Minu Sõna On Seadus - Põlisrahva Vaba Tahe

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Minu Sõna On Seadus - Põlisrahva Vaba Tahe

Ehtsalt Ja Ausalt


24. märts 2021 riigikogu.

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Õigusteadlaste päevadel Tartus 8 okt. 2020. ja 24.02.2021 "Keegi ei käsi rumaluse rajal teistega sammu hoida" lõigud.


Üldine mõistlikkus? Maskid on nakkuse ja mustuseallikad...

Is this common sense?

Nakkushaiguste ekspert dr Anthony Fauci ütleb 60 minutit: "Pole mingit põhjust maskiga ringi käia."
Märtsis ütles Fauci 60 minutile, et maskid tuleks suures osas reserveerida tervishoiuteenuse osutajatele. Aprillis laiendati soovitusi, et hõlmata lihtsamaid maske üldsusele.

Think and analyze it yourself. Are you ginnipig?

Me ei tea, kas vaktsiinid töötavad aga ambitsioon on tervele maailma vaktsiin maha müüa.

Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci tells 60 Minutes: "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask."
In March, Fauci told 60 Minutes that masks should largely be reserved for healthcare providers. In April, the recommendations were broadened to include simple masks for the general public.

Angelia Gipson Desselle sent February 7 at 2:25 PM
I guess I have to much pride to ask for money. I raised my two kids as a single mom and struggled but at the end of the day we made it. I have never been one to ask for help. I met my husband 9 years ago and the funny thing is, we do benefits and raise money all the time for families in need due to health issues. Never in a million years did I think that would be me. My husband feels the same way. Even though we have done so much for our community we just can’t ask for help.’

UPDATE 4 Feb. 2021.
Kristi Simmonds received the Moderna COVID vaccine on Tuesday, January 19th, and by Thursday, January 21st, she was in her local hospital having a severe allergic reaction, where her throat and tongue swelled up to the point of her having trouble breathing (which has been very common in both types of the vaccine). After a round of prednisone and Benadryl, she was sent home and told to continue the Benadryl until the swelling subsided. After four days of rest, she was able to finally get back to work on Tuesday, January 26th. Other than feeling a little more tired than usual, she did a full days worth of work, drove home, and began her normal bedtime routine around 9pm. And that’s when her world changed.

Kristi Simmonds is an RN who loves her job, loves her friends and family, loves her clients, and loves her life. She decided to receive the COVID vaccine, in hopes of protecting her family, her clients, and to make a statement to her fellow coworkers that this vaccine is safe. Unfortunately, she was very wrong.

She received the Moderna COVID vaccine on Tuesday, January 19th, and by Thursday, January 21st, she was in her local hospital having a severe allergic reaction, where her throat and tongue swelled up to the point of her having trouble breathing (which has been very common in both types of the vaccine). After a round of prednisone and Benadryl, she was sent home and told to continue the Benadryl until the swelling subsided. After four days of rest, she was able to finally get back to work on Tuesday, January 26th. Other than feeling a little more tired than usual, she did a full days worth of work, drove home, and began her normal bedtime routine around 9pm. And that’s when her world changed.

She started having uncontrollable muscle movements, body convulsions, and extreme pain all over her body. After finally getting her in their vehicle, her husband drove her to our local emergency room, where she had to be lifted out of her vehicle and placed in a wheelchair to be taken inside, because she had no control over her arms or legs. After doing blood work and a urinalysis (and after finding out that she had had the COVID vaccine), she was told she was having a panic attack, and discharged. Believing the blood work and urinalysis was wrong (she was given a copy of her results, and could read them, being an RN), and that she was incorrectly diagnosed and discharged, she left, and went to another emergency room the same night. Unfortunately, she was again sent home, saying the symptoms she was experiencing were not an emergency, and to follow up with her primary care doctor. The following day, she spoke to her primary care doctor, who had her come in immediately, and upon initial inspection knew that this was no panic attack, and it was indeed an emergency.

Kristi was sent to Winston-Salem, NC, to an emergency room down there, on the advice of her primary care doctor, in the hope that one of their on-call neurologists would be able to help. They were not, and so she was sent home yet again.

If you’re keeping score, she has been seen on four different occasions by emergency room medical staff, at three different hospitals, none of which were able to help her. She is still suffering from these muscles spasms/full body convulsions, and intense pain all over her body. She has been prescribed multiple medicines, and she is out of work from now until the foreseeable future.

On the morning of January 19th, Kristi woke up a happy, healthy 40-year-old woman, headed to her job with plans of getting a vaccine to help ease the tension and prove it was safe. As of right now, we do not know if these symptoms she’s having are permanent, or will cause permanent damage to her body/nervous system. We believe, as well as her primary care doctor, that these symptoms are directly related to the Moderna COVID vaccine she received.



Hingamine on nii iseenesestmõistetav osa meie olemusest, ei mõtle me hapnikust kui üliolulisest toitainest. Kahtlemata tead, et hapnik on eluks vajalik, aga kas tead, milleks keha seda täpselt kasutab? Mitokondrid on sinu rakkude jõujaamad. Mitokondrid vajavad seda energia tootmiseks. Adenosiintrifosfaati (ATP) on universaalne energia talletaja ja ülekandja, mis osaleb kõikide rakkude ainevahetuse protsessis ja mitokondrid on rakuenergiat tootvad organellid, mis vajavad hapnikku, et toota ATP-d.
Teisisõnu, on mitokondrid meie rakkude jõujaamad ja ATP on me keha energiavaluuta ning hapnikku sisse hingates anname oma mitokondritele vajaliku kütuse oma kehale energia tootmiseks. Seejärel, välja hingates vabaneme me selle protsessi käigus tekkinud jääkainetest.

Igaks juhuks tehtud piirangud kahjustavad meid ja kogu ühiskonda ja meie lapsi.
Õigusteadlaste päevadel Tartus 8.okt. 2020a. Sellest, miks turvalisuse ega tervise nimel ei tohi Põhiseadust rikkuda ja miks seda tahtagi ei tasu. Mitte ainult ohtlik igaühele, vaid kasu ka poleks. Inimesed ei täida kaua käske, mille vajalikkust ei mõista ja mille tulemust ei näe. Protest ja käegalöömine, haiguse varjamine jm vahel ihaldatava "politseiriigi" tulemina - õigussotsioloogia, psühholoogia klassika. Soovitan: "Vanglad, milles me vabatahtlikult elame" (Doris Lessing, LR 2018 / 22; Krista Kaera laitmatu tõlge). Ärgem mingem kaasa massiemotsioonidega, pärast on häbi. Hoidkem tervist, mõistust ja elurõõmu!

Mitte kellegil pole õigust rikkuda Sinu rahu. Olgu see Sinu kodu, avalik koht jne.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

25 videos

Category None

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