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Book reviewed:
How To Skimm Your Life
The Harvester
Second Innocence: Rediscovering Joy and Wonder
Alienation: Marx’s Conception of Man in Capitalist Society

My website and blog:

You can request books for me to review at:

Writer Update
Writing Tip: Wordplay belongs in dialogue
Game Session: City of lost souls
Story Time: Fire starter

Sweet hair just before the hippies
All the flowers make combs sticky
A buzz about the queen’s style
Builds around her paper castle

Thumbnail pic taken by my mom from Terwilliger Hot Springs.

My website and blog:

Notes but no Script
Regular posting
Speak what I know

My website and blog:


What was solidly two forms has become fluid
Be correct by reaching for infinite verbiage
Ask before introduction to avoid offense
Microaggressions buried the white picket fence
When the obvious was assigned by all doctors
They were not shy about sex after most labors

Thumbnail photo taking by my mom.

Books reviewed:
Thor The Dark World
Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret.
Crispin At The Edge of the World
The Serpent’s Shadow

My website and blog:

You can request books for me to review at:

Bonus Riddle:
Dry wit does not exist for humans amid vaping masses
Nor do most women enjoy moist beginnings to damp mornings
Sweat dripping from the exertion of tossing mothers off trains
This word has ended the worst opening to what a night was

Intertwining A Living Tapestry
Game Mastering
Collaborative Story Telling
Motivation Muse

My website and blog:

Answering a player’s question:
“A soul is the mind of a sentient being. All such beings have one. Animals do not. They are shaped by internal and external forces. They form within spiritual energy which can be gathered by a number of means. Souls can go wherever the spiritual energy they are nested within goes. A typical person’s soul will be colored by their experience in life and this will be reflected in their aura.

See deeper thoughts below:

Though colloquially spirit and soul are synonymous those in the know understand that spirit best refers to energy with intent and a soul is sentience nested within spiritual energy. So fire can have spirit which can be formed into an elemental servant of sorts, but if this elemental forms sentience it earns the additional label of devil.

Souls are gateways to potential. They are stars in the spiritual landscape. Creatures like dogs and cats have something like gas giants in this analogy or maybe some kind of dim dwarf star, but generally they are not sought after for their light.

Spirits have an aura. Spirits with a soul have an aura with five hues, representing alignment, type, power, sanity, and connectivity. All five are required for sentience. Each hue has a distinctive pattern style and visually blends the five symbolic colors, blue, black, red, green, white. This can be read like a snapshot of a soul.”

Friday writer update
Writing Tip: Mirror mirror on the wall, do I look like my parents?
Game Session: Little lizards with a very dry sense of humor.
Story Time: Son tells me to talk about favorite board or card game.

Crying child. Don’t lie on a jealous uncle.
After your tears dry, what becomes of your tissue?
Survive war to age with something more than wrinkles.
Acids and bases can both end faces, what’s new?

My website and blog:

Thumbnail pic taken by my mom. May be a riddle clue or a complete distraction.

Books reviewed:
The Vegetarian
The Sorrows of Young Werther
The Golden Age of Crap
Letters to a Young Poet
The Grip of It

My website and blog:

You can request books for me to review at:

Bonus Riddle:
Crabs in a pot makes red scary
Unequal opportunity
Allows equity in farming
Picture book animals walking

What am I?

Friday writer update
Writing Tip: Sometimes ignorance is the false brilliance that gifts motivation during a long night.
Game Session: Packing an adventure into an hour or two.
Story Time (Just a premise): Hellraiser for kids: here’s a puzzle to another world.

Gather smiles like a Christmas turkey
Be a pack rat but more of a foodie
A bit from me makes vegans blaspheme
While my organ keeps you out of heaven
Sticks and stones never break my chewy chin
But can straw save me across religions?

What am I?

My website and blog:

Living universe inspiring flash fiction

My website and blog:

What can heal accidents by relieving pressure
What softens judgments of a parental figure
What formal dance is birthed from a scandalous song
Because it is impossible to do no wrong

Books reviewed:
The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Braiding Sweetgrass
Elizabeth Warren

My website and blog:

You can request books for me to review at:

Friday writer update
Writing Tip: The flashback
Game Session: Riddles and mazes.
Story Time: Little shark, big fish, and the lost line.

If I accost you at the store, don’t shake my hand.
Ruder than a clam, I don’t play the same shell game.
When the true midsummer comes, I own the night sky.
If all hearts are healed, then I will dominate death.

What am I?

My website and blog:

The most important thing to me politically…
Johnna Holmgren‘s book Tales from a Forager’s Kitchen
Alternative Social Media: Minds, Gab, Thinkspot, and BitChute

My website and blog:

My article diving into the censorship of Tales from a Forager’s Kitchen:

If you will deny daylight
how can I point to the sun?
Your mind is a dogmatic
masterpiece of delusion.
I would kill you where you stand
to destroy this infection.
Equality of outcome
it won’t die with martyrdom.
So, I try again with sense—
the race, how many have won?
Equal opportunity
means there can be only one.
If you dare claim day is night
prove your censure with action.
Go blind staring at moonlight—
the righteous lie is undone.

Books reviewed:
The Chandelier
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Heavy Words Lightly Thrown (Deeper look)

My website and blog:

Yes, I know… “Shhhhandelier.”

Friday writer update
Writing Tip: Reading a critique.
Game Session: Distracting from internal conflicts or allowing things to work themselves out
Story Time: Lost dog

It is a marvel to experience a low key ending
But if the old in the new offends rear views
Thorny truths poison sutured wounds
Before that fever, beware drips causing convulsions
They foretell an onset of Disco rage, not Rock
So, embrace New-age music and drink Mountain Dew.

My website and blog:

PC Portland Elementary
Super sensitive, oh no BULLIES!
Anti-fragile preteen time limit
He will grow into a post-PC world

My website and blog:


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

16 videos

Category Arts & Literature

My Second Universe:
Writing, book reviews, five part topical vlogs.