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Una traduccion de "Sentimentale", la cancion maraviliosa de 2018- my images- video- and Daphne's translation of "Sentimentale", Mylene's beautiful song that was part of the set-list for the 2019 residency in Paris. Gracias para prender el tiempo y Daphne y yo esperamos que les haya gustado. Enjoy

my images-video of "Rolling Stone" with Mylene's official lyrics. Mon collage de la fantastique melodie de 2018, avec les paroles de Mylene en sous-titres. J'ai utlise des fotos de mylene en spectacle en 2019, mais pour la fin, j'ai pense ca serait beau de mettre une foto de chaque tournee de sa cariere- 1989 to 2019. Merci d'avoir pris le temps. Enjoy.

my collage of Mylene's fantastic "Rolling Stone", translated in English and with subtitles. Enjoy


Eh oh suis de bad bad mood (And underneath the bad bad mood)
Et j'ai le sang qui broie du noir (And i have blood down in the dumps)
Noir (Black)
J'attends le spleen, un redoux (I wait for the spleen, a thawing)
Doux (Soft)
Je peine a rire, je peine a croire (It hurts to laugh, it hurts to believe)
Croire (Believe)

J'ai bien compris qu'il faut des multitudes (I got the drift that you need multitudes)
De danger, la pour m'animer (Of dangers, there to animate me)
J'ai bien une idee de comment contrer la fievre (Well i've got an idea of how to counter rage)
Pas de point fixe, je suis une rolling stone (No fixed point, i'm a rolling stone)
La la la La la la
Suis de celles qui maudissent (Am one of those that curses)
Qui comptent plus qu'un "c'est fini" (That counts counts for more than an "it's done")
La la la
Si je dis love (If i say love)
La la la
Je suis easy, it works on me (I'm easy, it works on me)
Code, my need is love (Code, my need is love)

Yeah yeah aye, viens dans mes rails (Yeah yeah ouch, come onto my rails)
Et c'est chaud, chaud (And it's hot, hot)
Tout pour etre au ciel (All to be in the sky)
Yeah yeah aye, faut que j'm'en aille (Yeah yeah ouch, gotta go)
Quand c'est trop (When it's too much)
Et quand c'est fini je refais mon lit (And when it's done i remake my bed)

Eh oh suis de bad bad mood (Hey ho, i'm of a bad bad mood)
Moi pierre qui roule je cache un blues (Me stone that rolls i hide the blues)
Blues (Blues)
Tes confettis je m'en fous (Don't give a damn about your confettis)
Fou (Crazy)
Je suis moody, a cran je suis mort (I'm moody, i'm almost dead)

J'ai bien saisi qu'il faut des multitudes (It dawned on me that you need multitudes)
De coktails la pour m'apaiser (Of cocktails there to soothe me)
J'ai bien une idee de comment contrer colere (I've got an idea on how to handle the anger)
Domicile Styx, i'm a rolling stone (Domicile Styx, je suis une rolling stone)

Je crois en ton amour (I believe in your love)
Oh je, crois en ton amour (Oh i believe in your love)

Thank you for taking the time. Cheers+T'I's

Mylene's song from 2018- "Sentimentale"- translated and subtitled in English for your pleasure. Enjoy.

Mylene en 1999, cantando "Dernier Sourire", con palabras en Espanol. Daphne and I have translated Mylene's fantastic song in Spanish for us all. Espero que les haya gustado. I am going to spend the next few weeks and months filling up each presentation with the translations- re-written in the description box, for your pleasure. Thank you for your patience. Mi metto ha scrivere tuttte i traduzioni nelle prossime settimane. Acqui la traduccion de Daphne y yo.


Sentir ton corps (Sentir tu cuerpo)
Tout ton etre qui se tord (Todo tu ser girando)
Souriant de douleur (Sonriendo con dolor)
Sentir ton heure (Sentir tu hora)
Poindre au coeur d'une chambre (Olvidar el corazon en une habitacion)
Qui bannit le mot tendre (Que no permete la palabra tierno)
Sentir ta foi (Sentir tu fe)
Qui se derobe a chaque fois (Que se desviste cada vez)
Que tu sembles comprendre (Que pareces enter)
Parles moi encore (Hablame un poco mas)
Si tu t'endors (Si tu te duermes)
Si c'est ton souhait (Si ese es tu deseo)
je peux t'accompagner (Puedo acompanarte)

Qui te condamne? (Quien te condena?)
Au nom de qui? (En nombre de quien)
Mais qui s'acharne (Pero quien se atreve)
A souffler tes bougies? (A apagar tus velas?)
Es-ce te mentir?
Est-ce te trahir?
Si je t'invinte des lendemains
Qui chantent
Vois tu le noir de ce tunel?

Mylene live in 1996, rockin out with her dancers and singing her most-well known song- "Desenchantee" translated and subtitled in Italian. La piu conosciuta canzone di Mylene- che la canta per la prima volta in questi spettacoli di 1996. Qui la mia traduzione.


Nager dans les eaux troubles (Nuotare nelle turbolente acque)
Des lendemains (Dei domani)
Attendre ici la fin (Aspettare qui la fine)
Flotter dans l'air trop lourd (Guadare nell'aria troppo pesante)
Du presque-rien (Del quasi nulla)
A qui tendre la main?( A chi tendere la mano?)

Si je doit tomber de haut (Si devo cadere di alto)
Que ma chute soit lente (Che la mia caduta sia lenta)
Je n'aie trouve le repos que dans l'indifference (Ho trovato riposo solo nell'indifferenza)
Pourtant Je voudrait retrouver l'innocence (Tuttavia vorrei ritrovare l'innocenza)
Mais rien a de sens, et rien ne va (Ma niente ha di senso, e niente va)

Tout est chaos a cote (Tutto e caos al mio fianco)
Tous mes ideaux: des mots abimes (Tutti i miei ideali: parole distrutti)
Je cherche une ame qui pourra m'aider (Cerco un anima che mi vuole aiutare)
Je suis d'une generation desenchantee (Sono di una generazione disincantata)
Desenchantee (Disincantata)

Qui pourrait m'empecher de tout entendre? (Chi mi potra impedire di ascoltare tutto?)
Quand la raison s'effondre (Quando la ragione crolla)
A quel sein se vouer? (In quale direzione andare?)
Qui peut pretendre de nous bercer (Chi puo fare finta di cullarci)
Dans son ventre? (nella sua pancia)

Si la mort est un mystere (Se la morte e un mistero)
La vie n'a rien de tendre (La vita ha niente di tenero)
Si le ciel a un enfer (Se il cielo ha un inferno)
Le ciel peut bien m'attendre (Il cielo puo bene aspettarmi)
Dis-moi (Dimmi)
Dans ces vents contraires comment s'y prendre? (In questi venti contrari come si deve fare?)

Grazie molto di aver preso il tempo. Espero che vi sia piaciuto. Have a great day and Cheers+T'I's

Hi everyone! My new collage for "Lame Dans L'eau"

A joyous fan-made vid of a concert in 2013. Mylene spots a little boy in green in the audience, and decides to bring the little cherub onstage- so as to go for a walk-about on the big stage and give him a big kiss at the end. Here is my translation of "L'amour N'est Rien", translated and subtitled within the performance....but i also subtitled little boy-green's probable thoughts, which i hope you enjoy as well.

Mylene performing "Redonne-Moi", on Television in France, and with my English translation subtitled within the appearance. Thank you for taking the time.

Mylene's first song "Plus Grandir"- from the 1989 concerts- translated in English and subtitled within the performance. This song is a watershed event, as it was the first where Mylene wrote her own lyrics- our Muse was born with this song! Enjoy.

Live in concert in 2009, Mylene singing "California" with her official lyrics subtitled within the performance. Enjoy.

Mylene's 2013 live performance of "Rever", with her official words subtitled within the performance. It was her finale for those shows, and the end is breathtaking. Enjoy.

"Rever", one of Mylene's most beautiful songs, and my favorite. Here is a collage of the official recording, with pics of every time Mylene has sung this song onstage. Enjoy.

"My Soul is Slashed", Mylene's official English version of "Que Mon Coeur Lache", in my images-video and subtitled. I messed up one line...Mylene sings "Our Dancing Souls now Fumbling Ghosts". hope it does not disturb your enjoyment. Thanks.

My collage of Mylene's fantastic polemic, "Histoires de Fesses", in an images-video i hope you like, and with her official lyrics subtitled. Enjoy.

My images-video of "Puisque" with Mylene's official lyrics subtitled. Enjoy

I adored these fan-made vids that came out in the months preceding the Paris concerts. Here is another one for your enjoyment..."Sans Logique", in Paris, beautiful nights in June. This was also a suprise to her fans. "Sans Logique" is a favorite, but Mylene had not performed it live since 1989. Enjoy.

a rare early television appearance of Mylene singing "Chloe", her tie-in song with "Nuit D'hiver, translated and subtitled in English. Thank you and enjoy.

Mylene's song that is a tie-in with "Chloe"- here is my bi-lingual presentation of "Nuit D'Hiver", in an images-video and subtitled with French and English subtitles. Enjoy.

Mylene's 2009 live version of "Fuck Them All", translated and subtitled in English within the performance. Enjoy.

my images-video of Mylene's bitter song about a child committing suicide- translated and subtitled for your comprehension. Thank you for taking the time

My collage of Mylene's song "J'ai Essaye de Vivre", with her official words subtitled. Enjoy.

Mylene's 2006 performance of "Pornographique", translated and subtitled in English. This is the same video as the bi-lingual video in our garden. Here are my equivalencies.


My heart is filled up, but my body is bored
Your deliberate games with the dice
The dice and head, Head and the dice
Head and dice

I want to know where the wind is born
I have an inert soul at the same time
There's uniformity everywhere
Of thinking in boxes and that's about all

My heart is filled up, but my body so bored
I showed you my back-train, my caboose
The Holy-See, my throne, my "right-here", The Ocean

And when my tongue loosens up
It's the eloquence of my silences
There, on your friendly orifice
I slide to your nether-region and then i go around the world

My heart is filled up, but my body so bored
The dolls that say yes or no
We do it all in the same way
I say no, i say no, i say no, i say no, i say no, i say no
I say, no, i say no, i say no, i say no, i say no, i say no
I say no, i say no, i say no, i say no, i say no, i say no

My heart is filled up, but my body is bored
The deliberate games with a dice
Dice and head, Head and dice
Head dice

I say there's no "porno-chic", but only pigs in the strictest sense
Primo, deuxio, tertio, it's all chaos
My heart is really on the chopping-block

My body gets filled up, but my heart as well
And the more the body is blocked
The more the spirit is freed
Is freed, is freed, is freed, is freed
Is delivered

Thank you taking the time. I hope you enjoyed my take and Mylene's song. Cheers+T'Is

Mylene in 1996 singing "California", translated and subtitled within her performance of the song. Enjoy.

Mylene and her band make a mistake, and she shows her fantastic spirit, joyously shrugging it off and smiling with all, with her crew, and with her musicians. It's 2013, and Mylene and her band are singing "Elle a Dit". The drumming has drifted off-sync with the click-track, and Mylene is lost. You can see that- for a few lines- she is trying to climb back onto the saddle with the musicians. When she gets to the line, "elle n'a pas choisi", the drums and the click-track are continuing to drift apart. Fighting exasperation and remaining focused, Mylene then sings..."que c'est n'est pas la, la chose a faire". Then "soins intensifs" comes in wrong as well. She can hear that she is still way off-sync. And so, at .20 seconds, she turns and looks over to Yvan and the drummer, and gestures "What's going on?"...or something akin. When she realizes that her musicians are lost as well- and that the click-track with the keyboard part might remain off-sync for the duration of the song, she makes the decision. She turns to her fans- and with her radiant smile, informs everyone that..."Maybe what WE should be doing is starting this song over"...or something akin. And so Mylene gives the signal, and the song stops. Her fans love her for this- her humility and her good cheer. To err is human, and her respectful attitude, as everything goes to hell, shows her character- A true Artist- A true Star, and our Muse!


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

228 videos

Category Music

Hi. My channel dedicated to translating Mylene Farmer's words in English, Italian & Spanish. Un canale per illuminare la musica di Mylene Farmer, con traduzioni in Inglese, Italiano, Spagnolo, e di piu, videos con sottotitoli nel suo Francese. Benvenuti nel Giardino. Mylene Farmer, con traduccions en Ingles, Espanol, Italiano, y tambien videos con sus palabras subtituladas. Une chaine pour illuminer le tresor Nationale de la France, avec des creations originales et ses videos en sous-titres. Une chaine dont le but est d'amener la plus belle voix au monde, au monde entier. There are 4 playlists. To access them, please go to "savedbywildones" up at top left. The content so far:

P1 COLLAGES: Bonne Fete Mylene, Effets Secondaires, Her Concert Intros, Her Autumnal Mane, Her Eternal Style, Her Inspiration Frances, Her Sublime Stage-Clothes, Her Empathic Tears, Her Radiant Smile, Innamoramento, J'attends, Joyeux Anniversaire Mylene, L'Ame Dans L'eau, Reveiller le Monde, Rolling Stone, Sentimentale, Tu Ne Le Dis Pas
P1 LIVE VIDS: Avant Que L'Ombre Live 2006, Deshabillez-Moi Grand Opera House 1988, Diabolique Mon Ange Live 2013, Histoires de Fesses Live 2019, Innamoramento Live 1999, Innamoramento Live Finale 1999, Mylene is Calling Live 1999, Mylenium Live 1999, M'Effondre Live 2019, Rolling Stone Live 2019, We Love You in Douai Live 2013
P1 BI-LINGUAL: Alice, Ave Maria, Beyond My Control, California, Comme Jai Mal, Dans les Rues de Londres, Degeneration, Dernier Sourire, Innamoramento, Interstellaires, I Want You To Want Me, Jardin de Vienne, Je Te Rends ton Amour, Monkey-Me, Nobody Knows, Optimistique-Moi, Peut-Etre Toi, Pornographique, Quand, Souviens-Toi, Vertige, XXL
P2 FRANCAIS:A Quoi Je Sers, A-T-On Jamais, Aime, Ainsi-Soit-Je, Appelle Mon Numero, Au Bout de la Nuit, Bleu Noir, Consentement, Desenchantee, Deshabillez-Moi, Dessine-Moi un Mouton, Devant-Soi, Eaunanisme, Effets Secondaires, Elle a Dit, Et SI Vieillir M'etait Conte, Et Tournoie, Fuck Them All, Greta, Innamoramento, Interstellaires, J'attends, J'ai Essaye de Vivre, Je Te Rends Ton Amour, L'ame Stram Gram, L'amour Naissant, L'Ame Dans L'eau, L'Autre, L'Histoire D'une Fee C'est..., L'Horloge, La Veuve Noire, Lonely Lisa, My Soul is Slashed, Naie Plus D'amertume, On Est Tous des Imbeciles, Oui Mais Non, Point de Suture, Pourvu Quelles Soient Douces, Q.I., Regrets, Reveiller le Monde, Sextonik, Sois-Moi, Toi, Lamour, Tomber 7 Fois, Tous ces Combats, Tu Ne Le Dis Pas, Un Jour ou L'autre
P3 ENGLISH: Allan, A Force De, A L'Ombre, Aime, Appelle Mon Numero, A-T-On Jamais, A Rebours, Au Bout de la Nuit, C'est Dans L'air, City of Love, Consentement, Crier la Vie, Des Larmes, Derriere les Fenetres, Desobeissance, Eaunanisme, Effets Secondaires, Et Si Vieillir M'etait Conte, Greta, Histoires de Fesses, Ici Bas, Inseparables, J'attends, Je T'aime Melancolie, Je Te Rends ton Amour, Je te Dis Tout, L'Ame Stram Gram, L'Autre, L'Horloge, La Veuve Noire, Leila, Love Dance, Love Song, Lonely Lisa, Maman A Tort, Mefie-Toi, Nuit D'Hiver, Mylene is Calling, N'aie Plus D'amertume, On Est Tous des Imbeciles, Pas le Temps de Vivre, Pourvu Quelles Soient Douces, Rever, Sans Logique, Sextonik, Sois-Moi, Toi, L'amour, Un Jour ou L'autre
P4 ITALIANO:Aime, A-T-On Jamais, Avant que L'ombre, City of Love 1, City of Love 2 with Marianne Bouvette, Comme J'ai Mal,
Des Larmes, Deshabillez-Moi, Dernier Sourire, Elle A Dit, Eaunanisme, Innamoramento, Interstellaires, I Want You to Want Me, Je Te Rends ton Amour, L'Ame Stram Gram, La Veuve Noire, Love Dance, Love Song, L'Ame Dans L'eau, L'Autre, M'effondre, My Soul is Slashed, Point de Suture, Redonne-Moi, Toi, L'Amour, Tu Ne Le Dis Pas, Un Jour ou L'autre, XXL
P4 ESPANOL : Allan, Ange,Parle-Moi, California, C'est Une Belle Journee, Derriere Les Fenetres, Desenchantee, Innamoramento, Il N'y A Pas D'ailleurs, Interstellaires, I Want You to Want Me, Je Te Rends ton Amour, L'ame dans L'eau, L'Autre, L'Horloge, M'effondre, Nous Souviendrons Nous, Rever, Souviens-Toi

NOT PLAYLISTED; Sans Contrefacon English subs, Interstellaires, L'instant X French subs, Tu Ne le Dis Pas English subs, Tristana English subs, Her Joyous Mistake Live 2013, California English subs, Pornographique English subs, J'ai Essaye de Vivre French subs, Jardin de Vienne English subs, Fuck them All English subs, Nuit D'hiver Bi-lingual Subs, Chloe English subs, Sans Logique Live 2019, Puisque French subs, Histoires de Fesses French subs, My Soul is Slashed English subs, Rever French Subs, California French Subs, Redonne-Moi English subs, L'amour N'est Rien English subs, Desenchantee Italian subs, Dernier Sourire Spanish subs, Sentimentale English subs, Rolling Stone English subs, Rolling Stone French subs, Sentimentale Spanish subs.

Thanks, Peter Ferrera