when you don't get it quite right???

Here is why it matters and really makes an impact along your health and wellness journey.

How proactive are you being with your trainer???

It's easy to fall into what's easy and just go with the flow or let someone else take the lead, even with your own health and wellness journey.

Here is a little something to consider and how it can really help you take your awareness of self to the next level and keep you in the drivers seat.

Let's face it, even when we have done the work to set up a plan and be organised, life doesn't always turn out the way we plan.

So here is a little something to ask yourself, when considering to go about your plan B.

Staying Empowered means making the best choices which honour and support your health and wellness.

While perfection is not the goal, consistency very much is. So where ever possible you want to align your choices and actions with your goals and values.

Quality is important and in most cases there are quality version or choices available for all sorts of things you like to enjoy. The key is doing finding them and knowing what works best and serves you along your journey.

Try this to take your training and movement flows to the next level, by really creating better awareness around these key areas.

The deeper you can connect and bring more mindfulness to your body the more you will feel empowered and continue to evolve along your health and wellness journey.

How we finish the day is just as important as how we start the day.

Having a consistent evening routine prior to sleep plays a big role in not only in acknowledging and appreciating your day, but in preparing the body for quality sleep.

Quality of sleep plays a huge role in our energy levels and concentration for the following day as well as our immune system and growth and repairs of our cells which occurs while we sleep.

In this video I discuss some of the types of habits you can try individualising or experimenting with as part of establishing an effective evening or pre-sleep routine which works best for you.

What is your current routine and how does it affect your quality of sleep?

Curiosity is an important foundation in staying active, engaged and evolving along your health and wellness journey.

Being able to ask great questions, being open to exploring new ideas and concepts, actively seeking various avenues of discussion, teaching and knowledge to support your development are all key.

There are many layers to our health and wellness, we change and transition right throughout our lives, which means we must stay engaged and having a sense of curiosity and desire to better understand our bodies, health and overall well-being on an individual level, is truly empowering.

Adopting a cleaner lifestyle is an important step to taking your health and wellness to the next level and supporting the process of optimising and thriving in your day to day life.

Various toxins and chemicals have become an unavoidable part of modern urban living, with the potential to build up within the body and have negative affects on our bodies and health.

That is why it is important to have an approach and various habits to help the body deal with and minimise exposure to toxins and chemicals.

In this video I outline the two key aspects to support you adopting a cleaner lifestyle.

For more tips, training and support to Empower you along your Health & Wellness Journey, come and join us on Telegram

We are NOT what we do once, we are what we do CONSISTENTLY!

Which is why strong habit building and refining practices are so important.

When its time to make a change, having a strategy to implement, is a key element of success.

The same for when you are wanting to refine or achieve more consistency with habits you are not quite getting just right yet, though you know are important.

Pairing habits or establishing triggers to promote you taking action are a great way to help improve consistency and establish good routines around your habits.

Key Questions to ask;
- What an I currently do well and consistently?
- When do these habits or events occur
- What new or refined habit can I pair with existing routines or habits?
- What obvious triggers or reminders can I physically include in my environment to promote my action taking?

What current or new habits are you working on establishing or improving your consistency with right now???

#health #habits #consistencyiskey #empoweredhealth #coaches #trainers #highperformance #routines

When was your last posture check???

Posture has a huge impact on how effective our bodies function and our quality of movement.

It's not something that changes overnight, however typical modern urban living often puts load on our bodies that is not friendly to supporting optimal posture.

Over time this load or negative pull, leading to muscle imbalances can slowly and often unnoticed deviations from ideal posture.

Often it's not until posture is severely compromised and causing negative affects on function and performance that people start to look to do anything about it.

It's much better to stay proactive, rather than reactive when it comes to posture, which means having it assessed regularly and being away of any negative influences in your life that may be placing a negative load on your posture.

That way you can be aware and create habits that counter these influences to protect and maintain postural integrity to support your health and quality of movement, not only now but later on in life.

How long has it been for you??

What strategies do you currently have in place to support your posture???

#posture #health #coaches #highperformance #trainers #beproactive

Are you really listening to your BODY???

How much of an expert are you in YOU???

The better connected, greater awareness and ability to listen to the many signs and signals your body is giving you the more empowered you become.

When you become more sensitive to the feedback from your body, the better you are able to respond and allow that feedback to dictate the most appropriate and honouring actions, habits and choices for YOUR BODY and YOUR HEALTH.

So how often are you truly tuning in and listening to your body and all the feedback that is available to you???

#expertinyou #empoweredhealth #listentoyourbody #health #feedback

Staying engaged and being proactive in your approach to your health and habits is key to staying on track and maintaining results once you achieve them.

How often have you reached a goal and failed to maintain it?

How many times have you failed to adjust for a change in your life and it has knocked you off track?

These types of situations arise when you stop being an engaged and active participant along your health and wellness journey.

When you stop checking in on the effectiveness and purposefulness of your habits, or fail to reach quick enough to changes that occur.

Momentum can be lost, habits become less effective and you become reactive rather than proactive, leaving you in survival mode rather than thriving.

Staying engaged and remaining proactive means, making time to regularly check in and reassess where you are at.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when it comes to staying in the game.

Reassess ~ Adjust ~ Take Action ~ Collect Feedback


When you can make it a regular ongoing process, you stay proactive and on top of what you are doing, making sure it matches your current needs and goals and keeps you on track and thriving.

If you would like more tips, training and support to Empower you along your Health & Wellness Journey come and join our Telegram Channel

#coahces #empoweredhealth #healthgoals #momentum #health #highperformance #habits #results #personaltrainers

Do you know your current needle movers?

Your health and wellness journey should be enjoyable and manageable.

When we try to work on everything at once, it can become very overwhelming, leading to frustration and inaction.

That is why it is so important to assess what your top needle movers are and focus on these.

That way you can get super clear on what you need to work on, keep it simple by only working on one or a few key things at once, which will help you build confidence and positive momentum.

Time to get clear on your needle movers.

If you would like more tips, training and support to Empower you along your Health & Wellness Journey come and join our Telegram Channel

Movement is a key Pillar Health.

How you perceive it and the language you use, can affect how you utilise it as part of your habits and the consistency you achieve.

Fitness ~Exercise ~ Training ~ Movement.

What language do you use and how is it affecting your health and the goals you are wanting to achieve??

If you would like more tips, training and support to Empower you along your Health & Wellness Journey come and join our Telegram Channel

Mindset is a key pillar of our Health & Wellness.

Self awareness, our connection to self and the way we utilise our mindset all play a crucial role in how we turn up each day in our lives.

How we turn up, affects our consistency in following through with our intentions and healthy lifestyle habits.

Mastering our Mindset and developing habits around how we utilise our mindset to best serve us along our health and wellness journey is so important.

How are you utilising and developing your mindset mastery as part of your ongoing healthy lifestyle habits???

Nourishing your body is more than just what you put in your mouth.

What you consume, have in your environment and what you put on your skin matters.

The quality of all these sources of nourishment, will impact and affect the quality of what you get out of your health, your body and how it performs and functions.

What does nourishment mean to you and when was the last time you reassessed the quality of all your sources of nourishment for you body???

If you would like more tips, training and support to Empower you along your Health & Wellness Journey come and join our Telegram Channel


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

25 videos

Category Health & Medical