My Investigation into C-19 transhumanism

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My Investigation into C-19 transhumanism

My Investigation


The Hydroxy-Chloroquine debate * childhood vaccine liability act (1986)(US) * Autism studies * Pathogenic priming * An overview of vaccines * the Moderna & Astra Zenica vaccines.

Exosome Theory * the Spanish-Flu pandemic of 1918 * The PCR test * Kary Mullis (creator of the PCR test) * Big Pharma & prestigious medical journals.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

2 videos

Category None

I have been uploading this documentary series on as many episodes are over the 2gb file size allowed by bitchute. If you enjoy the content please like and subscribe.

Q: Why did i Commence the documentary?

A: Around January/Feburary 2020 I saw an article on the news stating the Australian Government was in talks with Youtube to remove anything that included 5G and Corona virus - which I thought was strange. I never saw any reference to the subject again in the Media. Then clips saved in my Youtube folder started to be removed that had no reference to 5G, but instead conspiratorial based themes surrounding George Soros, possibly funding South American people to appear to walk to the USA. The suggestion was that this was a set-up photoshoot. I was also lucky enough to be introduced to the issues with the PCR test early on. It was clear that there was something wrong so I started saving clips.