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I only had 1 hour to draft this, it's a much larger complaint, but people can get the idea.

She lied and tricked everyone. listen to this insanity

They just won't stop. It's all about the Benjamins

This was up and the video disappeared. Dom Lucre put it back up

Beyond belief

Self promotion like we have never seen

These people are NOT who they say they are.

Listen to minute 8.45 = he says he'll be dealing w FISA abuses "Soon"

A lot of what he says is true but I don't believe all of it

these people are vile

Get out of women's bathrooms

They fail us every day

SBA has tried to bankrupt small businesses, and in this OMG interview he states that Hillary & Obama are still involved in Biden's Administration

When the deep state wants you gone????? This is how they do it.

They LIED about everything

Trump Won and people showed up

Everyone is awake


Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

4605 videos

Category News & Politics

Government is out of control Take Your Freedom Back. They work for US, not the reverse.
Socialism has been a plot in the making - every person has to take their own freedoms back
there is no one person that is going to do it, we all have to do it together.