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For those who have not yet realized you should not give the enemy tools that will be turned on you, I rant about it.

A Christian poem read by its author.

A Christian poem about creationism

A Christian poem in response to Yeat's Second Coming poem.

Arithmo Apocalypto by lddj Chapter 1 and 2 as read by the author. Christian Fantasy and Christian Science Fiction

First Fruit Christian Poetry read by the author part one.

a robotic voiced song about obeying the economy

A robotic sounded voiced song. I retain all rights to my voice and lyrics. Feel free to use, remix/reuse. Enjoy.

A robot song about how you must obey the economy. Please feel free to create remixes I retain all rights to my own voice and lyrics but reuse and remix away.


Created 5 years, 4 months ago.

9 videos

Category News & Politics

News, Politics, Christianity, Songs, Poetry, Social libertarian, fiscal conservative, societal collapse, our apocalypse a go go world. I'm a writer with varying interests, so I will have a variety of content.
