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Nanny Pooh-Pooh


This is the funny and irreverent trailer to my newly-released cartoon book series Mohammed & Friends: Haram Alama Ding Dong! It's the world's first and only mohammoislamocentric cartoon strip series, and totally hilarious. Check it out at


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

1 video

Category Arts & Literature

This channel exists to defend and promote human freedom from all oppression, starting with Islam/Mohammedanism.
With that goal in mind, plus that of sharing the joy of laughter with the world, I, Nanny Pooh-Pooh have created the world's first and only mohammaislamocentric serial comic strip, Mohammed & Friends.

My first book in that series, entitled Haram Alama Ding Dong will be available for pre-order soon, at

Come visit us there to:
- treat yourself to some lovely lovely hilarity by buying the e/book!
- participate in our unique "virtual burn this book" program! See which will get burned more; M&PHLDD, or The Koran, and Help Support Your Favorite!
- Read our super-fun hate mail and death-threat collection ((no-doubt coming soon)!
- keep tabs on and support our work on future M&FF books!

See see you there!